Commit 66143fd6 authored by Heinrich Lee Yu's avatar Heinrich Lee Yu Committed by Igor Drozdov

Add a license check to milestone burnup charts

We also change the service to use ServiceResponse so we can return
meaningful error messages to the frontend
parent 1a4cdc25
......@@ -60,3 +60,5 @@ module Types
......@@ -1427,6 +1427,36 @@ type Branch {
name: String!
Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
type BurnupChartDailyTotals {
Number of closed issues as of this day
completedCount: Int!
Total weight of closed issues as of this day
completedWeight: Int!
Date for burnup totals
date: ISO8601Date!
Number of issues as of this day
scopeCount: Int!
Total weight of issues as of this day
scopeWeight: Int!
type CiGroup {
Jobs in group
......@@ -9549,6 +9579,11 @@ type MetricsDashboardAnnotationEdge {
Represents a milestone.
type Milestone {
Daily scope and completed totals for burnup charts
burnupTimeSeries: [BurnupChartDailyTotals!]
Timestamp of milestone creation
......@@ -3851,6 +3851,109 @@
"enumValues": null,
"possibleTypes": null
"kind": "OBJECT",
"name": "BurnupChartDailyTotals",
"description": "Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.",
"fields": [
"name": "completedCount",
"description": "Number of closed issues as of this day",
"args": [
"type": {
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "Int",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null
"name": "completedWeight",
"description": "Total weight of closed issues as of this day",
"args": [
"type": {
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "Int",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null
"name": "date",
"description": "Date for burnup totals",
"args": [
"type": {
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "ISO8601Date",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null
"name": "scopeCount",
"description": "Number of issues as of this day",
"args": [
"type": {
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "Int",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null
"name": "scopeWeight",
"description": "Total weight of issues as of this day",
"args": [
"type": {
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "Int",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null
"inputFields": null,
"interfaces": [
"enumValues": null,
"possibleTypes": null
"kind": "OBJECT",
"name": "CiGroup",
......@@ -26709,6 +26812,28 @@
"name": "Milestone",
"description": "Represents a milestone.",
"fields": [
"name": "burnupTimeSeries",
"description": "Daily scope and completed totals for burnup charts",
"args": [
"type": {
"kind": "LIST",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "OBJECT",
"name": "BurnupChartDailyTotals",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null
"name": "createdAt",
"description": "Timestamp of milestone creation",
......@@ -245,6 +245,18 @@ Autogenerated return type of BoardListUpdateLimitMetrics
| `commit` | Commit | Commit for the branch |
| `name` | String! | Name of the branch |
## BurnupChartDailyTotals
Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `completedCount` | Int! | Number of closed issues as of this day |
| `completedWeight` | Int! | Total weight of closed issues as of this day |
| `date` | ISO8601Date! | Date for burnup totals |
| `scopeCount` | Int! | Number of issues as of this day |
| `scopeWeight` | Int! | Total weight of issues as of this day |
## CiGroup
| Name | Type | Description |
......@@ -1477,6 +1489,7 @@ Represents a milestone.
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `burnupTimeSeries` | BurnupChartDailyTotals! => Array | Daily scope and completed totals for burnup charts |
| `createdAt` | Time! | Timestamp of milestone creation |
| `description` | String | Description of the milestone |
| `dueDate` | Time | Timestamp of the milestone due date |
# frozen_string_literal: true
module EE
module Types
module MilestoneType
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
prepended do
field :burnup_time_series, [::Types::BurnupChartDailyTotalsType], null: true,
resolver: ::Resolvers::MilestoneBurnupTimeSeriesResolver,
description: 'Daily scope and completed totals for burnup charts',
complexity: 175
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Resolvers
class MilestoneBurnupTimeSeriesResolver < BaseResolver
type [Types::BurnupChartDailyTotalsType], null: true
alias_method :milestone, :synchronized_object
def resolve(*args)
return [] unless milestone.burnup_charts_available?
response =
raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, response.message if response.error?
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Types
# rubocop: disable Graphql/AuthorizeTypes
class BurnupChartDailyTotalsType < BaseObject
graphql_name 'BurnupChartDailyTotals'
description 'Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.'
field :date, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601Date, null: false,
description: 'Date for burnup totals'
field :scope_count, GraphQL::INT_TYPE, null: false,
description: 'Number of issues as of this day'
field :scope_weight, GraphQL::INT_TYPE, null: false,
description: 'Total weight of issues as of this day'
field :completed_count, GraphQL::INT_TYPE, null: false,
description: 'Number of closed issues as of this day'
field :completed_weight, GraphQL::INT_TYPE, null: false,
description: 'Total weight of closed issues as of this day'
......@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ module EE
resource_parent&.feature_available?(feature_name) && supports_weight?
def supports_burnup_charts?
resource_parent&.feature_available?(:milestone_charts) && supports_weight?
def burnup_charts_available?
::Feature.enabled?(:burnup_charts, resource_parent)
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class License < ApplicationRecord
......@@ -12,20 +12,18 @@ class Milestones::BurnupChartService
TooManyEventsError =
def initialize(milestone)
raise ArgumentError, 'Milestone must have a start and due date' if milestone.start_date.blank? || milestone.due_date.blank?
@milestone = milestone
def execute
return ServiceResponse.error(message: _('Milestone does not support burnup charts')) unless milestone.supports_burnup_charts?
return ServiceResponse.error(message: _('Milestone must have a start and due date')) if milestone.start_date.blank? || milestone.due_date.blank?
return ServiceResponse.error(message: _('Burnup chart could not be generated due to too many events')) if resource_events.num_tuples > EVENT_COUNT_LIMIT
@issue_states = {}
@chart_data = []
raise TooManyEventsError if resource_events.num_tuples > EVENT_COUNT_LIMIT
resource_events.each do |event|
case event['event_type']
when 'milestone'
......@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@ class Milestones::BurnupChartService
ServiceResponse.success(payload: chart_data)
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['Milestone'] do
it { expect(described_class).to have_graphql_field(:burnup_time_series) }
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Resolvers::MilestoneBurnupTimeSeriesResolver do
include GraphqlHelpers
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
let_it_be(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project, start_date: '2020-01-01', due_date: '2020-01-15') }
let_it_be(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 2, project: project) }
before_all do
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-10')
before do
stub_licensed_features(milestone_charts: true, issue_weights: true)
subject { resolve(described_class, obj: milestone) }
context 'when the feature flag is disabled' do
before do
stub_feature_flags(burnup_charts: false)
it 'returns empty data' do
expect(subject).to be_empty
context 'when the feature flag is enabled' do
before do
stub_feature_flags(burnup_charts: true)
it 'returns burnup chart data' do
expect(subject).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-05'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 0,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-10'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 0,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
context 'when the service returns an error' do
before do
stub_const('Milestones::BurnupChartService::EVENT_COUNT_LIMIT', 1)
it 'raises a GraphQL exception' do
expect { subject }.to raise_error(GraphQL::ExecutionError, 'Burnup chart could not be generated due to too many events')
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['BurnupChartDailyTotals'] do
it { expect(described_class.graphql_name).to eq('BurnupChartDailyTotals') }
it 'has specific fields' do
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Querying a Milestone' do
include GraphqlHelpers
let_it_be(:current_user) { create(:user) }
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
let_it_be(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project, start_date: '2020-01-01', due_date: '2020-01-15') }
let(:query) do
graphql_query_for('milestone', { id: milestone.to_global_id.to_s }, fields)
subject { graphql_data['milestone'] }
before_all do
context 'burnupTimeSeries' do
let(:fields) do
burnupTimeSeries {
let_it_be(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) }
before_all do
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issue, milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05')
context 'when feature flag is enabled' do
before do
stub_feature_flags(burnup_charts: true)
context 'with insufficient license' do
before do
stub_licensed_features(milestone_charts: false)
it 'returns an error' do
post_graphql(query, current_user: current_user)
expect(graphql_errors).to include(a_hash_including('message' => 'Milestone does not support burnup charts'))
context 'with correct license' do
before do
stub_licensed_features(milestone_charts: true, issue_weights: true)
it 'returns burnup chart data' do
post_graphql(query, current_user: current_user)
expect(subject).to eq({
'burnupTimeSeries' => [
'date' => '2020-01-05',
'scopeCount' => 1,
'scopeWeight' => 0,
'completedCount' => 0,
'completedWeight' => 0
context 'when feature flag is disabled' do
before do
stub_feature_flags(burnup_charts: false)
stub_licensed_features(milestone_charts: true, issue_weights: true)
it 'returns empty results' do
post_graphql(query, current_user: current_user)
expect(subject).to eq({ 'burnupTimeSeries' => [] })
......@@ -4,249 +4,274 @@ require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Milestones::BurnupChartService do
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
let_it_be(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project, start_date: '2020-01-01', due_date: '2020-01-15') }
let_it_be(:milestone, reload: true) { create(:milestone, project: project, start_date: '2020-01-01', due_date: '2020-01-15') }
let_it_be(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 5, project: project) }
let(:chart_data) { }
let(:response) { }
it 'raises an error when milestone does not have a start and due date' do
milestone = build(:milestone, project: project)
context 'when license is not available' do
before do
stub_licensed_features(milestone_charts: false)
expect { }.to raise_error('Milestone must have a start and due date')
it 'returns an error message' do
expect(response.error?).to eq(true)
expect(response.message).to eq('Milestone does not support burnup charts')
it 'raises an error when the number of events exceeds the limit' do
stub_const('Milestones::BurnupChartService::EVENT_COUNT_LIMIT', 1)
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-15')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-16')
expect { chart_data }.to raise_error(described_class::TooManyEventsError)
it 'aggregates events before the start date to the start date' do
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-15')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[0], weight: 2, created_at: '2019-12-18')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-16')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 1, created_at: '2019-12-18')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[2], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-16')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[2], weight: 3, created_at: '2019-12-18')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[2], state: :closed, created_at: '2019-12-25')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[3], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-17')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[3], weight: 4, created_at: '2019-12-18')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[3], state: :closed, created_at: '2019-12-26')
expect(chart_data).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-01'),
scope_count: 4,
scope_weight: 10,
completed_count: 2,
completed_weight: 7
it 'updates counts and weight when the milestone is added or removed' do
# Add milestone to an open issue with no weight.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05 03:00')
# Ignore duplicate add event.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05 03:00')
# Add milestone to an open issue with weight 2 on the same day. This should increment the scope totals for the same day.
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 2, created_at: '2020-01-01')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05 05:00')
# Add milestone to already closed issue with weight 3. This should increment both the scope and completed totals.
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[2], weight: 3, created_at: '2020-01-01')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[2], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-05')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[2], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-06')
# Remove milestone from the 2nd open issue. This should decrement the scope totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :remove, created_at: '2020-01-07')
# Remove milestone from the closed issue. This should decrement both the scope and completed totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[2], milestone: milestone, action: :remove, created_at: '2020-01-08')
# Adding a different milestone should not affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[3], milestone: create(:milestone, project: project), action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-08')
# Adding the milestone after the due date should not affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[4], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-30')
# Removing the milestone after the due date should not affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :remove, created_at: '2020-01-30')
expect(chart_data).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-05'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-06'),
scope_count: 3,
scope_weight: 5,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 3
date: Date.parse('2020-01-07'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 3,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 3
date: Date.parse('2020-01-08'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 0,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
it 'updates the completed counts when issue state is changed' do
# Close an issue assigned to the milestone with weight 2. This should increment the completed totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-01 01:00')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[0], weight: 2, created_at: '2020-01-01 02:00')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[0], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-02')
# Closing an issue that is already closed should be ignored.
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[0], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-03')
# Re-opening the issue should decrement the completed totals.
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[0], state: :reopened, created_at: '2020-01-04')
# Closing and re-opening an issue on the same day should not change the totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05 01:00')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 3, created_at: '2020-01-05 02:00')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-06 05:00')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :reopened, created_at: '2020-01-06 08:00')
# Re-opening an issue that is already open should be ignored.
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :reopened, created_at: '2020-01-07')
# Closing a re-opened issue should increment the completed totals.
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-08')
# Changing state when the milestone is already removed should not affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], action: :remove, created_at: '2020-01-09')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-10')
expect(chart_data).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-01'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-02'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 2
date: Date.parse('2020-01-04'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-05'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 5,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-06'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 5,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-08'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 5,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 3
date: Date.parse('2020-01-09'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
it 'updates the weight totals when issue weight is changed' do
# Issue starts out with no weight and should increment once the weight is changed to 2.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-01')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[0], weight: 2, created_at: '2020-01-02')
# A closed issue is added and weight is set to 5 and should add to the weight totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-03 01:00')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-03 02:00')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 5, created_at: '2020-01-03 03:00')
# Lowering the weight of the 2nd issue should decrement the weight totals.
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 1, created_at: '2020-01-04')
# After the first issue is assigned to another milestone, weight changes shouldn't affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: create(:milestone, project: project), action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[0], weight: 10, created_at: '2020-01-06')
expect(chart_data).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-01'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 0,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-02'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-03'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 7,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 5
date: Date.parse('2020-01-04'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 3,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 1
date: Date.parse('2020-01-05'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 1,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 1
context 'when license is available' do
before do
stub_licensed_features(milestone_charts: true, issue_weights: true)
context 'when milestone does not have a start and due date' do
let(:milestone) { build(:milestone, project: project) }
it 'returns an error message' do
expect(response.error?).to eq(true)
expect(response.message).to eq('Milestone must have a start and due date')
it 'returns an error when the number of events exceeds the limit' do
stub_const('Milestones::BurnupChartService::EVENT_COUNT_LIMIT', 1)
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-15')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-16')
expect(response.error?).to eq(true)
expect(response.message).to eq('Burnup chart could not be generated due to too many events')
it 'aggregates events before the start date to the start date' do
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-15')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[0], weight: 2, created_at: '2019-12-18')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-16')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 1, created_at: '2019-12-18')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[2], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-16')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[2], weight: 3, created_at: '2019-12-18')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[2], state: :closed, created_at: '2019-12-25')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[3], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2019-12-17')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[3], weight: 4, created_at: '2019-12-18')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[3], state: :closed, created_at: '2019-12-26')
expect(response.success?).to eq(true)
expect(response.payload).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-01'),
