-`milestone_id` (optional) - The ID of a milestone to assign issue
-`labels` (optional) - Comma-separated label names for an issue
If the operation is successful, 200 and the newly created issue is returned.
If an error occurs, an error number and a message explaining the reason is returned.
## Edit issue
Updates an existing project issue. This function is also used to mark an issue as closed.
@@ -176,6 +179,9 @@ Parameters:
-`labels` (optional) - Comma-separated label names for an issue
-`state_event` (optional) - The state event of an issue ('close' to close issue and 'reopen' to reopen it)
If the operation is successful, 200 and the updated issue is returned.
If an error occurs, an error number and a message explaining the reason is returned.
## Delete existing issue (**Deprecated**)
The function is deprecated and returns a `405 Method Not Allowed` error if called. An issue gets now closed and is done by calling `PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id` with parameter `closed` set to 1.