- GitLab 13.6 [introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/263482) better support for [FIPS](https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/fips/140/2/final) by upgrading the `CS_MAJOR_VERSION` from `2` to `3`.
- GitLab 13.6 [introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/263482) better support for
[FIPS](https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/fips/140/2/final) by upgrading the
`CS_MAJOR_VERSION` from `2` to `3`. Version `3` of the `container_scanning` Docker image uses
| `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` | `""` | Bundle of CA certs that you want to trust. See [Using a custom SSL CA certificate authority](#using-a-custom-ssl-ca-certificate-authority) for more details. | Both |
| `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` | `""` | Bundle of CA certs that you want to trust. See [Using a custom SSL CA certificate authority](#using-a-custom-ssl-ca-certificate-authority) for more details. |
| `CLAIR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING` | `postgresql://postgres:password@clair-vulnerabilities-db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable&statement_timeout=60000` | This variable represents the [connection string](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/libpq-connect.html#AEN39692) to the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerability definitions](https://hub.docker.com/r/arminc/clair-db) database. **Do not change this** unless you're running the image locally as described in [Running the standalone container scanning tool](#running-the-standalone-container-scanning-tool). The host value for the connection string must match the [alias](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/898c5da43504eba87b749625da50098d345b60d6/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml#L23) value of the `Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` template file, which defaults to `clair-vulnerabilities-db`. | Klar |
| `CLAIR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING` | `postgresql://postgres:password@clair-vulnerabilities-db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable&statement_timeout=60000` | This variable represents the [connection string](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/libpq-connect.html#AEN39692) to the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerabilities definitions](https://hub.docker.com/r/arminc/clair-db) database and **shouldn't be changed** unless you're running the image locally as described in the [Running the standalone container scanning tool](#running-the-standalone-container-scanning-tool) section. The host value for the connection string must match the [alias](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/898c5da43504eba87b749625da50098d345b60d6/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml#L23) value of the `Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` template file, which defaults to `clair-vulnerabilities-db`. |
| `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE` | `arminc/clair-db:latest` | The Docker image name and tag for the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerability definitions](https://hub.docker.com/r/arminc/clair-db). It can be useful to override this value with a specific version (for example, to provide a consistent set of vulnerabilities for integration testing purposes, or to refer to a locally hosted vulnerability database for an on-premise offline installation). | Klar |
| `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE` | `arminc/clair-db:latest` | The Docker image name and tag for the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerabilities definitions](https://hub.docker.com/r/arminc/clair-db). It can be useful to override this value with a specific version, for example, to provide a consistent set of vulnerabilities for integration testing purposes, or to refer to a locally hosted vulnerabilities database for an on-premise offline installation. |
| `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE_TAG` | `latest` | (**DEPRECATED - use `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE` instead**) The Docker image tag for the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerability definitions](https://hub.docker.com/r/arminc/clair-db). It can be useful to override this value with a specific version (for example, to provide a consistent set of vulnerabilities for integration testing purposes). | Klar |
| `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE_TAG` | `latest` | (**DEPRECATED - use `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE` instead**) The Docker image tag for the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerabilities definitions](https://hub.docker.com/r/arminc/clair-db). It can be useful to override this value with a specific version, for example, to provide a consistent set of vulnerabilities for integration testing purposes. |
| `CLAIR_OUTPUT` | `Unknown` | Severity level threshold. Vulnerabilities with severity level higher than or equal to this threshold are output. Supported levels are `Unknown`, `Negligible`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Critical`, and `Defcon1`. | Klar |
| `CLAIR_OUTPUT` | `Unknown` | Severity level threshold. Vulnerabilities with severity level higher than or equal to this threshold are outputted. Supported levels are `Unknown`, `Negligible`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Critical` and `Defcon1`. |
| `CLAIR_TRACE` | `"false"` | Set to true to enable more verbose output from the Clair server process. | Klar |
| `CLAIR_TRACE` | `"false"` | Set to true to enable more verbose output from the Clair server process. |
| `CLAIR_VULNERABILITIES_DB_URL` | `clair-vulnerabilities-db` | (**DEPRECATED - use `CLAIR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING` instead**) This variable is explicitly set in the [services section](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/898c5da43504eba87b749625da50098d345b60d6/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml#L23) of the `Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` file and defaults to `clair-vulnerabilities-db`. This value represents the address that the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerability definitions](https://hub.docker.com/r/arminc/clair-db) is running on. **Do not change this** unless you're running the image locally as described in [Running the standalone container scanning tool](#running-the-standalone-container-scanning-tool). | Klar |
