Commit f0c4f0a5 authored by Darby's avatar Darby

Changed the placement of Restricted Domains

parent 4cd3c330
......@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@
- restricted_level_checkboxes('restricted-visibility-help').each do |level|
= level Selected levels cannot be used by non-admin users for projects or snippets
= f.label :restricted_signup_domains, 'Restricted domains for sign-ups', class: 'control-label col-sm-2'
= f.text_area :restricted_signup_domains_raw, placeholder: '', class: 'form-control'
.help-block Only users with e-mail addresses that match these domain(s) will be able to sign-up. Wildcards allowed. Use separate lines for multiple entries. Ex:, *
......@@ -80,13 +75,20 @@
= f.label :signup_enabled do
= f.check_box :signup_enabled
Sign-up enabled
= f.label :signin_enabled do
= f.check_box :signin_enabled
= f.label :restricted_signup_domains, 'Restricted domains for sign-ups', class: 'control-label col-sm-2'
= f.text_area :restricted_signup_domains_raw, placeholder: '', class: 'form-control'
.help-block Only users with e-mail addresses that match these domain(s) will be able to sign-up. Wildcards allowed. Use separate lines for multiple entries. Ex:, *
= f.label :home_page_url, class: 'control-label col-sm-2'
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