Commit f5769c4c authored by Sytse Sijbrandij's avatar Sytse Sijbrandij

Link about random order doesn't make any sense, added it to the changelog.

parent 29f78d19
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ If you can, please submit a merge request with the fix or improvements including
1. Fork the project on GitLab Cloud
1. Create a feature branch
1. Write [tests]( and code
1. Add your changes to the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG) insert your line at a [random point](doc/workflow/ in the current version
1. Add your changes to the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG)
1. If you are changing the README, some documentation or other things which have no effect on the tests, add `[ci skip]` somewhere in the commit message
1. If you have multiple commits please combine them into one commit by [squashing them](
1. Push the commit to your fork
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