@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ DAST can be [configured](#customizing-the-dast-settings) using environment varia
| `DAST_PASSWORD_FIELD` | string | The name of password field at the sign-in HTML form. |
| `DAST_SKIP_TARGET_CHECK` | boolean | Set to `true` to prevent DAST from checking that the target is available before scanning. Default: `false`. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/229067) in GitLab 13.8. |
| `DAST_MASK_HTTP_HEADERS` | string | Comma-separated list of request and response headers to be masked (GitLab 13.1). Must contain **all** headers to be masked. Refer to [list of headers that are masked by default](#hide-sensitive-information). |
| `DAST_EXCLUDE_URLS` | URLs | The URLs to skip during the authenticated scan; comma-separated. Regular expression syntax can be used to match multiple URLs. For example, `.*` matches an arbitrary character sequence. Not supported for API scans. In [GitLab 13.7 and earlier](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/dast/-/merge_requests/367), was `DAST_AUTH_EXCLUDE_URLS` (which we plan to support until GitLab 14.0). |
| `DAST_EXCLUDE_URLS` | URLs | The URLs to skip during the authenticated scan; comma-separated. Regular expression syntax can be used to match multiple URLs. For example, `.*` matches an arbitrary character sequence. Not supported for API scans. |
| `DAST_FULL_SCAN_ENABLED` | boolean | Set to `true` to run a [ZAP Full Scan](https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/wiki/ZAP-Full-Scan) instead of a [ZAP Baseline Scan](https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/wiki/ZAP-Baseline-Scan). Default: `false` |
| `DAST_FULL_SCAN_DOMAIN_VALIDATION_REQUIRED` | boolean | Set to `true` to require [domain validation](#domain-validation) when running DAST full scans. Not supported for API scans. Default: `false` |
| `DAST_AUTO_UPDATE_ADDONS` | boolean | ZAP add-ons are pinned to specific versions in the DAST Docker image. Set to `true` to download the latest versions when the scan starts. Default: `false` |
@@ -590,6 +590,7 @@ DAST can be [configured](#customizing-the-dast-settings) using environment varia
| `DAST_FIRST_SUBMIT_FIELD` | string | The `id` or `name` of the element that when clicked submits the username form of a multi-page login process. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/9894) in GitLab 12.4. |
| `DAST_ZAP_CLI_OPTIONS` | string | ZAP server command-line options. For example, `-Xmx3072m` would set the Java maximum memory allocation pool size. [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/12652) in GitLab 13.1. |
| `DAST_ZAP_LOG_CONFIGURATION` | string | Set to a semicolon-separated list of additional log4j properties for the ZAP Server. For example, `log4j.logger.org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpSender=DEBUG;log4j.logger.com.crawljax=DEBUG` |
| `DAST_AUTH_EXCLUDE_URLS` | URLs | [Deprecated](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/289959) in GitLab 13.8, to be removed in 14.0, and replaced by `DAST_EXCLUDE_URLS`. The URLs to skip during the authenticated scan; comma-separated. Regular expression syntax can be used to match multiple URLs. For example, `.*` matches an arbitrary character sequence. Not supported for API scans. |