exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils issues config shows the iid and title in the menu item within a project context 1`] = `"<small>123456</small> Project context issue title <script>alert('hi')</script>"`;
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils issues config shows the reference and title in the menu item within a group context 1`] = `"<small>gitlab#987654</small> Group context issue title <script>alert('hi')</script>"`;
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils labels config shows the title in the menu item 1`] = `
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils merge requests config shows the iid and title in the menu item within a project context 1`] = `"<small>123456</small> Project context merge request title <script>alert('hi')</script>"`;
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils merge requests config shows the reference and title in the menu item within a group context 1`] = `"<small>gitlab!456789</small> Group context merge request title <script>alert('hi')</script>"`;
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils milestones config shows the title in the menu item 1`] = `"13.2 <script>alert('hi')</script>"`;
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils snippets config shows the id and title in the menu item 1`] = `"<small>123456</small> Snippet title <script>alert('hi')</script>"`;