Commit f544ed16 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

revisionstorage put unit test done

parent d40e0e8d
......@@ -810,11 +810,11 @@
function (err) {
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return command.error(err);
command.success({"rev": response.rev});
......@@ -393,251 +393,326 @@
// test("Put", function () {
test("Put", function () {
// var o = generateTools();
var shared = {}, jio, jio_local;
// = jIO.newJio({
// "type": "revision",
// "sub_storage": {
// "type": "local",
// "username": "urevput",
// "application_name": "arevput"
// }
// });
// o.localpath = "jio/localstorage/urevput/arevput";
shared.workspace = {};
shared.local_storage_description = {
"type": "local",
"username": "revision put",
"mode": "memory"
//"mode": "localStorage"
// // put without id
// // error 20 -> document id required
// o.spy(o, "status", 20, "Put without id");
//{}, o.f);
// o.tick(o);
jio = jIO.createJIO({
"type": "revision",
"sub_storage": shared.local_storage_description
}, {"workspace": shared.workspace});
// // put non empty document
// o.doc = {"_id": "put1", "title": "myPut1"};
// o.revisions = {"start": 0, "ids": []};
// o.rev = "1-" + generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions);
// o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "put1", "rev": o.rev},
// "Creates a document");
//, o.f);
// o.tick(o);
jio_local = jIO.createJIO(shared.local_storage_description, {
"workspace": shared.workspace
// // check document
// o.doc._id = "put1." + o.rev;
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(o.localpath + "/put1." + o.rev),
// o.doc,
// "Check document"
// );
// // check document tree
// o.doc_tree = {
// "_id": "put1.revision_tree.json",
// "children": [{
// "rev": o.rev,
// "status": "available",
// "children": []
// }]
// };
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(
// o.localpath + "/put1.revision_tree.json"
// ),
// o.doc_tree,
// "Check document tree"
// );
// put non empty document
shared.doc = {"_id": "put1", "title": "myPut1"};
shared.revisions = {"start": 0, "ids": []};
shared.rev = "1-" + generateRevisionHash(shared.doc, shared.revisions);
jio.put(shared.doc).then(function (answer) {
// // put without rev and document already exists
// o.doc = {"_id": "put1", "title": "myPut2"};
// o.rev = "1-" + generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions);
// o.spy(o, "value", {"ok": true, "id": "put1", "rev": o.rev},
// "Put same document without revision");
//, o.f);
// o.tick(o);
deepEqual(answer, {
"id": "put1",
"method": "put",
"result": "success",
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": 204,
"statusText": "No Content" // XXX should 201 Created
}, "Create a document");
// o.doc_tree.children.unshift({
// "rev": o.rev,
// "status": "available",
// "children": []
// });
// check document
shared.doc._id = "put1." + shared.rev;
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc._id});
// // put + revision
// o.doc = {"_id": "put1", "_rev": o.rev, "title": "myPut2"};
// o.revisions = {"start": 1, "ids": [o.rev.split('-')[1]]};
// o.rev = "2-" + generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions);
// o.spy(o, "value", {"id": "put1", "ok": true, "rev": o.rev},
// "Put + revision");
//, o.f);
// o.tick(o);
}).then(function (answer) {
// // check document
// o.doc._id = "put1." + o.rev;
// delete o.doc._rev;
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(o.localpath + "/put1." + o.rev),
// o.doc,
// "Check document"
// );
deepEqual(, shared.doc, "Check document");
// // check document tree
// o.doc_tree.children[0].children.unshift({
// "rev": o.rev,
// "status": "available",
// "children": []
// });
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(
// o.localpath + "/put1.revision_tree.json"
// ),
// o.doc_tree,
// "Check document tree"
// );
// check document tree
shared.doc_tree = {
"_id": "put1.revision_tree.json",
"children": [{
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": "available",
"children": []
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.stringify(shared.doc_tree.children);
// // put + wrong revision
// o.doc = {"_id": "put1", "_rev": "3-wr3", "title": "myPut3"};
// o.revisions = {"start": 3, "ids": ["wr3"]};
// o.rev = "4-" + generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions);
// o.spy(o, "value", {"id": "put1", "ok": true, "rev": o.rev},
// "Put + wrong revision");
//, o.f);
// o.tick(o);
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc_tree._id});
// // check document
// o.doc._id = "put1." + o.rev;
// delete o.doc._rev;
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(o.localpath + "/put1." + o.rev),
// o.doc,
// "Check document"
// );
}).then(function (answer) {
// // check document tree
// o.doc_tree.children.unshift({
// "rev": "3-wr3",
// "status": "missing",
// "children": [{
// "rev": o.rev,
// "status": "available",
// "children": []
// }]
// });
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(
// o.localpath + "/put1.revision_tree.json"
// ),
// o.doc_tree,
// "Check document tree"
// );
deepEqual(, shared.doc_tree, "Check document tree");
// // put + revision history
// o.doc = {
// "_id": "put1",
// //"_revs": ["3-rh3", "2-rh2", "1-rh1"], // same as below
// "_revs": {"start": 3, "ids": ["rh3", "rh2", "rh1"]},
// "title": "myPut3"
// };
// o.spy(o, "value", {"id": "put1", "ok": true, "rev": "3-rh3"},
// "Put + revision history");
//, o.f);
// o.tick(o);
// put without rev and document already exists
shared.doc = {"_id": "put1", "title": "myPut2"};
shared.rev = "1-" + generateRevisionHash(shared.doc, shared.revisions);
return jio.put(shared.doc);
// // check document
// o.doc._id = "put1.3-rh3";
// delete o.doc._revs;
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(o.localpath + "/put1.3-rh3"),
// o.doc,
// "Check document"
// );
}).then(function (answer) {
// // check document tree
// o.doc_tree.children.unshift({
// "rev": "1-rh1",
// "status": "missing",
// "children": [{
// "rev": "2-rh2",
// "status": "missing",
// "children": [{
// "rev": "3-rh3",
// "status": "available",
// "children": []
// }]
// }]
// });
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(
// o.localpath + "/put1.revision_tree.json"
// ),
// o.doc_tree,
// "Check document tree"
// );
deepEqual(answer, {
"id": "put1",
"method": "put",
"result": "success",
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": 204,
"statusText": "No Content" // XXX should be 201 Created
}, "Put same document without revision");
// // add attachment
// o.doc._attachments = {
// "att1": {
// "length": 1,
// "content_type": "text/plain",
// "digest": "md5-0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661"
// },
// "att2": {
// "length": 2,
// "content_type": "dont/care",
// "digest": "md5-5360af35bde9ebd8f01f492dc059593c"
// }
// };
// util.jsonlocalstorage.setItem(o.localpath + "/put1.3-rh3", o.doc);
// util.jsonlocalstorage.setItem(o.localpath + "/put1.3-rh3/att1", "a");
// util.jsonlocalstorage.setItem(o.localpath + "/put1.3-rh3/att2", "bc");
// // put + revision with attachment
// o.attachments = o.doc._attachments;
// o.doc = {"_id": "put1", "_rev": "3-rh3", "title": "myPut4"};
// o.revisions = {"start": 3, "ids": ["rh3", "rh2", "rh1"]};
// o.rev = "4-" + generateRevisionHash(o.doc, o.revisions);
// o.spy(o, "value", {"id": "put1", "ok": true, "rev": o.rev},
// "Put + revision (document contains attachments)");
//, o.f);
// o.tick(o);
// // check document
// o.doc._id = "put1." + o.rev;
// o.doc._attachments = o.attachments;
// delete o.doc._rev;
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(o.localpath + "/put1." + o.rev),
// o.doc,
// "Check document"
// );
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.parse(shared.doc_tree.children);
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": "available",
"children": []
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.stringify(shared.doc_tree.children);
// // check attachments
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(o.localpath + "/put1." + o.rev + "/att1"),
// "a",
// "Check Attachment"
// );
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(o.localpath + "/put1." + o.rev + "/att2"),
// "bc",
// "Check Attachment"
// );
// put + revision
shared.doc = {"_id": "put1", "_rev": shared.rev, "title": "myPut2"};
shared.revisions = {"start": 1, "ids": [shared.rev.split('-')[1]]};
shared.rev = "2-" + generateRevisionHash(shared.doc, shared.revisions);
return jio.put(shared.doc);
// // check document tree
// o.doc_tree.children[0].children[0].children[0].children.unshift({
// "rev": o.rev,
// "status": "available",
// "children": []
// });
// deepEqual(
// util.jsonlocalstorage.getItem(
// o.localpath + "/put1.revision_tree.json"
// ),
// o.doc_tree,
// "Check document tree"
// );
}).then(function (answer) {
// util.closeAndcleanUpJio(;
deepEqual(answer, {
"id": "put1",
"method": "put",
"result": "success",
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": 204,
"statusText": "No Content"
}, "Put + revision");
// });
// check document
shared.doc._id = "put1." + shared.rev;
delete shared.doc._rev;
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc._id});
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(, shared.doc, "Check document");
// check document tree
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.parse(shared.doc_tree.children);
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": "available",
"children": []
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.stringify(shared.doc_tree.children);
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc_tree._id});
