Commit c17cbfdd authored by Miguel Rincon's avatar Miguel Rincon

Add maintainer suggestions

Refactor to imprvoe readability, replaces regex in favor of startsWith
and make tests more clear by using .each.
parent 6a7fb7d5
import { sanitize, addHook } from 'dompurify';
import { sanitize as dompurifySanitize, addHook } from 'dompurify';
import { getBaseURL, relativePathToAbsolute } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
// Safely allow SVG <use> tags
......@@ -7,27 +7,23 @@ const defaultConfig = {
ADD_TAGS: ['use'],
const getIconUrlsRegex = () => {
const { gon } = window;
// Only icons urls from `gon` are allowed
const getAllowedIconUrls = (gon = window.gon) =>
[gon.sprite_file_icons, gon.sprite_icons].filter(Boolean);
// Only icons urls from `gon` are allowed
const allowed = [gon.sprite_file_icons, gon.sprite_icons]
.map(url => relativePathToAbsolute(url, getBaseURL()))
.filter(url => url);
const isUrlAllowed = url => getAllowedIconUrls().some(allowedUrl => url.startsWith(allowedUrl));
if (allowed.length) {
return allowed.join('|');
const isHrefSafe = url =>
isUrlAllowed(url) || isUrlAllowed(relativePathToAbsolute(url, getBaseURL()));
const removeUnsafeHref = (node, attr) => {
if (!node.hasAttribute(attr)) {
return null; // No urls allowed
const removeUnsafeHref = (node, allowedRegex = null, attr = 'href') => {
if (node.hasAttribute(attr) && !node.getAttribute(attr).match(allowedRegex)) {
const url = relativePathToAbsolute(node.getAttribute(attr), getBaseURL());
if (!url.match(allowedRegex)) {
if (!isHrefSafe(node.getAttribute(attr))) {
......@@ -38,35 +34,20 @@ const removeUnsafeHref = (node, allowedRegex = null, attr = 'href') => {
* <use href="/assets/icons-xxx.svg#icon_name"></use>
* </svg>
* Note: In order to render icons, you should still allow <use>
* when invoking `sanitize`, for example:
* ```
* import { sanitize } from '~/lib/dompurify';
* sanitize(content, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] });
* ```
* @param {Object} node - Node to sanitize
const sanitizeSvgIcons = node => {
const allowed = getIconUrlsRegex();
removeUnsafeHref(node, allowed);
const sanitizeSvgIcon = node => {
removeUnsafeHref(node, 'href');
// Note: `xlink:href` is deprecated
// Note: `xlink:href` is deprecated, but still in use
removeUnsafeHref(node, allowed, 'xlink:href');
removeUnsafeHref(node, 'xlink:href');
addHook('afterSanitizeAttributes', node => {
if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'use') {
const defaultSanitize = (val, config = defaultConfig) => {
return sanitize(val, config);
export { defaultSanitize as sanitize };
export const sanitize = (val, config = defaultConfig) => dompurifySanitize(val, config);
import { sanitize } from '~/lib/dompurify';
// GDK
const localGon = {
const rootGon = {
sprite_file_icons: '/assets/icons-123a.svg',
sprite_icons: '/assets/icons-456b.svg',
......@@ -12,24 +12,40 @@ const absoluteGon = {
sprite_icons: `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/assets/icons-456b.svg`,
const expectedSanitized = '<svg><use></use></svg>';
const safeUrls = {
root: Object.values(rootGon).map(url => `${url}#ellipsis_h`),
absolute: Object.values(absoluteGon).map(url => `${url}#ellipsis_h`),
const unsafeUrls = [
describe('~/lib/dompurify', () => {
let originalGon;
describe('uses local configuration', () => {
it('uses local configuration when given', () => {
// As dompurify uses a "Persistent Configuration", it might
// ignore config, this check verifies we respect
it('no allowed tags', () => {
expect(sanitize('<br/>', { ALLOWED_TAGS: [] })).toBe('');
expect(sanitize('<br>', { ALLOWED_TAGS: [] })).toBe('');
expect(sanitize('<strong></strong>', { ALLOWED_TAGS: [] })).toBe('');
type | gon
${'local'} | ${localGon}
${'root'} | ${rootGon}
${'absolute'} | ${absoluteGon}
`('when gon contains $type icon urls', ({ gon }) => {
`('when gon contains $type icon urls', ({ type, gon }) => {
beforeAll(() => {
originalGon = window.gon;
window.gon = gon;
......@@ -39,67 +55,31 @@ describe('~/lib/dompurify', () => {
window.gon = originalGon;
it('sanitizes icons allowing safe xlink:href sprite_file_icons', () => {
const html = '<svg><use xlink:href="/assets/icons-123a.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>';
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe(
'<svg><use xlink:href="/assets/icons-123a.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>',
it('allows no href attrs', () => {
const htmlHref = `<svg><use></use></svg>`;
it('sanitizes icons allowing safe href sprite_file_icons', () => {
const html = '<svg><use href="/assets/icons-123a.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>';
it.each(safeUrls[type])('allows safe URL %s', url => {
const htmlHref = `<svg><use href="${url}"></use></svg>`;
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe(
'<svg><use href="/assets/icons-123a.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>',
const htmlXlink = `<svg><use xlink:href="${url}"></use></svg>`;
it('sanitizes icons allowing safe href sprite_icons', () => {
const html = '<svg><use href="/assets/icons-456b.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>';
it.each(unsafeUrls)('sanitizes unsafe URL %s', url => {
const htmlHref = `<svg><use href="${url}"></use></svg>`;
const htmlXlink = `<svg><use xlink:href="${url}"></use></svg>`;
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe(
'<svg><use href="/assets/icons-456b.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>',
it('sanitizes icons allowing safe xlink:href sprite_icons', () => {
const html = '<svg><use xlink:href="/assets/icons-456b.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>';
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe(
'<svg><use xlink:href="/assets/icons-456b.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>',
it('sanitizes icons disabling unsafe href paths', () => {
const html = '<svg><use href="/an/evil/url"></use></svg>';
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe('<svg><use></use></svg>');
it('sanitizes icons disabling unsafe xlink:href paths', () => {
const html = '<svg><use xlink:href="/an/evil/url"></use></svg>';
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe('<svg><use></use></svg>');
it('sanitizes icons disabling unsafe href hosts', () => {
const html = '<svg><use href="https://evil.url/assets/icons-123a.svg"></use></svg>';
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe('<svg><use></use></svg>');
it('sanitizes icons disabling unsafe xlink:href hosts', () => {
const html = '<svg><use xlink:href="https://evil.url/assets/icons-123a.svg"></use></svg>';
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe('<svg><use></use></svg>');
describe('when gon does not contain icon urls', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
originalGon = window.gon;
window.gon = {};
......@@ -107,16 +87,12 @@ describe('~/lib/dompurify', () => {
window.gon = originalGon;
it('sanitizes icons disabling all xlink:href values', () => {
const html = '<svg><use xlink:href="/assets/icons-123a.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>';
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe('<svg><use></use></svg>');
it('sanitizes icons disabling all href values', () => {
const html = '<svg><use href="/assets/icons-123a.svg#ellipsis_h"></use></svg>';
it.each([...safeUrls.root, ...safeUrls.absolute, ...unsafeUrls])('sanitizes URL %s', url => {
const htmlHref = `<svg><use href="${url}"></use></svg>`;
const htmlXlink = `<svg><use xlink:href="${url}"></use></svg>`;
expect(sanitize(html, { ADD_TAGS: ['use'] })).toBe('<svg><use></use></svg>');
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