Commit 86023744 authored by Marin Jankovski's avatar Marin Jankovski

Update changelog-ee.

parent f72a8108
v 7.10.0 (unreleased) v 7.11.1
- Check if comment exists in Jira before sending a reference
v 7.10.0
- Improve UI for next pages: Group LDAP sync, Project git hooks, Project share with groups, Admin -> Appearance settigns - Improve UI for next pages: Group LDAP sync, Project git hooks, Project share with groups, Admin -> Appearance settigns
- Default git hooks for new projects - Default git hooks for new projects
- Fix LDAP group links page by using new group members route. - Fix LDAP group links page by using new group members route.
- Skip email confirmation when updated via LDAP. - Skip email confirmation when updated via LDAP.
v 7.9.0 (unreleased) v 7.9.0
- Strip prefixes and suffixes from synced SSH keys: - Strip prefixes and suffixes from synced SSH keys:
`SSHKey:ssh-rsa keykeykey` and `ssh-rsa keykeykey (SSH key)` will now work `SSHKey:ssh-rsa keykeykey` and `ssh-rsa keykeykey (SSH key)` will now work
- Check if LDAP admin group exists before querying for user membership - Check if LDAP admin group exists before querying for user membership
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