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(, shared.doc_tree, "Check document tree");
// put + wrong revision
shared.doc = {"_id": "put1", "_rev": "3-wr3", "title": "myPut3"};
shared.revisions = {"start": 3, "ids": ["wr3"]};
shared.rev = "4-" + generateRevisionHash(shared.doc, shared.revisions);
return jio.put(shared.doc);
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(answer, {
"id": "put1",
"method": "put",
"result": "success",
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": 204,
"statusText": "No Content"
}, "Put + wrong revision");
// check document
shared.doc._id = "put1." + shared.rev;
delete shared.doc._rev;
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc._id});
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(, shared.doc, "Check document");
// check document tree
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.parse(shared.doc_tree.children);
"rev": "3-wr3",
"status": "missing",
"children": [{
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": "available",
"children": []
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.stringify(shared.doc_tree.children);
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc_tree._id});
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(, shared.doc_tree, "Check document tree");
// put + revision history
shared.doc = {
"_id": "put1",
//"_revs": ["3-rh3", "2-rh2", "1-rh1"], // same as below
"_revs": {"start": 3, "ids": ["rh3", "rh2", "rh1"]},
"title": "myPut3"
return jio.put(shared.doc);
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(answer, {
"id": "put1",
"method": "put",
"result": "success",
"rev": "3-rh3",
"status": 204,
"statusText": "No Content"
}, "Put + revision history");
// check document
shared.doc._id = "put1.3-rh3";
delete shared.doc._revs;
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc._id});
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(, shared.doc, "Check document");
// check document tree
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.parse(shared.doc_tree.children);
"rev": "1-rh1",
"status": "missing",
"children": [{
"rev": "2-rh2",
"status": "missing",
"children": [{
"rev": "3-rh3",
"status": "available",
"children": []
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.stringify(shared.doc_tree.children);
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc_tree._id});
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(, shared.doc_tree, "Check document tree");
// add attachment
shared.doc._attachments = {
"att1": {
"length": 1,
"content_type": "text/plain",
"digest": "sha256-ca978112ca1bbdcafac231b39a23dc4da" +
"att2": {
"length": 2,
"content_type": "dont/care",
"digest": "sha256-1e0bbd6c686ba050b8eb03ffeedc64fdc" +
return RSVP.all([jio_local.putAttachment({
"_id": "put1.3-rh3",
"_attachment": "att1",
"_data": "a",
"_mimetype": "text/plain"
}), jio_local.putAttachment({
"_id": "put1.3-rh3",
"_attachment": "att2",
"_data": "bc",
"_mimetype": "dont/care"
}).then(function () {
// put + revision with attachment
shared.attachments = shared.doc._attachments;
shared.doc = {"_id": "put1", "_rev": "3-rh3", "title": "myPut4"};
shared.revisions = {"start": 3, "ids": ["rh3", "rh2", "rh1"]};
shared.rev = "4-" + generateRevisionHash(shared.doc, shared.revisions);
return jio.put(shared.doc);
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(answer, {
"id": "put1",
"method": "put",
"result": "success",
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": 204,
"statusText": "No Content"
}, "Put + revision (document contains attachments)");
// check document
shared.doc._id = "put1." + shared.rev;
shared.doc._attachments = shared.attachments;
delete shared.doc._rev;
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc._id});
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(, shared.doc, "Check document");
// check attachments
return RSVP.all([jio_local.getAttachment({
"_id": "put1." + shared.rev,
"_attachment": "att1"
}), jio_local.getAttachment({
"_id": "put1." + shared.rev,
"_attachment": "att2"
}).then(function (answers) {
deepEqual(answers[0].data.type, "text/plain", "Check attachment 1 type");
deepEqual(answers[1].data.type, "dont/care", "Check attachment 2 type");
return RSVP.all([
}).then(function (answers) {
deepEqual(answers[0].target.result, "a", "Check attachment 1 content");
deepEqual(answers[1].target.result, "bc", "Check attachment 2 content");
// check document tree
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.parse(shared.doc_tree.children);
"rev": shared.rev,
"status": "available",
"children": []
shared.doc_tree.children = JSON.stringify(shared.doc_tree.children);
return jio_local.get({"_id": shared.doc_tree._id});
}).then(function (answer) {
deepEqual(, shared.doc_tree, "Check document tree");
// test("Put Attachment", function () {
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