Commit 753eea11 authored by Winnie Hellmann's avatar Winnie Hellmann

Resolve conflicts in spec/features/projects/members/share_with_group_and_members_spec.rb

parent 179b0d37
......@@ -7,13 +7,8 @@ describe 'Project > Members > Share with Group', :js do
let(:master) { create(:user) }
describe 'Share with group lock' do
<<<<<<< HEAD:spec/features/projects/members/share_with_group_and_members_spec.rb
shared_examples 'the project cannot be shared with groups' do
it 'user is only able to share with members' do
shared_examples 'the project can be shared with groups' do
it 'the "Share with group" tab exists' do
>>>>>>> upstream/master:spec/features/projects/members/share_with_group_spec.rb
visit project_settings_members_path(project)
expect(page).not_to have_selector('#add-member-tab')
......@@ -23,13 +18,8 @@ describe 'Project > Members > Share with Group', :js do
<<<<<<< HEAD:spec/features/projects/members/share_with_group_and_members_spec.rb
shared_examples 'the project cannot be shared with members' do
it 'user is only able to share with groups' do
shared_examples 'the project cannot be shared with groups' do
it 'the "Share with group" tab does not exist' do
>>>>>>> upstream/master:spec/features/projects/members/share_with_group_spec.rb
visit project_settings_members_path(project)
expect(page).not_to have_selector('#add-member-tab')
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