Commit 9b43f374 authored by Marek Belisko's avatar Marek Belisko Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: ft1000: Fix coding style in get_request_type() function.

Signed-off-by: default avatarMarek Belisko <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 5acc5396
......@@ -346,24 +346,20 @@ static u16 get_request_type(struct ft1000_device *ft1000dev)
u32 tempx;
struct ft1000_info *pft1000info = netdev_priv(ft1000dev->net);
if ( pft1000info->bootmode == 1)
status = fix_ft1000_read_dpram32 (ft1000dev, DWNLD_MAG1_TYPE_LOC, (u8 *)&tempx);
if (pft1000info->bootmode == 1) {
status = fix_ft1000_read_dpram32(ft1000dev,
DWNLD_MAG1_TYPE_LOC, (u8 *)&tempx);
tempx = ntohl(tempx);
} else {
tempx = 0;
status = ft1000_read_dpram16 (ft1000dev, DWNLD_MAG1_TYPE_LOC, (u8 *)&tempword, 1);
status = ft1000_read_dpram16(ft1000dev,
DWNLD_MAG1_TYPE_LOC, (u8 *)&tempword, 1);
tempx |= (tempword << 16);
tempx = ntohl(tempx);
request_type = (u16)tempx;
//DEBUG("get_request_type: request_type is %x\n", request_type);
return request_type;
static u16 get_request_type_usb(struct ft1000_device *ft1000dev)
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