Commit 245832c9 authored by jejacks0n's avatar jejacks0n

Wrap the experiment api in an experiment

- This is intended to capture if the experiment system is broken or not
working as intended — in a way that will hopefully surface to the
experiment team in an obvious way.
- This also is much more explicit in how we test the gitlab_experiment
iglu/snowplow context.
parent 9eaa6311
......@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ Dangerfile @gl-quality/eng-prod
/lib/gitlab/experimentation/ @gitlab-org/growth/experiment-devs
/lib/gitlab/experimentation.rb @gitlab-org/growth/experiment-devs
/lib/gitlab/experimentation_logger.rb @gitlab-org/growth/experiment-devs
/ee/spec/requests/api/experiments_spec.rb @gitlab-org/growth/experiment-devs
/config/dependency_decisions.yml @gitlab-org/legal-reviewers
......@@ -11,13 +11,20 @@ module API
success EE::API::Entities::Experiment
get do
experiments = { |d| d.attributes[:type] == 'experiment' }
experiments = []
experiment(:null_hypothesis, canary: true, user: current_user) do |e|
e.use { bad_request! 'experimentation may not be working right now' }
e.try { experiments = { |d| d.attributes[:type] == 'experiment' } }
present experiments, with: EE::API::Entities::Experiment, current_user: current_user
helpers do
include Gitlab::Experiment::Dsl
def authorize_read_experiments!
......@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ RSpec.describe API::Experiments do
context 'when on .com' do
before do
allow(Gitlab).to receive(:com?).and_return(true)
stub_experiments(null_hypothesis: :candidate)
definition = YAML.load_file(definition_yaml).deep_symbolize_keys!
allow(Feature::Definition.definitions).to receive(:values).and_return([, definition),
definition.merge(type: 'development', name: 'non_experiment')
......@@ -54,15 +55,15 @@ RSpec.describe API::Experiments do
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)
expect(json_response).to include({
key: "null_hypothesis",
key: 'null_hypothesis',
state: :off,
enabled: false,
name: "null_hypothesis",
introduced_by_url: "",
name: 'null_hypothesis',
introduced_by_url: '',
rollout_issue_url: nil,
milestone: "13.7",
type: "experiment",
group: "group::adoption",
milestone: '13.7',
type: 'experiment',
group: 'group::adoption',
default_enabled: false
......@@ -76,9 +77,83 @@ RSpec.describe API::Experiments do
expect(json_response).to include(hash_including({
state: :conditional,
enabled: true,
name: "null_hypothesis"
name: 'null_hypothesis'
describe 'the null_hypothesis as a canary' do
# This group of test ensures that we will continue to have a functional
# backend experiment. It's part of the suite of tooling that's in place to
# ensure that we don't change notable aspects of experimentation, like
# the position of the contexts etc.
# We wrap our experiments endpoint in a canary like experiment that if
# broken will render this endpoint visibly broken.
# This is something of an integration level and shouldn't be adjusted
# without proper consultation with the relevant Growth teams.
it 'runs and tracks the expected events' do
contexts = []
# Yes, we really do want to test this and the only way to get here
# is by calling a private method.
expect(Gitlab::Tracking.send(:snowplow)).to receive(:event).with(
label: nil,
property: nil,
value: nil,
context: [
) { |_, _, **options| contexts = options[:context] }
get api('/experiments', user)
# Ensure the order of the contexts stays correct for now.
# If you change this, you need to talk with the growth team,
# because some reporting is done (incorrectly) based on the index
# of this context.
expect(contexts[1].to_json).to include({
schema: 'iglu:com.gitlab/gitlab_experiment/jsonschema/1-0-0',
data: {
experiment: 'null_hypothesis',
key: anything,
variant: 'candidate'
it 'returns a 400 if experimentation seems broken' do
# we assume that rendering control would only be done in error.
stub_experiments(null_hypothesis: :control)
get api('/experiments', user)
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request)
expect(json_response).to eq({
message: '400 Bad request - experimentation may not be working right now'
it 'publishes into a collection of experiments that have been run in the request' do
pending 'requires gitlab-experiment >= 0.5.4'
get api('/experiments', user)
expect(ApplicationExperiment.published_experiments).to eq(
'null_hypothesis' => {
excluded: false,
experiment: 'null_hypothesis',
key: 'abc123',
variant: 'candidate'
......@@ -39,18 +39,18 @@ RSpec.describe "Admin::AbuseReports", :js do
expect(page).to have_content('Abuse Reports')
published_experiments = page.evaluate_script('window.gon.experiment')
expect(published_experiments).to eq(
null_hypothesis: {
experiment: 'null_hypothesis',
key: 'c934a2885104c464e13bfae61b7d9dc2',
variant: 'candidate'
expect(published_experiments).to include({
'null_hypothesis' => {
'experiment' => 'null_hypothesis',
'key' => anything,
'variant' => 'candidate'
describe 'in the abuse report view' do
it 'presents information about abuse report', :experiment do
it 'presents information about abuse report' do
visit admin_abuse_reports_path
expect(page).to have_content('Abuse Reports')
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