Commit 91cf0cb2 authored by Fernando's avatar Fernando

Paginate license management and add license search

First pass at license pagination

* Paginate license management client side
* Refactor license list into seperate component

Add string filtering to license names

* Add search input to query on license name

Add add license button

* Refactor add license button to be a slot

Clean up styles and button state logic

* Clean up alignment
* Disable button when dorpdown is open

Remove client side alphabetical sorting

* Let the databse return order by date

Refactor list to use row slot

Further abstract pagination list compnent

Finish refactor of paginated list

* Refactor component into generic paginated list component
* Add additional style tweaks + responsive classes

Run prettier

Update license_management_spec

Run Prettier

Add unit tests for paginated list component

* Refactor template to be valid html (li in ul)
* Add jest unit tests

Add additional unit tests

* Add unit tests around pagination and search states

Add unit tests for filter props

Pretty print, lint, and add changelog

Update po files

Regernate pot file

Backport EE changes

* Update paginated list component
* Update specs and snapshot

Add POT file

Update default copy for pagianted list

* update copy for empty and empty search result states

Update pot file

Backport changes from EE merge request

* Paginaed list component and specs

Backport EE changes

Update paginated list snapshot

Update license management docs and images

Backport paginated-list component from EE

Link to gitlab-ui artifacts job

Match gitlab ui build to EE

Update pot file

Backport Paginated list changes

Set gitlab-ui to temp artifact

Add changelog
parent adeccba1
import { GlPaginatedList } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { PREV, NEXT } from '~/vue_shared/components/pagination/constants';
export default {
components: {
labels: {
prev: PREV,
next: NEXT,
<!-- proxy the slots -->
<template #header>
<slot name="header"></slot>
<template #subheader>
<slot name="subheader"></slot>
<template #default="{ listItem, query }">
<slot :listItem="listItem" :query="query"></slot>
title: Backport and Docs for Paginate license management and add license search
merge_request: 27602
type: changed

13 KB | W: 0px | H: 0px


168 KB | W: 0px | H: 0px

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -262,6 +262,8 @@ To approve or blacklist a license:
navigate to the project's **Settings > CI/CD** and expand the
**License Management** section.
1. Click the **Add a license** button.
![License Management Add License](img/license_management_add_license.png)
1. In the **License name** dropdown, either:
- Select one of the available licenses. You can search for licenses in the field
at the top of the list.
......@@ -270,8 +272,22 @@ To approve or blacklist a license:
1. Select the **Approve** or **Blacklist** radio button to approve or blacklist respectively
the selected license.
To modify an existing license:
1. In the **License Management** list, click the **Approved/Declined** dropdown to change it to the desired status.
![License Management Settings](img/license_management_settings.png)
Searching for Licenses:
1. Use the **Search** box to search for a specific license.
![License Management Search](img/license_management_search.png)
## License Management report under pipelines
> [Introduced](
import PaginatedList from '~/vue_shared/components/paginated_list.vue';
import { PREV, NEXT } from '~/vue_shared/components/pagination/constants';
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
describe('Pagination links component', () => {
let wrapper;
let glPaginatedList;
const template = `
<div class="slot" slot-scope="{ listItem }">
<span class="item">Item Name: {{}}</span>
const props = {
prevText: PREV,
nextText: NEXT,
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = mount(PaginatedList, {
scopedSlots: {
default: template,
propsData: {
list: [{ id: 'foo' }, { id: 'bar' }],
[glPaginatedList] = wrapper.vm.$children;
afterEach(() => {
describe('Paginated List Component', () => {
describe('props', () => {
// We test attrs and not props because we pass through to child component using v-bind:"$attrs"
it('should pass prevText to GitLab UI paginated list', () => {
it('should pass nextText to GitLab UI paginated list', () => {
describe('rendering', () => {
it('it renders the gl-paginated-list', () => {
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