1. To display the most recently updated issues first, click **Last updated**.
To do this, in GitLab, go to your project and select **Jira > Issues list**. The issue list
1. In GitLab versions 13.10 and later, you can view [individual Jira issues](#view-a-jira-issue).
sorts by **Created date** by default, with the newest issues listed at the top:
Issues are grouped into tabs based on their [Jira status](https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver070/defining-status-field-values-749382903.html):
> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/299832) in [GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.10 behind a feature flag, disabled by default.
-**Open** tab: All issues with a Jira status in any category other than Done.
> - [Feature flag removed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/299832) in [GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.11.
-**Closed** tab: All issues with a Jira status categorized as Done.
-**All** tab: All issues of any status.
When viewing the [Jira issues list](#view-jira-issues), select an issue from the
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/...) in GitLab 13.10.
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/...) in GitLab 13.10.
In this mode the referenced Jira issue is transitioned to the next available status with a category of "Done".
When you configure automatic issue transitions, you can transition a referenced
Jira issue to the next available status with a category of **Done**. To configure
this setting:
See the [Configure GitLab](development_panel.md#configure-gitlab) section, check the **Enable Jira transitions** setting and select the **Move to Done** option.
1. Refer to the [Configure GitLab](development_panel.md#configure-gitlab) instructions.
1. Select the **Enable Jira transitions** check box.
1. Select the **Move to Done** option.
## Custom issue transitions
## Custom issue transitions
For advanced workflows you can specify custom Jira transition IDs.
For advanced workflows, you can specify custom Jira transition IDs:
See the [Configure GitLab](development_panel.md#configure-gitlab) section, check the **Enable Jira transitions** setting, select the **Custom transitions** option, and enter your transition IDs in the text field.
1. Use the method based on your Jira subscription status:
-*(For users of Jira Cloud)* Obtain your transition IDs by editing a workflow
If you insert multiple transition IDs separated by `,` or `;`, the issue is moved to each state, one after another, using the given order. If a transition fails the sequence is aborted.
in the **Text** view. The transition IDs display in the **Transitions** column.
-*(For users of Jira Server)* Obtain your transition IDs in one of these ways:
To see the transition IDs on Jira Cloud, edit a workflow in the **Text** view.
- By using the API, with a request like `https://yourcompany.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/ISSUE-123/transitions`,
The transition IDs display in the **Transitions** column.
using an issue that is in the appropriate "open" state.
- By mousing over the link for the transition you want and looking for the
On Jira Server you can get the transition IDs in either of the following ways:
**action** parameter in the URL.
The transition ID may vary between workflows (for example, a bug instead of a
1. By using the API, with a request like `https://yourcompany.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/ISSUE-123/transitions`
story), even if the status you're changing to is the same.
using an issue that is in the appropriate "open" state
1. Refer to the [Configure GitLab](development_panel.md#configure-gitlab) instructions.
1. By mousing over the link for the transition you want and looking for the
1. Select the **Enable Jira transitions** setting.
"action" parameter in the URL
1. Select the **Custom transitions** option.
1. Enter your transition IDs in the text field. If you insert multiple transition IDs
Note that the transition ID may vary between workflows (for example, bug vs. story),
(separated by `,` or `;`), the issue is moved to each state, one after another, in the
even if the status you are changing to is the same.
order you specify. If a transition fails, the sequence is aborted.
## Disabling comments on Jira issues
## Disable comments on Jira issues
You can continue to have GitLab cross-link a source commit/MR with a Jira issue while disabling the comment added to the issue.
GitLab can cross-link source commits or merge requests with Jira issues without
adding a comment to the Jira issue:
See the [Configure GitLab](development_panel.md#configure-gitlab) section and uncheck the **Enable comments** setting.
1. Refer to the [Configure GitLab](development_panel.md#configure-gitlab) instructions.