Commit 5154f028 authored by Viktor Nagy's avatar Viktor Nagy Committed by Marcia Ramos

Documentation for 1-liner installation of `agentk`

parent 59255eb7
......@@ -223,7 +223,31 @@ the Agent in subsequent steps. You can create an Agent record either:
[Getting started with the GraphQL API page](../../../api/graphql/,
or the [GraphQL Explorer](
### Create the Kubernetes secret
### Install the Agent into the cluster
Next, install the in-cluster component of the Agent.
#### One-liner installation
Replace the value of `agent-token` below with the token received from the previous step. Also, replace `kas-address` with the configured access of the Kubernetes Agent Server:
docker run --rm generate --agent-token=your-agent-token --kas-address=wss:// --agent-version latest | kubectl apply -f -
To find out the various options the above Docker container supports, run:
docker run --rm -it generate --help
#### Advanced installation
For more advanced configurations, we recommend to use [the `kpt` based installation method](
Otherwise, you can follow below for fully manual, detailed installation steps.
##### Create the Kubernetes secret
After generating the token, you must apply it to the Kubernetes cluster.
......@@ -239,9 +263,7 @@ After generating the token, you must apply it to the Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl create secret generic -n <YOUR-DESIRED-NAMESPACE> gitlab-agent-token --from-literal=token='YOUR_AGENT_TOKEN'
### Install the Agent into the cluster
Next, install the in-cluster component of the Agent. This example file contains the
The following example file contains the
Kubernetes resources required for the Agent to be installed. You can modify this
example [`resources.yml` file](#example-resourcesyml-file) in the following ways:
gitlab-agent gitlab-agent-77689f7dcb-5skqk 1/1 Running 0 51s
#### Example `resources.yml` file
##### Example `resources.yml` file
apiVersion: v1
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