Fix UX Guide apostrophe use for singular common nouns

parent 54c4e4d7
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Omit punctuation after phrases and labels to create a cleaner and more readable
| Comma | **,** | | | | | Place inside quotation marks.<br><br>Use a [serial comma][serial comma] in lists of three or more terms. |
| Exclamation point | **!** | | | | | Avoid exclamation points as they tend to come across as shouting. Some exceptions include greetings or congratulatory messages. |
| Colon | **:** | `&#58;` | `\u003A` | | | Omit from labels, for example, in the labels for fields in a form. |
| Apostrophe | **’** | `&rsquo;` | `\u2019` | <kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>]</kbd> | <kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>0 1 4 6</kbd> | Use for contractions (I’m, you’re, ’89) and to show possession.<br><br>To show possession, add an *’s* to all single nouns and names, even if they already end in an *s*: “Your issues’s status was changed.” For singular proper names ending in *s*, use only an apostrophe: “James’ commits.” For plurals of a single letter, add an *’s*: “Dot your i’s and cross your t’s.”<br><br>Omit for decades or acronyms: “the 1990s”, “MRs.” |
| Apostrophe | **’** | `&rsquo;` | `\u2019` | <kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>]</kbd> | <kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>0 1 4 6</kbd> | Use for contractions (I’m, you’re, ’89) and to show possession.<br><br>To show possession, add an *’s* to all singular common nouns and names, even if they already end in an *s*: “Look into this worker process’s log.” For singular proper names ending in *s*, use only an apostrophe: “James’ commits.” For plurals of a single letter, add an *’s*: “Dot your i’s and cross your t’s.”<br><br>Omit for decades or acronyms: “the 1990s”, “MRs.” |
| Quotation marks | **“**<br><br>**”**<br><br>**‘**<br><br>**’** | `&ldquo;`<br><br>`&rdquo;`<br><br>`&lsquo;`<br><br>`&rsquo;` | `\u201C`<br><br>`\u201D`<br><br>`\u2018`<br><br>`\u2019` | <kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>[</kbd><br><br><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>[</kbd><br><br><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>]</kbd><br><br><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>]</kbd> | <kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>0 1 4 7</kbd><br><br><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>0 1 4 8</kbd><br><br><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>0 1 4 5</kbd><br><br><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>0 1 4 6</kbd> | Use proper quotation marks (also known as smart quotes, curly quotes, or typographer’s quotes) for quotes. Single quotation marks are used for quotes inside of quotes.<br><br>The right single quotation mark symbol is also used for apostrophes.<br><br>Don’t use primes, straight quotes, or free-standing accents for quotation marks. |
| Primes | **′**<br><br>**″** | `&prime;`<br><br>`&Prime;` | `\u2032`<br><br>`\u2033` | | <kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>8 2 4 2</kbd><br><br><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>8 2 4 3</kbd> | Use prime (′) only in abbreviations for feet, arcminutes, and minutes: 3° 15′<br><br>Use double-prime (″) only in abbreviations for inches, arcseconds, and seconds: 3° 15′ 35″<br><br>Don’t use quotation marks, straight quotes, or free-standing accents for primes. |
| Straight quotes and accents | **"**<br><br>**'**<br><br>**`**<br><br>**´** | `&quot;`<br><br>`&#39;`<br><br>`&#96;`<br><br>`&acute;` | `\u0022`<br><br>`\u0027`<br><br>`\u0060`<br><br>`\u00B4` | | | Don’t use straight quotes or free-standing accents for primes or quotation marks.<br><br>Proper typography never uses straight quotes. They are left over from the age of typewriters and their only modern use is for code. |
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