Commit 7cb907cc authored by Oswaldo Ferreira's avatar Oswaldo Ferreira

Add "search" optional param and docs for V4

Notice that this param is being supported since V3, but we have not added the proper docs for it
parent 4dd841c9
title: Add search optional param and docs for V4
......@@ -26,16 +26,20 @@ GET /issues?labels=foo,bar&state=opened
GET /issues?milestone=1.0.0
GET /issues?milestone=1.0.0&state=opened
GET /issues?iids[]=42&iids[]=43
GET /issues?search=issue+title+or+description
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `state` | string | no | Return all issues or just those that are `opened` or `closed`|
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `milestone` | string| no | The milestone title |
| `iids` | Array[integer] | no | Return only the issues having the given `iid` |
| `order_by`| string | no | Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at` |
| `sort` | string | no | Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc` |
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| `state` | string | no | Return all issues or just those that are `opened` or `closed` |
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `milestone` | string | no | The milestone title |
| `iids` | Array[integer] | no | Return only the issues having the given `iid` |
| `order_by` | string | no | Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at` |
| `sort` | string | no | Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc` |
| `search` | string | no | Search issues against their `title` and `description` |
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -104,17 +108,21 @@ GET /groups/:id/issues?labels=foo,bar&state=opened
GET /groups/:id/issues?milestone=1.0.0
GET /groups/:id/issues?milestone=1.0.0&state=opened
GET /groups/:id/issues?iids[]=42&iids[]=43
GET /groups/:id/issues?search=issue+title+or+description
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a group |
| `state` | string | no | Return all issues or just those that are `opened` or `closed`|
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `iids` | Array[integer] | no | Return only the issues having the given `iid` |
| `milestone` | string| no | The milestone title |
| `order_by`| string | no | Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at` |
| `sort` | string | no | Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc` |
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a group |
| `state` | string | no | Return all issues or just those that are `opened` or `closed` |
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `iids` | Array[integer] | no | Return only the issues having the given `iid` |
| `milestone` | string | no | The milestone title |
| `order_by` | string | no | Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at` |
| `sort` | string | no | Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc` |
| `search` | string | no | Search group issues against their `title` and `description` |
......@@ -184,17 +192,21 @@ GET /projects/:id/issues?labels=foo,bar&state=opened
GET /projects/:id/issues?milestone=1.0.0
GET /projects/:id/issues?milestone=1.0.0&state=opened
GET /projects/:id/issues?iids[]=42&iids[]=43
GET /projects/:id/issues?search=issue+title+or+description
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `iids` | Array[integer] | no | Return only the milestone having the given `iid` |
| `state` | string | no | Return all issues or just those that are `opened` or `closed`|
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `milestone` | string| no | The milestone title |
| `order_by`| string | no | Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at` |
| `sort` | string | no | Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc` |
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `iids` | Array[integer] | no | Return only the milestone having the given `iid` |
| `state` | string | no | Return all issues or just those that are `opened` or `closed` |
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated list of label names, issues must have all labels to be returned. `No+Label` lists all issues with no labels |
| `milestone` | string | no | The milestone title |
| `order_by` | string | no | Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at` |
| `sort` | string | no | Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc` |
| `search` | string | no | Search project issues against their `title` and `description` |
......@@ -258,10 +270,12 @@ Get a single project issue.
GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -323,19 +337,23 @@ Creates a new project issue.
