Commit d6f99909 authored by Mycroft Kang's avatar Mycroft Kang

Revise tooltip text of note role badge

parent a69607ef
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ export default {
displayMemberBadgeText() {
return sprintf(__('This user is a %{access} of the %{name} project.'), {
return sprintf(__('This user has the %{access} role in the %{name} project.'), {
access: this.accessLevel.toLowerCase(),
name: this.projectName,
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ module IssuablesHelper
if access =
output << content_tag(:span, access, class: "user-access-role has-tooltip d-none d-xl-inline-block gl-ml-3 ", title: _("This user is a %{access} of the %{name} project.") % { access: access.downcase, name: })
output << content_tag(:span, access, class: "user-access-role has-tooltip d-none d-xl-inline-block gl-ml-3 ", title: _("This user has the %{access} role in the %{name} project.") % { access: access.downcase, name: })
output << content_tag(:span, _("Contributor"), class: "user-access-role has-tooltip d-none d-xl-inline-block gl-ml-3", title: _("This user has previously committed to the %{name} project.") % { name: })
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- if note.noteable_author?(@noteable)
%span{ class: 'note-role user-access-role has-tooltip d-none d-md-inline-block', title: _("This user is the author of this %{noteable}.") % { noteable: @noteable.human_class_name } }= _("Author")
- if access
%span{ class: 'note-role user-access-role has-tooltip', title: _("This user is a %{access} of the %{name} project.") % { access: access.downcase, name: note.project_name } }= access
%span{ class: 'note-role user-access-role has-tooltip', title: _("This user has the %{access} role in the %{name} project.") % { access: access.downcase, name: note.project_name } }= access
- elsif note.contributor?
%span{ class: 'note-role user-access-role has-tooltip', title: _("This user has previously committed to the %{name} project.") % { name: note.project_name } }= _("Contributor")
title: Revise tooltip text of note role badge
merge_request: 42771
author: Mycroft Kang @TaehyeokKang
type: Bug fix
......@@ -26203,7 +26203,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "This user has previously committed to the %{name} project."
msgstr ""
msgid "This user is a %{access} of the %{name} project."
msgid "This user has the %{access} role in the %{name} project."
msgstr ""
msgid "This user is the author of this %{noteable}."
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