Commit 54a6bcae authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

fixed spec/features/projects/files/edit_file_soft_wrap_spec.rb

parent c01338cb
......@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ feature 'User uses soft wrap whilst editing file', js: true do << [user, :master]
sign_in user
visit project_new_blob_path(project, 'master', file_name: 'test_file-name')
editor = find('.file-editor.code')
editor.send_keys 'Touch water with paw then recoil in horror chase dog then
page.within('.file-editor.code') do
find('.ace_text-input', visible: false).send_keys 'Touch water with paw then recoil in horror chase dog then
run away chase the pig around the house eat owner\'s food, and knock
dish off table head butt cant eat out of my own dish. Cat is love, cat
is life rub face on everything poop on grasses so meow. Playing with
......@@ -20,6 +19,7 @@ feature 'User uses soft wrap whilst editing file', js: true do
hanging out of own butt jump off balcony, onto stranger\'s head yet
chase laser. Purr for no reason stare at ceiling hola te quiero.'.squish
let(:toggle_button) { find('.soft-wrap-toggle') }
......@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ feature 'User uses soft wrap whilst editing file', js: true do
def get_content_width
find('.ace_content')[:style].slice!(/width: \d+/).slice!(/\d+/)
find('.ace_content')[:style].slice!(/width: \d+/).slice!(/\d+/).to_i
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