- The instance level, which enables tracking on both the frontend and backend layers.
- The instance level, which enables tracking on both the frontend and backend layers.
- User level, though user tracking can be disabled on a per-user basis. GitLab tracking respects the [Do Not Track](https://www.eff.org/issues/do-not-track) standard, so any user who has enabled the Do Not Track option in their browser is not tracked at a user level.
- The user level, though user tracking can be disabled on a per-user basis.
GitLab respects the [Do Not Track](https://www.eff.org/issues/do-not-track) standard, so any user who has enabled the Do Not Track option in their browser is not tracked at a user level.
We use Snowplow for the majority of our tracking strategy and it is enabled on GitLab.com. On a self-managed instance, Snowplow can be enabled by navigating to:
Snowplow tracking is enabled on GitLab.com, and we use it for most of our tracking strategy.
-**Admin Area > Settings > General** in the UI.
To enable Snowplow tracking on a self-managed instance:
-`admin/application_settings/integrations` in your browser.
Example configuration:
1. Go to the Admin Area (**{admin}**) and select **Settings > General**.
Alternatively, go to `admin/application_settings/general` in your browser.
| Name | Value |
1. Expand **Snowplow**.
| Collector | `your-snowplow-collector.net` |
1. Select **Enable snowplow tracking** and enter your Snowplow configuration information. For example: