If you're using a distributed architecture and Sidekiq is running on a different node, the cleanup
policies don't work. To fix this, you must configure the `gitlab.rb` file on the Sidekiq nodes to
point to the correct registry URL and copy the `registry.key` file to each Sidekiq node. For more
information, see the [Sidekiq configuration](../sidekiq.md)
To reduce the amount of [Container Registry disk space used by a given project](../troubleshooting/gitlab_rails_cheat_sheet.md#registry-disk-space-usage-by-project),
To reduce the amount of [Container Registry disk space used by a given project](../troubleshooting/gitlab_rails_cheat_sheet.md#registry-disk-space-usage-by-project),
administrators can clean up image tags
administrators can clean up image tags
and [run garbage collection](#container-registry-garbage-collection).
and [run garbage collection](#container-registry-garbage-collection).