Commit e1186959 authored by charlieablett's avatar charlieablett

Make descriptions consistent

For boolean values, as much as possible, try to frame it as
'what does this field do?'

e.g. 'Indicates repository has a Git repository'
parent a5b6245d
......@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@ module Mutations
class Toggle < Base
graphql_name 'ToggleAwardEmoji'
field :toggledOn,
null: false,
description: 'True when the emoji was awarded, false when it was removed'
field :toggledOn, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, null: false,
description: 'Indicates the status of the emoji. ' \
'True if the toggle awarded the emoji, and false if the toggle removed the emoji.'
def resolve(args)
awardable = authorized_find!(id: args[:awardable_id])
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ module Types
field :participants, Types::UserType.connection_type, null: true, complexity: 5,
description: 'List of participants in the issue'
field :subscribed, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, method: :subscribed?, null: false, complexity: 5,
description: 'Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this issue'
description: 'Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue'
field :time_estimate, GraphQL::INT_TYPE, null: false,
description: 'Time estimate of the issue'
field :total_time_spent, GraphQL::INT_TYPE, null: false,
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Types
kword_args = kword_args.reverse_merge(
name: name,
type: GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE,
description: "Whether or not a user can perform `#{name}` on this resource",
description: "Indicates the user can perform `#{name}` on this resource",
null: false)
field(**kword_args) # rubocop:disable Graphql/Descriptions
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module Types
description: 'Timestamp of the project last activity'
field :archived, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, null: true,
description: 'Archived status of the project'
description: 'Indicates the archived status of the project'
field :visibility, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, null: true,
description: 'Visibility of the project'
......@@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ type Epic implements Noteable {
state: EpicState!
Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this epic
Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic
subscribed: Boolean!
......@@ -1984,7 +1984,7 @@ type EpicIssue implements Noteable {
state: IssueState!
Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this issue
Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue
subscribed: Boolean!
......@@ -2089,42 +2089,42 @@ Check permissions for the current user on an epic
type EpicPermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_epic` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_epic` on this resource
adminEpic: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
awardEmoji: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_epic` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_epic` on this resource
createEpic: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
createNote: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_epic` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `destroy_epic` on this resource
destroyEpic: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_epic` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_epic` on this resource
readEpic: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_epic_iid` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_epic_iid` on this resource
readEpicIid: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `update_epic` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `update_epic` on this resource
updateEpic: Boolean!
......@@ -2553,7 +2553,7 @@ type Group {
type GroupPermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `read_group` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_group` on this resource
readGroup: Boolean!
......@@ -2784,7 +2784,7 @@ type Issue implements Noteable {
state: IssueState!
Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this issue
Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue
subscribed: Boolean!
......@@ -2889,42 +2889,42 @@ Check permissions for the current user on a issue
type IssuePermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_issue` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_issue` on this resource
adminIssue: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_design` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_design` on this resource
createDesign: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
createNote: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource
destroyDesign: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_design` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_design` on this resource
readDesign: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_issue` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_issue` on this resource
readIssue: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `reopen_issue` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `reopen_issue` on this resource
reopenIssue: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `update_issue` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `update_issue` on this resource
updateIssue: Boolean!
......@@ -3682,42 +3682,42 @@ Check permissions for the current user on a merge request
type MergeRequestPermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_merge_request` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_merge_request` on this resource
adminMergeRequest: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `cherry_pick_on_current_merge_request` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `cherry_pick_on_current_merge_request` on this resource
cherryPickOnCurrentMergeRequest: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
createNote: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `push_to_source_branch` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `push_to_source_branch` on this resource
pushToSourceBranch: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource
readMergeRequest: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `remove_source_branch` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `remove_source_branch` on this resource
removeSourceBranch: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `revert_on_current_merge_request` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `revert_on_current_merge_request` on this resource
revertOnCurrentMergeRequest: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `update_merge_request` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `update_merge_request` on this resource
updateMergeRequest: Boolean!
......@@ -4330,27 +4330,27 @@ type NoteEdge {
type NotePermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_note` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_note` on this resource
adminNote: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
awardEmoji: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
createNote: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_note` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_note` on this resource
readNote: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `resolve_note` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `resolve_note` on this resource
resolveNote: Boolean!
......@@ -4542,17 +4542,17 @@ type PipelineEdge {
type PipelinePermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_pipeline` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_pipeline` on this resource
adminPipeline: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_pipeline` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `destroy_pipeline` on this resource
destroyPipeline: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `update_pipeline` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `update_pipeline` on this resource
updatePipeline: Boolean!
......@@ -4573,7 +4573,7 @@ enum PipelineStatusEnum {
type Project {
Archived status of the project
Indicates the archived status of the project
archived: Boolean
......@@ -5108,207 +5108,207 @@ type ProjectEdge {
type ProjectPermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_operations` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_operations` on this resource
adminOperations: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_project` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_project` on this resource
adminProject: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_remote_mirror` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_remote_mirror` on this resource
adminRemoteMirror: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_wiki` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_wiki` on this resource
adminWiki: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `archive_project` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `archive_project` on this resource
archiveProject: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `change_namespace` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `change_namespace` on this resource
changeNamespace: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `change_visibility_level` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `change_visibility_level` on this resource
changeVisibilityLevel: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_deployment` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_deployment` on this resource
createDeployment: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_design` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_design` on this resource
createDesign: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_issue` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_issue` on this resource
createIssue: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_label` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_label` on this resource
createLabel: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_merge_request_from` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_merge_request_from` on this resource
createMergeRequestFrom: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_merge_request_in` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_merge_request_in` on this resource
createMergeRequestIn: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_pages` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_pages` on this resource
createPages: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_pipeline` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_pipeline` on this resource
createPipeline: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_pipeline_schedule` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_pipeline_schedule` on this resource
createPipelineSchedule: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource
createSnippet: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_wiki` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_wiki` on this resource
createWiki: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource
destroyDesign: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_pages` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `destroy_pages` on this resource
destroyPages: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_wiki` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `destroy_wiki` on this resource
destroyWiki: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `download_code` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `download_code` on this resource
downloadCode: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `download_wiki_code` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `download_wiki_code` on this resource
downloadWikiCode: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `fork_project` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `fork_project` on this resource
forkProject: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `push_code` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `push_code` on this resource
pushCode: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `push_to_delete_protected_branch` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `push_to_delete_protected_branch` on this resource
pushToDeleteProtectedBranch: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_commit_status` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_commit_status` on this resource
readCommitStatus: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_cycle_analytics` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_cycle_analytics` on this resource
readCycleAnalytics: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_design` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_design` on this resource
readDesign: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_pages_content` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_pages_content` on this resource
readPagesContent: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_project` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_project` on this resource
readProject: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_project_member` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_project_member` on this resource
readProjectMember: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_wiki` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_wiki` on this resource
readWiki: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `remove_fork_project` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `remove_fork_project` on this resource
removeForkProject: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `remove_pages` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `remove_pages` on this resource
removePages: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `remove_project` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `remove_project` on this resource
removeProject: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `rename_project` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `rename_project` on this resource
renameProject: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `request_access` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `request_access` on this resource
requestAccess: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `update_pages` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `update_pages` on this resource
updatePages: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `update_wiki` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `update_wiki` on this resource
updateWiki: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `upload_file` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `upload_file` on this resource
uploadFile: Boolean!
......@@ -5872,32 +5872,32 @@ type SnippetEdge {
type SnippetPermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `admin_snippet` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `admin_snippet` on this resource
adminSnippet: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource
awardEmoji: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource
createNote: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `read_snippet` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `read_snippet` on this resource
readSnippet: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `report_snippet` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `report_snippet` on this resource
reportSnippet: Boolean!
Whether or not a user can perform `update_snippet` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `update_snippet` on this resource
updateSnippet: Boolean!
......@@ -6323,7 +6323,7 @@ type ToggleAwardEmojiPayload {
errors: [String!]!
True when the emoji was awarded, false when it was removed
Indicates the status of the emoji. True if the toggle awarded the emoji, and false if the toggle removed the emoji.
toggledOn: Boolean!
......@@ -6836,7 +6836,7 @@ type UserEdge {
type UserPermissions {
Whether or not a user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource
Indicates the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource
createSnippet: Boolean!
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "archived",
"description": "Archived status of the project",
"description": "Indicates the archived status of the project",
"args": [
......@@ -1586,7 +1586,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "adminOperations",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_operations` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_operations` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1604,7 +1604,7 @@
"name": "adminProject",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_project` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_project` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@
"name": "adminRemoteMirror",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_remote_mirror` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_remote_mirror` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@
"name": "adminWiki",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_wiki` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_wiki` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@
"name": "archiveProject",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `archive_project` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `archive_project` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@
"name": "changeNamespace",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `change_namespace` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `change_namespace` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1694,7 +1694,7 @@
"name": "changeVisibilityLevel",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `change_visibility_level` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `change_visibility_level` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@
"name": "createDeployment",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_deployment` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_deployment` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@
"name": "createDesign",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_design` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_design` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1748,7 +1748,7 @@
"name": "createIssue",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_issue` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_issue` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1766,7 +1766,7 @@
"name": "createLabel",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_label` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_label` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1784,7 +1784,7 @@
"name": "createMergeRequestFrom",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_merge_request_from` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_merge_request_from` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1802,7 +1802,7 @@
"name": "createMergeRequestIn",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_merge_request_in` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_merge_request_in` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1820,7 +1820,7 @@
"name": "createPages",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_pages` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_pages` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1838,7 +1838,7 @@
"name": "createPipeline",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_pipeline` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_pipeline` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@
"name": "createPipelineSchedule",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_pipeline_schedule` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_pipeline_schedule` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@
"name": "createSnippet",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1892,7 +1892,7 @@
"name": "createWiki",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_wiki` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_wiki` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1910,7 +1910,7 @@
"name": "destroyDesign",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1928,7 +1928,7 @@
"name": "destroyPages",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_pages` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `destroy_pages` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@
"name": "destroyWiki",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_wiki` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `destroy_wiki` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1964,7 +1964,7 @@
"name": "downloadCode",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `download_code` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `download_code` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@
"name": "downloadWikiCode",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `download_wiki_code` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `download_wiki_code` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2000,7 +2000,7 @@
"name": "forkProject",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `fork_project` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `fork_project` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@
"name": "pushCode",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `push_code` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `push_code` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@
"name": "pushToDeleteProtectedBranch",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `push_to_delete_protected_branch` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `push_to_delete_protected_branch` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2054,7 +2054,7 @@
"name": "readCommitStatus",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_commit_status` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_commit_status` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@
"name": "readCycleAnalytics",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_cycle_analytics` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_cycle_analytics` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@
"name": "readDesign",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_design` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_design` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@
"name": "readPagesContent",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_pages_content` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_pages_content` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@
"name": "readProject",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_project` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_project` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2144,7 +2144,7 @@
"name": "readProjectMember",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_project_member` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_project_member` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2162,7 +2162,7 @@
"name": "readWiki",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_wiki` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_wiki` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@
"name": "removeForkProject",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `remove_fork_project` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `remove_fork_project` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2198,7 +2198,7 @@
"name": "removePages",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `remove_pages` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `remove_pages` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2216,7 +2216,7 @@
"name": "removeProject",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `remove_project` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `remove_project` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2234,7 +2234,7 @@
"name": "renameProject",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `rename_project` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `rename_project` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@
"name": "requestAccess",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `request_access` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `request_access` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2270,7 +2270,7 @@
"name": "updatePages",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `update_pages` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `update_pages` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2288,7 +2288,7 @@
"name": "updateWiki",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `update_wiki` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `update_wiki` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -2306,7 +2306,7 @@
"name": "uploadFile",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `upload_file` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `upload_file` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -3640,7 +3640,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "readGroup",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_group` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_group` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -4484,7 +4484,7 @@
"name": "subscribed",
"description": "Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this epic",
"description": "Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic",
"args": [
......@@ -5128,7 +5128,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "adminNote",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_note` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_note` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -5146,7 +5146,7 @@
"name": "awardEmoji",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -5164,7 +5164,7 @@
"name": "createNote",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -5182,7 +5182,7 @@
"name": "readNote",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_note` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_note` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -5200,7 +5200,7 @@
"name": "resolveNote",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `resolve_note` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `resolve_note` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -5590,7 +5590,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "createSnippet",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -6732,7 +6732,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "adminSnippet",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_snippet` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_snippet` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -6750,7 +6750,7 @@
"name": "awardEmoji",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -6768,7 +6768,7 @@
"name": "createNote",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -6786,7 +6786,7 @@
"name": "readSnippet",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_snippet` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_snippet` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -6804,7 +6804,7 @@
"name": "reportSnippet",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `report_snippet` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `report_snippet` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -6822,7 +6822,7 @@
"name": "updateSnippet",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `update_snippet` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `update_snippet` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -7203,7 +7203,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "adminEpic",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_epic` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_epic` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -7221,7 +7221,7 @@
"name": "awardEmoji",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -7239,7 +7239,7 @@
"name": "createEpic",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_epic` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_epic` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -7257,7 +7257,7 @@
"name": "createNote",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -7275,7 +7275,7 @@
"name": "destroyEpic",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_epic` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `destroy_epic` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -7293,7 +7293,7 @@
"name": "readEpic",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_epic` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_epic` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -7311,7 +7311,7 @@
"name": "readEpicIid",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_epic_iid` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_epic_iid` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -7329,7 +7329,7 @@
"name": "updateEpic",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `update_epic` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `update_epic` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -8583,7 +8583,7 @@
"name": "subscribed",
"description": "Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this issue",
"description": "Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue",
"args": [
......@@ -8826,7 +8826,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "adminIssue",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_issue` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_issue` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -8844,7 +8844,7 @@
"name": "createDesign",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_design` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_design` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -8862,7 +8862,7 @@
"name": "createNote",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -8880,7 +8880,7 @@
"name": "destroyDesign",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -8898,7 +8898,7 @@
"name": "readDesign",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_design` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_design` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -8916,7 +8916,7 @@
"name": "readIssue",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_issue` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_issue` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -8934,7 +8934,7 @@
"name": "reopenIssue",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `reopen_issue` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `reopen_issue` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -8952,7 +8952,7 @@
"name": "updateIssue",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `update_issue` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `update_issue` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -9967,7 +9967,7 @@
"name": "subscribed",
"description": "Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this issue",
"description": "Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue",
"args": [
......@@ -12270,7 +12270,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "adminPipeline",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_pipeline` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_pipeline` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -12288,7 +12288,7 @@
"name": "destroyPipeline",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_pipeline` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `destroy_pipeline` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -12306,7 +12306,7 @@
"name": "updatePipeline",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `update_pipeline` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `update_pipeline` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -14814,7 +14814,7 @@
"fields": [
"name": "adminMergeRequest",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `admin_merge_request` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `admin_merge_request` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -14832,7 +14832,7 @@
"name": "cherryPickOnCurrentMergeRequest",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `cherry_pick_on_current_merge_request` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `cherry_pick_on_current_merge_request` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -14850,7 +14850,7 @@
"name": "createNote",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -14868,7 +14868,7 @@
"name": "pushToSourceBranch",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `push_to_source_branch` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `push_to_source_branch` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -14886,7 +14886,7 @@
"name": "readMergeRequest",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -14904,7 +14904,7 @@
"name": "removeSourceBranch",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `remove_source_branch` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `remove_source_branch` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -14922,7 +14922,7 @@
"name": "revertOnCurrentMergeRequest",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `revert_on_current_merge_request` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `revert_on_current_merge_request` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -14940,7 +14940,7 @@
"name": "updateMergeRequest",
"description": "Whether or not a user can perform `update_merge_request` on this resource",
"description": "Indicates the user can perform `update_merge_request` on this resource",
"args": [
......@@ -16954,7 +16954,7 @@
"name": "toggledOn",
"description": "True when the emoji was awarded, false when it was removed",
"description": "Indicates the status of the emoji. True if the toggle awarded the emoji, and false if the toggle removed the emoji.",
"args": [
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| `relativePosition` | Int | The relative position of the epic in the epic tree |
| `relationPath` | String | |
| `reference` | String! | |
| `subscribed` | Boolean! | Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this epic |
| `subscribed` | Boolean! | Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic |
| `descendantCounts` | EpicDescendantCount | Number of open and closed descendant epics and issues |
### EpicDescendantCount
......@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| `webPath` | String! | Web path of the issue |
| `webUrl` | String! | Web URL of the issue |
| `relativePosition` | Int | Relative position of the issue (used for positioning in epic tree and issue boards) |
| `subscribed` | Boolean! | Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this issue |
| `subscribed` | Boolean! | Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue |
| `timeEstimate` | Int! | Time estimate of the issue |
| `totalTimeSpent` | Int! | Total time reported as spent on the issue |
| `closedAt` | Time | Timestamp of when the issue was closed |
......@@ -293,14 +293,14 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `readEpic` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_epic` on this resource |
| `readEpicIid` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_epic_iid` on this resource |
| `updateEpic` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `update_epic` on this resource |
| `destroyEpic` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_epic` on this resource |
| `adminEpic` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_epic` on this resource |
| `createEpic` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_epic` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `awardEmoji` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource |
| `readEpic` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_epic` on this resource |
| `readEpicIid` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_epic_iid` on this resource |
| `updateEpic` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `update_epic` on this resource |
| `destroyEpic` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `destroy_epic` on this resource |
| `adminEpic` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_epic` on this resource |
| `createEpic` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_epic` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `awardEmoji` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource |
### EpicSetSubscriptionPayload
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `readGroup` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_group` on this resource |
| `readGroup` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_group` on this resource |
### Issue
......@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| `webPath` | String! | Web path of the issue |
| `webUrl` | String! | Web URL of the issue |
| `relativePosition` | Int | Relative position of the issue (used for positioning in epic tree and issue boards) |
| `subscribed` | Boolean! | Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this issue |
| `subscribed` | Boolean! | Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue |
| `timeEstimate` | Int! | Time estimate of the issue |
| `totalTimeSpent` | Int! | Total time reported as spent on the issue |
| `closedAt` | Time | Timestamp of when the issue was closed |
......@@ -385,14 +385,14 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `readIssue` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_issue` on this resource |
| `adminIssue` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_issue` on this resource |
| `updateIssue` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `update_issue` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `reopenIssue` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `reopen_issue` on this resource |
| `readDesign` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_design` on this resource |
| `createDesign` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_design` on this resource |
| `destroyDesign` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource |
| `readIssue` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_issue` on this resource |
| `adminIssue` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_issue` on this resource |
| `updateIssue` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `update_issue` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `reopenIssue` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `reopen_issue` on this resource |
| `readDesign` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_design` on this resource |
| `createDesign` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_design` on this resource |
| `destroyDesign` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource |
### IssueSetConfidentialPayload
......@@ -495,14 +495,14 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `readMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource |
| `adminMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_merge_request` on this resource |
| `updateMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `update_merge_request` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `pushToSourceBranch` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `push_to_source_branch` on this resource |
| `removeSourceBranch` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `remove_source_branch` on this resource |
| `cherryPickOnCurrentMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `cherry_pick_on_current_merge_request` on this resource |
| `revertOnCurrentMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `revert_on_current_merge_request` on this resource |
| `readMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_merge_request` on this resource |
| `adminMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_merge_request` on this resource |
| `updateMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `update_merge_request` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `pushToSourceBranch` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `push_to_source_branch` on this resource |
| `removeSourceBranch` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `remove_source_branch` on this resource |
| `cherryPickOnCurrentMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `cherry_pick_on_current_merge_request` on this resource |
| `revertOnCurrentMergeRequest` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `revert_on_current_merge_request` on this resource |
### MergeRequestSetAssigneesPayload
......@@ -611,11 +611,11 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `readNote` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_note` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `adminNote` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_note` on this resource |
| `resolveNote` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `resolve_note` on this resource |
| `awardEmoji` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource |
| `readNote` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_note` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `adminNote` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_note` on this resource |
| `resolveNote` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `resolve_note` on this resource |
| `awardEmoji` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource |
### PageInfo
......@@ -649,9 +649,9 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `updatePipeline` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `update_pipeline` on this resource |
| `adminPipeline` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_pipeline` on this resource |
| `destroyPipeline` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_pipeline` on this resource |
| `updatePipeline` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `update_pipeline` on this resource |
| `adminPipeline` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_pipeline` on this resource |
| `destroyPipeline` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `destroy_pipeline` on this resource |
### Project
......@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| `forksCount` | Int! | Number of times the project has been forked |
| `createdAt` | Time | Timestamp of the project creation |
| `lastActivityAt` | Time | Timestamp of the project last activity |
| `archived` | Boolean | Archived status of the project |
| `archived` | Boolean | Indicates the archived status of the project |
| `visibility` | String | Visibility of the project |
| `containerRegistryEnabled` | Boolean | Indicates if the project stores Docker container images in a container registry |
| `sharedRunnersEnabled` | Boolean | Indicates if shared runners are enabled on the project |
......@@ -707,47 +707,47 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `changeNamespace` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `change_namespace` on this resource |
| `changeVisibilityLevel` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `change_visibility_level` on this resource |
| `renameProject` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `rename_project` on this resource |
| `removeProject` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `remove_project` on this resource |
| `archiveProject` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `archive_project` on this resource |
| `removeForkProject` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `remove_fork_project` on this resource |
| `removePages` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `remove_pages` on this resource |
| `readProject` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_project` on this resource |
| `createMergeRequestIn` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_merge_request_in` on this resource |
| `readWiki` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_wiki` on this resource |
| `readProjectMember` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_project_member` on this resource |
| `createIssue` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_issue` on this resource |
| `uploadFile` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `upload_file` on this resource |
| `readCycleAnalytics` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_cycle_analytics` on this resource |
| `downloadCode` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `download_code` on this resource |
| `downloadWikiCode` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `download_wiki_code` on this resource |
| `forkProject` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `fork_project` on this resource |
| `readCommitStatus` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_commit_status` on this resource |
| `requestAccess` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `request_access` on this resource |
| `createPipeline` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_pipeline` on this resource |
| `createPipelineSchedule` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_pipeline_schedule` on this resource |
| `createMergeRequestFrom` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_merge_request_from` on this resource |
| `createWiki` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_wiki` on this resource |
| `pushCode` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `push_code` on this resource |
| `createDeployment` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_deployment` on this resource |
| `pushToDeleteProtectedBranch` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `push_to_delete_protected_branch` on this resource |
| `adminWiki` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_wiki` on this resource |
| `adminProject` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_project` on this resource |
| `updatePages` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `update_pages` on this resource |
| `adminRemoteMirror` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_remote_mirror` on this resource |
| `createLabel` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_label` on this resource |
| `updateWiki` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `update_wiki` on this resource |
| `destroyWiki` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_wiki` on this resource |
| `createPages` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_pages` on this resource |
| `destroyPages` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_pages` on this resource |
| `readPagesContent` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_pages_content` on this resource |
| `adminOperations` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_operations` on this resource |
| `createSnippet` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource |
| `readDesign` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_design` on this resource |
| `createDesign` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_design` on this resource |
| `destroyDesign` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource |
| `changeNamespace` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `change_namespace` on this resource |
| `changeVisibilityLevel` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `change_visibility_level` on this resource |
| `renameProject` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `rename_project` on this resource |
| `removeProject` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `remove_project` on this resource |
| `archiveProject` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `archive_project` on this resource |
| `removeForkProject` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `remove_fork_project` on this resource |
| `removePages` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `remove_pages` on this resource |
| `readProject` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_project` on this resource |
| `createMergeRequestIn` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_merge_request_in` on this resource |
| `readWiki` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_wiki` on this resource |
| `readProjectMember` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_project_member` on this resource |
| `createIssue` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_issue` on this resource |
| `uploadFile` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `upload_file` on this resource |
| `readCycleAnalytics` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_cycle_analytics` on this resource |
| `downloadCode` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `download_code` on this resource |
| `downloadWikiCode` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `download_wiki_code` on this resource |
| `forkProject` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `fork_project` on this resource |
| `readCommitStatus` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_commit_status` on this resource |
| `requestAccess` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `request_access` on this resource |
| `createPipeline` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_pipeline` on this resource |
| `createPipelineSchedule` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_pipeline_schedule` on this resource |
| `createMergeRequestFrom` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_merge_request_from` on this resource |
| `createWiki` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_wiki` on this resource |
| `pushCode` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `push_code` on this resource |
| `createDeployment` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_deployment` on this resource |
| `pushToDeleteProtectedBranch` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `push_to_delete_protected_branch` on this resource |
| `adminWiki` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_wiki` on this resource |
| `adminProject` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_project` on this resource |
| `updatePages` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `update_pages` on this resource |
| `adminRemoteMirror` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_remote_mirror` on this resource |
| `createLabel` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_label` on this resource |
| `updateWiki` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `update_wiki` on this resource |
| `destroyWiki` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `destroy_wiki` on this resource |
| `createPages` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_pages` on this resource |
| `destroyPages` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `destroy_pages` on this resource |
| `readPagesContent` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_pages_content` on this resource |
| `adminOperations` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_operations` on this resource |
| `createSnippet` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource |
| `readDesign` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_design` on this resource |
| `createDesign` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_design` on this resource |
| `destroyDesign` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `destroy_design` on this resource |
### ProjectStatistics
......@@ -845,12 +845,12 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `awardEmoji` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource |
| `readSnippet` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `read_snippet` on this resource |
| `updateSnippet` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `update_snippet` on this resource |
| `adminSnippet` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `admin_snippet` on this resource |
| `reportSnippet` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `report_snippet` on this resource |
| `createNote` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_note` on this resource |
| `awardEmoji` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `award_emoji` on this resource |
| `readSnippet` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `read_snippet` on this resource |
| `updateSnippet` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `update_snippet` on this resource |
| `adminSnippet` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `admin_snippet` on this resource |
| `reportSnippet` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `report_snippet` on this resource |
### Submodule
......@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| `clientMutationId` | String | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
| `errors` | String! => Array | Reasons why the mutation failed. |
| `awardEmoji` | AwardEmoji | The award emoji after mutation |
| `toggledOn` | Boolean! | True when the emoji was awarded, false when it was removed |
| `toggledOn` | Boolean! | Indicates the status of the emoji. True if the toggle awarded the emoji, and false if the toggle removed the emoji. |
### Tree
......@@ -984,4 +984,4 @@ The API can be explored interactively using the [GraphiQL IDE](../
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `createSnippet` | Boolean! | Whether or not a user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource |
| `createSnippet` | Boolean! | Indicates the user can perform `create_snippet` on this resource |
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class MergeRequestPermissionsType < BasePermissionType
abilities :admin_merge_request, :update_merge_request, :create_note
ability_field :resolve_note,
description: 'Whether or not the user can resolve disussions on the merge request'
description: 'Indicates the user can resolve discussions on the merge request'
permission_field :push_to_source_branch, method: :can_push_to_source_branch?
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ module Types
method: :subscribed?,
null: false,
complexity: 5,
description: 'Boolean flag for whether the currently logged in user is subscribed to this epic'
description: 'Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the epic'
field :issues,
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