Commit ca083808 authored by Dallas Reedy's avatar Dallas Reedy Committed by Aleksei Lipniagov

Add the Access advanced features. section to the Cross Stage FDM

- Add data for the new section
- Loop over that data to create the cards
- Add the icon illustration SVGs for each card
- Style it all up
- Add the new section to the view specs
parent 32d31e9a
......@@ -307,6 +307,12 @@ to @gitlab/ui by
.gl-lg-grid-template-columns-4 {
@include media-breakpoint-up(lg) {
grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);
.gl-gap-6 {
gap: $gl-spacing-scale-6;
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -17,6 +17,61 @@ module Groups
def cross_stage_fdm_highlighted_features
icon_name: 'epic',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Epics'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Make it easier to collaborate on high-level ideas by grouping related issues in an epic.')
icon_name: 'agile',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Roadmaps'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Visualize your epics and milestones in a timeline.')
icon_name: 'agile',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Scoped labels'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Create well-defined workflows by using scoped labels on issues, merge requests, and epics. Labels with the same scope cannot be used together, which prevents conflicts.')
icon_name: 'chart-line',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Burn up/down charts'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Track completed issues in a chart, so you can see how a milestone is progressing at a glance.')
icon_name: 'merge-request',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Merge request approval rule'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Keep your code quality high by defining who should approve merge requests and how many approvals are required.')
icon_name: 'user',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Code owners'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Define who owns specific files or directories, so the right reviewers are suggested when a merge request introduces changes to those files.')
icon_name: 'chart-bar',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Code review analytics'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Find and fix bottlenecks in your code review process by understanding how long open merge requests have been in review.')
icon_name: 'magnifying-glass',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Multiple required approvers'),
desc: s_("InProductMarketing|Require multiple approvers on a merge request, so you know it's in good shape before it's merged.")
icon_name: 'shield-check',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Dependency scanning'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Find out if your external libraries are safe. Run dependency scanning jobs that check for known vulnerabilities in your external libraries.')
icon_name: 'cloud-check',
title: s_('InProductMarketing|Dynamic application security testing'),
desc: s_('InProductMarketing|Protect your web application by using DAST to examine for vulnerabilities in deployed environments.')
def cross_stage_fdm_value_statements
......@@ -18,6 +18,20 @@
- image_alt = s_('InProductMarketing|Collaboration across stages in GitLab')
= image_tag 'marketing/gitlab-enterprise-header-flow-desktop.png', alt: image_alt, title: image_alt, class: 'gl-w-full' s_('InProductMarketing|Access advanced features.')
- cross_stage_fdm_highlighted_features.each do |value|
.gl-card-body image_tag("illustrations/#{value[:icon_name]}.svg", class: 'gl-w-full') value[:title] value[:desc]
= s_('InProductMarketing|And many more...') s_('InProductMarketing|Speed. Efficiency. Trust.')
......@@ -61,6 +61,18 @@ RSpec.describe Groups::FeatureDiscoveryMomentsHelper do
it { eq({ glm_source: '', glm_content: 'cross_stage_fdm' }) }
describe '#cross_stage_fdm_highlighted_features' do
it 'provides a collection of data in the expected structure' do
expect(helper.cross_stage_fdm_highlighted_features).to all(
icon_name: an_instance_of(String),
title: an_instance_of(String),
desc: an_instance_of(String)
describe '#cross_stage_fdm_value_statements' do
it 'provides a collection of data in the expected structure' do
expect(helper.cross_stage_fdm_value_statements).to all(
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'groups/feature_discovery_moments/advanced_features_dashboard.htm
subject { rendered }
it { have_content(s_('InProductMarketing|Discover Premium & Ultimate.')) }
it { have_content(s_('InProductMarketing|Access advanced features.')) }
it { have_content(s_('InProductMarketing|Speed. Efficiency. Trust.')) }
it 'renders the start a trial CTA', :aggregate_failures do
......@@ -18629,12 +18629,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Access advanced features, build more efficiently, strengthen security and compliance."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Access advanced features."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Actually, GitLab makes the team work (better)"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|And finally %{deploy_link} a Python application."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|And many more..."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Are your runners ready?"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18656,15 +18662,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Break down silos to coordinate seamlessly across development, operations, and security with a consistent experience across the development lifecycle."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Burn up/down charts"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|By enabling code owners and required merge approvals the right person will review the right MR. This is a win-win: cleaner code and a more efficient review process."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Click on the number below that corresponds with your answer — 1 being very difficult, 5 being very easy."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Code owners"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Code owners and required merge approvals are part of the paid tiers of GitLab. You can start a free 30-day trial of GitLab Ultimate and enable these features in less than 5 minutes with no credit card required."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Code review analytics"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Collaboration across stages in GitLab"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18680,12 +18695,21 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Create a project in GitLab in 5 minutes"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Create well-defined workflows by using scoped labels on issues, merge requests, and epics. Labels with the same scope cannot be used together, which prevents conflicts."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Create your first project!"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Define who owns specific files or directories, so the right reviewers are suggested when a merge request introduces changes to those files."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Deliver Better Products Faster"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Dependency scanning"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Did you know teams that use GitLab are far more efficient?"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18707,9 +18731,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Do you have a teammate who would be perfect for this task?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Dynamic application security testing"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Easy"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Epics"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Expand your DevOps journey with a free GitLab trial"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18731,9 +18761,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Feel the need for speed?"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Find and fix bottlenecks in your code review process by understanding how long open merge requests have been in review."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Find out how your teams are really doing"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Find out if your external libraries are safe. Run dependency scanning jobs that check for known vulnerabilities in your external libraries."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Follow our steps"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18863,24 +18899,36 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|It's also possible to simply %{external_repo_link} in order to take advantage of GitLab's CI/CD."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Keep your code quality high by defining who should approve merge requests and how many approvals are required."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Launch GitLab CI/CD in 20 minutes or less"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Lower cost of development"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Make it easier to collaborate on high-level ideas by grouping related issues in an epic."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Making the switch? It's easier than you think to import your projects into GitLab. Move %{github_link}, or import something %{bitbucket_link}."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Master the art of importing!"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Merge request approval rule"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Move on to easily creating a Pages website %{ci_template_link}"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Multiple owners, confusing workstreams? We've got you covered"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Multiple required approvers"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Need an alternative to importing?"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18893,12 +18941,24 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Our tool brings all the things together"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Protect your web application by using DAST to examine for vulnerabilities in deployed environments."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Rapid development, simplified"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Reduce Security & Compliance Risk"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Require multiple approvers on a merge request, so you know it's in good shape before it's merged."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Roadmaps"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Scoped labels"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Security that's integrated into your development lifecycle"
msgstr ""
......@@ -18986,6 +19046,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|To understand and get the most out of GitLab, start at the beginning and %{project_link}. In GitLab, repositories are part of a project, so after you've created your project you can go ahead and %{repo_link}."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Track completed issues in a chart, so you can see how a milestone is progressing at a glance."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Try GitLab Ultimate for free"
msgstr ""
......@@ -19022,6 +19085,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Very easy"
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Visualize your epics and milestones in a timeline."
msgstr ""
msgid "InProductMarketing|Want to host GitLab on your servers?"
msgstr ""
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