Commit fb3117c2 authored by Scott Stern's avatar Scott Stern Committed by Simon Knox

Remove extra separator in breadcrumb for cadences

parent 1f56a262
......@@ -59,11 +59,13 @@ export default {
const prevPath = breadcrumbs[index - 1]?.to || '';
const to = `${prevPath}/${path}`.replace(/\/+/, '/');
if (text) {
return breadcrumbs;
......@@ -160,9 +160,12 @@ describe('Iteration Breadcrumb', () => {
describe('when cadence is present', () => {
const cadenceTitle = 'cadencetitle';
const breadcrumbProps = () => findBreadcrumb().props('items');
it('is found in crumb items', async () => {
const cadenceSpy = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
let cadenceSpy;
beforeEach(async () => {
cadenceSpy = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
data: {
group: {
id: '',
......@@ -183,16 +186,25 @@ describe('Iteration Breadcrumb', () => {
it('is found in crumb items', async () => {
await router.push({ name: 'editIteration', params: { cadenceId: '123', iterationId: '1' } });
createComponentWithApollo({ readCadenceSpy: cadenceSpy });
await waitForPromises();
expect(breadcrumbProps().some(({ text }) => text === cadenceTitle)).toBe(true);
const breadcrumbProps = findBreadcrumb().props('items');
it('does not pass a breadcrumb without a title', async () => {
await router.push({ name: 'index' });
createComponentWithApollo({ readCadenceSpy: cadenceSpy });
await waitForPromises();
expect(breadcrumbProps.some(({ text }) => text === cadenceTitle)).toBe(true);
expect(breadcrumbProps().some(({ text }) => text === '')).toBe(false);
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