it('renders tree container element with `disabled-content` class when `state.itemsFetchInProgress` prop is false and `state.itemAddInProgress` or `state.itemCreateInProgress` is true',()=>{
it('renders tree container element with `disabled-content` class when `state.itemsFetchInProgress` prop is false and `state.itemAddInProgress` or `state.itemCreateInProgress` is true',async()=>{
'This will also remove any descendents of <b>Nostrum cum mollitia quia recusandae fugit deleniti voluptatem delectus.</b> from <b>Some sample epic</b>. Are you sure?',
'This will also remove any descendents of <b>Nostrum cum mollitia quia recusandae fugit deleniti voluptatem delectus.</b> from <b>Some sample epic</b>. Are you sure?',
it('returns body text for modal when item.type is `Issue`',()=>{
it('returns body text for modal when item.type is `Issue`',async()=>{
it('returns value of remainder requirements for last page when current page is the last page total requirements are more than DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE',()=>{
it('returns value of remainder requirements for last page when current page is the last page total requirements are more than DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE',async()=>{
it('returns value DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE when current page is the last page total requirements are less than DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE',()=>{
it('returns value DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE when current page is the last page total requirements are less than DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE',async()=>{