Commit 81252031 authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

- Commit merged files

parents cc7a08c9 b43e82dc
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ IF(WIN32)
# /MP option of the Microsoft compiler does not work well with COM #import
OPTION(CONNECT_WITH_MSXML "Compile CONNECT storage engine with MSXML support" ON)
......@@ -264,6 +264,17 @@ int main() {
OPTION(CONNECT_WITH_XMAP "Compile CONNECT storage engine with index file mapping support" ON)
# Plugin definition
......@@ -271,6 +282,7 @@ ENDIF(CONNECT_WITH_ODBC)
COMPONENT connect-engine
......@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ bool CntRewindTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp);
int CntCloseTable(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp);
int CntIndexInit(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, int id);
RCODE CntReadNext(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp);
RCODE CntIndexRead(PGLOBAL g, PTDB, OPVAL op, const void *k, int n,
bool mrr = false);
RCODE CntIndexRead(PGLOBAL g, PTDB, OPVAL op, const void *k, int n, bool mrr);
RCODE CntWriteRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp);
RCODE CntUpdateRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp);
RCODE CntDeleteRow(PGLOBAL g, PTDB tdbp, bool all);
/* GLOBAL.H: Declaration file used by all CONNECT implementations. */
/* (C) Copyright Olivier Bertrand 1993-2012 */
/* Included C-definition files common to all Plug routines */
#include <string.h> /* String manipulation declares */
#include <stdlib.h> /* C standard library */
#include <ctype.h> /* C language specific types */
#include <stdio.h> /* FOPEN_MAX declaration */
#include <time.h> /* time_t type declaration */
#include <setjmp.h> /* Long jump declarations */
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(NOEX)
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
#else // !WIN32
#define DllExport
#endif // !WIN32
#if defined(DOMDOC_SUPPORT) || defined(LIBXML2_SUPPORT)
#define XML_SUPPORT 1
#if defined(XMSG)
// Definition used to read messages from message file.
#include "msgid.h"
#define MSG(I) PlugReadMessage(NULL, MSG_##I, #I)
#define STEP(I) PlugReadMessage(g, MSG_##I, #I)
#elif defined(NEWMSG)
// Definition used to get messages from resource.
#include "msgid.h"
#define MSG(I) PlugGetMessage(NULL, MSG_##I)
#define STEP(I) PlugGetMessage(g, MSG_##I)
#else // !XMSG and !NEWMSG
// Definition used to replace messages ID's by their definition.
#include "messages.h"
#define MSG(I) MSG_##I
#define STEP(I) MSG_##I
#endif // !XMSG and !NEWMSG
#if defined(WIN32)
#define CRLF 2
#else // !WIN32
#define CRLF 1
#endif // !WIN32
/* Miscellaneous Constants */
#define NO_IVAL -95684275 /* Used by GetIntegerOption */
#define VMLANG 370 /* Size of olf VM lang blocks */
#define MAX_JUMP 24 /* Maximum jump level number */
#define MAX_STR 1024 /* Maximum string length */
#define STR_SIZE 501 /* Length of char strings. */
#define STD_INPUT 0 /* Standard language input */
#define STD_OUTPUT 1 /* Standard language output */
#define ERROR_OUTPUT 2 /* Error message output */
#define DEBUG_OUTPUT 3 /* Debug info output */
#define PROMPT_OUTPUT 4 /* Prompt message output */
#define COPY_OUTPUT 5 /* Copy of language input */
#define STD_MSG 6 /* System message file */
#define DEBUG_MSG 7 /* Debug message file */
#define DUMMY 0 /* Dummy file index in Ldm block */
#define STDIN 1 /* stdin file index in Ldm block */
#define STDOUT 2 /* stdout file index in Ldm block */
#define STDERR 3 /* stderr file index in Ldm block */
#define STDEBUG 4 /* debug file index in Ldm block */
#define STDPRN 5 /* stdprn file index in Ldm block */
#define STDFREE 6 /* Free file index in Ldm block */
#define TYPE_SEM -2 /* Returned semantic function */
#define TYPE_DFONC -2 /* Indirect sem ref in FPARM */
#define TYPE_VOID -1
#define TYPE_SBPAR -1 /* Phrase reference in FPARM */
#define TYPE_SEMX 0 /* Initial semantic function type? */
#define TYPE_ERROR 0
#define TYPE_STRING 1
#define TYPE_DOUBLE 2
#define TYPE_SHORT 3
#define TYPE_TINY 4
#define TYPE_BIGINT 5
#define TYPE_LIST 6
#define TYPE_INT 7
#define TYPE_DECIM 9
#if defined(OS32)
#define SYS_STAMP "OS32"
#elif defined(UNIX) || defined(LINUX) || defined(UNIV_LINUX)
#define SYS_STAMP "UNIX"
#elif defined(OS16)
#define SYS_STAMP "OS16"
#elif defined(DOSR)
#define SYS_STAMP "DOSR"
#elif defined(WIN)
#define SYS_STAMP "WIN1"
#elif defined(WIN32)
#define SYS_STAMP "WIN2"
#define SYS_STAMP "XXXX"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* Static variables */
#if defined(STORAGE)
char sys_stamp[4] = SYS_STAMP;
extern char sys_stamp[];
/* File-Selection Indicators */
#define PAT_LOG "log"
#if defined(UNIX) || defined(LINUX) || defined(UNIV_LINUX)
/* printf does not accept null pointer for %s target. */
#define SVP(S) ((S) ? S : "<null>")
/* printf accepts null pointer for %s target. */
#define SVP(S) S
#if defined(STORAGE)
FILE *debug;
extern FILE *debug;
/* General purpose type definitions. */
#include "os.h"
typedef uint OFFSET;
typedef char NAME[9];
typedef struct {
ushort Length;
char String[2];
#if !defined(PGLOBAL_DEFINED)
typedef struct _global *PGLOBAL;
typedef struct _globplg *PGS;
typedef struct _activity *PACTIVITY;
typedef struct _parm *PPARM;
/* Segment Sub-Allocation block structure declares. */
/* Next block is an implementation dependent segment suballoc save */
/* structure used to keep the suballocation system offsets and to */
/* restore them if needed. This scheme implies that no SubFree be used */
typedef struct { /* Plug Area SubAlloc header */
OFFSET To_Free; /* Offset of next free block */
uint FreeBlk; /* Size of remaining free memory */
/* Language block. Containing all global information for the language */
/* this block is saved and retrieved with the language. Information */
/* in this block can be set and modified under Grammar editing. */
#if defined(BIT64)
typedef int TIME_T; /* Lang block size must not change */
#else // BIT32
typedef time_t TIME_T; /* time_t */
#endif // BIT32
typedef struct {
uint Memsize;
uint Size;
typedef struct Lang_block {
NAME LangName; /* Language name */
NAME Application; /* Application name */
/* Application block. It contains all global information for the */
/* current parse and execution using the corresponding language. */
/* This block is dynamically allocated and set at language init. */
typedef struct _activity { /* Describes activity and language */
void *Aptr; /* Points to user work area(s) */
NAME Ap_Name; /* Current application name */
/*---------------- UNIT ?????????? VERSION ? ----------------------*/
typedef struct _parm {
void *Value;
short Type, Domain;
/* Global Structure Block. This block contains, or points to, all */
/* information used by CONNECT tables. Passed as an argument */
/* to any routine allows it to have access to the entire information */
/* currently available for the whole set of loaded languages. */
typedef struct _global { /* Global structure */
void *Sarea; /* Points to work area */
uint Sarea_Size; /* Work area size */
PACTIVITY Activityp, ActivityStart;
char Message[MAX_STR];
int Createas; /* To pass info to created table */
void *Xchk; /* indexes in create/alter */
short Alchecked; /* Checked for ALTER */
short Mrr; /* True when doing mrr */
short Trace;
int jump_level;
jmp_buf jumper[MAX_JUMP + 2];
/* Exported routine declarations. */
#if defined(XMSG)
DllExport char *PlugReadMessage(PGLOBAL, int, char *);
#elif defined(NEWMSG)
DllExport char *PlugGetMessage(PGLOBAL, int);
#endif // XMSG || NEWMSG
#if defined(WIN32)
DllExport short GetLineLength(PGLOBAL); // Console line length
#endif // WIN32
DllExport PGLOBAL PlugInit(LPCSTR, uint); // Plug global initialization
DllExport int PlugExit(PGLOBAL); // Plug global termination
DllExport LPSTR PlugRemoveType(LPSTR, LPCSTR);
DllExport LPCSTR PlugSetPath(LPSTR to, LPCSTR prefix, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR dir);
DllExport BOOL PlugIsAbsolutePath(LPCSTR path);
DllExport void *PlugAllocMem(PGLOBAL, uint);
DllExport BOOL PlugSubSet(PGLOBAL, void *, uint);
DllExport void *PlugSubAlloc(PGLOBAL, void *, size_t);
DllExport char *PlugDup(PGLOBAL g, const char *str);
DllExport void *MakePtr(void *, OFFSET);
DllExport void htrc(char const *fmt, ...);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
/*-------------------------- End of Global.H --------------------------*/
/* GLOBAL.H: Declaration file used by all CONNECT implementations. */
/* (C) Copyright Olivier Bertrand 1993-2014 */
/* Included C-definition files common to all Plug routines */
#include <string.h> /* String manipulation declares */
#include <stdlib.h> /* C standard library */
#include <ctype.h> /* C language specific types */
#include <stdio.h> /* FOPEN_MAX declaration */
#include <time.h> /* time_t type declaration */
#include <setjmp.h> /* Long jump declarations */
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(NOEX)
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
#else // !WIN32
#define DllExport
#endif // !WIN32
#if defined(DOMDOC_SUPPORT) || defined(LIBXML2_SUPPORT)
#define XML_SUPPORT 1
#if defined(XMSG)
// Definition used to read messages from message file.
#include "msgid.h"
#define MSG(I) PlugReadMessage(NULL, MSG_##I, #I)
#define STEP(I) PlugReadMessage(g, MSG_##I, #I)
#elif defined(NEWMSG)
// Definition used to get messages from resource.
#include "msgid.h"
#define MSG(I) PlugGetMessage(NULL, MSG_##I)
#define STEP(I) PlugGetMessage(g, MSG_##I)
#else // !XMSG and !NEWMSG
// Definition used to replace messages ID's by their definition.
#include "messages.h"
#define MSG(I) MSG_##I
#define STEP(I) MSG_##I
#endif // !XMSG and !NEWMSG
#if defined(WIN32)
#define CRLF 2
#else // !WIN32
#define CRLF 1
#endif // !WIN32
/* Miscellaneous Constants */
#define NO_IVAL -95684275 /* Used by GetIntegerOption */
#define VMLANG 370 /* Size of olf VM lang blocks */
#define MAX_JUMP 24 /* Maximum jump level number */
#define MAX_STR 1024 /* Maximum string length */
#define STR_SIZE 501 /* Length of char strings. */
#define STD_INPUT 0 /* Standard language input */
#define STD_OUTPUT 1 /* Standard language output */
#define ERROR_OUTPUT 2 /* Error message output */
#define DEBUG_OUTPUT 3 /* Debug info output */
#define PROMPT_OUTPUT 4 /* Prompt message output */
#define COPY_OUTPUT 5 /* Copy of language input */
#define STD_MSG 6 /* System message file */
#define DEBUG_MSG 7 /* Debug message file */
#define DUMMY 0 /* Dummy file index in Ldm block */
#define STDIN 1 /* stdin file index in Ldm block */
#define STDOUT 2 /* stdout file index in Ldm block */
#define STDERR 3 /* stderr file index in Ldm block */
#define STDEBUG 4 /* debug file index in Ldm block */
#define STDPRN 5 /* stdprn file index in Ldm block */
#define STDFREE 6 /* Free file index in Ldm block */
#define TYPE_SEM -2 /* Returned semantic function */
#define TYPE_DFONC -2 /* Indirect sem ref in FPARM */
#define TYPE_VOID -1
#define TYPE_SBPAR -1 /* Phrase reference in FPARM */
#define TYPE_SEMX 0 /* Initial semantic function type? */
#define TYPE_ERROR 0
#define TYPE_STRING 1
#define TYPE_DOUBLE 2
#define TYPE_SHORT 3
#define TYPE_TINY 4
#define TYPE_BIGINT 5
#define TYPE_LIST 6
#define TYPE_INT 7
#define TYPE_DECIM 9
#define TYPE_BIN 10
#if defined(OS32)
#define SYS_STAMP "OS32"
#elif defined(UNIX) || defined(LINUX) || defined(UNIV_LINUX)
#define SYS_STAMP "UNIX"
#elif defined(OS16)
#define SYS_STAMP "OS16"
#elif defined(DOSR)
#define SYS_STAMP "DOSR"
#elif defined(WIN)
#define SYS_STAMP "WIN1"
#elif defined(WIN32)
#define SYS_STAMP "WIN2"
#define SYS_STAMP "XXXX"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* Static variables */
#if defined(STORAGE)
char sys_stamp[4] = SYS_STAMP;
extern char sys_stamp[];
/* File-Selection Indicators */
#define PAT_LOG "log"
#if defined(UNIX) || defined(LINUX) || defined(UNIV_LINUX)
/* printf does not accept null pointer for %s target. */
#define SVP(S) ((S) ? S : "<null>")
/* printf accepts null pointer for %s target. */
#define SVP(S) S
#if defined(STORAGE)
FILE *debug;
extern FILE *debug;
/* General purpose type definitions. */
#include "os.h"
typedef uint OFFSET;
typedef char NAME[9];
typedef struct {
ushort Length;
char String[2];
#if !defined(PGLOBAL_DEFINED)
typedef struct _global *PGLOBAL;
typedef struct _globplg *PGS;
typedef struct _activity *PACTIVITY;
typedef struct _parm *PPARM;
/* Segment Sub-Allocation block structure declares. */
/* Next block is an implementation dependent segment suballoc save */
/* structure used to keep the suballocation system offsets and to */
/* restore them if needed. This scheme implies that no SubFree be used */
typedef struct { /* Plug Area SubAlloc header */
OFFSET To_Free; /* Offset of next free block */
uint FreeBlk; /* Size of remaining free memory */
/* Language block. Containing all global information for the language */
/* this block is saved and retrieved with the language. Information */
/* in this block can be set and modified under Grammar editing. */
#if defined(BIT64)
typedef int TIME_T; /* Lang block size must not change */
#else // BIT32
typedef time_t TIME_T; /* time_t */
#endif // BIT32
typedef struct {
uint Memsize;
uint Size;
typedef struct Lang_block {
NAME LangName; /* Language name */
NAME Application; /* Application name */
/* Application block. It contains all global information for the */
/* current parse and execution using the corresponding language. */
/* This block is dynamically allocated and set at language init. */
typedef struct _activity { /* Describes activity and language */
void *Aptr; /* Points to user work area(s) */
NAME Ap_Name; /* Current application name */
/*---------------- UNIT ?????????? VERSION ? ----------------------*/
typedef struct _parm {
void *Value;
short Type, Domain;
/* Global Structure Block. This block contains, or points to, all */
/* information used by CONNECT tables. Passed as an argument */
/* to any routine allows it to have access to the entire information */
/* currently available for the whole set of loaded languages. */
typedef struct _global { /* Global structure */
void *Sarea; /* Points to work area */
uint Sarea_Size; /* Work area size */
PACTIVITY Activityp, ActivityStart;
char Message[MAX_STR];
int Createas; /* To pass info to created table */
void *Xchk; /* indexes in create/alter */
short Alchecked; /* Checked for ALTER */
short Mrr; /* True when doing mrr */
short Trace;
int jump_level;
jmp_buf jumper[MAX_JUMP + 2];
/* Exported routine declarations. */
#if defined(XMSG)
DllExport char *PlugReadMessage(PGLOBAL, int, char *);
#elif defined(NEWMSG)
DllExport char *PlugGetMessage(PGLOBAL, int);
#endif // XMSG || NEWMSG
#if defined(WIN32)
DllExport short GetLineLength(PGLOBAL); // Console line length
#endif // WIN32
DllExport PGLOBAL PlugInit(LPCSTR, uint); // Plug global initialization
DllExport int PlugExit(PGLOBAL); // Plug global termination
DllExport LPSTR PlugRemoveType(LPSTR, LPCSTR);
DllExport LPCSTR PlugSetPath(LPSTR to, LPCSTR prefix, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR dir);
DllExport BOOL PlugIsAbsolutePath(LPCSTR path);
DllExport void *PlugAllocMem(PGLOBAL, uint);
DllExport BOOL PlugSubSet(PGLOBAL, void *, uint);
DllExport void *PlugSubAlloc(PGLOBAL, void *, size_t);
DllExport char *PlugDup(PGLOBAL g, const char *str);
DllExport void *MakePtr(void *, OFFSET);
DllExport void htrc(char const *fmt, ...);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
/*-------------------------- End of Global.H --------------------------*/
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
/* Copyright (C) Olivier Bertrand 2004 - 2014
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
/** @file ha_connect.h
The ha_connect engine is a prototype storage engine to access external data.
/sql/handler.h and /storage/connect/
#pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */
/* Structures used to pass info between CONNECT and ha_connect. */
typedef struct _create_xinfo {
char *Type; /* Retrieved from table comment */
char *Filename; /* Set if not standard */
char *IndexFN; /* Set if not standard */
ulonglong Maxrows; /* Estimated max nb of rows */
ulong Lrecl; /* Set if not default */
ulong Elements; /* Number of lines in blocks */
bool Fixed; /* False for DOS type */
void *Pcf; /* To list of columns */
void *Pxdf; /* To list of indexes */
typedef struct _xinfo {
ulonglong data_file_length; /* Length of data file */
ha_rows records; /* Records in table */
ulong mean_rec_length; /* Physical record length */
char *data_file_name; /* Physical file name */
class XCHK : public BLOCK {
XCHK(void) {oldsep= newsep= false;
oldopn= newopn= NULL;
oldpix= newpix= NULL;}
inline char *SetName(PGLOBAL g, char *name) {
char *nm= NULL;
if (name) {nm= (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(name) + 1);
strcpy(nm, name);}
return nm;}
bool oldsep; // Sepindex before create/alter
bool newsep; // Sepindex after create/alter
char *oldopn; // Optname before create/alter
char *newopn; // Optname after create/alter
PIXDEF oldpix; // The indexes before create/alter
PIXDEF newpix; // The indexes after create/alter
}; // end of class XCHK
typedef class XCHK *PCHK;
typedef class user_connect *PCONNECT;
typedef struct ha_table_option_struct TOS, *PTOS;
typedef struct ha_field_option_struct FOS, *PFOS;
extern handlerton *connect_hton;
structure for CREATE TABLE options (table options)
These can be specified in the CREATE TABLE:
CREATE TABLE ( ... ) {}
struct ha_table_option_struct {
const char *type;
const char *filename;
const char *optname;
const char *tabname;
const char *tablist;
const char *dbname;
const char *separator;
//const char *connect;
const char *qchar;
const char *module;
const char *subtype;
const char *catfunc;
const char *srcdef;
const char *colist;
const char *oplist;
const char *data_charset;
ulonglong lrecl;
ulonglong elements;
//ulonglong estimate;
ulonglong multiple;
ulonglong header;
ulonglong quoted;
ulonglong ending;
ulonglong compressed;
bool mapped;
bool huge;
bool split;
bool readonly;
bool sepindex;
structure for CREATE TABLE options (field options)
These can be specified in the CREATE TABLE per field:
CREATE TABLE ( field ... {}, ... )
struct ha_field_option_struct
ulonglong offset;
ulonglong freq;
ulonglong opt;
ulonglong fldlen;
const char *dateformat;
const char *fieldformat;
char *special;
/* Copyright (C) Olivier Bertrand 2004 - 2014
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
/** @file ha_connect.h
The ha_connect engine is a prototype storage engine to access external data.
/sql/handler.h and /storage/connect/
#pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */
/* Structures used to pass info between CONNECT and ha_connect. */
typedef struct _create_xinfo {
char *Type; /* Retrieved from table comment */
char *Filename; /* Set if not standard */
char *IndexFN; /* Set if not standard */
ulonglong Maxrows; /* Estimated max nb of rows */
ulong Lrecl; /* Set if not default */
ulong Elements; /* Number of lines in blocks */
bool Fixed; /* False for DOS type */
void *Pcf; /* To list of columns */
void *Pxdf; /* To list of indexes */
typedef struct _xinfo {
ulonglong data_file_length; /* Length of data file */
ha_rows records; /* Records in table */
ulong mean_rec_length; /* Physical record length */
char *data_file_name; /* Physical file name */
class XCHK : public BLOCK {
XCHK(void) {oldsep= newsep= false;
oldopn= newopn= NULL;
oldpix= newpix= NULL;}
inline char *SetName(PGLOBAL g, char *name) {
char *nm= NULL;
if (name) {nm= (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(name) + 1);
strcpy(nm, name);}
return nm;}
bool oldsep; // Sepindex before create/alter
bool newsep; // Sepindex after create/alter
char *oldopn; // Optname before create/alter
char *newopn; // Optname after create/alter
PIXDEF oldpix; // The indexes before create/alter
PIXDEF newpix; // The indexes after create/alter
}; // end of class XCHK
typedef class XCHK *PCHK;
typedef class user_connect *PCONNECT;
typedef struct ha_table_option_struct TOS, *PTOS;
typedef struct ha_field_option_struct FOS, *PFOS;
extern handlerton *connect_hton;
structure for CREATE TABLE options (table options)
These can be specified in the CREATE TABLE:
CREATE TABLE ( ... ) {}
struct ha_table_option_struct {
const char *type;
const char *filename;
const char *optname;
const char *tabname;
const char *tablist;
const char *dbname;
const char *separator;
//const char *connect;
const char *qchar;
const char *module;
const char *subtype;
const char *catfunc;
const char *srcdef;
const char *colist;
const char *oplist;
const char *data_charset;
ulonglong lrecl;
ulonglong elements;
//ulonglong estimate;
ulonglong multiple;
ulonglong header;
ulonglong quoted;
ulonglong ending;
ulonglong compressed;
bool mapped;
bool huge;
bool split;
bool readonly;
bool sepindex;
structure for CREATE TABLE options (field options)
These can be specified in the CREATE TABLE per field:
CREATE TABLE ( field ... {}, ... )
struct ha_field_option_struct
ulonglong offset;
ulonglong freq;
ulonglong opt;
ulonglong fldlen;
const char *dateformat;
const char *fieldformat;
char *special;
index options can be declared similarly
using the ha_index_option_struct structure.
......@@ -137,401 +137,402 @@ struct ha_field_option_struct
Their values can be specified in the CREATE TABLE per index:
CREATE TABLE ( field ..., .., INDEX .... *here*, ... )
struct ha_index_option_struct
bool kindx;
bool mapped;
/** @brief
CONNECT_SHARE is a structure that will be shared among all open handlers.
This example implements the minimum of what you will probably need.
class CONNECT_SHARE : public Handler_share {
mysql_mutex_t mutex;
THR_LOCK lock;
typedef class ha_connect *PHC;
/** @brief
Class definition for the storage engine
class ha_connect: public handler
THR_LOCK_DATA lock; ///< MySQL lock
CONNECT_SHARE *share; ///< Shared lock info
CONNECT_SHARE *get_share();
ha_connect(handlerton *hton, TABLE_SHARE *table_arg);
// CONNECT Implementation
static bool connect_init(void);
static bool connect_end(void);
TABTYPE GetRealType(PTOS pos);
char *GetStringOption(char *opname, char *sdef= NULL);
PTOS GetTableOptionStruct(TABLE *table_arg);
bool GetBooleanOption(char *opname, bool bdef);
bool SetBooleanOption(char *opname, bool b);
int GetIntegerOption(char *opname);
bool CheckString(const char *str1, const char *str2);
bool SameString(TABLE *tab, char *opn);
bool SetIntegerOption(char *opname, int n);
bool SameInt(TABLE *tab, char *opn);
bool SameBool(TABLE *tab, char *opn);
bool FileExists(const char *fn);
bool NoFieldOptionChange(TABLE *tab);
PFOS GetFieldOptionStruct(Field *fp);
void *GetColumnOption(PGLOBAL g, void *field, PCOLINFO pcf);
const char *GetDBName(const char *name);
const char *GetTableName(void);
//int GetColNameLen(Field *fp);
//char *GetColName(Field *fp);
//void AddColName(char *cp, Field *fp);
TABLE *GetTable(void) {return table;}
bool IsSameIndex(PIXDEF xp1, PIXDEF xp2);
int OpenTable(PGLOBAL g, bool del= false);
bool IsOpened(void);
int CloseTable(PGLOBAL g);
int MakeRecord(char *buf);
int ScanRecord(PGLOBAL g, uchar *buf);
int CheckRecord(PGLOBAL g, const uchar *oldbuf, uchar *newbuf);
int ReadIndexed(uchar *buf, OPVAL op, const uchar* key= NULL,
uint key_len= 0);
/** @brief
The name that will be used for display purposes.
const char *table_type() const {return "CONNECT";}
/** @brief
The name of the index type that will be used for display.
Don't implement this method unless you really have indexes.
const char *index_type(uint inx) { return "XINDEX"; }
/** @brief
The file extensions.
const char **bas_ext() const;
Check if a storage engine supports a particular alter table in-place
@note Called without holding thr_lock.c lock.
virtual enum_alter_inplace_result
check_if_supported_inplace_alter(TABLE *altered_table,
Alter_inplace_info *ha_alter_info);
/** @brief
This is a list of flags that indicate what functionality the storage engine
implements. The current table flags are documented in handler.h
ulonglong table_flags() const;
/** @brief
This is a bitmap of flags that indicates how the storage engine
implements indexes. The current index flags are documented in
handler.h. If you do not implement indexes, just return zero here.
part is the key part to check. First key part is 0.
If all_parts is set, MySQL wants to know the flags for the combined
index, up to and including 'part'.
ulong index_flags(uint inx, uint part, bool all_parts) const
} // end of index_flags
/** @brief will call max_supported_record_length(), max_supported_keys(),
max_supported_key_parts(), uint max_supported_key_length()
to make sure that the storage engine can handle the data it is about to
send. Return *real* limits of your storage engine here; MySQL will do
min(your_limits, MySQL_limits) automatically.
uint max_supported_record_length() const { return HA_MAX_REC_LENGTH; }
/** @brief will call this to make sure that the storage engine can handle
the data it is about to send. Return *real* limits of your storage engine
here; MySQL will do min(your_limits, MySQL_limits) automatically.
There is no need to implement ..._key_... methods if your engine doesn't
support indexes.
uint max_supported_keys() const { return 10; }
/** @brief will call this to make sure that the storage engine can handle
the data it is about to send. Return *real* limits of your storage engine
here; MySQL will do min(your_limits, MySQL_limits) automatically.
There is no need to implement ..._key_... methods if your engine doesn't
support indexes.
uint max_supported_key_parts() const { return 10; }
/** @brief will call this to make sure that the storage engine can handle
the data it is about to send. Return *real* limits of your storage engine
here; MySQL will do min(your_limits, MySQL_limits) automatically.
There is no need to implement ..._key_... methods if your engine doesn't
support indexes.
uint max_supported_key_length() const { return 255; }
/** @brief
Called in test_quick_select to determine if indexes should be used.
virtual double scan_time() { return (double) (stats.records+stats.deleted) / 20.0+10; }
/** @brief
This method will never be called if you do not implement indexes.
virtual double read_time(uint, uint, ha_rows rows)
{ return (double) rows / 20.0+1; }
Everything below are methods that we implement in
Most of these methods are not obligatory, skip them and
MySQL will treat them as not implemented
virtual bool get_error_message(int error, String *buf);
Push condition down to the table handler.
@param cond Condition to be pushed. The condition tree must not be
modified by the by the caller.
The 'remainder' condition that caller must use to filter out records.
NULL means the handler will not return rows that do not match the
passed condition.
The pushed conditions form a stack (from which one can remove the
last pushed condition using cond_pop).
The table handler filters out rows using (pushed_cond1 AND pushed_cond2
AND ... AND pushed_condN)
or less restrictive condition, depending on handler's capabilities.
handler->ha_reset() call empties the condition stack.
Calls to rnd_init/rnd_end, index_init/index_end etc do not affect the
condition stack.
virtual const COND *cond_push(const COND *cond);
PCFIL CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, AMT tty, Item *cond);
const char *GetValStr(OPVAL vop, bool neg);
PFIL CondFilter(PGLOBAL g, Item *cond);
Number of rows in table. It will only be called if
(table_flags() & (HA_HAS_RECORDS | HA_STATS_RECORDS_IS_EXACT)) != 0
virtual ha_rows records();
Type of table for caching query
CONNECT should not use caching because its tables are external
data prone to me modified out of MariaDB
virtual uint8 table_cache_type(void)
#if defined(MEMORY_TRACE)
// Temporary until bug MDEV-4771 is fixed
/** @brief
We implement this in; it's a required method.
int open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked); // required
/** @brief
We implement this in; it's a required method.
int close(void); // required
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int write_row(uchar *buf);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int update_row(const uchar *old_data, uchar *new_data);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int delete_row(const uchar *buf);
// Added to the connect handler
int index_init(uint idx, bool sorted);
int index_end();
int index_read(uchar * buf, const uchar * key, uint key_len,
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
int index_next_same(uchar *buf, const uchar *key, uint keylen);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
//int index_read_map(uchar *buf, const uchar *key,
// key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int index_next(uchar *buf);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
//int index_prev(uchar *buf);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int index_first(uchar *buf);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
//int index_last(uchar *buf);
/* Index condition pushdown implementation */
//Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
/** @brief
Unlike index_init(), rnd_init() can be called two consecutive times
without rnd_end() in between (it only makes sense if scan=1). In this
case, the second call should prepare for the new table scan (e.g if
rnd_init() allocates the cursor, the second call should position the
cursor to the start of the table; no need to deallocate and allocate
it again. This is a required method.
int rnd_init(bool scan); //required
int rnd_end();
int rnd_next(uchar *buf); ///< required
int rnd_pos(uchar *buf, uchar *pos); ///< required
void position(const uchar *record); ///< required
int info(uint); ///< required
int extra(enum ha_extra_function operation);
int start_stmt(THD *thd, thr_lock_type lock_type);
int external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type); ///< required
int delete_all_rows(void);
ha_rows records_in_range(uint inx, key_range *min_key,
key_range *max_key);
These methods can be overridden, but their default implementation
provide useful functionality.
int rename_table(const char *from, const char *to);
Delete a table in the engine. Called for base as well as temporary
int delete_table(const char *name);
Called by delete_table and rename_table
int delete_or_rename_table(const char *from, const char *to);
int create(const char *name, TABLE *form,
HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info); ///< required
bool check_if_incompatible_data(HA_CREATE_INFO *info,
uint table_changes);
THR_LOCK_DATA **store_lock(THD *thd, THR_LOCK_DATA **to,
enum thr_lock_type lock_type); ///< required
int optimize(THD* thd, HA_CHECK_OPT* check_opt);
* Multi Range Read interface
int multi_range_read_init(RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, void *seq_init_param,
uint n_ranges, uint mode, HANDLER_BUFFER *buf);
int multi_range_read_next(range_id_t *range_info);
ha_rows multi_range_read_info_const(uint keyno, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq,
void *seq_init_param,
uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
uint *flags, Cost_estimate *cost);
ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
uint key_parts, uint *bufsz,
uint *flags, Cost_estimate *cost);
int multi_range_read_explain_info(uint mrr_mode, char *str, size_t size);
int reset(void) {ds_mrr.dsmrr_close(); return 0;}
/* Index condition pushdown implementation */
// Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
DsMrr_impl ds_mrr;
bool check_privileges(THD *thd, PTOS options, char *dbn);
MODE CheckMode(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, MODE newmode, bool *chk, bool *cras);
char *GetDBfromName(const char *name);
// Members
static ulong num; // Tracable handler number
PCONNECT xp; // To user_connect associated class
ulong hnum; // The number of this handler
query_id_t valid_query_id; // The one when tdbp was allocated
query_id_t creat_query_id; // The one when handler was allocated
PTDB tdbp; // To table class object
PVAL sdvalin; // Used to convert date values
PVAL sdvalout; // Used to convert date values
bool istable; // True for table handler
//char tname[64]; // The table name
MODE xmod; // Table mode
XINFO xinfo; // The table info structure
bool valid_info; // True if xinfo is valid
bool stop; // Used when creating index
bool alter; // True when converting to other engine
bool mrr; // True when getting index positions
int indexing; // Type of indexing for CONNECT
int locked; // Table lock
THR_LOCK_DATA lock_data;
TABLE_SHARE *tshp; // Used by called tables
char *data_file_name;
char *index_file_name;
uint int_table_flags; // Inherited from MyISAM
bool enable_activate_all_index; // Inherited from MyISAM
}; // end of ha_connect class definition
struct ha_index_option_struct
bool kindx;
bool mapped;
/** @brief
CONNECT_SHARE is a structure that will be shared among all open handlers.
This example implements the minimum of what you will probably need.
class CONNECT_SHARE : public Handler_share {
mysql_mutex_t mutex;
THR_LOCK lock;
typedef class ha_connect *PHC;
/** @brief
Class definition for the storage engine
class ha_connect: public handler
THR_LOCK_DATA lock; ///< MySQL lock
CONNECT_SHARE *share; ///< Shared lock info
CONNECT_SHARE *get_share();
ha_connect(handlerton *hton, TABLE_SHARE *table_arg);
// CONNECT Implementation
static bool connect_init(void);
static bool connect_end(void);
TABTYPE GetRealType(PTOS pos);
char *GetStringOption(char *opname, char *sdef= NULL);
PTOS GetTableOptionStruct(TABLE *table_arg);
bool GetBooleanOption(char *opname, bool bdef);
bool SetBooleanOption(char *opname, bool b);
int GetIntegerOption(char *opname);
bool CheckString(const char *str1, const char *str2);
bool SameString(TABLE *tab, char *opn);
bool SetIntegerOption(char *opname, int n);
bool SameInt(TABLE *tab, char *opn);
bool SameBool(TABLE *tab, char *opn);
bool FileExists(const char *fn);
bool NoFieldOptionChange(TABLE *tab);
PFOS GetFieldOptionStruct(Field *fp);
void *GetColumnOption(PGLOBAL g, void *field, PCOLINFO pcf);
const char *GetDBName(const char *name);
const char *GetTableName(void);
//int GetColNameLen(Field *fp);
//char *GetColName(Field *fp);
//void AddColName(char *cp, Field *fp);
TABLE *GetTable(void) {return table;}
bool IsSameIndex(PIXDEF xp1, PIXDEF xp2);
int OpenTable(PGLOBAL g, bool del= false);
bool IsOpened(void);
int CloseTable(PGLOBAL g);
int MakeRecord(char *buf);
int ScanRecord(PGLOBAL g, uchar *buf);
int CheckRecord(PGLOBAL g, const uchar *oldbuf, uchar *newbuf);
int ReadIndexed(uchar *buf, OPVAL op, const uchar* key= NULL,
uint key_len= 0);
/** @brief
The name that will be used for display purposes.
const char *table_type() const {return "CONNECT";}
/** @brief
The name of the index type that will be used for display.
Don't implement this method unless you really have indexes.
const char *index_type(uint inx) { return "XINDEX"; }
/** @brief
The file extensions.
const char **bas_ext() const;
Check if a storage engine supports a particular alter table in-place
@note Called without holding thr_lock.c lock.
virtual enum_alter_inplace_result
check_if_supported_inplace_alter(TABLE *altered_table,
Alter_inplace_info *ha_alter_info);
/** @brief
This is a list of flags that indicate what functionality the storage engine
implements. The current table flags are documented in handler.h
ulonglong table_flags() const;
/** @brief
This is a bitmap of flags that indicates how the storage engine
implements indexes. The current index flags are documented in
handler.h. If you do not implement indexes, just return zero here.
part is the key part to check. First key part is 0.
If all_parts is set, MySQL wants to know the flags for the combined
index, up to and including 'part'.
ulong index_flags(uint inx, uint part, bool all_parts) const
} // end of index_flags
/** @brief will call max_supported_record_length(), max_supported_keys(),
max_supported_key_parts(), uint max_supported_key_length()
to make sure that the storage engine can handle the data it is about to
send. Return *real* limits of your storage engine here; MySQL will do
min(your_limits, MySQL_limits) automatically.
uint max_supported_record_length() const { return HA_MAX_REC_LENGTH; }
/** @brief will call this to make sure that the storage engine can handle
the data it is about to send. Return *real* limits of your storage engine
here; MySQL will do min(your_limits, MySQL_limits) automatically.
There is no need to implement ..._key_... methods if your engine doesn't
support indexes.
uint max_supported_keys() const { return 10; }
/** @brief will call this to make sure that the storage engine can handle
the data it is about to send. Return *real* limits of your storage engine
here; MySQL will do min(your_limits, MySQL_limits) automatically.
There is no need to implement ..._key_... methods if your engine doesn't
support indexes.
uint max_supported_key_parts() const { return 10; }
/** @brief will call this to make sure that the storage engine can handle
the data it is about to send. Return *real* limits of your storage engine
here; MySQL will do min(your_limits, MySQL_limits) automatically.
There is no need to implement ..._key_... methods if your engine doesn't
support indexes.
uint max_supported_key_length() const { return 255; }
/** @brief
Called in test_quick_select to determine if indexes should be used.
virtual double scan_time() { return (double) (stats.records+stats.deleted) / 20.0+10; }
/** @brief
This method will never be called if you do not implement indexes.
virtual double read_time(uint, uint, ha_rows rows)
{ return (double) rows / 20.0+1; }
Everything below are methods that we implement in
Most of these methods are not obligatory, skip them and
MySQL will treat them as not implemented
virtual bool get_error_message(int error, String *buf);
Push condition down to the table handler.
@param cond Condition to be pushed. The condition tree must not be
modified by the by the caller.
The 'remainder' condition that caller must use to filter out records.
NULL means the handler will not return rows that do not match the
passed condition.
The pushed conditions form a stack (from which one can remove the
last pushed condition using cond_pop).
The table handler filters out rows using (pushed_cond1 AND pushed_cond2
AND ... AND pushed_condN)
or less restrictive condition, depending on handler's capabilities.
handler->ha_reset() call empties the condition stack.
Calls to rnd_init/rnd_end, index_init/index_end etc do not affect the
condition stack.
virtual const COND *cond_push(const COND *cond);
PCFIL CheckCond(PGLOBAL g, PCFIL filp, AMT tty, Item *cond);
const char *GetValStr(OPVAL vop, bool neg);
PFIL CondFilter(PGLOBAL g, Item *cond);
Number of rows in table. It will only be called if
(table_flags() & (HA_HAS_RECORDS | HA_STATS_RECORDS_IS_EXACT)) != 0
virtual ha_rows records();
Type of table for caching query
CONNECT should not use caching because its tables are external
data prone to me modified out of MariaDB
virtual uint8 table_cache_type(void)
#if defined(MEMORY_TRACE)
// Temporary until bug MDEV-4771 is fixed
/** @brief
We implement this in; it's a required method.
int open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked); // required
/** @brief
We implement this in; it's a required method.
int close(void); // required
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int write_row(uchar *buf);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int update_row(const uchar *old_data, uchar *new_data);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int delete_row(const uchar *buf);
// Added to the connect handler
int index_init(uint idx, bool sorted);
int index_end();
int index_read(uchar * buf, const uchar * key, uint key_len,
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
int index_next_same(uchar *buf, const uchar *key, uint keylen);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
//int index_read_map(uchar *buf, const uchar *key,
// key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int index_next(uchar *buf);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
//int index_prev(uchar *buf);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int index_first(uchar *buf);
/** @brief
We implement this in It's not an obligatory method;
skip it and and MySQL will treat it as not implemented.
int index_last(uchar *buf);
/* Index condition pushdown implementation */
//Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
/** @brief
Unlike index_init(), rnd_init() can be called two consecutive times
without rnd_end() in between (it only makes sense if scan=1). In this
case, the second call should prepare for the new table scan (e.g if
rnd_init() allocates the cursor, the second call should position the
cursor to the start of the table; no need to deallocate and allocate
it again. This is a required method.
int rnd_init(bool scan); //required
int rnd_end();
int rnd_next(uchar *buf); ///< required
int rnd_pos(uchar *buf, uchar *pos); ///< required
void position(const uchar *record); ///< required
int info(uint); ///< required
int extra(enum ha_extra_function operation);
int start_stmt(THD *thd, thr_lock_type lock_type);
int external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type); ///< required
int delete_all_rows(void);
ha_rows records_in_range(uint inx, key_range *min_key,
key_range *max_key);
These methods can be overridden, but their default implementation
provide useful functionality.
int rename_table(const char *from, const char *to);
Delete a table in the engine. Called for base as well as temporary
int delete_table(const char *name);
Called by delete_table and rename_table
int delete_or_rename_table(const char *from, const char *to);
int create(const char *name, TABLE *form,
HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info); ///< required
bool check_if_incompatible_data(HA_CREATE_INFO *info,
uint table_changes);
THR_LOCK_DATA **store_lock(THD *thd, THR_LOCK_DATA **to,
enum thr_lock_type lock_type); ///< required
int optimize(THD* thd, HA_CHECK_OPT* check_opt);
* Multi Range Read interface
int multi_range_read_init(RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq, void *seq_init_param,
uint n_ranges, uint mode, HANDLER_BUFFER *buf);
int multi_range_read_next(range_id_t *range_info);
ha_rows multi_range_read_info_const(uint keyno, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq,
void *seq_init_param,
uint n_ranges, uint *bufsz,
uint *flags, Cost_estimate *cost);
ha_rows multi_range_read_info(uint keyno, uint n_ranges, uint keys,
uint key_parts, uint *bufsz,
uint *flags, Cost_estimate *cost);
int multi_range_read_explain_info(uint mrr_mode, char *str, size_t size);
int reset(void) {ds_mrr.dsmrr_close(); return 0;}
/* Index condition pushdown implementation */
// Item *idx_cond_push(uint keyno, Item* idx_cond);
DsMrr_impl ds_mrr;
bool check_privileges(THD *thd, PTOS options, char *dbn);
MODE CheckMode(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, MODE newmode, bool *chk, bool *cras);
char *GetDBfromName(const char *name);
// Members
static ulong num; // Tracable handler number
PCONNECT xp; // To user_connect associated class
ulong hnum; // The number of this handler
query_id_t valid_query_id; // The one when tdbp was allocated
query_id_t creat_query_id; // The one when handler was allocated
PTDB tdbp; // To table class object
PVAL sdvalin; // Used to convert date values
PVAL sdvalout; // Used to convert date values
bool istable; // True for table handler
//char tname[64]; // The table name
MODE xmod; // Table mode
XINFO xinfo; // The table info structure
bool valid_info; // True if xinfo is valid
bool stop; // Used when creating index
bool alter; // True when converting to other engine
bool mrr; // True when getting index positions
int indexing; // Type of indexing for CONNECT
int locked; // Table lock
THR_LOCK_DATA lock_data;
TABLE_SHARE *tshp; // Used by called tables
char *data_file_name;
char *index_file_name;
uint int_table_flags; // Inherited from MyISAM
bool enable_activate_all_index; // Inherited from MyISAM
}; // end of ha_connect class definition
......@@ -47,9 +47,12 @@
#include "myconn.h"
extern "C" int trace;
extern "C" int zconv;
extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT uint mysqld_port;
extern MYSQL_PLUGIN_IMPORT char *mysqld_unix_port;
DllExport void PushWarning(PGLOBAL, THD*, int level = 1);
// Returns the current used port
uint GetDefaultPort(void)
......@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ uint GetDefaultPort(void)
/* of a MySQL table or view. */
/* info = TRUE to get catalog column informations. */
PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, const char *host, const char *db,
const char *user, const char *pwd,
const char *table, const char *colpat,
int port, bool info)
......@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
unsigned int length[] = {0, 4, 16, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
char *fld, *fmt, v, cmd[128], uns[16], zero[16];
char *fld, *colname, *chset, *fmt, v, cmd[128], uns[16], zero[16];
int i, n, nf, ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int);
int len, type, prec, rc, k = 0;
......@@ -144,23 +147,24 @@ PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
/* Now get the results into blocks. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if ((rc = myc.Fetch(g, -1) == RC_FX)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; /*i++*/) {
if ((rc = myc.Fetch(g, -1)) == RC_FX) {
return NULL;
} else if (rc == RC_NF)
} else if (rc == RC_EF)
// Get column name
fld = myc.GetCharField(0);
colname = myc.GetCharField(0);
crp = qrp->Colresp; // Column_Name
crp->Kdata->SetValue(fld, i);
crp->Kdata->SetValue(colname, i);
// Get type, type name, precision, unsigned and zerofill
chset = myc.GetCharField(2);
fld = myc.GetCharField(1);
prec = 0;
len = 0;
v = 0;
v = (chset && !strcmp(chset, "binary")) ? 'B' : 0;
*uns = 0;
*zero = 0;
......@@ -181,11 +185,28 @@ PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
} // endswitch nf
if ((type = MYSQLtoPLG(cmd, &v)) == TYPE_ERROR) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported column type %s", cmd);
if (v == 'K') {
// Skip this column
sprintf(g->Message, "Column %s skipped (unsupported type %s)",
colname, cmd);
PushWarning(g, thd);
} // endif v
sprintf(g->Message, "Column %s unsupported type %s", colname, cmd);
return NULL;
} else if (type == TYPE_STRING)
len = min(len, 4096);
} else if (type == TYPE_STRING) {
if (v == 'X') {
len = zconv;
sprintf(g->Message, "Column %s converted to varchar(%d)",
colname, len);
PushWarning(g, thd);
v = 'V';
} else
len = min(len, 4096);
} // endif type
crp = crp->Next; // Data_Type
......@@ -241,8 +262,10 @@ PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
crp->Kdata->SetValue(fld, i);
crp = crp->Next; // New (charset)
fld = myc.GetCharField(2);
fld = chset;
crp->Kdata->SetValue(fld, i);
i++; // Can be skipped
} // endfor i
#if 0
......@@ -284,7 +307,7 @@ PQRYRES SrcColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
if (!port)
port = mysqld_port;
if (!strnicmp(srcdef, "select ", 7)) {
if (!strnicmp(srcdef, "select ", 7)) {
query = (char *)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(srcdef) + 9);
strcat(strcpy(query, srcdef), " LIMIT 0");
} else
......@@ -608,7 +631,7 @@ if (w)
void MYSQLC::DataSeek(my_ulonglong row)
MYSQL_ROWS *tmp=0;
MYSQL_ROWS *tmp=0;
//DBUG_PRINT("info",("mysql_data_seek(%ld)",(long) row));
if (m_Res->data)
......@@ -783,7 +806,7 @@ PQRYRES MYSQLC::GetResult(PGLOBAL g, bool pdb)
else {
if (!*row && crp->Nulls)
crp->Nulls[n] = '*'; // Null value
} // endelse *row
......@@ -880,7 +903,7 @@ void MYSQLC::DiscardResults(void)
while (!mysql_next_result(m_DB)) {
res = mysql_store_result(m_DB);
} // endwhile next result
} // endwhile next result
} // end of DiscardResults
#endif // 0
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ typedef class MYSQLC *PMYC;
/* Prototypes of info functions. */
PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, const char *host, const char *db,
PQRYRES MyColumns(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, const char *host, const char *db,
const char *user, const char *pwd,
const char *table, const char *colpat,
int port, bool info);
......@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ DROP TABLE pets;
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`cnt` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
......@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ package My::Suite::Connect;
return "No CONNECT engine" unless $ENV{HA_CONNECT_SO} or
$::mysqld_variables{'connect'} eq "ON";
# RECOMPILE_FOR_EMBEDDED also means that a plugin
# cannot be dynamically loaded into embedded
return "Not run for embedded server" if $::opt_embedded_server and
sub is_default { 1 }
bless { };
-- source include/
let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`;
let $PORT= `select @@port`;
--copy_file $MTR_SUITE_DIR/std_data/expenses.txt $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/expenses.txt
--echo #
--echo # Testing the PIVOT table type
--echo #
CREATE TABLE expenses (
Amount DOUBLE(8,2))
SELECT * FROM expenses;
--echo #
--echo # Pivoting from What
--echo #
Beer DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Car DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Food DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1)
--replace_result $PORT PORT
--eval ALTER TABLE pivex OPTION_LIST='port=$PORT'
SELECT * FROM pivex;
--echo #
--echo # Restricting the columns in a Pivot Table
--echo #
SELECT * FROM pivex;
--echo #
--echo # Using a source definition
--echo #
Beer DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Car DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Food DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1)
SRCDEF='select who, week, what, sum(amount) as amount from expenses where week in (4,5) group by who, week, what';
--replace_result $PORT PORT
--eval ALTER TABLE pivex OPTION_LIST='PivotCol=what,FncCol=amount,port=$PORT'
SELECT * FROM pivex;
--echo #
--echo # Pivoting from Week
--echo #
`3` DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
`4` DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
`5` DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1)
--replace_result $PORT PORT
--eval ALTER TABLE pivex OPTION_LIST='PivotCol=Week,port=$PORT'
SELECT * FROM pivex;
--echo #
--echo # Using scalar functions and expresssions
--echo #
First DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Middle DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Last DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1)
SRCDEF='select who, what, case when week=3 then ''First'' when week=5 then ''Last'' else ''Middle'' end as wk, sum(amount) * 6.56 as amnt from expenses group by who, what, wk';
--replace_result $PORT PORT
--eval ALTER TABLE pivex OPTION_LIST='PivotCol=wk,FncCol=amnt,port=$PORT'
SELECT * FROM pivex;
DROP TABLE expenses;
--echo #
--echo # Make the PETS table
--echo #
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('John','dog',2);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Bill','cat',1);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Mary','dog',1);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Mary','cat',1);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Lisbeth','rabbit',2);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Kevin','cat',2);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Kevin','bird',6);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Donald','dog',1);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Donald','fish',3);
--echo #
--echo # Pivot the PETS table
--echo #
SELECT * FROM pivet;
--echo #
--echo # Testing the "data" column list
--echo #
SELECT * FROM pivet;
ALTER TABLE pivet OPTION_LIST='PivotCol=race,groupby=1,accept=1';
SELECT * FROM pivet;
--echo #
--echo # Adding a "dump" column
--echo #
SELECT * FROM pivet;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-5734
--echo #
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
`cnt` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (1,'apple',1),(2,'banana',1),(3,'apple',2),(4,'cherry',4),(5,'durazno',2);
SELECT * FROM fruit;
SELECT * FROM fruit_pivot;
DROP TABLE fruit_pivot;
--remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/expenses.txt
-- source include/
let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`;
let $PORT= `select @@port`;
--copy_file $MTR_SUITE_DIR/std_data/expenses.txt $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/expenses.txt
--echo #
--echo # Testing the PIVOT table type
--echo #
CREATE TABLE expenses (
Amount DOUBLE(8,2))
SELECT * FROM expenses;
--echo #
--echo # Pivoting from What
--echo #
Beer DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Car DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Food DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1)
--replace_result $PORT PORT
--eval ALTER TABLE pivex OPTION_LIST='port=$PORT'
SELECT * FROM pivex;
--echo #
--echo # Restricting the columns in a Pivot Table
--echo #
SELECT * FROM pivex;
--echo #
--echo # Using a source definition
--echo #
Beer DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Car DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Food DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1)
SRCDEF='select who, week, what, sum(amount) as amount from expenses where week in (4,5) group by who, week, what';
--replace_result $PORT PORT
--eval ALTER TABLE pivex OPTION_LIST='PivotCol=what,FncCol=amount,port=$PORT'
SELECT * FROM pivex;
--echo #
--echo # Pivoting from Week
--echo #
`3` DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
`4` DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
`5` DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1)
--replace_result $PORT PORT
--eval ALTER TABLE pivex OPTION_LIST='PivotCol=Week,port=$PORT'
SELECT * FROM pivex;
--echo #
--echo # Using scalar functions and expresssions
--echo #
First DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Middle DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1,
Last DOUBLE(8,2) FLAG=1)
SRCDEF='select who, what, case when week=3 then ''First'' when week=5 then ''Last'' else ''Middle'' end as wk, sum(amount) * 6.56 as amnt from expenses group by who, what, wk';
--replace_result $PORT PORT
--eval ALTER TABLE pivex OPTION_LIST='PivotCol=wk,FncCol=amnt,port=$PORT'
SELECT * FROM pivex;
DROP TABLE expenses;
--echo #
--echo # Make the PETS table
--echo #
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('John','dog',2);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Bill','cat',1);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Mary','dog',1);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Mary','cat',1);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Lisbeth','rabbit',2);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Kevin','cat',2);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Kevin','bird',6);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Donald','dog',1);
INSERT INTO pets VALUES('Donald','fish',3);
--echo #
--echo # Pivot the PETS table
--echo #
SELECT * FROM pivet;
--echo #
--echo # Testing the "data" column list
--echo #
SELECT * FROM pivet;
ALTER TABLE pivet OPTION_LIST='PivotCol=race,groupby=1,accept=1';
SELECT * FROM pivet;
--echo #
--echo # Adding a "dump" column
--echo #
SELECT * FROM pivet;
--echo #
--echo # MDEV-5734
--echo #
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
`cnt` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
INSERT INTO fruit VALUES (1,'apple',1),(2,'banana',1),(3,'apple',2),(4,'cherry',4),(5,'durazno',2);
SELECT * FROM fruit;
SELECT * FROM fruit_pivot;
DROP TABLE fruit_pivot;
--remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/test/expenses.txt
/************** MyUtil C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/
/* ------------- */
/* Version 1.1 */
/* Version 1.2 */
/* */
/* Author Olivier BERTRAND 2013 */
/* Author Olivier BERTRAND 2014 */
/* */
/* ----------------------- */
......@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
#include "myutil.h"
#define DLL_EXPORT // Items are exported from this DLL
extern "C" int xconv;
/* Convert from MySQL type name to PlugDB type number */
......@@ -38,8 +40,7 @@ int MYSQLtoPLG(char *typname, char *var)
type = TYPE_INT;
else if (!stricmp(typname, "smallint"))
type = TYPE_SHORT;
else if (!stricmp(typname, "char") || !stricmp(typname, "varchar") ||
!stricmp(typname, "text") || !stricmp(typname, "blob"))
else if (!stricmp(typname, "char") || !stricmp(typname, "varchar"))
else if (!stricmp(typname, "double") || !stricmp(typname, "float") ||
!stricmp(typname, "real"))
......@@ -54,7 +55,20 @@ int MYSQLtoPLG(char *typname, char *var)
else if (!stricmp(typname, "tinyint"))
type = TYPE_TINY;
else if (!stricmp(typname, "text") && var) {
switch (xconv) {
case 1:
*var = 'X';
case 2:
*var = 'K';
type = TYPE_ERROR;
} // endswitch xconv
return type;
} else
type = TYPE_ERROR;
if (var) {
......@@ -71,9 +85,11 @@ int MYSQLtoPLG(char *typname, char *var)
else if (!stricmp(typname, "year"))
*var = 'Y';
} else if (type == TYPE_STRING && stricmp(typname, "char"))
} else if (type == TYPE_STRING && !stricmp(typname, "varchar"))
// This is to make the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR
*var = 'V';
else if (type == TYPE_ERROR && xconv == 2)
*var = 'K';
*var = 0;
......@@ -196,34 +212,50 @@ int MYSQLtoPLG(int mytype, char *var)
#if !defined(ALPHA)
#endif // !ALPHA)
if (var) {
switch (xconv) {
case 1:
if (*var != 'B') {
// This is a TEXT column
*var = 'X';
} else
type = TYPE_ERROR;
case 2:
*var = 'K'; // Skip
type = TYPE_ERROR;
} // endswitch xconv
return type;
} // endif var
type = TYPE_ERROR;
} // endswitch mytype
if (var) switch (mytype) {
// This is to make the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR
#if !defined(ALPHA)
#endif // !ALPHA)
case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: *var = 'V'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: *var = 'V'; break;
// This is to make the difference between temporal values
case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: *var = 'S'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: *var = 'D'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: *var = 'A'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR: *var = 'Y'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: *var = 'T'; break;
default: *var = 0;
case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: *var = 'S'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: *var = 'D'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: *var = 'A'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR: *var = 'Y'; break;
case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: *var = 'T'; break;
default: *var = 0;
} // endswitch mytype
return type;
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ my_bool CloseFileHandle(HANDLE h)
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
extern FILE *debug;
......@@ -172,16 +173,23 @@ char *_fullpath(char *absPath, const char *relPath, size_t maxLength)
// Fixme
char *p;
if( *relPath == '\\' || *relPath == '/' ) {
if ( *relPath == '\\' || *relPath == '/' ) {
strncpy(absPath, relPath, maxLength);
} else if(*relPath == '~') {
} else if (*relPath == '~') {
// get the path to the home directory
// Fixme
strncpy(absPath, relPath, maxLength);
} else {
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
const char *homedir = pw->pw_dir;
if (homedir)
strcat(strncpy(absPath, homedir, maxLength), relPath + 1);
strncpy(absPath, relPath, maxLength);
} else {
char buff[2*_MAX_PATH];
assert(getcwd(buff, _MAX_PATH) != NULL);
p= getcwd(buff, _MAX_PATH);
strcat(buff, relPath);
strncpy(absPath, buff, maxLength);
/************** PlgDBSem H Declares Source Code File (.H) **************/
/* Name: PLGDBSEM.H Version 3.6 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2014 */
/* */
/* This file contains the PlugDB++ application type definitions. */
/* Include required application header files */
#include "checklvl.h"
/* DB Constant definitions. */
#if defined(FRENCH)
#define DEFAULT_LOCALE "French"
#else // !FRENCH
#define DEFAULT_LOCALE "English"
#endif // !FRENCH
#define DOS_MAX_PATH 144 /* Must be the same across systems */
#define DOS_BUFF_LEN 100 /* Number of lines in binary file buffer */
#undef DOMAIN /* For Unix version */
enum BLKTYP {TYPE_TABLE = 50, /* Table Name/Srcdef/... Block */
TYPE_COLUMN = 51, /* Column Name/Qualifier Block */
TYPE_TDB = 53, /* Table Description Block */
TYPE_COLBLK = 54, /* Column Description Block */
TYPE_FILTER = 55, /* Filter Description Block */
TYPE_ARRAY = 63, /* General array type */
TYPE_PSZ = 64, /* Pointer to String ended by 0 */
TYPE_SQL = 65, /* Pointer to SQL block */
TYPE_XOBJECT = 69, /* Extended DB object */
TYPE_COLCRT = 71, /* Column creation block */
TYPE_CONST = 72, /* Constant */
/*-------------------- type tokenized string --------------------------*/
TYPE_DATE = 8, /* Timestamp */
/*-------------------- additional values used by LNA ------------------*/
TYPE_COLIST = 14, /* Column list */
TYPE_COL = 41, /* Column */
/*-------------------- types used by scalar functions -----------------*/
TYPE_NUM = 12,
/*-------------------- file blocks used when closing ------------------*/
TYPE_FB_FILE = 22, /* File block (stream) */
TYPE_FB_MAP = 23, /* Mapped file block (storage) */
TYPE_FB_HANDLE = 24, /* File block (handle) */
TYPE_FB_XML = 21, /* DOM XML file block */
TYPE_FB_XML2 = 27}; /* libxml2 XML file block */
enum TABTYPE {TAB_UNDEF = 0, /* Table of undefined type */
TAB_DOS = 1, /* Fixed column offset, variable LRECL */
TAB_FIX = 2, /* Fixed column offset, fixed LRECL */
TAB_BIN = 3, /* Like FIX but can have binary fields */
TAB_CSV = 4, /* DOS files with CSV records */
TAB_FMT = 5, /* DOS files with formatted recordss */
TAB_DBF = 6, /* DBF Dbase or Foxpro files */
TAB_XML = 7, /* XML or HTML files */
TAB_INI = 8, /* INI or CFG files */
TAB_VEC = 9, /* Vector column arrangement */
TAB_ODBC = 10, /* Table accessed via (unix)ODBC */
TAB_MYSQL = 11, /* MySQL table accessed via MySQL API */
TAB_DIR = 12, /* Returns a list of files */
TAB_MAC = 13, /* MAC address (Windows only) */
TAB_WMI = 14, /* WMI tables (Windows only) */
TAB_TBL = 15, /* Collection of CONNECT tables */
TAB_OEM = 16, /* OEM implemented table */
TAB_XCL = 17, /* XCL table */
TAB_OCCUR = 18, /* OCCUR table */
TAB_PRX = 19, /* Proxy (catalog) table */
TAB_PLG = 20, /* PLG NIY */
TAB_JCT = 22, /* Junction tables NIY */
TAB_DMY = 23, /* DMY Dummy tables NIY */
TAB_NIY = 24}; /* Table not implemented yet */
enum AMT {TYPE_AM_ERROR = 0, /* Type not defined */
TYPE_AM_ROWID = 1, /* ROWID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_FILID = 2, /* FILEID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_TAB = 3, /* Table (any type) */
TYPE_AM_VIEW = 4, /* VIEW (any type) */
TYPE_AM_SRVID = 5, /* SERVID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_TABID = 6, /* TABID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_CNSID = 7, /* CONSTID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_COUNT = 10, /* CPT AM type no (count table) */
TYPE_AM_DCD = 20, /* Decode access method type no */
TYPE_AM_CMS = 30, /* CMS access method type no */
TYPE_AM_MAP = 32, /* MAP access method type no */
TYPE_AM_FMT = 33, /* DOS files with formatted recs */
TYPE_AM_CSV = 34, /* DOS files with CSV records */
TYPE_AM_MCV = 35, /* MAP files with CSV records */
TYPE_AM_DOS = 36, /* DOS am with Lrecl = V */
TYPE_AM_FIX = 38, /* DOS am with Lrecl = F */
TYPE_AM_BIN = 39, /* DOS am with Lrecl = B */
TYPE_AM_VCT = 40, /* VCT access method type no */
TYPE_AM_VMP = 43, /* VMP access method type no */
TYPE_AM_QRY = 50, /* QRY access method type no */
TYPE_AM_QRS = 51, /* QRYRES access method type no */
TYPE_AM_SQL = 60, /* SQL VIEW access method type */
TYPE_AM_PLG = 70, /* PLG access method type no */
TYPE_AM_PLM = 71, /* PDM access method type no */
TYPE_AM_DOM = 80, /* DOM access method type no */
TYPE_AM_DIR = 90, /* DIR access method type no */
TYPE_AM_ODBC = 100, /* ODBC access method type no */
TYPE_AM_XDBC = 101, /* XDBC access method type no */
TYPE_AM_OEM = 110, /* OEM access method type no */
TYPE_AM_TBL = 115, /* TBL access method type no */
TYPE_AM_PIVOT = 120, /* PIVOT access method type no */
TYPE_AM_SRC = 121, /* PIVOT multiple column type no */
TYPE_AM_FNC = 122, /* PIVOT source column type no */
TYPE_AM_XCOL = 124, /* XCOL access method type no */
TYPE_AM_XML = 127, /* XML access method type no */
TYPE_AM_OCCUR = 128, /* OCCUR access method type no */
TYPE_AM_PRX = 129, /* PROXY access method type no */
TYPE_AM_XTB = 130, /* SYS table access method type */
TYPE_AM_BLK = 131, /* BLK access method type no */
TYPE_AM_ZIP = 132, /* ZIP access method type no */
TYPE_AM_ZLIB = 133, /* ZLIB access method type no */
TYPE_AM_MAC = 137, /* MAC table access method type */
TYPE_AM_WMI = 139, /* WMI table access method type */
TYPE_AM_XCL = 140, /* SYS column access method type */
TYPE_AM_INI = 150, /* INI files access method */
TYPE_AM_TFC = 155, /* TFC (Circa) (Fuzzy compare) */
TYPE_AM_DBF = 160, /* DBF Dbase files am type no */
TYPE_AM_JCT = 170, /* Junction tables am type no */
TYPE_AM_DMY = 172, /* DMY Dummy tables am type no */
TYPE_AM_SET = 180, /* SET Set tables am type no */
TYPE_AM_MYSQL = 192, /* MYSQL access method type no */
TYPE_AM_MYX = 193, /* MYSQL EXEC access method type */
TYPE_AM_CAT = 195, /* Catalog access method type no */
TYPE_AM_OUT = 200}; /* Output relations (storage) */
enum RECFM {RECFM_NAF = -2, /* Not a file */
RECFM_OEM = -1, /* OEM file access method */
RECFM_VAR = 0, /* Varying length DOS files */
RECFM_FIX = 1, /* Fixed length DOS files */
RECFM_BIN = 2, /* Binary DOS files (also fixed) */
RECFM_VCT = 3, /* VCT formatted files */
RECFM_ODBC = 4, /* Table accessed via ODBC */
RECFM_PLG = 5, /* Table accessed via PLGconn */
RECFM_DBF = 6}; /* DBase formatted file */
enum MISC {DB_TABNO = 1, /* DB routines in Utility Table */
MAX_MULT_KEY = 10, /* Max multiple key number */
NAM_LEN = 128, /* Length of col and tab names */
ARRAY_SIZE = 50, /* Default array block size */
// MAXRES = 500, /* Default maximum result lines */
// MAXLIN = 10000, /* Default maximum data lines */
MAXBMP = 32}; /* Default XDB2 max bitmap size */
#if 0
enum ALGMOD {AMOD_AUTO = 0, /* PLG chooses best algorithm */
AMOD_SQL = 1, /* Use SQL algorithm */
AMOD_QRY = 2}; /* Use QUERY algorithm */
#endif // 0
enum MODE {MODE_ERROR = -1, /* Invalid mode */
MODE_ANY = 0, /* Unspecified mode */
MODE_READ = 10, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_WRITE = 20, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_UPDATE = 30, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_INSERT = 40, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_DELETE = 50, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_ALTER = 60}; /* alter mode */
#if !defined(RC_OK_DEFINED)
enum RCODE {RC_OK = 0, /* No error return code */
RC_NF = 1, /* Not found return code */
RC_EF = 2, /* End of file return code */
RC_FX = 3, /* Error return code */
RC_INFO = 4}; /* Success with info */
#endif // !RC_OK_DEFINED
enum OPVAL {OP_EQ = 1, /* Filtering operator = */
OP_NE = 2, /* Filtering operator != */
OP_GT = 3, /* Filtering operator > */
OP_GE = 4, /* Filtering operator >= */
OP_LT = 5, /* Filtering operator < */
OP_LE = 6, /* Filtering operator <= */
OP_IN = 7, /* Filtering operator IN */
OP_NULL = 8, /* Filtering operator IS NULL */
OP_EXIST = 9, /* Filtering operator EXISTS */
OP_LIKE = 10, /* Filtering operator LIKE */
OP_LOJ = -1, /* Filter op LEFT OUTER JOIN */
OP_ROJ = -2, /* Filter op RIGHT OUTER JOIN */
OP_DTJ = -3, /* Filter op DISTINCT JOIN */
OP_XX = 11, /* Filtering operator unknown */
OP_AND = 12, /* Filtering operator AND */
OP_OR = 13, /* Filtering operator OR */
OP_CNC = 14, /* Expression Concat operator */
OP_NOT = 15, /* Filtering operator NOT */
OP_SEP = 20, /* Filtering separator */
OP_ADD = 16, /* Expression Add operator */
OP_SUB = 17, /* Expression Substract operator */
OP_MULT = 18, /* Expression Multiply operator */
OP_DIV = 19, /* Expression Divide operator */
OP_NOP = 21, /* Scalar function is nopped */
OP_NUM = 22, /* Scalar function Op Num */
OP_ABS = 23, /* Scalar function Op Abs */
OP_MAX = 24, /* Scalar function Op Max */
OP_MIN = 25, /* Scalar function Op Min */
OP_CEIL = 26, /* Scalar function Op Ceil */
OP_FLOOR = 27, /* Scalar function Op Floor */
OP_MOD = 28, /* Scalar function Op Mod */
OP_ROUND = 29, /* Scalar function Op Round */
OP_SIGN = 30, /* Scalar function Op Sign */
OP_LEN = 31, /* Scalar function Op Len */
OP_INSTR = 32, /* Scalar function Op Instr */
OP_LEFT = 33, /* Scalar function Op Left */
OP_RIGHT = 34, /* Scalar function Op Right */
OP_ASCII = 35, /* Scalar function Op Ascii */
OP_EXP = 36, /* Scalar function Op Exp */
OP_LN = 37, /* Scalar function Op Ln */
OP_LOG = 38, /* Scalar function Op Log */
OP_POWER = 39, /* Scalar function Op Power */
OP_SQRT = 40, /* Scalar function Op Sqrt */
OP_COS = 41, /* Scalar function Op Cos */
OP_COSH = 42, /* Scalar function Op Cosh */
OP_SIN = 43, /* Scalar function Op Sin */
OP_SINH = 44, /* Scalar function Op Sinh */
OP_TAN = 45, /* Scalar function Op Tan */
OP_TANH = 46, /* Scalar function Op Tanh */
OP_USER = 47, /* Scalar function Op User */
OP_CHAR = 48, /* Scalar function Op Char */
OP_UPPER = 49, /* Scalar function Op Upper */
OP_LOWER = 50, /* Scalar function Op Lower */
OP_RPAD = 51, /* Scalar function Op Rpad */
OP_LPAD = 52, /* Scalar function Op Lpad */
OP_LTRIM = 53, /* Scalar function Op Ltrim */
OP_RTRIM = 54, /* Scalar function Op Rtrim */
OP_REPL = 55, /* Scalar function Op Replace */
OP_SUBST = 56, /* Scalar function Op Substr */
OP_LJUST = 57, /* Scalar function Op Ljustify */
OP_RJUST = 58, /* Scalar function Op Rjustify */
OP_CJUST = 59, /* Scalar function Op Cjustify */
OP_ENCODE = 60, /* Scalar function Op Encode */
OP_DECODE = 61, /* Scalar function Op Decode */
OP_SEQU = 62, /* Scalar function Op Sequence */
OP_IF = 63, /* Scalar function Op If */
OP_STRING = 64, /* Scalar function Op String */
OP_TOKEN = 65, /* Scalar function Op Token */
OP_SNDX = 66, /* Scalar function Op Soundex */
OP_DATE = 67, /* Scalar function Op Date */
OP_MDAY = 68, /* Scalar function Op Month Day */
OP_MONTH = 69, /* Scalar function Op Month of */
OP_YEAR = 70, /* Scalar function Op Year of */
OP_WDAY = 71, /* Scalar function Op Week Day */
OP_YDAY = 72, /* Scalar function Op Year Day */
OP_DBTWN = 73, /* Scalar function Op Days betwn */
OP_MBTWN = 74, /* Scalar function Op Months btw */
OP_YBTWN = 75, /* Scalar function Op Years btwn */
OP_ADDAY = 76, /* Scalar function Op Add Days */
OP_ADDMTH = 77, /* Scalar function Op Add Months */
OP_ADDYR = 78, /* Scalar function Op Add Years */
OP_NXTDAY = 79, /* Scalar function Op Next Day */
OP_SYSDT = 80, /* Scalar function Op SysDate */
OP_DELTA = 81, /* Scalar function Op Delta */
OP_LAST = 82, /* Scalar function Op Last */
OP_IFF = 83, /* Scalar function Op Iff */
OP_MAVG = 84, /* Scalar function Op Moving Avg */
OP_VWAP = 85, /* Scalar function Op VWAP */
OP_TIME = 86, /* Scalar function Op TIME */
OP_SETLEN = 87, /* Scalar function Op Set Length */
OP_TRANSL = 88, /* Scalar function Op Translate */
OP_BITAND = 89, /* Expression BitAnd operator */
OP_BITOR = 90, /* Expression BitOr operator */
OP_BITXOR = 91, /* Expression XOR operator */
OP_BITNOT = 92, /* Expression Complement operator*/
OP_CNTIN = 93, /* Scalar function Count In */
OP_FDISK = 94, /* Scalar function Disk of fileid*/
OP_FPATH = 95, /* Scalar function Path of fileid*/
OP_FNAME = 96, /* Scalar function Name of fileid*/
OP_FTYPE = 97, /* Scalar function Type of fileid*/
OP_XDATE = 98, /* Scalar function Op Fmt Date */
OP_SWITCH = 99, /* Scalar function Op Switch */
OP_EXIT = 100, /* Scalar function Op Exit */
OP_LIT = 101, /* Scalar function Op Literal */
OP_LOCALE = 102, /* Scalar function Op Locale */
OP_FRNCH = 103, /* Scalar function Op French */
OP_ENGLSH = 104, /* Scalar function Op English */
OP_RAND = 105, /* Scalar function Op Rand(om) */
OP_FIRST = 106, /* Index operator Find First */
OP_NEXT = 107, /* Index operator Find Next */
OP_SAME = 108, /* Index operator Find Next Same */
OP_FSTDIF = 109, /* Index operator Find First dif */
OP_NXTDIF = 110, /* Index operator Find Next dif */
OP_VAL = 111, /* Scalar function Op Valist */
OP_QUART = 112, /* Scalar function Op QUARTER */
OP_CURDT = 113, /* Scalar function Op CurDate */
OP_NWEEK = 114, /* Scalar function Op Week number*/
OP_ROW = 115, /* Scalar function Op Row */
OP_SYSTEM = 200, /* Scalar function Op System */
OP_REMOVE = 201, /* Scalar function Op Remove */
OP_RENAME = 202, /* Scalar function Op Rename */
OP_FCOMP = 203}; /* Scalar function Op Compare */
enum TUSE {USE_NO = 0, /* Table is not yet linearized */
USE_LIN = 1, /* Table is linearized */
USE_READY = 2, /* Column buffers are allocated */
USE_OPEN = 3, /* Table is open */
USE_CNT = 4, /* Specific to LNA */
USE_NOKEY = 5}; /* Specific to SqlToHql */
/* Following definitions are used to indicate the status of a column. */
enum STATUS {BUF_NO = 0x00, /* Column buffer not allocated */
BUF_EMPTY = 0x01, /* Column buffer is empty */
BUF_READY = 0x02, /* Column buffer is ready */
BUF_READ = 0x04, /* Column buffer has read value */
BUF_MAPPED = 0x08}; /* Used by the VMPFAM class */
/* Following definitions are used to indicate how a column is used. */
/* Corresponding bits are ON if the column is used in: */
enum COLUSE {U_P = 0x01, /* the projection list. */
U_J_EXT = 0x02, /* a join filter. */
U_J_INT = 0x04, /* a join after linearisation. */
/*-- Such a column have a constant value throughout a subquery eval. --*/
U_CORREL = 0x08, /* a correlated sub-query */
/*-------------------- additional values used by CONNECT --------------*/
U_VAR = 0x10, /* a VARCHAR column */
U_VIRTUAL = 0x20, /* a VIRTUAL column */
U_NULLS = 0x40, /* The column may have nulls */
U_IS_NULL = 0x80, /* The column has a null value */
U_SPECIAL = 0x100, /* The column is special */
U_UNSIGNED = 0x200, /* The column type is unsigned */
U_ZEROFILL = 0x400}; /* The column is zero filled */
/* DB description class and block pointer definitions. */
typedef class XTAB *PTABLE;
typedef class COLUMN *PCOLUMN;
typedef class XOBJECT *PXOB;
typedef class COLBLK *PCOL;
typedef class TDB *PTDB;
typedef class TDBASE *PTDBASE;
typedef class TDBDOS *PTDBDOS;
typedef class TDBFIX *PTDBFIX;
typedef class TDBFMT *PTDBFMT;
typedef class TDBCSV *PTDBCSV;
typedef class TDBDOM *PTDBDOM;
typedef class TDBDIR *PTDBDIR;
typedef class DOSCOL *PDOSCOL;
typedef class CSVCOL *PCSVCOL;
typedef class MAPCOL *PMAPCOL;
typedef class TDBMFT *PTDBMFT;
typedef class TDBMCV *PTDBMCV;
typedef class MCVCOL *PMCVCOL;
typedef class RESCOL *PRESCOL;
typedef class XXBASE *PKXBASE;
typedef class KXYCOL *PXCOL;
typedef class CATALOG *PCATLG;
typedef class RELDEF *PRELDEF;
typedef class TABDEF *PTABDEF;
typedef class DOSDEF *PDOSDEF;
typedef class CSVDEF *PCSVDEF;
typedef class VCTDEF *PVCTDEF;
typedef class PIVOTDEF *PPIVOTDEF;
typedef class DOMDEF *PDOMDEF;
typedef class DIRDEF *PDIRDEF;
typedef class OEMDEF *POEMDEF;
typedef class COLCRT *PCOLCRT;
typedef class COLDEF *PCOLDEF;
typedef class CONSTANT *PCONST;
typedef class VALUE *PVAL;
typedef class VALBLK *PVBLK;
typedef class FILTER *PFIL;
typedef struct _fblock *PFBLOCK;
typedef struct _mblock *PMBLOCK;
typedef struct _cblock *PCBLOCK;
typedef struct _tabs *PTABS;
typedef struct _qryres *PQRYRES;
typedef struct _colres *PCOLRES;
typedef struct _datpar *PDTP;
typedef struct indx_used *PXUSED;
/* Utility blocks for file and storage. */
typedef struct _fblock { /* Opened (mapped) file block */
struct _fblock *Next;
LPCSTR Fname; /* Point on file name */
size_t Length; /* File length (<4GB) */
short Count; /* Nb of times map is used */
short Type; /* TYPE_FB_FILE or TYPE_FB_MAP */
MODE Mode; /* Open mode */
char *Memory; /* Pointer to file mapping view */
void *File; /* FILE pointer */
HANDLE Handle; /* File handle */
typedef struct _mblock { /* Memory block */
bool Inlist; /* True if in mblock list */
size_t Size; /* Size of allocation */
bool Sub; /* True if suballocated */
void *Memp; /* Memory pointer */
/* The QUERY application User Block. */
typedef struct { /* User application block */
NAME Name; /* User application name */
char Server[17]; /* Server name */
char DBName[17]; /* Current database name */
PCATLG Catalog; /* To CATALOG class */
PQRYRES Result; /* To query result blocks */
PFBLOCK Openlist; /* To file/map open list */
PMBLOCK Memlist; /* To memory block list */
PXUSED Xlist; /* To used index list */
int Maxbmp; /* Maximum XDB2 bitmap size */
int Check; /* General level of checking */
int Numlines; /* Number of lines involved */
USETEMP UseTemp; /* Use temporary file */
int Vtdbno; /* Used for TDB number setting */
bool Remote; /* true: if remotely called */
bool Proginfo; /* true: return progress info */
bool Subcor; /* Used for Progress info */
size_t ProgMax; /* Used for Progress info */
size_t ProgCur; /* Used for Progress info */
size_t ProgSav; /* Used for Progress info */
LPCSTR Step; /* Execution step name */
/* Column output format. */
typedef struct _format { /* Format descriptor block */
char Type[2]; /* C:char, F:double, N:int, Dx: date */
ushort Length; /* Output length */
short Prec; /* Output precision */
/* Definition of blocks used in type and copy routines. */
typedef struct _tabptr { /* start=P1 */
struct _tabptr *Next;
int Num; /* alignement */
void *Old[50];
void *New[50]; /* old and new values of copied ptrs */
typedef struct _tabadr { /* start=P3 */
struct _tabadr *Next;
int Num;
void *Adx[50]; /* addr of pointers to be reset */
typedef struct _tabs {
/* Argument of expression, function, filter etc. (Xobject) */
typedef struct _arg { /* Argument */
PXOB To_Obj; /* To the argument object */
PVAL Value; /* Argument value */
bool Conv; /* TRUE if conversion is required */
typedef struct _oper { /* Operator */
PSZ Name; /* The input/output operator name */
OPVAL Val; /* Operator numeric value */
int Mod; /* The modificator */
/* Following definitions are used to define table fields (columns). */
enum XFLD {FLD_NO = 0, /* Not a field definition item */
FLD_NAME = 1, /* Item name */
FLD_TYPE = 2, /* Field type */
FLD_TYPENAME = 3, /* Field type name */
FLD_PREC = 4, /* Field precision (length?) */
FLD_LENGTH = 5, /* Field length (?) */
FLD_SCALE = 6, /* Field scale (precision) */
FLD_RADIX = 7, /* Field radix */
FLD_NULL = 8, /* Field nullable property */
FLD_REM = 9, /* Field comment (remark) */
FLD_CHARSET = 10, /* Field collation */
FLD_KEY = 11, /* Field key property */
FLD_DEFAULT = 12, /* Field default value */
FLD_EXTRA = 13, /* Field extra info */
FLD_PRIV = 14, /* Field priviledges */
FLD_DATEFMT = 15, /* Field date format */
FLD_CAT = 16, /* Table catalog */
FLD_SCHEM = 17, /* Table schema */
FLD_TABNAME = 18}; /* Column Table name */
/* Result of last SQL noconv query. */
typedef struct _qryres {
PCOLRES Colresp; /* Points to columns of result */
bool Continued; /* true when more rows to fetch */
bool Truncated; /* true when truncated by maxres */
bool Suball; /* true when entirely suballocated */
bool Info; /* true when info msg generated */
int Maxsize; /* Max query number of lines */
int Maxres; /* Allocation size */
int Nblin; /* Number of rows in result set */
int Nbcol; /* Number of columns in result set */
int Cursor; /* Starting position to get data */
int BadLines; /* Skipped bad lines in table file */
typedef struct _colres {
PCOLRES Next; /* To next result column */
PCOL Colp; /* To matching column block */
PSZ Name; /* Column header */
PVBLK Kdata; /* Column block of values */
char *Nulls; /* Column null value array */
int Type; /* Internal type */
int Datasize; /* Overall data size */
int Ncol; /* Column number */
int Clen; /* Data individual internal size */
int Length; /* Data individual print length */
int Prec; /* Precision */
int Flag; /* Flag option value */
XFLD Fld; /* Type of field info */
char Var; /* Type added information */
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(NOEX)
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
#else // !WIN32
#define DllExport
#endif // !WIN32
/* Utility routines. */
PPARM Vcolist(PGLOBAL, PTDB, PSZ, bool);
void PlugPutOut(PGLOBAL, FILE *, short, void *, uint);
void PlugLineDB(PGLOBAL, PSZ, short, void *, uint);
char *PlgGetDataPath(PGLOBAL g);
void AddPointer(PTABS, void *);
PDTP MakeDateFormat(PGLOBAL, PSZ, bool, bool, int);
int ExtractDate(char *, PDTP, int, int val[6]);
/* Allocate the result structure that will contain result data. */
DllExport PQRYRES PlgAllocResult(PGLOBAL g, int ncol, int maxres, int ids,
int *buftyp, XFLD *fldtyp,
unsigned int *length,
bool blank, bool nonull);
/* Exported utility routines. */
DllExport int PlugCloseFile(PGLOBAL, PFBLOCK, bool all = false);
DllExport void PlugCleanup(PGLOBAL, bool);
DllExport bool GetPromptAnswer(PGLOBAL, char *);
DllExport char *GetAmName(PGLOBAL g, AMT am, void *memp = NULL);
DllExport PDBUSER PlgMakeUser(PGLOBAL g);
DllExport PDBUSER PlgGetUser(PGLOBAL g);
DllExport PCATLG PlgGetCatalog(PGLOBAL g, bool jump = true);
DllExport bool PlgSetXdbPath(PGLOBAL g, PSZ, PSZ, char *, int, char *, int);
DllExport void PlgDBfree(MBLOCK&);
DllExport void *PlgDBSubAlloc(PGLOBAL g, void *memp, size_t size);
DllExport void *PlgDBalloc(PGLOBAL, void *, MBLOCK&);
DllExport void *PlgDBrealloc(PGLOBAL, void *, MBLOCK&, size_t);
DllExport void NewPointer(PTABS, void *, void *);
DllExport char *GetIni(int n= 0);
DllExport void SetTrc(void);
DllExport char *GetListOption(PGLOBAL, const char *, const char *,
const char *def=NULL);
#define MSGID_NONE 0
FILE *global_fopen(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *path, const char *mode);
int global_open(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *filename, int flags);
int global_open(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *filename, int flags, int mode);
DllExport LPCSTR PlugSetPath(LPSTR to, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR dir);
char *MakeEscape(PGLOBAL g, char* str, char q);
DllExport bool PushWarning(PGLOBAL, PTDBASE, int level = 1);
/************** PlgDBSem H Declares Source Code File (.H) **************/
/* Name: PLGDBSEM.H Version 3.6 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2014 */
/* */
/* This file contains the PlugDB++ application type definitions. */
/* Include required application header files */
#include "checklvl.h"
/* DB Constant definitions. */
#if defined(FRENCH)
#define DEFAULT_LOCALE "French"
#else // !FRENCH
#define DEFAULT_LOCALE "English"
#endif // !FRENCH
#define DOS_MAX_PATH 144 /* Must be the same across systems */
#define DOS_BUFF_LEN 100 /* Number of lines in binary file buffer */
#undef DOMAIN /* For Unix version */
enum BLKTYP {TYPE_TABLE = 50, /* Table Name/Srcdef/... Block */
TYPE_COLUMN = 51, /* Column Name/Qualifier Block */
TYPE_TDB = 53, /* Table Description Block */
TYPE_COLBLK = 54, /* Column Description Block */
TYPE_FILTER = 55, /* Filter Description Block */
TYPE_ARRAY = 63, /* General array type */
TYPE_PSZ = 64, /* Pointer to String ended by 0 */
TYPE_SQL = 65, /* Pointer to SQL block */
TYPE_XOBJECT = 69, /* Extended DB object */
TYPE_COLCRT = 71, /* Column creation block */
TYPE_CONST = 72, /* Constant */
/*-------------------- type tokenized string --------------------------*/
TYPE_DATE = 8, /* Timestamp */
/*-------------------- additional values used by LNA ------------------*/
TYPE_COLIST = 14, /* Column list */
TYPE_COL = 41, /* Column */
/*-------------------- types used by scalar functions -----------------*/
TYPE_NUM = 12,
/*-------------------- file blocks used when closing ------------------*/
TYPE_FB_FILE = 22, /* File block (stream) */
TYPE_FB_MAP = 23, /* Mapped file block (storage) */
TYPE_FB_HANDLE = 24, /* File block (handle) */
TYPE_FB_XML = 21, /* DOM XML file block */
TYPE_FB_XML2 = 27}; /* libxml2 XML file block */
enum TABTYPE {TAB_UNDEF = 0, /* Table of undefined type */
TAB_DOS = 1, /* Fixed column offset, variable LRECL */
TAB_FIX = 2, /* Fixed column offset, fixed LRECL */
TAB_BIN = 3, /* Like FIX but can have binary fields */
TAB_CSV = 4, /* DOS files with CSV records */
TAB_FMT = 5, /* DOS files with formatted recordss */
TAB_DBF = 6, /* DBF Dbase or Foxpro files */
TAB_XML = 7, /* XML or HTML files */
TAB_INI = 8, /* INI or CFG files */
TAB_VEC = 9, /* Vector column arrangement */
TAB_ODBC = 10, /* Table accessed via (unix)ODBC */
TAB_MYSQL = 11, /* MySQL table accessed via MySQL API */
TAB_DIR = 12, /* Returns a list of files */
TAB_MAC = 13, /* MAC address (Windows only) */
TAB_WMI = 14, /* WMI tables (Windows only) */
TAB_TBL = 15, /* Collection of CONNECT tables */
TAB_OEM = 16, /* OEM implemented table */
TAB_XCL = 17, /* XCL table */
TAB_OCCUR = 18, /* OCCUR table */
TAB_PRX = 19, /* Proxy (catalog) table */
TAB_PLG = 20, /* PLG NIY */
TAB_JCT = 22, /* Junction tables NIY */
TAB_DMY = 23, /* DMY Dummy tables NIY */
TAB_NIY = 24}; /* Table not implemented yet */
enum AMT {TYPE_AM_ERROR = 0, /* Type not defined */
TYPE_AM_ROWID = 1, /* ROWID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_FILID = 2, /* FILEID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_TAB = 3, /* Table (any type) */
TYPE_AM_VIEW = 4, /* VIEW (any type) */
TYPE_AM_SRVID = 5, /* SERVID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_TABID = 6, /* TABID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_CNSID = 7, /* CONSTID type (special column) */
TYPE_AM_COUNT = 10, /* CPT AM type no (count table) */
TYPE_AM_DCD = 20, /* Decode access method type no */
TYPE_AM_CMS = 30, /* CMS access method type no */
TYPE_AM_MAP = 32, /* MAP access method type no */
TYPE_AM_FMT = 33, /* DOS files with formatted recs */
TYPE_AM_CSV = 34, /* DOS files with CSV records */
TYPE_AM_MCV = 35, /* MAP files with CSV records */
TYPE_AM_DOS = 36, /* DOS am with Lrecl = V */
TYPE_AM_FIX = 38, /* DOS am with Lrecl = F */
TYPE_AM_BIN = 39, /* DOS am with Lrecl = B */
TYPE_AM_VCT = 40, /* VCT access method type no */
TYPE_AM_VMP = 43, /* VMP access method type no */
TYPE_AM_QRY = 50, /* QRY access method type no */
TYPE_AM_QRS = 51, /* QRYRES access method type no */
TYPE_AM_SQL = 60, /* SQL VIEW access method type */
TYPE_AM_PLG = 70, /* PLG access method type no */
TYPE_AM_PLM = 71, /* PDM access method type no */
TYPE_AM_DOM = 80, /* DOM access method type no */
TYPE_AM_DIR = 90, /* DIR access method type no */
TYPE_AM_ODBC = 100, /* ODBC access method type no */
TYPE_AM_XDBC = 101, /* XDBC access method type no */
TYPE_AM_OEM = 110, /* OEM access method type no */
TYPE_AM_TBL = 115, /* TBL access method type no */
TYPE_AM_PIVOT = 120, /* PIVOT access method type no */
TYPE_AM_SRC = 121, /* PIVOT multiple column type no */
TYPE_AM_FNC = 122, /* PIVOT source column type no */
TYPE_AM_XCOL = 124, /* XCOL access method type no */
TYPE_AM_XML = 127, /* XML access method type no */
TYPE_AM_OCCUR = 128, /* OCCUR access method type no */
TYPE_AM_PRX = 129, /* PROXY access method type no */
TYPE_AM_XTB = 130, /* SYS table access method type */
TYPE_AM_BLK = 131, /* BLK access method type no */
TYPE_AM_ZIP = 132, /* ZIP access method type no */
TYPE_AM_ZLIB = 133, /* ZLIB access method type no */
TYPE_AM_MAC = 137, /* MAC table access method type */
TYPE_AM_WMI = 139, /* WMI table access method type */
TYPE_AM_XCL = 140, /* SYS column access method type */
TYPE_AM_INI = 150, /* INI files access method */
TYPE_AM_TFC = 155, /* TFC (Circa) (Fuzzy compare) */
TYPE_AM_DBF = 160, /* DBF Dbase files am type no */
TYPE_AM_JCT = 170, /* Junction tables am type no */
TYPE_AM_DMY = 172, /* DMY Dummy tables am type no */
TYPE_AM_SET = 180, /* SET Set tables am type no */
TYPE_AM_MYSQL = 192, /* MYSQL access method type no */
TYPE_AM_MYX = 193, /* MYSQL EXEC access method type */
TYPE_AM_CAT = 195, /* Catalog access method type no */
TYPE_AM_OUT = 200}; /* Output relations (storage) */
enum RECFM {RECFM_NAF = -2, /* Not a file */
RECFM_OEM = -1, /* OEM file access method */
RECFM_VAR = 0, /* Varying length DOS files */
RECFM_FIX = 1, /* Fixed length DOS files */
RECFM_BIN = 2, /* Binary DOS files (also fixed) */
RECFM_VCT = 3, /* VCT formatted files */
RECFM_ODBC = 4, /* Table accessed via ODBC */
RECFM_PLG = 5, /* Table accessed via PLGconn */
RECFM_DBF = 6}; /* DBase formatted file */
enum MISC {DB_TABNO = 1, /* DB routines in Utility Table */
MAX_MULT_KEY = 10, /* Max multiple key number */
NAM_LEN = 128, /* Length of col and tab names */
ARRAY_SIZE = 50, /* Default array block size */
// MAXRES = 500, /* Default maximum result lines */
// MAXLIN = 10000, /* Default maximum data lines */
MAXBMP = 32}; /* Default XDB2 max bitmap size */
#if 0
enum ALGMOD {AMOD_AUTO = 0, /* PLG chooses best algorithm */
AMOD_SQL = 1, /* Use SQL algorithm */
AMOD_QRY = 2}; /* Use QUERY algorithm */
#endif // 0
enum MODE {MODE_ERROR = -1, /* Invalid mode */
MODE_ANY = 0, /* Unspecified mode */
MODE_READ = 10, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_WRITE = 20, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_UPDATE = 30, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_INSERT = 40, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_DELETE = 50, /* Input/Output mode */
MODE_ALTER = 60}; /* alter mode */
#if !defined(RC_OK_DEFINED)
enum RCODE {RC_OK = 0, /* No error return code */
RC_NF = 1, /* Not found return code */
RC_EF = 2, /* End of file return code */
RC_FX = 3, /* Error return code */
RC_INFO = 4}; /* Success with info */
#endif // !RC_OK_DEFINED
enum OPVAL {OP_EQ = 1, /* Filtering operator = */
OP_NE = 2, /* Filtering operator != */
OP_GT = 3, /* Filtering operator > */
OP_GE = 4, /* Filtering operator >= */
OP_LT = 5, /* Filtering operator < */
OP_LE = 6, /* Filtering operator <= */
OP_IN = 7, /* Filtering operator IN */
OP_NULL = 8, /* Filtering operator IS NULL */
OP_EXIST = 9, /* Filtering operator EXISTS */
OP_LIKE = 10, /* Filtering operator LIKE */
OP_LOJ = -1, /* Filter op LEFT OUTER JOIN */
OP_ROJ = -2, /* Filter op RIGHT OUTER JOIN */
OP_DTJ = -3, /* Filter op DISTINCT JOIN */
OP_XX = 11, /* Filtering operator unknown */
OP_AND = 12, /* Filtering operator AND */
OP_OR = 13, /* Filtering operator OR */
OP_CNC = 14, /* Expression Concat operator */
OP_NOT = 15, /* Filtering operator NOT */
OP_SEP = 20, /* Filtering separator */
OP_ADD = 16, /* Expression Add operator */
OP_SUB = 17, /* Expression Substract operator */
OP_MULT = 18, /* Expression Multiply operator */
OP_DIV = 19, /* Expression Divide operator */
OP_NOP = 21, /* Scalar function is nopped */
OP_NUM = 22, /* Scalar function Op Num */
OP_ABS = 23, /* Scalar function Op Abs */
OP_MAX = 24, /* Scalar function Op Max */
OP_MIN = 25, /* Scalar function Op Min */
OP_CEIL = 26, /* Scalar function Op Ceil */
OP_FLOOR = 27, /* Scalar function Op Floor */
OP_MOD = 28, /* Scalar function Op Mod */
OP_ROUND = 29, /* Scalar function Op Round */
OP_SIGN = 30, /* Scalar function Op Sign */
OP_LEN = 31, /* Scalar function Op Len */
OP_INSTR = 32, /* Scalar function Op Instr */
OP_LEFT = 33, /* Scalar function Op Left */
OP_RIGHT = 34, /* Scalar function Op Right */
OP_ASCII = 35, /* Scalar function Op Ascii */
OP_EXP = 36, /* Scalar function Op Exp */
OP_LN = 37, /* Scalar function Op Ln */
OP_LOG = 38, /* Scalar function Op Log */
OP_POWER = 39, /* Scalar function Op Power */
OP_SQRT = 40, /* Scalar function Op Sqrt */
OP_COS = 41, /* Scalar function Op Cos */
OP_COSH = 42, /* Scalar function Op Cosh */
OP_SIN = 43, /* Scalar function Op Sin */
OP_SINH = 44, /* Scalar function Op Sinh */
OP_TAN = 45, /* Scalar function Op Tan */
OP_TANH = 46, /* Scalar function Op Tanh */
OP_USER = 47, /* Scalar function Op User */
OP_CHAR = 48, /* Scalar function Op Char */
OP_UPPER = 49, /* Scalar function Op Upper */
OP_LOWER = 50, /* Scalar function Op Lower */
OP_RPAD = 51, /* Scalar function Op Rpad */
OP_LPAD = 52, /* Scalar function Op Lpad */
OP_LTRIM = 53, /* Scalar function Op Ltrim */
OP_RTRIM = 54, /* Scalar function Op Rtrim */
OP_REPL = 55, /* Scalar function Op Replace */
OP_SUBST = 56, /* Scalar function Op Substr */
OP_LJUST = 57, /* Scalar function Op Ljustify */
OP_RJUST = 58, /* Scalar function Op Rjustify */
OP_CJUST = 59, /* Scalar function Op Cjustify */
OP_ENCODE = 60, /* Scalar function Op Encode */
OP_DECODE = 61, /* Scalar function Op Decode */
OP_SEQU = 62, /* Scalar function Op Sequence */
OP_IF = 63, /* Scalar function Op If */
OP_STRING = 64, /* Scalar function Op String */
OP_TOKEN = 65, /* Scalar function Op Token */
OP_SNDX = 66, /* Scalar function Op Soundex */
OP_DATE = 67, /* Scalar function Op Date */
OP_MDAY = 68, /* Scalar function Op Month Day */
OP_MONTH = 69, /* Scalar function Op Month of */
OP_YEAR = 70, /* Scalar function Op Year of */
OP_WDAY = 71, /* Scalar function Op Week Day */
OP_YDAY = 72, /* Scalar function Op Year Day */
OP_DBTWN = 73, /* Scalar function Op Days betwn */
OP_MBTWN = 74, /* Scalar function Op Months btw */
OP_YBTWN = 75, /* Scalar function Op Years btwn */
OP_ADDAY = 76, /* Scalar function Op Add Days */
OP_ADDMTH = 77, /* Scalar function Op Add Months */
OP_ADDYR = 78, /* Scalar function Op Add Years */
OP_NXTDAY = 79, /* Scalar function Op Next Day */
OP_SYSDT = 80, /* Scalar function Op SysDate */
OP_DELTA = 81, /* Scalar function Op Delta */
OP_LAST = 82, /* Scalar function Op Last */
OP_IFF = 83, /* Scalar function Op Iff */
OP_MAVG = 84, /* Scalar function Op Moving Avg */
OP_VWAP = 85, /* Scalar function Op VWAP */
OP_TIME = 86, /* Scalar function Op TIME */
OP_SETLEN = 87, /* Scalar function Op Set Length */
OP_TRANSL = 88, /* Scalar function Op Translate */
OP_BITAND = 89, /* Expression BitAnd operator */
OP_BITOR = 90, /* Expression BitOr operator */
OP_BITXOR = 91, /* Expression XOR operator */
OP_BITNOT = 92, /* Expression Complement operator*/
OP_CNTIN = 93, /* Scalar function Count In */
OP_FDISK = 94, /* Scalar function Disk of fileid*/
OP_FPATH = 95, /* Scalar function Path of fileid*/
OP_FNAME = 96, /* Scalar function Name of fileid*/
OP_FTYPE = 97, /* Scalar function Type of fileid*/
OP_XDATE = 98, /* Scalar function Op Fmt Date */
OP_SWITCH = 99, /* Scalar function Op Switch */
OP_EXIT = 100, /* Scalar function Op Exit */
OP_LIT = 101, /* Scalar function Op Literal */
OP_LOCALE = 102, /* Scalar function Op Locale */
OP_FRNCH = 103, /* Scalar function Op French */
OP_ENGLSH = 104, /* Scalar function Op English */
OP_RAND = 105, /* Scalar function Op Rand(om) */
OP_FIRST = 106, /* Index operator Find First */
OP_NEXT = 107, /* Index operator Find Next */
OP_SAME = 108, /* Index operator Find Next Same */
OP_FSTDIF = 109, /* Index operator Find First dif */
OP_NXTDIF = 110, /* Index operator Find Next dif */
OP_VAL = 111, /* Scalar function Op Valist */
OP_QUART = 112, /* Scalar function Op QUARTER */
OP_CURDT = 113, /* Scalar function Op CurDate */
OP_NWEEK = 114, /* Scalar function Op Week number*/
OP_ROW = 115, /* Scalar function Op Row */
OP_PREV = 116, /* Index operator Find Previous */
OP_SYSTEM = 200, /* Scalar function Op System */
OP_REMOVE = 201, /* Scalar function Op Remove */
OP_RENAME = 202, /* Scalar function Op Rename */
OP_FCOMP = 203}; /* Scalar function Op Compare */
enum TUSE {USE_NO = 0, /* Table is not yet linearized */
USE_LIN = 1, /* Table is linearized */
USE_READY = 2, /* Column buffers are allocated */
USE_OPEN = 3, /* Table is open */
USE_CNT = 4, /* Specific to LNA */
USE_NOKEY = 5}; /* Specific to SqlToHql */
/* Following definitions are used to indicate the status of a column. */
enum STATUS {BUF_NO = 0x00, /* Column buffer not allocated */
BUF_EMPTY = 0x01, /* Column buffer is empty */
BUF_READY = 0x02, /* Column buffer is ready */
BUF_READ = 0x04, /* Column buffer has read value */
BUF_MAPPED = 0x08}; /* Used by the VMPFAM class */
/* Following definitions are used to indicate how a column is used. */
/* Corresponding bits are ON if the column is used in: */
enum COLUSE {U_P = 0x01, /* the projection list. */
U_J_EXT = 0x02, /* a join filter. */
U_J_INT = 0x04, /* a join after linearisation. */
/*-- Such a column have a constant value throughout a subquery eval. --*/
U_CORREL = 0x08, /* a correlated sub-query */
/*-------------------- additional values used by CONNECT --------------*/
U_VAR = 0x10, /* a VARCHAR column */
U_VIRTUAL = 0x20, /* a VIRTUAL column */
U_NULLS = 0x40, /* The column may have nulls */
U_IS_NULL = 0x80, /* The column has a null value */
U_SPECIAL = 0x100, /* The column is special */
U_UNSIGNED = 0x200, /* The column type is unsigned */
U_ZEROFILL = 0x400}; /* The column is zero filled */
/* DB description class and block pointer definitions. */
typedef class XTAB *PTABLE;
typedef class COLUMN *PCOLUMN;
typedef class XOBJECT *PXOB;
typedef class COLBLK *PCOL;
typedef class TDB *PTDB;
typedef class TDBASE *PTDBASE;
typedef class TDBDOS *PTDBDOS;
typedef class TDBFIX *PTDBFIX;
typedef class TDBFMT *PTDBFMT;
typedef class TDBCSV *PTDBCSV;
typedef class TDBDOM *PTDBDOM;
typedef class TDBDIR *PTDBDIR;
typedef class DOSCOL *PDOSCOL;
typedef class CSVCOL *PCSVCOL;
typedef class MAPCOL *PMAPCOL;
typedef class TDBMFT *PTDBMFT;
typedef class TDBMCV *PTDBMCV;
typedef class MCVCOL *PMCVCOL;
typedef class RESCOL *PRESCOL;
typedef class XXBASE *PKXBASE;
typedef class KXYCOL *PXCOL;
typedef class CATALOG *PCATLG;
typedef class RELDEF *PRELDEF;
typedef class TABDEF *PTABDEF;
typedef class DOSDEF *PDOSDEF;
typedef class CSVDEF *PCSVDEF;
typedef class VCTDEF *PVCTDEF;
typedef class PIVOTDEF *PPIVOTDEF;
typedef class DOMDEF *PDOMDEF;
typedef class DIRDEF *PDIRDEF;
typedef class OEMDEF *POEMDEF;
typedef class COLCRT *PCOLCRT;
typedef class COLDEF *PCOLDEF;
typedef class CONSTANT *PCONST;
typedef class VALUE *PVAL;
typedef class VALBLK *PVBLK;
typedef class FILTER *PFIL;
typedef struct _fblock *PFBLOCK;
typedef struct _mblock *PMBLOCK;
typedef struct _cblock *PCBLOCK;
typedef struct _tabs *PTABS;
typedef struct _qryres *PQRYRES;
typedef struct _colres *PCOLRES;
typedef struct _datpar *PDTP;
typedef struct indx_used *PXUSED;
/* Utility blocks for file and storage. */
typedef struct _fblock { /* Opened (mapped) file block */
struct _fblock *Next;
LPCSTR Fname; /* Point on file name */
size_t Length; /* File length (<4GB) */
short Count; /* Nb of times map is used */
short Type; /* TYPE_FB_FILE or TYPE_FB_MAP */
MODE Mode; /* Open mode */
char *Memory; /* Pointer to file mapping view */
void *File; /* FILE pointer */
HANDLE Handle; /* File handle */
typedef struct _mblock { /* Memory block */
bool Inlist; /* True if in mblock list */
size_t Size; /* Size of allocation */
bool Sub; /* True if suballocated */
void *Memp; /* Memory pointer */
/* The QUERY application User Block. */
typedef struct { /* User application block */
NAME Name; /* User application name */
char Server[17]; /* Server name */
char DBName[17]; /* Current database name */
PCATLG Catalog; /* To CATALOG class */
PQRYRES Result; /* To query result blocks */
PFBLOCK Openlist; /* To file/map open list */
PMBLOCK Memlist; /* To memory block list */
PXUSED Xlist; /* To used index list */
int Maxbmp; /* Maximum XDB2 bitmap size */
int Check; /* General level of checking */
int Numlines; /* Number of lines involved */
USETEMP UseTemp; /* Use temporary file */
int Vtdbno; /* Used for TDB number setting */
bool Remote; /* true: if remotely called */
bool Proginfo; /* true: return progress info */
bool Subcor; /* Used for Progress info */
size_t ProgMax; /* Used for Progress info */
size_t ProgCur; /* Used for Progress info */
size_t ProgSav; /* Used for Progress info */
LPCSTR Step; /* Execution step name */
/* Column output format. */
typedef struct _format { /* Format descriptor block */
char Type[2]; /* C:char, F:double, N:int, Dx: date */
ushort Length; /* Output length */
short Prec; /* Output precision */
/* Definition of blocks used in type and copy routines. */
typedef struct _tabptr { /* start=P1 */
struct _tabptr *Next;
int Num; /* alignement */
void *Old[50];
void *New[50]; /* old and new values of copied ptrs */
typedef struct _tabadr { /* start=P3 */
struct _tabadr *Next;
int Num;
void *Adx[50]; /* addr of pointers to be reset */
typedef struct _tabs {
/* Argument of expression, function, filter etc. (Xobject) */
typedef struct _arg { /* Argument */
PXOB To_Obj; /* To the argument object */
PVAL Value; /* Argument value */
bool Conv; /* TRUE if conversion is required */
typedef struct _oper { /* Operator */
PSZ Name; /* The input/output operator name */
OPVAL Val; /* Operator numeric value */
int Mod; /* The modificator */
/* Following definitions are used to define table fields (columns). */
enum XFLD {FLD_NO = 0, /* Not a field definition item */
FLD_NAME = 1, /* Item name */
FLD_TYPE = 2, /* Field type */
FLD_TYPENAME = 3, /* Field type name */
FLD_PREC = 4, /* Field precision (length?) */
FLD_LENGTH = 5, /* Field length (?) */
FLD_SCALE = 6, /* Field scale (precision) */
FLD_RADIX = 7, /* Field radix */
FLD_NULL = 8, /* Field nullable property */
FLD_REM = 9, /* Field comment (remark) */
FLD_CHARSET = 10, /* Field collation */
FLD_KEY = 11, /* Field key property */
FLD_DEFAULT = 12, /* Field default value */
FLD_EXTRA = 13, /* Field extra info */
FLD_PRIV = 14, /* Field priviledges */
FLD_DATEFMT = 15, /* Field date format */
FLD_CAT = 16, /* Table catalog */
FLD_SCHEM = 17, /* Table schema */
FLD_TABNAME = 18}; /* Column Table name */
/* Result of last SQL noconv query. */
typedef struct _qryres {
PCOLRES Colresp; /* Points to columns of result */
bool Continued; /* true when more rows to fetch */
bool Truncated; /* true when truncated by maxres */
bool Suball; /* true when entirely suballocated */
bool Info; /* true when info msg generated */
int Maxsize; /* Max query number of lines */
int Maxres; /* Allocation size */
int Nblin; /* Number of rows in result set */
int Nbcol; /* Number of columns in result set */
int Cursor; /* Starting position to get data */
int BadLines; /* Skipped bad lines in table file */
typedef struct _colres {
PCOLRES Next; /* To next result column */
PCOL Colp; /* To matching column block */
PSZ Name; /* Column header */
PVBLK Kdata; /* Column block of values */
char *Nulls; /* Column null value array */
int Type; /* Internal type */
int Datasize; /* Overall data size */
int Ncol; /* Column number */
int Clen; /* Data individual internal size */
int Length; /* Data individual print length */
int Prec; /* Precision */
int Flag; /* Flag option value */
XFLD Fld; /* Type of field info */
char Var; /* Type added information */
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(NOEX)
#define DllExport __declspec( dllexport )
#else // !WIN32
#define DllExport
#endif // !WIN32
/* Utility routines. */
PPARM Vcolist(PGLOBAL, PTDB, PSZ, bool);
void PlugPutOut(PGLOBAL, FILE *, short, void *, uint);
void PlugLineDB(PGLOBAL, PSZ, short, void *, uint);
char *PlgGetDataPath(PGLOBAL g);
void AddPointer(PTABS, void *);
PDTP MakeDateFormat(PGLOBAL, PSZ, bool, bool, int);
int ExtractDate(char *, PDTP, int, int val[6]);
/* Allocate the result structure that will contain result data. */
DllExport PQRYRES PlgAllocResult(PGLOBAL g, int ncol, int maxres, int ids,
int *buftyp, XFLD *fldtyp,
unsigned int *length,
bool blank, bool nonull);
/* Exported utility routines. */
DllExport int PlugCloseFile(PGLOBAL, PFBLOCK, bool all = false);
DllExport void PlugCleanup(PGLOBAL, bool);
DllExport bool GetPromptAnswer(PGLOBAL, char *);
DllExport char *GetAmName(PGLOBAL g, AMT am, void *memp = NULL);
DllExport PDBUSER PlgMakeUser(PGLOBAL g);
DllExport PDBUSER PlgGetUser(PGLOBAL g);
DllExport PCATLG PlgGetCatalog(PGLOBAL g, bool jump = true);
DllExport bool PlgSetXdbPath(PGLOBAL g, PSZ, PSZ, char *, int, char *, int);
DllExport void PlgDBfree(MBLOCK&);
DllExport void *PlgDBSubAlloc(PGLOBAL g, void *memp, size_t size);
DllExport void *PlgDBalloc(PGLOBAL, void *, MBLOCK&);
DllExport void *PlgDBrealloc(PGLOBAL, void *, MBLOCK&, size_t);
DllExport void NewPointer(PTABS, void *, void *);
DllExport char *GetIni(int n= 0);
DllExport void SetTrc(void);
DllExport char *GetListOption(PGLOBAL, const char *, const char *,
const char *def=NULL);
#define MSGID_NONE 0
FILE *global_fopen(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *path, const char *mode);
int global_open(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *filename, int flags);
int global_open(GLOBAL *g, int msgid, const char *filename, int flags, int mode);
DllExport LPCSTR PlugSetPath(LPSTR to, LPCSTR name, LPCSTR dir);
char *MakeEscape(PGLOBAL g, char* str, char q);
DllExport bool PushWarning(PGLOBAL, PTDBASE, int level = 1);
......@@ -115,11 +115,6 @@ void htrc(char const *fmt, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start (ap, fmt);
//if (trace == 0 || (trace == 1 && !debug) || !fmt) {
// printf("In %s wrong trace=%d debug=%p fmt=%p\n",
// __FILE__, trace, debug, fmt);
// trace = 0;
// } // endif trace
//if (trace == 1)
// vfprintf(debug, fmt, ap);
......@@ -256,7 +251,20 @@ LPCSTR PlugSetPath(LPSTR pBuff, LPCSTR prefix, LPCSTR FileName, LPCSTR defpath)
strcpy(pBuff, FileName); // FileName includes absolute path
return pBuff;
} // endif
#if !defined(WIN32)
if (*FileName == '~') {
if (_fullpath(pBuff, FileName, _MAX_PATH)) {
if (trace > 1)
htrc("pbuff='%s'\n", pBuff);
return pBuff;
} else
return FileName; // Error, return unchanged name
} // endif FileName
#endif // !WIN32
if (strcmp(prefix, ".") && !PlugIsAbsolutePath(defpath))
char tmp[_MAX_PATH];
......@@ -478,10 +486,9 @@ void *PlugSubAlloc(PGLOBAL g, void *memp, size_t size)
size = ((size + 7) / 8) * 8; /* Round up size to multiple of 8 */
pph = (PPOOLHEADER)memp;
#if defined(DEBUG2) || defined(DEBUG3)
htrc("SubAlloc in %p size=%d used=%d free=%d\n",
memp, size, pph->To_Free, pph->FreeBlk);
if (trace > 2)
htrc("SubAlloc in %p size=%d used=%d free=%d\n",
memp, size, pph->To_Free, pph->FreeBlk);
if ((uint)size > pph->FreeBlk) { /* Not enough memory left in pool */
char *pname = "Work";
......@@ -490,9 +497,8 @@ void *PlugSubAlloc(PGLOBAL g, void *memp, size_t size)
"Not enough memory in %s area for request of %u (used=%d free=%d)",
pname, (uint) size, pph->To_Free, pph->FreeBlk);
#if defined(DEBUG2) || defined(DEBUG3)
htrc("%s\n", g->Message);
if (trace)
htrc("PlugSubAlloc: %s\n", g->Message);
longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 1);
} /* endif size OS32 code */
......@@ -503,10 +509,11 @@ void *PlugSubAlloc(PGLOBAL g, void *memp, size_t size)
memp = MakePtr(memp, pph->To_Free); /* Points to suballocated block */
pph->To_Free += size; /* New offset of pool free block */
pph->FreeBlk -= size; /* New size of pool free block */
#if defined(DEBUG2) || defined(DEBUG3)
htrc("Done memp=%p used=%d free=%d\n",
memp, pph->To_Free, pph->FreeBlk);
if (trace > 2)
htrc("Done memp=%p used=%d free=%d\n",
memp, pph->To_Free, pph->FreeBlk);
return (memp);
} /* end of PlugSubAlloc */
......@@ -1134,10 +1134,13 @@ MYSQLCOL::MYSQLCOL(PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, PCOL cprec, int i, PSZ am)
: COLBLK(NULL, tdbp, i)
const char *chset = get_charset_name(fld->charsetnr);
char v = (!strcmp(chset, "binary")) ? 'B' : 0;
Name = fld->name;
Opt = 0;
Precision = Long = fld->length;
Buf_Type = MYSQLtoPLG(fld->type);
Buf_Type = MYSQLtoPLG(fld->type, &v);
strcpy(Format.Type, GetFormatType(Buf_Type));
Format.Length = Long;
Format.Prec = fld->decimals;
......@@ -1616,5 +1619,5 @@ TDBMCL::TDBMCL(PMYDEF tdp) : TDBCAT(tdp)
return MyColumns(g, Host, Db, User, Pwd, Tab, NULL, Port, false);
return MyColumns(g, NULL, Host, Db, User, Pwd, Tab, NULL, Port, false);
} // end of GetResult
......@@ -96,10 +96,21 @@ PIVAID::PIVAID(const char *tab, const char *src, const char *picol,
char *query, *colname, buf[64];
int ndif, nblin, w = 0;
int rc, ndif, nblin, w = 0;
bool b = false;
PVAL valp;
PCOLRES *pcrp, crp, fncrp = NULL;
// Save stack and allocation environment and prepare error return
if (g->jump_level == MAX_JUMP) {
strcpy(g->Message, MSG(TOO_MANY_JUMPS));
return NULL;
} // endif jump_level
if ((rc= setjmp(g->jumper[++g->jump_level])) != 0) {
goto err;
} // endif rc
if (!Tabsrc && Tabname) {
// Locate the query
query = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(Tabname) + 16);
......@@ -113,16 +124,17 @@ PQRYRES PIVAID::MakePivotColumns(PGLOBAL g)
// Open a MySQL connection for this table
if (Myc.Open(g, Host, Database, User, Pwd, Port))
return NULL;
b = true;
// Send the source command to MySQL
if (Myc.ExecSQL(g, query, &w) == RC_FX) {
return NULL;
} // endif Exec
if (Myc.ExecSQL(g, query, &w) == RC_FX)
goto err;
// We must have a storage query to get pivot column values
Qryp = Myc.GetResult(g, true);
b = false;
if (!Fncol) {
for (crp = Qryp->Colresp; crp; crp = crp->Next)
......@@ -152,6 +164,11 @@ PQRYRES PIVAID::MakePivotColumns(PGLOBAL g)
// Prepare the column list
for (pcrp = &Qryp->Colresp; crp = *pcrp; )
if (!stricmp(Picol, crp->Name)) {
if (crp->Nulls) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Pivot column %s cannot be nullable", Picol);
return NULL;
} // endif Nulls
Rblkp = crp->Kdata;
*pcrp = crp->Next;
} else if (!stricmp(Fncol, crp->Name)) {
......@@ -218,6 +235,12 @@ PQRYRES PIVAID::MakePivotColumns(PGLOBAL g)
// We added ndif columns and removed 2 (picol and fncol)
Qryp->Nbcol += (ndif - 2);
return Qryp;
if (b)
return NULL;
} // end of MakePivotColumns
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
#include "ha_connect.h"
extern "C" int trace;
extern "C" int zconv;
/* Used by MYSQL tables to get MySQL parameters from the calling proxy */
......@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ PQRYRES TabColumns(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, const char *db,
unsigned int length[] = {0, 4, 16, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0, 32, 32};
char *fld, *fmt, v;
char *fld, *colname, *chset, *fmt, v;
int i, n, ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int);
int prec, len, type, scale;
bool mysql;
......@@ -176,21 +177,37 @@ PQRYRES TabColumns(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, const char *db,
/* Now get the results into blocks. */
for (i = 0, field= s->field; *field; i++, field++) {
for (i = 0, field= s->field; *field; field++) {
fp= *field;
// Get column name
crp = qrp->Colresp; // Column_Name
fld = (char *)fp->field_name;
crp->Kdata->SetValue(fld, i);
v = 0;
colname = (char *)fp->field_name;
crp->Kdata->SetValue(colname, i);
chset = (char *)fp->charset()->name;
v = (!strcmp(chset, "binary")) ? 'B' : 0;
if ((type = MYSQLtoPLG(fp->type(), &v)) == TYPE_ERROR) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Unsupported column type %s", GetTypeName(type));
if (v == 'K') {
// Skip this column
sprintf(g->Message, "Column %s skipped (unsupported type)", colname);
push_warning(thd, Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, 0, g->Message);
} // endif v
sprintf(g->Message, "Column %s unsupported type", colname);
qrp = NULL;
} // endif type
if (v == 'X') {
len = zconv;
sprintf(g->Message, "Column %s converted to varchar(%d)",
colname, len);
push_warning(thd, Sql_condition::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, 0, g->Message);
} // endif v
crp = crp->Next; // Data_Type
crp->Kdata->SetValue(type, i);
......@@ -198,11 +215,12 @@ PQRYRES TabColumns(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, const char *db,
crp->Nulls[i] = 'Z';
else if (fp->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG)
crp->Nulls[i] = 'U';
crp->Nulls[i] = v;
else // X means TEXT field
crp->Nulls[i] = (v == 'X') ? 'V' : v;
crp = crp->Next; // Type_Name
crp->Kdata->SetValue(GetTypeName(type), i);
fmt = NULL;
if (type == TYPE_DATE) {
