<div id=\\"integration-webhook\\" role=\\"group\\" class=\\"form-group gl-form-group\\"><label id=\\"integration-webhook__BV_label_\\" for=\\"integration-webhook\\" class=\\"d-block col-form-label\\">3. Set up webhook</label>
<div class=\\"bv-no-focus-ring\\"><span>Utilize the URL and authorization key below to authorize an external service to send alerts to GitLab. Review your external service's documentation to learn where to add these details, and the <a rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\" target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/incident_management/alert_integrations.html\\" class=\\"gl-link gl-display-inline-block\\">GitLab documentation</a> to learn more about configuring your endpoint.</span> <label class=\\"gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-column gl-mb-0 gl-w-max-content gl-my-4 gl-font-weight-normal\\">
Utilize the URL and authorization key below to authorize an external service to send alerts to GitLab. Review your external service's documentation to learn where to add these details, and the
<div class=\\"bv-no-focus-ring\\"><span>Provide an example payload from the monitoring tool you intend to integrate with. This payload can be used to test the integration (optional).</span> <textarea id=\\"test-payload\\" disabled=\\"disabled\\" placeholder=\\"{ "events": [{ "application": "Name of application" }] }\\" wrap=\\"soft\\" class=\\"gl-form-input gl-form-textarea gl-my-3 form-control is-valid\\" style=\\"resize: none; overflow-y: scroll;\\"></textarea>
class="form-group gl-form-group"
class="d-block col-form-label"
4. Sample alert payload (optional)
Provide an example payload from the monitoring tool you intend to integrate with. This payload can be used to test the integration (optional).