Commit 2f11db4b authored by Michael Kozono's avatar Michael Kozono

Adapt DN class for Gitlab

parent 7bc4278e
# -*- ruby encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Based on the `ruby-net-ldap` gem's `Net::LDAP::DN`
# For our purposes, this class is used to normalize DNs in order to allow proper
# comparison.
# E.g. DNs should be compared case-insensitively (in basically all LDAP
# implementations or setups), therefore we downcase every DN.
# Objects of this class represent an LDAP DN ("Distinguished Name"). A DN
# ("Distinguished Name") is a unique identifier for an entry within an LDAP
......@@ -11,7 +19,9 @@
# A fully escaped DN needs to be unescaped when analysing its contents. This
# class also helps take care of that.
class Net::LDAP::DN
module Gitlab
module LDAP
class DN
# Initialize a DN, escaping as required. Pass in attributes in name/value
# pairs. If there is a left over argument, it will be appended to the dn
......@@ -221,4 +231,6 @@ class Net::LDAP::DN
def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
@dn.send(method, *args, &block)
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