POST /projects/:id/issues
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `title` | string | yes | The title of an issue |
| `description` | string | no | The description of an issue |
| `confidential` | boolean | no | Set an issue to be confidential. Default is `false`. |
| `assignee_id` | integer | no | The ID of a user to assign issue |
| `milestone_id` | integer | no | The ID of a milestone to assign issue |
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated label names for an issue |
| `created_at` | string | no | Date time string, ISO 8601 formatted, e.g. `2016-03-11T03:45:40Z` (requires admin or project owner rights) |
| `due_date` | string | no | Date time string in the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY, e.g. `2016-03-11` |
| `merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of` | integer | no | The IID of a merge request in which to resolve all issues. This will fill the issue with a default description and mark all discussions as resolved. When passing a description or title, these values will take precedence over the default values. |
| `discussion_to_resolve` | string | no | The ID of a discussion to resolve. This will fill in the issue with a default description and mark the discussion as resolved. Use in combination with `merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of`. |
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `title` | string | yes | The title of an issue |
| `description` | string | no | The description of an issue |
| `confidential` | boolean | no | Set an issue to be confidential. Default is `false`. |
| `assignee_id` | integer | no | The ID of a user to assign issue |
| `milestone_id` | integer | no | The ID of a milestone to assign issue |
| `labels` | string | no | Comma-separated label names for an issue |
| `created_at` | string | no | Date time string, ISO 8601 formatted, e.g. `2016-03-11T03:45:40Z` (requires admin or project owner rights) |
| `due_date` | string | no | Date time string in the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY, e.g. `2016-03-11` |
| `merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of` | integer | no | The IID of a merge request in which to resolve all issues. This will fill the issue with a default description and mark all discussions as resolved. |
| - | - | - | When passing a description or title, these values will take precedence over the default values. |
| `discussion_to_resolve` | string | no | The ID of a discussion to resolve. This will fill in the issue with a default description and mark the discussion |
| - | - | - | as resolved. Use in combination with `merge_request_to_resolve_discussions_of`. |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -383,8 +401,9 @@ closed.
PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
| `title` | string | no | The title of an issue |
......@@ -396,6 +415,7 @@ PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid
| `state_event` | string | no | The state event of an issue. Set `close` to close the issue and `reopen` to reopen it |
| `updated_at` | string | no | Date time string, ISO 8601 formatted, e.g. `2016-03-11T03:45:40Z` (requires admin or project owner rights) |
| `due_date` | string | no | Date time string in the format YEAR-MONTH-DAY, e.g. `2016-03-11` |
curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -442,10 +462,12 @@ Only for admins and project owners. Soft deletes the issue in question.
DELETE /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -464,11 +486,13 @@ project, it will then be assigned to the issue that is being moved.
POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/move
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
| `to_project_id` | integer | yes | The ID of the new project |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -520,10 +544,12 @@ is returned.
POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/subscribe
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -575,10 +601,12 @@ status code `304` is returned.
POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/unsubscribe
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -594,10 +622,12 @@ returned.
POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/todo
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -685,11 +715,13 @@ Sets an estimated time of work for this issue.
POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/time_estimate
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
| `duration` | string | yes | The duration in human format. e.g: 3h30m |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -714,10 +746,12 @@ Resets the estimated time for this issue to 0 seconds.
POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/reset_time_estimate
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -742,11 +776,13 @@ Adds spent time for this issue
POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/add_spent_time
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
| `duration` | string | yes | The duration in human format. e.g: 3h30m |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -771,10 +807,12 @@ Resets the total spent time for this issue to 0 seconds.
POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/reset_spent_time
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -797,10 +835,12 @@ Example response:
GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/time_stats
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer | yes | The ID of a project |
| `issue_iid` | integer | yes | The internal ID of a project's issue |
curl --request GET --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module API
desc: 'Return issues sorted in `asc` or `desc` order.'
