expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.brand)# => the brand name fetched from the `Page::Shirt::Show` page
expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.name)# => "my-shirt" from the inherited factory's attribute
expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.size)# => "small" from the inherited factory's attribute
expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.style)# => "unknown" from the attribute block
expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.main_fabric)# => "unknown" from the attribute block
expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.name)# => "my-shirt" from the factory's attribute
expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.brand)# => the brand name fetched from the `Page::Shirt::Show` page via the block
expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.style)# => QA::Factory::Base::NoValueError will be raised because no API response nor a block is provided
expect(page).tohave_text(my_shirt.main_fabric)# => QA::Factory::Base::NoValueError will be raised because no API response and the block didn't provide a value (because it's also based on the API response)
You can also explicitely use the API fabrication method, by calling the
You can also explicitly use the API fabrication method, by calling the
QA::Runtime::Logger.info"<#{self.class}> Attribute #{name.inspect} has both API response `#{api_value}` and a block. API response will be picked. Block will be ignored."