scope_count: 4,
scope_weight: 10,
completed_count: 2,
completed_weight: 7
it 'updates counts and weight when the milestone is added or removed' do
# Add milestone to an open issue with no weight.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05 03:00')
# Ignore duplicate add event.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05 03:00')
# Add milestone to an open issue with weight 2 on the same day. This should increment the scope totals for the same day.
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 2, created_at: '2020-01-01')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05 05:00')
# Add milestone to already closed issue with weight 3. This should increment both the scope and completed totals.
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[2], weight: 3, created_at: '2020-01-01')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[2], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-05')
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[2], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-06')
# Remove milestone from the 2nd open issue. This should decrement the scope totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :remove, created_at: '2020-01-07')
# Remove milestone from the closed issue. This should decrement both the scope and completed totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[2], milestone: milestone, action: :remove, created_at: '2020-01-08')
# Adding a different milestone should not affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[3], milestone: create(:milestone, project: project), action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-08')
# Adding the milestone after the due date should not affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[4], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-30')
# Removing the milestone after the due date should not affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :remove, created_at: '2020-01-30')
expect(response.success?).to eq(true)
expect(response.payload).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-05'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-06'),
scope_count: 3,
scope_weight: 5,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 3
date: Date.parse('2020-01-07'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 3,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 3
date: Date.parse('2020-01-08'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 0,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
it 'updates the completed counts when issue state is changed' do
# Close an issue assigned to the milestone with weight 2. This should increment the completed totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-01 01:00')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[0], weight: 2, created_at: '2020-01-01 02:00')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[0], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-02')
# Closing an issue that is already closed should be ignored.
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[0], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-03')
# Re-opening the issue should decrement the completed totals.
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[0], state: :reopened, created_at: '2020-01-04')
# Closing and re-opening an issue on the same day should not change the totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05 01:00')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 3, created_at: '2020-01-05 02:00')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-06 05:00')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :reopened, created_at: '2020-01-06 08:00')
# Re-opening an issue that is already open should be ignored.
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :reopened, created_at: '2020-01-07')
# Closing a re-opened issue should increment the completed totals.
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-08')
# Changing state when the milestone is already removed should not affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], action: :remove, created_at: '2020-01-09')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-10')
expect(response.success?).to eq(true)
expect(response.payload).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-01'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-02'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 2
date: Date.parse('2020-01-04'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-05'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 5,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-06'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 5,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-08'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 5,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 3
date: Date.parse('2020-01-09'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
it 'updates the weight totals when issue weight is changed' do
# Issue starts out with no weight and should increment once the weight is changed to 2.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-01')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[0], weight: 2, created_at: '2020-01-02')
# A closed issue is added and weight is set to 5 and should add to the weight totals.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[1], milestone: milestone, action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-03 01:00')
create(:resource_state_event, issue: issues[1], state: :closed, created_at: '2020-01-03 02:00')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 5, created_at: '2020-01-03 03:00')
# Lowering the weight of the 2nd issue should decrement the weight totals.
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[1], weight: 1, created_at: '2020-01-04')
# After the first issue is assigned to another milestone, weight changes shouldn't affect the data.
create(:resource_milestone_event, issue: issues[0], milestone: create(:milestone, project: project), action: :add, created_at: '2020-01-05')
create(:resource_weight_event, issue: issues[0], weight: 10, created_at: '2020-01-06')
expect(response.success?).to eq(true)
expect(response.payload).to eq([
date: Date.parse('2020-01-01'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 0,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-02'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 2,
completed_count: 0,
completed_weight: 0
date: Date.parse('2020-01-03'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 7,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 5
date: Date.parse('2020-01-04'),
scope_count: 2,
scope_weight: 3,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 1
date: Date.parse('2020-01-05'),
scope_count: 1,
scope_weight: 1,
completed_count: 1,
completed_weight: 1
......@@ -4187,6 +4187,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Burnup chart"
msgstr ""
msgid "Burnup chart could not be generated due to too many events"
msgstr ""
msgid "Business"
msgstr ""
......@@ -15696,12 +15699,18 @@ msgid_plural "Milestones"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgid "Milestone does not support burnup charts"
msgstr ""
msgid "Milestone lists not available with your current license"
msgstr ""
msgid "Milestone lists show all issues from the selected milestone."
msgstr ""
msgid "Milestone must have a start and due date"
msgstr ""
msgid "MilestoneSidebar|Closed:"
msgstr ""
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['Milestone'] do
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(*expected_fields)
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(*expected_fields).at_least
describe 'stats field' do
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