Commit 83f6888d authored by Alex Buijs's avatar Alex Buijs

Add notification service

For sending in product marketing emails
parent 21b9c2fc
# frozen_string_literal: true
module InProductMarketingHelper
def subject_line(track, series)
create: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Create a project in GitLab in 5 minutes'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Import your project and code from GitHub, Bitbucket and others'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Understand repository mirroring')
verify: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Feel the need for speed?'),
s_('InProductMarketing|3 ways to dive into GitLab CI/CD'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Explore the power of GitLab CI/CD')
trial: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Go farther with GitLab'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Automated security scans directly within GitLab'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Take your source code management to the next level')
team: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Working in GitLab = more efficient'),
s_("InProductMarketing|Multiple owners, confusing workstreams? We've got you covered"),
s_('InProductMarketing|Your teams can be more efficient')
def in_product_marketing_logo(track, series)
inline_image_link('mailers/in_product_marketing', "#{track}-#{series}.png", width: '150')
def about_link(folder, image, width)
link_to inline_image_link(folder, image, { width: width, alt: s_('InProductMarketing|go to') }), ''
def in_product_marketing_tagline(track, series)
create: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Get started today'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Get our import guides'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Need an alternative to importing?')
verify: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Use GitLab CI/CD'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Test, create, deploy'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Are your runners ready?')
trial: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Start a free trial of GitLab Gold – no CC required'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Improve app security with a 30-day trial'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Start with a GitLab Gold free trial')
team: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Invite your colleagues to join in less than one minute'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Get your team set up on GitLab'),
def in_product_marketing_title(track, series)
create: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Take your first steps with GitLab'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Start by importing your projects'),
s_('InProductMarketing|How (and why) mirroring makes sense')
verify: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Rapid development, simplified'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Get started with GitLab CI/CD'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Launch GitLab CI/CD in 20 minutes or less')
trial: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Give us one minute...'),
s_("InProductMarketing|Security that's integrated into your development lifecycle"),
s_('InProductMarketing|Improve code quality and streamline reviews')
team: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Team work makes the dream work'),
s_('InProductMarketing|*GitLab*, noun: a synonym for efficient teams'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Find out how your teams are really doing')
def in_product_marketing_subtitle(track, series)
create: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Dig in and create a project and a repo'),
s_("InProductMarketing|Here's what you need to know"),
s_('InProductMarketing|Try it out')
verify: [
s_('InProductMarketing|How to build and test faster'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Explore the options'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Follow our steps')
trial: [
s_('InProductMarketing|...and you can get a free trial of GitLab Gold'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Try GitLab Gold for free'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Better code in less time')
team: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Actually, GitLab makes the team work (better)'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Our tool brings all the things together'),
s_("InProductMarketing|It's all in the stats")
def in_product_marketing_body_line1(track, series, format: nil)
create: [
s_("InProductMarketing|To understand and get the most out of GitLab, start at the beginning and %{project_link}. In GitLab, repositories are part of a project, so after you've created your project you can go ahead and %{repo_link}.") % { project_link: project_link(format), repo_link: repo_link(format) },
s_("InProductMarketing|Making the switch? It's easier than you think to import your projects into GitLab. Move %{github_link}, or import something %{bitbucket_link}.") % { github_link: github_link(format), bitbucket_link: bitbucket_link(format) },
s_("InProductMarketing|Sometimes you're not ready to make a full transition to a new tool. If you're not ready to fully commit, %{mirroring_link} gives you a safe way to try out GitLab in parallel with your current tool.") % { mirroring_link: mirroring_link(format) }
verify: [
s_("InProductMarketing|Tired of wrestling with disparate tool chains, information silos and inefficient processes? GitLab's CI/CD is built on a DevOps platform with source code management, planning, monitoring and more ready to go. Find out %{ci_link}.") % { ci_link: ci_link(format) },
s_("InProductMarketing|GitLab's CI/CD makes software development easier. Don't believe us? Here are three ways you can take it for a fast (and satisfying) test drive:"),
s_("InProductMarketing|Get going with CI/CD quickly using our %{quick_start_link}. Start with an available runner and then create a CI .yml file – it's really that easy.") % { quick_start_link: quick_start_link(format) }
trial: [
s_("InProductMarketing|GitLab's premium tiers are designed to make you, your team and your application more efficient and more secure with features including but not limited to:"),
s_('InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}Company wide portfolio management%{strong_end} — including multi-level epics, scoped labels').html_safe % strong_options(format),
s_('InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}Multiple approval roles%{strong_end} — including code owners and required merge approvals').html_safe % strong_options(format),
s_('InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}Advanced application security%{strong_end} — including SAST, DAST scanning, FUZZ testing, dependency scanning, license compliance, secrete detection').html_safe % strong_options(format),
s_('InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}Executive level insights%{strong_end} — including reporting on productivity, tasks by type, days to completion, value stream').html_safe % strong_options(format)
], format)
s_('InProductMarketing|GitLab provides static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), container scanning, and dependency scanning to help you deliver secure applications along with license compliance.'),
s_('InProductMarketing|By enabling code owners and required merge approvals the right person will review the right MR. This is a win-win: cleaner code and a more efficient review process.')
