@@ -87,18 +87,7 @@ In which enterprise tier should this feature go? See https://about.gitlab.com/ha
### Links / references
<!-- Label reminders - you should have one of each of the following labels if you can find the correct ones!
Type - for example ~feature ~bug ~documentation ~meta /label ~"feature::addition" ~"feature::maintenance" ~tooling ~"tooling::pipelines" ~"tooling::workflow" per https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/contributing/issue_workflow.html#type-labels
DevOps stage - for example ~"devops::secure"
Group - for example ~"group::composition analysis"
Category - for example ~"Category:Dependency Scanning"
<!-- Label reminders - you should have one of each of the following labels if you can figure out the correct ones! -->
/label ~"devops::
/label ~"group::
/label ~"Category:
<!-- Label reminders - you should have one of each of the following labels if you can figure out the correct ones -->