There is a timeline chart that shows how many open
There is a timeline chart that shows how many open
vulnerabilities your projects had at various points in time. You can display the vulnerability
vulnerabilities your projects had at various points in time. You can display the vulnerability
trends over a 30, 60, or 90-day time frame (the default is 90 days). Hover over the chart to get
trends over a 30, 60, or 90-day time frame (the default is 90 days). Hover over the chart to get
more details about the open vulnerabilities at a specific time.
more details about the open vulnerabilities at a specific time. Aggregated data beyond 90 days can be accessed by querying our [VulnerabilitiesCountByDay GraphQL API](../../../api/graphql/reference/ This data is retained for 365 days.
Next to the timeline chart is a list of projects, grouped and sorted by the severity of the vulnerability found:
Next to the timeline chart is a list of projects, grouped and sorted by the severity of the vulnerability found: