When the discussion of an issue or a merge request is locked only team members can write new comments and edit the old ones.
### Modifying discussion lock
To lock or unlock a dicsussion, find the Lock section in the sidebar and click **Edit**. A popup should appear and give you the option to turn on or turn off the discussion lock.
| Turn off discussion lock | Turn on discussion lock |
| :-----------: | :----------: |
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Every change is indicated by a system note in the issue's or merge request's comments.

### Indications of locked issues or merge requests
While you are inside the locked issue or merge request and you are a project team member you can see an indicator in the comment form that the issue or merge request is locked.
If you are not a team member you won't see the comment form but only the information that the dicussion is locked.
| Team member | Not a member |
| :-----------: | :----------: |
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