optional :milestone, type: String, desc: 'Return issues for a specific milestone'
optional :iids, type: Array[Integer], desc: 'The IID array of issues'
optional :search, type: String, desc: 'Search issues for text present in the title or description'
use :pagination
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
let(:assignee) { create(:assignee) }
let(:admin) { create(:user, :admin) }
let!(:project) { create(:empty_project, :public, creator_id:, namespace: user.namespace ) }
let(:issue_title) { 'foo' }
let(:issue_description) { 'closed' }
let!(:closed_issue) do
create :closed_issue,
author: user,
......@@ -38,7 +40,9 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
project: project,
milestone: milestone,
created_at: generate(:past_time),
updated_at: 1.hour.ago
updated_at: 1.hour.ago,
title: issue_title,
description: issue_description
let!(:label) do
create(:label, title: 'label', color: '#FFAABB', project: project)
......@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
context "when unauthenticated" do
it "returns authentication error" do
get api("/issues")
expect(response).to have_http_status(401)
......@@ -69,9 +74,7 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
it "returns an array of issues" do
get api("/issues", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue.title)
expect(json_response.last).to have_key('web_url')
......@@ -79,41 +82,43 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
it 'returns an array of closed issues' do
get api('/issues?state=closed', user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an array of opened issues' do
get api('/issues?state=opened', user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an array of all issues' do
get api('/issues?state=all', user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
expect(json_response.second['id']).to eq(
it 'returns issues matching given search string for title' do
get api("/issues?search=#{issue.title}", user)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns issues matching given search string for description' do
get api("/issues?search=#{issue.description}", user)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an array of labeled issues' do
get api("/issues?labels=#{label.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label.title])
......@@ -126,29 +131,20 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("/issues", user), labels: "#{label.title},#{label_b.title},#{label_c.title}"
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label_c.title, label_b.title, label.title])
it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches labels' do
get api('/issues?labels=foo,bar', user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an array of labeled issues matching given state' do
get api("/issues?labels=#{label.title}&state=opened", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label.title])
expect(json_response.first['state']).to eq('opened')
......@@ -156,47 +152,32 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
it 'returns unlabeled issues for "No Label" label' do
get api("/issues", user), labels: 'No Label'
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['labels']).to be_empty
it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches labels and state filters' do
get api("/issues?labels=#{label.title}&state=closed", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches milestone' do
get api("/issues?milestone=#{empty_milestone.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if milestone does not exist' do
get api("/issues?milestone=foo", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an array of issues in given milestone' do
get api("/issues?milestone=#{milestone.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
expect(json_response.second['id']).to eq(
......@@ -205,49 +186,36 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("/issues?milestone=#{milestone.title}"\
'&state=closed', user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an array of issues with no milestone' do
get api("/issues?milestone=#{no_milestone_title}", author)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an array of issues found by iids' do
get api('/issues', user), iids: [closed_issue.iid]
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an empty array if iid does not exist' do
get api("/issues", user), iids: [99999]
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'sorts by created_at descending by default' do
get api('/issues', user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['created_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort.reverse)
......@@ -255,9 +223,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api('/issues?sort=asc', user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['created_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort)
......@@ -265,9 +232,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api('/issues?order_by=updated_at', user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['updated_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort.reverse)
......@@ -275,9 +241,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api('/issues?order_by=updated_at&sort=asc', user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['updated_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort)
......@@ -316,7 +281,9 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
assignee: user,
project: group_project,
milestone: group_milestone,
updated_at: 1.hour.ago
updated_at: 1.hour.ago,
title: issue_title,
description: issue_description
let!(:group_label) do
create(:label, title: 'group_lbl', color: '#FFAABB', project: group_project)
......@@ -336,74 +303,65 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
it 'returns all group issues (including opened and closed)' do
get api(base_url, admin)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(3)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
it 'returns group issues without confidential issues for non project members' do
get api("#{base_url}?state=opened", non_member)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(group_issue.title)
it 'returns group confidential issues for author' do
get api("#{base_url}?state=opened", author)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
it 'returns group confidential issues for assignee' do
get api("#{base_url}?state=opened", assignee)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
it 'returns group issues with confidential issues for project members' do
get api("#{base_url}?state=opened", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
it 'returns group confidential issues for admin' do
get api("#{base_url}?state=opened", admin)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
it 'returns an array of labeled group issues' do
get api("#{base_url}?labels=#{group_label.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([group_label.title])
it 'returns an array of labeled group issues where all labels match' do
get api("#{base_url}?labels=#{group_label.title},foo,bar", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns issues matching given search string for title' do
get api("#{base_url}?search=#{group_issue.title}", user)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns issues matching given search string for description' do
get api("#{base_url}?search=#{group_issue.description}", user)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an array of labeled issues when all labels matches' do
......@@ -415,65 +373,45 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}", user), labels: "#{group_label.title},#{label_b.title},#{label_c.title}"
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label_c.title, label_b.title, group_label.title])
it 'returns an array of issues found by iids' do