| `CLAIR_VULNERABILITIES_DB_URL` | `clair-vulnerabilities-db` | (**DEPRECATED - use `CLAIR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING` instead**) This variable is explicitly set in the [services section](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/898c5da43504eba87b749625da50098d345b60d6/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml#L23) of the `Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` file and defaults to `clair-vulnerabilities-db`. This value represents the address that the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerabilities definitions](https://hub.docker.com/r/arminc/clair-db) is running on and **shouldn't be changed** unless you're running the image locally as described in the [Running the standalone container scanning tool](#running-the-standalone-container-scanning-tool) section. |
| `CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` | `$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` | Docker repository URL for the image to be scanned. | Both |
| `CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` | `$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` | Docker repository URL for the image to be scanned. |
| `CI_APPLICATION_TAG` | `$CI_COMMIT_SHA` | Docker repository tag for the image to be scanned. | Both |
| `CI_APPLICATION_TAG` | `$CI_COMMIT_SHA` | Docker repository tag for the image to be scanned. |
| `CS_MAJOR_VERSION` | `3` | The major version of the Docker image tag. |
| `CS_MAJOR_VERSION` | `3` | The major version of the Docker image tag. | Both |
| `DOCKER_IMAGE` | `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY:$CI_APPLICATION_TAG` | The Docker image to be scanned. If set, this variable overrides the `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` and `$CI_APPLICATION_TAG` variables. |
| `CS_PROJECT` | Depends on `$CS_MAJOR_VERSION`. `klar` if `$CS_MAJOR_VERSION` is set to `1`, `2` or `3`, and `container-scanning` otherwise. | Analyzer project to be used. | Both |
| `DOCKER_INSECURE` | `"false"` | Allow [Klar](https://github.com/optiopay/klar) to access secure Docker registries using HTTPS with bad (or self-signed) SSL certificates. |
| `DOCKER_IMAGE` | `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY:$CI_APPLICATION_TAG` | The Docker image to be scanned. If set, this variable overrides the `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` and `$CI_APPLICATION_TAG` variables. | Both |
| `DOCKER_PASSWORD` | `$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` | Password for accessing a Docker registry requiring authentication. |
| `DOCKER_INSECURE` | `"false"` | Allow [Klar](https://github.com/optiopay/klar) to access secure Docker registries using HTTPS with bad (or self-signed) SSL certificates. | Klar |
| `DOCKER_USER` | `$CI_REGISTRY_USER` | Username for accessing a Docker registry requiring authentication. |
| `DOCKER_PASSWORD` | `$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` | Password for accessing a Docker registry requiring authentication. | Klar |
| `DOCKERFILE_PATH` | `Dockerfile` | The path to the `Dockerfile` to be used for generating remediations. By default, the scanner looks for a file named `Dockerfile` in the root directory of the project, so this variable should only be configured if your `Dockerfile` is in a non-standard location, such as a subdirectory. See [Solutions for vulnerabilities](#solutions-for-vulnerabilities-auto-remediation) for more details. |
| `DOCKER_USER` | `$CI_REGISTRY_USER` | Username for accessing a Docker registry requiring authentication. | Klar |
| `KLAR_TRACE` | `"false"` | Set to true to enable more verbose output from Klar. |
| `DOCKERFILE_PATH` | `Dockerfile` | The path to the `Dockerfile` to use for generating remediations. By default, the scanner looks for a file named `Dockerfile` in the root directory of the project. You should configure this variable only if your `Dockerfile` is in a non-standard location, such as a subdirectory. See [Solutions for vulnerabilities](#solutions-for-vulnerabilities-auto-remediation) for more details. | Both |
| `REGISTRY_INSECURE` | `"false"` | Allow [Klar](https://github.com/optiopay/klar) to access insecure registries (HTTP only). Should only be set to `true` when testing the image locally. |
| `KLAR_TRACE` | `"false"` | Set to true to enable more verbose output from Klar. | Klar |
| `SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX` | `"registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers"` | Set the Docker registry base address from which to download the analyzer. |
| `REGISTRY_INSECURE` | `"false"` | Allow [Klar](https://github.com/optiopay/klar) to access insecure registries (HTTP only). Should only be set to `true` when testing the image locally. | Klar |
| `SECURE_LOG_LEVEL` | `info` | Set the minimum logging level. Messages of this logging level or higher are output. From highest to lowest severity, the logging levels are: `fatal`, `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/10880) in GitLab 13.1. |
| `SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX` | `"registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers"` | Set the Docker registry base address from which to download the analyzer. | Both |
| `SECURE_LOG_LEVEL` | `info` | Set the minimum logging level. Messages of this logging level or higher are output. From highest to lowest severity, the logging levels are: `fatal`, `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/10880) in GitLab 13.1. | Both |
| `TRIVY_DEBUG` | `"false"` | Set to true to enable more verbose output from the Trivy process. | Container-Scanning |
### Overriding the container scanning template
### Overriding the container scanning template
If you want to override the job definition (for example, to change properties like `variables`), you
If you want to override the job definition (for example, to change properties like `variables`), you
must declare a `container_scanning` job after the template inclusion, and then
must declare and override a job after the template inclusion, and then
specify any additional keys. For example:
specify any additional keys.
This example sets `GIT_STRATEGY` to `fetch` to be considered by both Klar and Container-Scanning:
This example sets `KLAR_TRACE` to `true`, which is specific to Klar:
This example sets `TRIVY_DEBUG` to `true`, which is specific to Container-Scanning:
GitLab 13.0 and later doesn't support [`only` and `except`](../../../ci/yaml/README.md#onlyexcept-basic).
GitLab 13.0 and later doesn't support [`only` and `except`](../../../ci/yaml/README.md#onlyexcept-basic).
When overriding the template, you must use [`rules`](../../../ci/yaml/README.md#rules)
When overriding the template, you must use [`rules`](../../../ci/yaml/README.md#rules)
### Migrating from Clair to Trivy
If you are currently using Clair and want to migrate to Trivy before GitLab 14.0, you can do so by
taking the following steps:
1. Take the following actions in your CI file:
- Set the variable `CS_MAJOR_VERSION` to `4`. The job scope is global variables, or under `.cs_common`.
- Remove the variable `CS_PROJECT` from your CI file. The job scope is `container_scanning_new`.
Setting this variable to `container-scanning` under the correct scope has the same effect as
removing it from your CI file.
- Remove the `CS_ANALYZER_IMAGE` variable from your CI file. The job scope is `.cs_common`. Note
that instead of overriding this variable, you can use `CS_MAJOR_VERSION`.
1. Remove any variables that are only applicable to Klar. For a complete list of these variables,
see the [available variables](#available-variables).
1. Make any [necessary customizations](#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings) to the
`Container-Scanning` scanner. We strongly recommended that you minimize customizations, as they
might require changes in future GitLab major releases.
Prior to the GitLab 14.0 release, any variable defined under the scope `container_scanning` is not
considered for Container-Scanning. Verify that all variables for the Container-Scanning analyzer are
either defined as a global variable, or under `.cs_common` and `container_scanning_new`.
### Using a custom SSL CA certificate authority
### Using a custom SSL CA certificate authority
You can use the `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` CI/CD variable to configure a custom SSL CA certificate authority, which is used to verify the peer when fetching Docker images from a registry which uses HTTPS. The `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` value should contain the [text representation of the X.509 PEM public-key certificate](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7468#section-5.1). For example, to configure this value in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, use the following:
You can use the `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` CI/CD variable to configure a custom SSL CA certificate authority, which is used to verify the peer when fetching Docker images from a registry which uses HTTPS. The `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` value should contain the [text representation of the X.509 PEM public-key certificate](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7468#section-5.1). For example, to configure this value in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, use the following:
@@ -341,7 +417,13 @@ successfully run. For more information, see [Offline environments](../offline_de
@@ -341,7 +417,13 @@ successfully run. For more information, see [Offline environments](../offline_de
To use container scanning in an offline environment, you need:
To use container scanning in an offline environment, you need:
- GitLab Runner with the [`docker` or `kubernetes` executor](#requirements).
- GitLab Runner with the [`docker` or `kubernetes` executor](#requirements).
- To configure a local Docker container registry with copies of the container scanning [analyzer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/klar) images, found in the [container scanning container registry](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/klar/container_registry).
- To configure a local Docker container registry with copies of the container scanning images. You
can find these images in their respective registries:
The process for importing Docker images into a local offline Docker registry depends on
The process for importing Docker images into a local offline Docker registry depends on
**your network security policy**. Please consult your IT staff to find an accepted and approved
**your network security policy**. Please consult your IT staff to find an accepted and approved
process by which you can import or temporarily access external resources. Note that these scanners
process by which you can import or temporarily access external resources. Note that these scanners
@@ -384,24 +475,36 @@ For details on saving and transporting Docker images as a file, see Docker's doc
@@ -384,24 +475,36 @@ For details on saving and transporting Docker images as a file, see Docker's doc
1.[Override the container scanning template](#overriding-the-container-scanning-template) in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file to refer to the Docker images hosted on your local Docker container registry:
1.[Override the container scanning template](#overriding-the-container-scanning-template) in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file to refer to the Docker images hosted on your local Docker container registry:
The results are stored in `gl-container-scanning-report.json`.
## Reports JSON format
## Reports JSON format
The container scanning tool emits a JSON report file. For more information, see the
The container scanning tool emits a JSON report file. For more information, see the
@@ -467,19 +596,19 @@ Here's an example container scanning report:
@@ -467,19 +596,19 @@ Here's an example container scanning report:
"message":"CVE-2019-3462 in apt",
"message":"CVE-2019-3462 in apt-1.4.8",
"description":"Incorrect sanitation of the 302 redirect field in HTTP transport method of apt versions 1.4.8 and earlier can lead to content injection by a MITM attacker, potentially leading to remote code execution on the target machine.",
"description":"Incorrect sanitation of the 302 redirect field in HTTP transport method of apt versions 1.4.8 and earlier can lead to content injection by a MITM attacker, potentially leading to remote code execution on the target machine.",
"solution":"Upgrade apt from 1.4.8 to 1.4.9",
"solution":"Upgrade apt from 1.4.8 to 1.4.9",
@@ -488,7 +617,7 @@ Here's an example container scanning report:
@@ -488,7 +617,7 @@ Here's an example container scanning report: