Commit 59101734 authored by Achilleas Pipinellis's avatar Achilleas Pipinellis

Provide information about compressing images

Some folks might not know about the raketask that
compresses the PNG images in the docs/ directory.

With this new addition, we can now point devs to it
anytime there's a case with an uncompressed image.
parent a3b9bd70
......@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ To indicate the steps of navigation through the UI:
a valid name for an illustration is `devops_diagram_v11_1.png`.
- Keep all file names in lower case.
- Consider using PNG images instead of JPEG.
- Compress all images with <> or similar tool.
- [Compress all PNG images](#compress-images).
- Compress gifs with <> or similar tool.
- Images should be used (only when necessary) to _illustrate_ the description
of a process, not to _replace_ it.
......@@ -796,6 +796,35 @@ directly to an HTML `img` tag:
<img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="Alt text (required)" class="image-noshadow">
### Compress images
You should always compress any new images you add to the documentation. One
known tool is [`pngquant`](, which is cross-platform and
open source. Install it by visiting the official website and following the
instructions for your OS.
GitLab has a [raketask](
that you can use to automate the process. In the root directory of your local
copy of ``, run in a terminal:
- Before compressing, if you want, check that all documentation PNG images have
been compressed:
bundle exec rake pngquant:lint
- Compress all documentation PNG images using `pngquant`:
bundle exec rake pngquant:compress
The only caveat is that the task runs on all images under `doc/`, not only the
ones you might have included in a merge request. In that case, you can run the
compress task and only commit the images that are relevant to your merge
## Videos
Adding GitLab's existing YouTube video tutorials to the documentation is
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