get api(base_url, user), iids: [group_issue.iid]
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an empty array if iid does not exist' do
get api(base_url, user), iids: [99999]
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if no group issue matches labels' do
get api("#{base_url}?labels=foo,bar", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches milestone' do
get api("#{base_url}?milestone=#{group_empty_milestone.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if milestone does not exist' do
get api("#{base_url}?milestone=foo", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an array of issues in given milestone' do
get api("#{base_url}?state=opened&milestone=#{group_milestone.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
......@@ -481,10 +419,7 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}?milestone=#{group_milestone.title}"\
'&state=closed', user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
......@@ -492,9 +427,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}?milestone=#{no_milestone_title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
......@@ -502,9 +436,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api(base_url, user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['created_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort.reverse)
......@@ -512,9 +445,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}?sort=asc", user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['created_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort)
......@@ -522,9 +454,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}?order_by=updated_at", user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['updated_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort.reverse)
......@@ -532,9 +463,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}?order_by=updated_at&sort=asc", user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['updated_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort)
......@@ -563,79 +493,55 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("/projects/#{}/issues", non_member)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response).to eq([])
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns project issues without confidential issues for non project members' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", non_member)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue.title)
it 'returns project issues without confidential issues for project members with guest role' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", guest)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue.title)
it 'returns project confidential issues for author' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", author)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(3)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue.title)
it 'returns project confidential issues for assignee' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", assignee)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(3)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue.title)
it 'returns project issues with confidential issues for project members' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(3)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue.title)
it 'returns project confidential issues for admin' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", admin)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(3)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(json_response.first['title']).to eq(issue.title)
it 'returns an array of labeled project issues' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?labels=#{label.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label.title])
......@@ -648,74 +554,65 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", user), labels: "#{label.title},#{label_b.title},#{label_c.title}"
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['labels']).to eq([label_c.title, label_b.title, label.title])
it 'returns issues matching given search string for title' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?search=#{issue.title}", user)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns issues matching given search string for description' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?search=#{issue.description}", user)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an array of issues found by iids' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", user), iids: [issue.iid]
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an empty array if iid does not exist' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", user), iids: [99999]
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if not all labels matches' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?labels=#{label.title},foo", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if no project issue matches labels' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?labels=foo,bar", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if no issue matches milestone' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?milestone=#{empty_milestone.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an empty array if milestone does not exist' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?milestone=foo", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(0)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 0)
it 'returns an array of issues in given milestone' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?milestone=#{milestone.title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(2)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 2)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
expect(json_response.second['id']).to eq(
......@@ -723,20 +620,14 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
it 'returns an array of issues matching state in milestone' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?milestone=#{milestone.title}&state=closed", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
it 'returns an array of issues with no milestone' do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?milestone=#{no_milestone_title}", user)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(1)
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 1)
expect(json_response.first['id']).to eq(
......@@ -744,9 +635,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}/issues", user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['created_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort.reverse)
......@@ -754,9 +644,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?sort=asc", user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['created_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort)
......@@ -764,9 +653,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?order_by=updated_at", user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['updated_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort.reverse)
......@@ -774,9 +662,8 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
get api("#{base_url}/issues?order_by=updated_at&sort=asc", user)
response_dates = { |issue| issue['updated_at'] }
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect_paginated_array_response(size: 3)
expect(response_dates).to eq(response_dates.sort)
......@@ -1457,4 +1344,11 @@ describe API::Issues, api: true do
include_examples 'time tracking endpoints', 'issue'
def expect_paginated_array_response(size: nil)
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(response).to include_pagination_headers
expect(json_response).to be_an Array
expect(json_response.length).to eq(size) if size
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