Commit 7f5d2213 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

rename: store_to_string -> store_to_protocol_packet

parent 561ea7c0
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
Function to add a string to the buffer. It is different from
store_to_string, which is used in the The last
store_to_protocol_packet, which is used in the The last
one also stores the length of the string in a special way.
This is required for MySQL client/server protocol support only.
......@@ -104,11 +104,12 @@ int Show_instances::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id)
while ((instance=
position= 0;
store_to_string(&send_buff, instance->options.instance_name, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, instance->options.instance_name,
if (instance->is_running())
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "online", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "online", &position);
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "offline", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "offline", &position);
if (my_net_write(net, send_buff.buffer, (uint) position))
goto err;
......@@ -199,18 +200,19 @@ int Show_instance_status::execute(struct st_net *net,
Instance *instance;
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) instance_name, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) instance_name, &position);
if (!(instance= instance_map->find(instance_name, strlen(instance_name))))
goto err;
if (instance->is_running())
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "online", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "online", &position);
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "offline", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "offline", &position);
if (instance->options.mysqld_version)
store_to_string(&send_buff, instance->options.mysqld_version, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, instance->options.mysqld_version,
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "unknown", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "unknown", &position);
if (send_buff.is_error() ||
......@@ -272,15 +274,15 @@ int Show_instance_options::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id)
if (!(instance= instance_map->find(instance_name, strlen(instance_name))))
goto err;
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "instance_name", &position);
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) instance_name, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "instance_name", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) instance_name, &position);
if (my_net_write(net, send_buff.buffer, (uint) position))
goto err;
if ((instance->options.mysqld_path))
position= 0;
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "mysqld-path", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "mysqld-path", &position);
(char*) instance->options.mysqld_path,
if (send_buff.is_error() ||
......@@ -291,8 +293,8 @@ int Show_instance_options::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id)
if ((instance->options.nonguarded))
position= 0;
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "nonguarded", &position);
store_to_string(&send_buff, "", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "nonguarded", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, "", &position);
if (send_buff.is_error() ||
my_net_write(net, send_buff.buffer, (uint) position))
goto err;
......@@ -310,15 +312,15 @@ int Show_instance_options::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id)
if (option_value != NULL)
*option_value= 0;
store_to_string(&send_buff, tmp_option + 2, &position);
store_to_string(&send_buff, option_value + 1, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, tmp_option + 2, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, option_value + 1, &position);
/* join name and the value into the same option again */
*option_value= '=';
store_to_string(&send_buff, tmp_option + 2, &position);
store_to_string(&send_buff, "", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, tmp_option + 2, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, "", &position);
if (send_buff.is_error() ||
......@@ -481,7 +483,7 @@ int Show_instance_log::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id)
char *bf= (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*buff_size);
if ((read_len= my_read(fd, bf, buff_size, MYF(0))) < 0)
return ER_READ_FILE;
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) bf, &position, read_len);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) bf, &position, read_len);
......@@ -596,19 +598,19 @@ int Show_instance_log_files::execute(struct st_net *net, ulong connection_id)
position= 0;
/* store the type of the log in the send buffer */
store_to_string(&send_buff, log_files->name, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, log_files->name, &position);
if (stat(log_files->value, &file_stat))
store_to_string(&send_buff, "", &position);
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "0", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, "", &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) "0", &position);
else if (S_ISREG(file_stat.st_mode))
(char*) log_files->value,
int10_to_str(file_stat.st_size, buff, 10);
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) buff, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&send_buff, (char*) buff, &position);
if (my_net_write(net, send_buff.buffer, (uint) position))
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ int net_send_ok(struct st_net *net, unsigned long connection_id,
if (message != NULL)
buff.reserve(position, 9 + strlen(message));
store_to_string(&buff, message, &position);
store_to_protocol_packet(&buff, message, &position);
return my_net_write(net, buff.buffer, position) || net_flush(net);
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ char *net_store_length(char *pkg, uint length)
int store_to_string(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position,
int store_to_protocol_packet(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position,
uint string_len)
uint currpos;
......@@ -137,12 +137,12 @@ int store_to_string(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position,
int store_to_string(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position)
int store_to_protocol_packet(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position)
uint string_len;
string_len= strlen(string);
return store_to_string(buf, string, position, string_len);
return store_to_protocol_packet(buf, string, position, string_len);
......@@ -176,18 +176,25 @@ int send_fields(struct st_net *net, LIST *fields)
position= 0;
field= (NAME_WITH_LENGTH *) tmp->data;
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "", &position); /* catalog name */
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "", &position); /* db name */
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "", &position); /* table name */
store_to_string(&send_buff, (char*) "", &position); /* table name alias */
store_to_string(&send_buff, field->name, &position); /* column name */
store_to_string(&send_buff, field->name, &position); /* column name alias */
(char*) "", &position); /* catalog name */
(char*) "", &position); /* db name */
(char*) "", &position); /* table name */
(char*) "", &position); /* table name alias */
field->name, &position); /* column name */
field->name, &position); /* column name alias */
send_buff.reserve(position, 12);
if (send_buff.is_error())
goto err;
send_buff.buffer[position++]= 12;
int2store(send_buff.buffer + position, 1); /* charsetnr */
int4store(send_buff.buffer + position + 2, field->length); /* field length */
int4store(send_buff.buffer + position + 2,
field->length); /* field length */
send_buff.buffer[position+6]= FIELD_TYPE_STRING; /* type */
int2store(send_buff.buffer + position + 7, 0); /* flags */
send_buff.buffer[position + 9]= (char) 0; /* decimals */
......@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ int send_fields(struct st_net *net, LIST *fields);
char *net_store_length(char *pkg, uint length);
int store_to_string(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position);
int store_to_protocol_packet(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position);
int store_to_string(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position,
int store_to_protocol_packet(Buffer *buf, const char *string, uint *position,
uint string_len);
int send_eof(struct st_net *net);
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