Commit eea8dff9 authored by Michael Kozono's avatar Michael Kozono

Add new metrics to documentation

parent 63307438
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ server, because the embedded server configuration is overwritten once every
In this experimental phase, only a few metrics are available:
| Metric | Type | Since | Description |
|:--------------------------------- |:--------- |:----- |:----------- |
|:--------------------------------------------- |:--------- |:----- |:----------- |
| db_ping_timeout | Gauge | 9.4 | Whether or not the last database ping timed out |
| db_ping_success | Gauge | 9.4 | Whether or not the last database ping succeeded |
| db_ping_latency_seconds | Gauge | 9.4 | Round trip time of the database ping |
......@@ -46,8 +46,9 @@ In this experimental phase, only a few metrics are available:
| redis_ping_latency_seconds | Gauge | 9.4 | Round trip time of the redis ping |
| user_session_logins_total | Counter | 9.4 | Counter of how many users have logged in |
| filesystem_circuitbreaker_latency_seconds | Gauge | 9.5 | Time spent validating if a storage is accessible |
| filesystem_circuitbreaker | Gauge | 9.5 | Wether or not the circuit for a certain shard is broken or not |
| filesystem_circuitbreaker | Gauge | 9.5 | Whether or not the circuit for a certain shard is broken or not |
| circuitbreaker_storage_check_duration_seconds | Histogram | 10.3 | Time a single storage probe took |
| upload_file_does_not_exist | Counter | 10.7 | Number of times an upload record could not find its file |
## Sidekiq Metrics available
......@@ -55,23 +56,26 @@ Sidekiq jobs may also gather metrics, and these metrics can be accessed if the S
the `monitoring.sidekiq_exporter` configuration option in `gitlab.yml`.
| Metric | Type | Since | Description | Labels |
|:--------------------------------- |:--------- |:----- |:----------- |:------ |
|geo_db_replication_lag_seconds | Gauge | 10.2 | Database replication lag (seconds) | url
|geo_repositories | Gauge | 10.2 | Total number of repositories available on primary | url
|geo_repositories_synced | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of repositories synced on secondary | url
|geo_repositories_failed | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of repositories failed to sync on secondary | url
|geo_lfs_objects | Gauge | 10.2 | Total number of LFS objects available on primary | url
|geo_lfs_objects_synced | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of LFS objects synced on secondary | url
|geo_lfs_objects_failed | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of LFS objects failed to sync on secondary | url
|geo_attachments | Gauge | 10.2 | Total number of file attachments available on primary | url
|geo_attachments_synced | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of attachments synced on secondary | url
|geo_attachments_failed | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of attachments failed to sync on secondary | url
|geo_last_event_id | Gauge | 10.2 | Database ID of the latest event log entry on the primary | url
|geo_last_event_timestamp | Gauge | 10.2 | UNIX timestamp of the latest event log entry on the primary | url
|geo_cursor_last_event_id | Gauge | 10.2 | Last database ID of the event log processed by the secondary | url
|geo_cursor_last_event_timestamp | Gauge | 10.2 | Last UNIX timestamp of the event log processed by the secondary | url
|geo_status_failed_total | Counter | 10.2 | Number of times retrieving the status from the Geo Node failed | url
|geo_last_successful_status_check_timestamp | Gauge | Last timestamp when the status was successfully updated | url
|:------------------------------------------- |:------- |:----- |:----------- |:------ |
| geo_db_replication_lag_seconds | Gauge | 10.2 | Database replication lag (seconds) | url
| geo_repositories | Gauge | 10.2 | Total number of repositories available on primary | url
| geo_repositories_synced | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of repositories synced on secondary | url
| geo_repositories_failed | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of repositories failed to sync on secondary | url
| geo_lfs_objects | Gauge | 10.2 | Total number of LFS objects available on primary | url
| geo_lfs_objects_synced | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of LFS objects synced on secondary | url
| geo_lfs_objects_failed | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of LFS objects failed to sync on secondary | url
| geo_attachments | Gauge | 10.2 | Total number of file attachments available on primary | url
| geo_attachments_synced | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of attachments synced on secondary | url
| geo_attachments_failed | Gauge | 10.2 | Number of attachments failed to sync on secondary | url
| geo_last_event_id | Gauge | 10.2 | Database ID of the latest event log entry on the primary | url
| geo_last_event_timestamp | Gauge | 10.2 | UNIX timestamp of the latest event log entry on the primary | url
| geo_cursor_last_event_id | Gauge | 10.2 | Last database ID of the event log processed by the secondary | url
| geo_cursor_last_event_timestamp | Gauge | 10.2 | Last UNIX timestamp of the event log processed by the secondary | url
| geo_status_failed_total | Counter | 10.2 | Number of times retrieving the status from the Geo Node failed | url
| geo_last_successful_status_check_timestamp | Gauge | 10.2 | Last timestamp when the status was successfully updated | url
| geo_lfs_objects_synced_missing_on_primary | Gauge | 10.7 | Number of LFS objects marked as synced due to the file missing on the primary | url
| geo_job_artifacts_synced_missing_on_primary | Gauge | 10.7 | Number of job artifacts marked as synced due to the file missing on the primary | url
| geo_attachments_synced_missing_on_primary | Gauge | 10.7 | Number of attachments marked as synced due to the file missing on the primary | url
## Metrics shared directory
......@@ -154,15 +154,18 @@ Example response:
"attachments_count": 1,
"attachments_synced_count": 1,
"attachments_failed_count": 0,
"attachments_synced_missing_on_primary_count": 0,
"attachments_synced_in_percentage": "100.00%",
"db_replication_lag_seconds": 0,
"lfs_objects_count": 0,
"lfs_objects_synced_count": 0,
"lfs_objects_failed_count": 0,
"lfs_objects_synced_missing_on_primary_count": 0,
"lfs_objects_synced_in_percentage": "0.00%",
"job_artifacts_count": 2,
"job_artifacts_synced_count": 1,
"job_artifacts_failed_count": 1,
"job_artifacts_synced_missing_on_primary_count": 0,
"job_artifacts_synced_in_percentage": "50.00%",
"repositories_count": 41,
"repositories_failed_count": 1,
......@@ -209,15 +212,18 @@ Example response:
"attachments_count": 1,
"attachments_synced_count": 1,
"attachments_failed_count": 0,
"attachments_synced_missing_on_primary_count": 0,
"attachments_synced_in_percentage": "100.00%",
"db_replication_lag_seconds": 0,
"lfs_objects_count": 0,
"lfs_objects_synced_count": 0,
"lfs_objects_failed_count": 0,
"lfs_objects_synced_missing_on_primary_count": 0,
"lfs_objects_synced_in_percentage": "0.00%",
"job_artifacts_count": 2,
"job_artifacts_synced_count": 1,
"job_artifacts_failed_count": 1,
"job_artifacts_synced_missing_on_primary_count": 0,
"job_artifacts_synced_in_percentage": "50.00%",
"repositories_count": 41,
"repositories_failed_count": 1,
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