team: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Did you know teams that use GitLab are far more efficient?'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Goldman Sachs went from 1 build every two weeks to thousands of builds a day'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Ticketmaster decreased their CI build time by 15X')
], format)
s_("InProductMarketing|We know a thing or two about efficiency and we don't want to keep that to ourselves. Sign up for a free trial of GitLab Gold and your teams will be on it from day one."),
s_('InProductMarketing|Stop wondering and use GitLab to answer questions like:'),
s_('InProductMarketing|How long does it take us to close issues/MRs by types like feature requests, bugs, tech debt, security?'),
s_('InProductMarketing|How many days does it take our team to complete various tasks?'),
s_('InProductMarketing|What does our value stream timeline look like from product to development to review and production?')
], format)
def in_product_marketing_body_line2(track, series, format: nil)
create: [
s_("InProductMarketing|That's all it takes to get going with GitLab, but if you're new to working with Git, check out our %{basics_link} for helpful tips and tricks for getting started.") % { basics_link: basics_link(format) },
s_("InProductMarketing|Have a different instance you'd like to import? Here's our %{import_link}.") % { import_link: import_link(format) },
s_("InProductMarketing|It's also possible to simply %{external_repo_link} in order to take advantage of GitLab's CI/CD.") % { external_repo_link: external_repo_link(format) }
verify: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Start by %{performance_link}').html_safe % { performance_link: performance_link(format) },
s_('InProductMarketing|Move on to easily creating a Pages website %{ci_template_link}').html_safe % { ci_template_link: ci_template_link(format) },
s_('InProductMarketing|And finally %{deploy_link} a Python application.').html_safe % { deploy_link: deploy_link(format) }
], format),
trial: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Start a GitLab Gold trial today in less than one minute, no credit card required.'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Get started today with a 30-day GitLab Gold trial, no credit card required.'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Code owners and required merge approvals are part of the paid tiers of GitLab. You can start a free 30-day trial of GitLab Gold and enable these features in less than 5 minutes with no credit card required.')
team: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Invite your colleagues and start shipping code faster.'),
s_("InProductMarketing|Streamline code review, know at a glance who's unavailable, communicate in comments or in email and integrate with Slack so everyone's on the same page."),
s_('InProductMarketing|When your team is on GitLab these answers are a click away.')
def cta_link(track, series, group, format: nil)
case format
when :html
link_to in_product_marketing_cta_text(track, series), in_product_marketing_cta_link(track, series, group), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
[in_product_marketing_cta_text(track, series), in_product_marketing_cta_link(track, series, group)].join(' >> ')
def in_product_marketing_progress(track, series)
s_('InProductMarketing|This is email %{series} of 3 in the %{track} series.') % { series: series + 1, track: track.to_s.humanize }
def footer_links(format: nil)
links = [
[s_('InProductMarketing|Blog'), ''],
[s_('InProductMarketing|Twitter'), ''],
[s_('InProductMarketing|Facebook'), ''],
[s_('InProductMarketing|YouTube'), '']
case format
when :html do |text, link|
link_to(text, link)
'| ' + do |text, link|
[text, link].join(' ')
end.join("\n| ")
def address(format: nil)
s_('InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}GitLab Inc.%{strong_end} 268 Bush Street, #350, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA').html_safe % strong_options(format)
def unsubscribe(format: nil)
parts = [
s_('InProductMarketing|If you no longer wish to receive marketing emails from us,'),
s_('InProductMarketing|you may %{unsubscribe_link} at any time.') % { unsubscribe_link: unsubscribe_link(format) }
case format
when :html
parts.join(' ')
parts.join("\n" + ' ' * 16)
def in_product_marketing_cta_text(track, series)
create: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Create your first project!'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Master the art of importing!'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Understand your project options')
verify: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Get to know GitLab CI/CD'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Try it yourself'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Explore GitLab CI/CD')
trial: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Start a trial'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Beef up your security'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Go for the gold!')
team: [
s_('InProductMarketing|Invite your colleagues today'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Invite your team in less than 60 seconds'),
s_('InProductMarketing|Invite your team now')
def in_product_marketing_cta_link(track, series, group)
create: [
new_project_url(anchor: 'import_project'),
verify: [
trial: [
team: [
def project_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|create a project'), help_page_url('gitlab-basics/create-project'), format)
def repo_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|set up a repo'), help_page_url('user/project/repository/index', anchor: 'create-a-repository'), format)
def github_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|GitHub Enterprise projects to GitLab'), help_page_url('integration/github'), format)
def bitbucket_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|from Bitbucket'), help_page_url('user/project/import/bitbucket_server'), format)
def mirroring_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|repository mirroring'), help_page_url('user/project/repository/repository_mirroring'), format)
def ci_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|how easy it is to get started'), help_page_url('ci/README'), format)
def performance_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|testing browser performance'), help_page_url('user/project/merge_requests/browser_performance_testing'), format)
def ci_template_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|using a CI/CD template'), help_page_url('user/project/pages/getting_started/pages_ci_cd_template'), format)
def deploy_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|test and deploy'), help_page_url('ci/examples/test-and-deploy-python-application-to-heroku'), format)
def quick_start_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|quick start guide'), help_page_url('ci/quick_start/README'), format)
def basics_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|Git basics'), help_page_url('gitlab-basics/README'), format)
def import_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|comprehensive guide'), help_page_url('user/project/import/index'), format)
def external_repo_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|connect an external repository'), new_project_url(anchor: 'cicd_for_external_repo'), format)
def unsubscribe_link(format)
link(s_('InProductMarketing|unsubscribe'), '%tag_unsubscribe_url%', format)
def link(text, link, format)
case format
when :html
link_to text, link
"#{text} (#{link})"
def list(array, format)
case format
when :html
tag.ul { { |item| concat item} }
'- ' + array.join("\n- ")
def strong_options(format)
case format
when :html
{ strong_start: '<b>'.html_safe, strong_end: '</b>'.html_safe }
{ strong_start: '', strong_end: '' }
def inline_image_link(folder, image, **options)
attachments[image] ="app/assets/images", folder, image))
image_tag attachments[image].url, **options
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Emails
module InProductMarketing
include InProductMarketingHelper
FROM_ADDRESS = 'GitLab <>'.freeze
'X-Mailgun-Track' => 'yes',
'X-Mailgun-Track-Clicks' => 'yes',
'X-Mailgun-Track-Opens' => 'yes',
'X-Mailgun-Tag' => 'marketing'
def in_product_marketing_email(recipient_id, group_id, track, series)
@track = track
@series = series
@group = Group.find(group_id)
email = User.find(recipient_id).notification_email_for(@group)
subject = subject_line(track, series)
mail_to(to: email, subject: subject)
def mail_to(to:, subject:)
mail(to: to, subject: subject, from: FROM_ADDRESS, reply_to: FROM_ADDRESS, **CUSTOM_HEADERS) do |format|
format.html { render layout: nil }
format.text { render layout: nil }
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ class Notify < ApplicationMailer
include Emails::Groups
include Emails::Reviews
include Emails::ServiceDesk
include Emails::InProductMarketing
helper TimeboxesHelper
helper MergeRequestsHelper
......@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ class Notify < ApplicationMailer
helper AvatarsHelper
helper GitlabRoutingHelper
helper IssuablesHelper
helper InProductMarketingHelper
def test_email(recipient_email, subject, body)
mail(to: recipient_email,
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%p{ style: "margin: 0 0 20px 0;" }
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%td{ align: "center", style: "padding: 10px 20px 80px 20px; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', helvetica, arial, sans-serif;" }
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%tr{ style: "background-color: #ffffff;" }
%td{ align: "center", style: "padding:50px 20px 0 20px;" }
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= unsubscribe(format: :html).html_safe
<%= in_product_marketing_tagline(@track, @series) %>
<%= in_product_marketing_title(@track, @series) %>
<%= in_product_marketing_subtitle(@track, @series) %>
<%= in_product_marketing_body_line1(@track, @series) %>
<%= in_product_marketing_body_line2(@track, @series) %>
<%= cta_link(@track, @series, @group) %>
<%= footer_links %>
<%= address %>
<%= unsubscribe %>
......@@ -14964,6 +14964,351 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "In progress"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}Advanced application security%{strong_end} — including SAST, DAST scanning, FUZZ testing, dependency scanning, license compliance, secrete detection"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}Company wide portfolio management%{strong_end} — including multi-level epics, scoped labels"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}Executive level insights%{strong_end} — including reporting on productivity, tasks by type, days to completion, value stream"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}GitLab Inc.%{strong_end} 268 Bush Street, #350, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|%{strong_start}Multiple approval roles%{strong_end} — including code owners and required merge approvals"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|*GitLab*, noun: a synonym for efficient teams"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|...and you can get a free trial of GitLab Gold"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|3 ways to dive into GitLab CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Actually, GitLab makes the team work (better)"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|And finally %{deploy_link} a Python application."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Are your runners ready?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Automated security scans directly within GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Beef up your security"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Better code in less time"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Blog"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|By enabling code owners and required merge approvals the right person will review the right MR. This is a win-win: cleaner code and a more efficient review process."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Code owners and required merge approvals are part of the paid tiers of GitLab. You can start a free 30-day trial of GitLab Gold and enable these features in less than 5 minutes with no credit card required."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Create a project in GitLab in 5 minutes"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Create your first project!"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Did you know teams that use GitLab are far more efficient?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Dig in and create a project and a repo"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Explore GitLab CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Explore the options"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Explore the power of GitLab CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Facebook"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Feel the need for speed?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Find out how your teams are really doing"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Follow our steps"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Get going with CI/CD quickly using our %{quick_start_link}. Start with an available runner and then create a CI .yml file – it's really that easy."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Get our import guides"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Get started today"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Get started today with a 30-day GitLab Gold trial, no credit card required."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Get started with GitLab CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Get to know GitLab CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Get your team set up on GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Git basics"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitHub Enterprise projects to GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab provides static application security testing (SAST), dynamic application security testing (DAST), container scanning, and dependency scanning to help you deliver secure applications along with license compliance."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab's CI/CD makes software development easier. Don't believe us? Here are three ways you can take it for a fast (and satisfying) test drive:"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|GitLab's premium tiers are designed to make you, your team and your application more efficient and more secure with features including but not limited to:"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Give us one minute..."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Go farther with GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Go for the gold!"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Goldman Sachs went from 1 build every two weeks to thousands of builds a day"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Have a different instance you'd like to import? Here's our %{import_link}."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Here's what you need to know"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|How (and why) mirroring makes sense"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|How long does it take us to close issues/MRs by types like feature requests, bugs, tech debt, security?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|How many days does it take our team to complete various tasks?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|How to build and test faster"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|If you no longer wish to receive marketing emails from us,"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Import your project and code from GitHub, Bitbucket and others"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Improve app security with a 30-day trial"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Improve code quality and streamline reviews"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Invite your colleagues and start shipping code faster."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Invite your colleagues to join in less than one minute"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Invite your colleagues today"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Invite your team in less than 60 seconds"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Invite your team now"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|It's all in the stats"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|It's also possible to simply %{external_repo_link} in order to take advantage of GitLab's CI/CD."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Launch GitLab CI/CD in 20 minutes or less"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Making the switch? It's easier than you think to import your projects into GitLab. Move %{github_link}, or import something %{bitbucket_link}."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Master the art of importing!"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Move on to easily creating a Pages website %{ci_template_link}"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Multiple owners, confusing workstreams? We've got you covered"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Need an alternative to importing?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Our tool brings all the things together"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Rapid development, simplified"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Security that's integrated into your development lifecycle"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Sometimes you're not ready to make a full transition to a new tool. If you're not ready to fully commit, %{mirroring_link} gives you a safe way to try out GitLab in parallel with your current tool."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Start a GitLab Gold trial today in less than one minute, no credit card required."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Start a free trial of GitLab Gold – no CC required"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Start a trial"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Start by %{performance_link}"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Start by importing your projects"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Start with a GitLab Gold free trial"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Stop wondering and use GitLab to answer questions like:"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Streamline code review, know at a glance who's unavailable, communicate in comments or in email and integrate with Slack so everyone's on the same page."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Take your first steps with GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Take your source code management to the next level"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Team work makes the dream work"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Test, create, deploy"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|That's all it takes to get going with GitLab, but if you're new to working with Git, check out our %{basics_link} for helpful tips and tricks for getting started."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|This is email %{series} of 3 in the %{track} series."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Ticketmaster decreased their CI build time by 15X"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Tired of wrestling with disparate tool chains, information silos and inefficient processes? GitLab's CI/CD is built on a DevOps platform with source code management, planning, monitoring and more ready to go. Find out %{ci_link}."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|To understand and get the most out of GitLab, start at the beginning and %{project_link}. In GitLab, repositories are part of a project, so after you've created your project you can go ahead and %{repo_link}."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Try GitLab Gold for free"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Try it out"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Try it yourself"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Twitter"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Understand repository mirroring"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Understand your project options"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Use GitLab CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|We know a thing or two about efficiency and we don't want to keep that to ourselves. Sign up for a free trial of GitLab Gold and your teams will be on it from day one."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|What does our value stream timeline look like from product to development to review and production?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|When your team is on GitLab these answers are a click away."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Working in GitLab = more efficient"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|YouTube"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Your teams can be more efficient"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|comprehensive guide"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|connect an external repository"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|create a project"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|from Bitbucket"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|go to"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|how easy it is to get started"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|quick start guide"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|repository mirroring"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|set up a repo"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|test and deploy"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|testing browser performance"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|unsubscribe"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|using a CI/CD template"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|you may %{unsubscribe_link} at any time."
msgstr ""
msgid "Incident"
msgstr ""
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