I, [2018-07-27T12:08:27.671559 #89817] INFO -- : Looking for orphaned project uploads to clean up. Dry run...
D, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.293568 #89817] DEBUG -- : Processing batch of 500 project upload file paths, starting with /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/test.out
I, [2018-07-27T12:08:28.689869 #89817] INFO -- : Can move to lost and found /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/test.out -> /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/public/uploads/-/project-lost-found/test.out
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ I, [2018-07-27T12:08:33.760257 #89817] INFO -- : Did move to lost and found /op
Remove object store upload files if they don't exist in GitLab database.
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ Each stage of Value Stream Analytics is further described in the table below.
| Plan | Measures the median time between the action you took for the previous stage, and pushing the first commit to the branch. The very first commit of the branch is the one that triggers the separation between **Plan** and **Code**, and at least one of the commits in the branch needs to contain the related issue number (e.g., `#42`). If none of the commits in the branch mention the related issue number, it is not considered to the measurement time of the stage. |
| Code | Measures the median time between pushing a first commit (previous stage) and creating a merge request (MR) related to that commit. The key to keep the process tracked is to include the [issue closing pattern](../project/issues/managing_issues.md#closing-issues-automatically) to the description of the merge request (for example, `Closes #xxx`, where `xxx` is the number of the issue related to this merge request). If the issue closing pattern is not present in the merge request description, the MR is not considered to the measurement time of the stage. |
| Test | Measures the median time to run the entire pipeline for that project. It's related to the time GitLab CI takes to run every job for the commits pushed to that merge request defined in the previous stage. It is basically the start->finish time for all pipelines. |
| Review | Measures the median time taken to review the merge request that has closing issue pattern, between its creation and until it's merged. |
| Staging | Measures the median time between merging the merge request with closing issue pattern until the very first deployment to production. It's tracked by the environment set to `production` or matching `production/*` (case-sensitive, `Production` won't work) in your GitLab CI configuration. If there isn't a production environment, this is not tracked. |
| Review | Measures the median time taken to review the merge request that has a closing issue pattern, between its creation and until it's merged. |
| Staging | Measures the median time between merging the merge request with a closing issue pattern until the very first deployment to production. It's tracked by the environment set to `production` or matching `production/*` (case-sensitive, `Production` won't work) in your GitLab CI configuration. If there isn't a production environment, this is not tracked. |
| Total | The sum of all time (medians) taken to run the entire process, from issue creation to deploying the code to production. [Previously known](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/38317) as **Production**. |