Commit 91939400 authored by Jason Goodman's avatar Jason Goodman Committed by Shinya Maeda

Always return new version feature flags to Unleash clients

Ignore state of feature_flags_new_version feature flag
parent 2d41405b
......@@ -72,13 +72,10 @@ module API
def feature_flags
return [] unless unleash_app_name.present?
flags = Operations::FeatureFlagScope.for_unleash_client(project, unleash_app_name)
legacy_flags = Operations::FeatureFlagScope.for_unleash_client(project, unleash_app_name)
new_version_flags = Operations::FeatureFlag.for_unleash_client(project, unleash_app_name)
if Feature.enabled?(:feature_flags_new_version, project)
flags += Operations::FeatureFlag.for_unleash_client(project, unleash_app_name)
legacy_flags + new_version_flags
......@@ -277,20 +277,6 @@ describe API::Unleash do
context 'with version 2 feature flags' do
it 'does not return any flags when the feature flag is disabled' do
stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false)
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project,
name: 'feature1', active: true, version: 2)
strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'default', parameters: {})
create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: 'production')
get api(features_url), headers: { 'UNLEASH-INSTANCEID' => client.token, 'UNLEASH-APPNAME' => 'production' }
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)
expect(json_response['features']).to eq([])
it 'does not return a flag without any strategies' do
create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project,
name: 'feature1', active: true, version: 2)
......@@ -511,31 +497,6 @@ describe API::Unleash do
context 'when mixing version 1 and version 2 feature flags' do
it 'returns only version 1 flags when the new flags are disabled' do
stub_feature_flags(feature_flags_new_version: false)
feature_flag_a = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project,
name: 'feature_a', active: true, version: 2)
strategy = create(:operations_strategy, feature_flag: feature_flag_a,
name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: 'user8' })
create(:operations_scope, strategy: strategy, environment_scope: 'staging')
feature_flag_b = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project,
name: 'feature_b', active: true, version: 1)
create(:operations_feature_flag_scope, feature_flag: feature_flag_b,
active: true, strategies: [{ name: 'default', parameters: {} }], environment_scope: 'staging')
get api(features_url), headers: { 'UNLEASH-INSTANCEID' => client.token, 'UNLEASH-APPNAME' => 'staging' }
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)
expect(json_response['features'].sort_by {|f| f['name']}).to eq([{
'name' => 'feature_b',
'enabled' => true,
'strategies' => [{
'name' => 'default',
'parameters' => {}
it 'returns both types of flags when both match' do
feature_flag_a = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project,
name: 'feature_a', active: true, version: 2)
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