// When creating tables we do need info about date columns
......@@ -214,7 +232,7 @@ PQRYRES TabColumns(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, const char *db,
prec = len = fp->field_length;
} // endif mysql
} else {
} else if (v != 'X') {
if (type == TYPE_DECIM)
prec = ((Field_new_decimal*)fp)->precision;
......@@ -222,8 +240,8 @@ PQRYRES TabColumns(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, const char *db,
// prec = (prec(???) == NOT_FIXED_DEC) ? 0 : fp->field_length;
len = fp->char_length();
fmt = NULL;
} // endif type
} else
prec = len = zconv;
crp = crp->Next; // Precision
crp->Kdata->SetValue(prec, i);
......@@ -259,6 +277,7 @@ PQRYRES TabColumns(PGLOBAL g, THD *thd, const char *db,
// Add this item
i++; // Can be skipped
} // endfor field
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "mycat.h"
extern "C" int trace;
extern uint worksize;
/* Initialize the user_connect static member. */
......@@ -94,8 +95,9 @@ bool user_connect::user_init()
// Areasize= 64M because of VEC tables. Should be parameterisable
g= PlugInit(NULL, 67108864);
//g= PlugInit(NULL, 67108864);
//g= PlugInit(NULL, 134217728); // 128M was because of old embedded tests
g= PlugInit(NULL, worksize);
// Check whether the initialization is complete
if (!g || !g->Sarea || PlugSubSet(g, g->Sarea, g->Sarea_Size)
......@@ -142,6 +144,20 @@ bool user_connect::CheckCleanup(void)
if (thdp->query_id > last_query_id) {
PlugCleanup(g, true);
if (g->Sarea_Size != worksize) {
if (g->Sarea)
// Check whether the work area size was changed
if (!(g->Sarea = PlugAllocMem(g, worksize))) {
g->Sarea = PlugAllocMem(g, g->Sarea_Size);
worksize = g->Sarea_Size; // Was too big
} else
g->Sarea_Size = worksize; // Ok
} // endif worksize
PlugSubSet(g, g->Sarea, g->Sarea_Size);
g->Xchk = NULL;
g->Createas = 0;
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#define CheckParms(V, N) ChkIndx(N); ChkTyp(V);
extern "C" int trace;
extern MBLOCK Nmblk; /* Used to initialize MBLOCK's */
/* AllocValBlock: allocate a VALBLK according to type. */
......@@ -105,8 +106,7 @@ PVBLK AllocValBlock(PGLOBAL g, void *mp, int type, int nval, int len,
return NULL;
} // endswitch Type
blkp->Init(g, check);
return blkp;
return (blkp->Init(g, check)) ? NULL : blkp;
} // end of AllocValBlock
/* -------------------------- Class VALBLK --------------------------- */
......@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ PVBLK AllocValBlock(PGLOBAL g, void *mp, int type, int nval, int len,
VALBLK::VALBLK(void *mp, int type, int nval, bool un)
Mblk = Nmblk;
Blkp = mp;
To_Nulls = NULL;
Check = true;
......@@ -179,6 +180,22 @@ void VALBLK::SetNullable(bool b)
} // end of SetNullable
/* Buffer allocation routine. */
bool VALBLK::AllocBuff(PGLOBAL g, size_t size)
Mblk.Size = size;
if (!(Blkp = PlgDBalloc(g, NULL, Mblk))) {
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(MEM_ALLOC_ERR), "Blkp", Mblk.Size);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", g->Message);
return true;
} // endif Blkp
return false;
} // end of AllocBuff
/* Check functions. */
......@@ -229,13 +246,15 @@ TYPBLK<TYPE>::TYPBLK(void *mp, int nval, int type, int prec, bool un)
/* Initialization routine. */
template <class TYPE>
void TYPBLK<TYPE>::Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check)
bool TYPBLK<TYPE>::Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check)
if (!Blkp)
Blkp = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Nval * sizeof(TYPE));
if (AllocBuff(g, Nval * sizeof(TYPE)))
return true;
Check = check;
Global = g;
return false;
} // end of Init
......@@ -606,16 +625,18 @@ CHRBLK::CHRBLK(void *mp, int nval, int len, int prec, bool blank)
/* Initialization routine. */
void CHRBLK::Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check)
bool CHRBLK::Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check)
Valp = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Long + 1);
Valp[Long] = '\0';
if (!Blkp)
Blkp = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Nval * Long);
if (AllocBuff(g, Nval * Long))
return true;
Check = check;
Global = g;
return false;
} // end of Init
......@@ -996,13 +1017,15 @@ STRBLK::STRBLK(PGLOBAL g, void *mp, int nval)
/* Initialization routine. */
void STRBLK::Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check)
bool STRBLK::Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check)
if (!Blkp)
Blkp = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Nval * sizeof(PSZ));
if (AllocBuff(g, Nval * sizeof(PSZ)))
return true;
Check = check;
Global = g;
return false;
} // end of Init
/*************** Valblk H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/* Name: VALBLK.H Version 2.1 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2014 */
/* */
/* This file contains the VALBLK and derived classes declares. */
/* Include required application header files */
/* assert.h is header required when using the assert function. */
/* block.h is header containing Block global declarations. */
#ifndef __VALBLK__H__
#define __VALBLK__H__
#include "value.h"
/* Utility used to allocate value blocks. */
DllExport PVBLK AllocValBlock(PGLOBAL, void*, int, int, int, int,
bool, bool, bool);
const char *GetFmt(int type, bool un = false);
/*************** Valblk H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/* Name: VALBLK.H Version 2.1 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2005-2014 */
/* */
/* This file contains the VALBLK and derived classes declares. */
/* Include required application header files */
/* assert.h is header required when using the assert function. */
/* block.h is header containing Block global declarations. */
#ifndef __VALBLK__H__
#define __VALBLK__H__
#include "value.h"
/* Utility used to allocate value blocks. */
DllExport PVBLK AllocValBlock(PGLOBAL, void*, int, int, int, int,
bool, bool, bool);
const char *GetFmt(int type, bool un = false);
/* DB static external variables. */
......@@ -52,280 +52,282 @@ class MBVALS : public BLOCK {
typedef class MBVALS *PMBV;
/* Class VALBLK represent a base class for variable blocks. */
class VALBLK : public BLOCK {
// Constructors
VALBLK(void *mp, int type, int nval, bool un = false);
// Implementation
int GetNval(void) {return Nval;}
void SetNval(int n) {Nval = n;}
void *GetValPointer(void) {return Blkp;}
void SetValPointer(void *mp) {Blkp = mp;}
int GetType(void) {return Type;}
int GetPrec(void) {return Prec;}
void SetCheck(bool b) {Check = b;}
void MoveNull(int i, int j)
{if (To_Nulls) To_Nulls[j] = To_Nulls[j];}
virtual void SetNull(int n, bool b)
{if (To_Nulls) {To_Nulls[n] = (b) ? '*' : 0;}}
virtual bool IsNull(int n) {return To_Nulls && To_Nulls[n];}
virtual void SetNullable(bool b);
virtual bool IsUnsigned(void) {return Unsigned;}
virtual void Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check) = 0;
virtual int GetVlen(void) = 0;
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(int n);
virtual char GetTinyValue(int n) = 0;
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n) = 0;
virtual short GetShortValue(int n) = 0;
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n) = 0;
virtual int GetIntValue(int n) = 0;
virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n) = 0;
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n) = 0;
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n) = 0;
virtual double GetFloatValue(int n) = 0;
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n) = 0;
virtual void ReAlloc(void *mp, int n) {Blkp = mp; Nval = n;}
virtual void Reset(int n) = 0;
virtual bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0);
virtual void SetPrec(int p) {}
virtual bool IsCi(void) {return false;}
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(short sval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(ushort sval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(int lval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(uint lval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(longlong lval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong lval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(double fval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(char cval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(uchar cval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n) = 0;
virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2) = 0;
virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n) = 0;
virtual void SetMax(PVAL valp, int n) = 0;
virtual void Move(int i, int j) = 0;
virtual int CompVal(PVAL vp, int n) = 0;
virtual int CompVal(int i1, int i2) = 0;
virtual void *GetValPtr(int n) = 0;
virtual void *GetValPtrEx(int n) = 0;
virtual int Find(PVAL vp) = 0;
virtual int GetMaxLength(void) = 0;
bool Locate(PVAL vp, int& i);
void ChkIndx(int n);
void ChkTyp(PVAL v);
void ChkTyp(PVBLK vb);
// Members
PGLOBAL Global; // Used for messages and allocation
char *To_Nulls; // Null values array
void *Blkp; // To value block
bool Check; // If true SetValue types must match
bool Nullable; // True if values can be null
bool Unsigned; // True if values are unsigned
int Type; // Type of individual values
int Nval; // Max number of values in block
int Prec; // Precision of float values
}; // end of class VALBLK
/* Class TYPBLK: represents a block of typed values. */
template <class TYPE>
class TYPBLK : public VALBLK {
// Constructors
TYPBLK(void *mp, int size, int type, int prec = 0, bool un = false);
// Implementation
virtual void Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check);
virtual int GetVlen(void) {return sizeof(TYPE);}
virtual char GetTinyValue(int n) {return (char)Typp[n];}
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n) {return (uchar)Typp[n];}
virtual short GetShortValue(int n) {return (short)Typp[n];}
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n) {return (ushort)Typp[n];}
virtual int GetIntValue(int n) {return (int)Typp[n];}
virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n) {return (uint)Typp[n];}
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n) {return (longlong)Typp[n];}
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n) {return (ulonglong)Typp[n];}
virtual double GetFloatValue(int n) {return (double)Typp[n];}
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n);
virtual void Reset(int n) {Typp[n] = 0;}
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n);
virtual void SetValue(short sval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)sval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(ushort sval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)sval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(int lval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(uint lval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(longlong lval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong lval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(double fval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)fval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(char cval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)cval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(uchar cval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)cval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2);
virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetMax(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void Move(int i, int j);
virtual int CompVal(PVAL vp, int n);
virtual int CompVal(int i1, int i2);
virtual void *GetValPtr(int n);
virtual void *GetValPtrEx(int n);
virtual int Find(PVAL vp);
virtual int GetMaxLength(void);
// Specialized functions
static ulonglong MaxVal(void);
TYPE GetTypedValue(PVAL vp);
TYPE GetTypedValue(PVBLK blk, int n);
// Members
TYPE* const &Typp;
const char *Fmt;
}; // end of class TYPBLK
/* Class CHRBLK: represent a block of fixed length strings. */
class CHRBLK : public VALBLK {
// Constructors
CHRBLK(void *mp, int size, int len, int prec, bool b);
// Implementation
virtual void Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check);
virtual int GetVlen(void) {return Long;}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(int n);
virtual char GetTinyValue(int n);
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n);
virtual short GetShortValue(int n);
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n);
virtual int GetIntValue(int n);
virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n);
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n);
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n);
virtual double GetFloatValue(int n);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n);
virtual void Reset(int n);
virtual void SetPrec(int p) {Ci = (p != 0);}
virtual bool IsCi(void) {return Ci;}
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2);
virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetMax(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void Move(int i, int j);
virtual int CompVal(PVAL vp, int n);
virtual int CompVal(int i1, int i2);
virtual void *GetValPtr(int n);
virtual void *GetValPtrEx(int n);
virtual int Find(PVAL vp);
virtual int GetMaxLength(void);
// Members
char* const &Chrp; // Pointer to char buffer
PSZ Valp; // Used to make a zero ended value
bool Blanks; // True for right filling with blanks
bool Ci; // True if case insensitive
int Long; // Length of each string
}; // end of class CHRBLK
/* Class STRBLK: represent a block of string pointers. */
/* Currently this class is used only by the DECODE scalar function */
/* and by the MyColumn function to store date formats. */
class STRBLK : public VALBLK {
// Constructors
STRBLK(PGLOBAL g, void *mp, int size);
// Implementation
virtual void SetNull(int n, bool b) {if (b) {Strp[n] = NULL;}}
virtual bool IsNull(int n) {return Strp[n] == NULL;}
virtual void SetNullable(bool b) {} // Always nullable
virtual void Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check);
virtual int GetVlen(void) {return sizeof(PSZ);}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(int n) {return Strp[n];}
virtual char GetTinyValue(int n);
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n);
virtual short GetShortValue(int n);
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n);
virtual int GetIntValue(int n);
virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n);
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n);
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n);
virtual double GetFloatValue(int n) {return atof(Strp[n]);}
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n) {return Strp[n];}
virtual void Reset(int n) {Strp[n] = NULL;}
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2);
virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetMax(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void Move(int i, int j);
virtual int CompVal(PVAL vp, int n);
virtual int CompVal(int i1, int i2);
virtual void *GetValPtr(int n);
virtual void *GetValPtrEx(int n);
virtual int Find(PVAL vp);
virtual int GetMaxLength(void);
// Specific
void SetSorted(bool b) {Sorted = b;}
// Members
PSZ* const &Strp; // Pointer to PSZ buffer
bool Sorted; // Values are (semi?) sorted
}; // end of class STRBLK
/* Class DATBLK: represents a block of time stamp values. */
class DATBLK : public TYPBLK<int> {
// Constructor
DATBLK(void *mp, int size);
// Implementation
virtual bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n);
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n);
// Members
PVAL Dvalp; // Date value used to convert string
}; // end of class DATBLK
#endif // __VALBLK__H__
/* Class VALBLK represent a base class for variable blocks. */
class VALBLK : public BLOCK {
// Constructors
VALBLK(void *mp, int type, int nval, bool un = false);
// Implementation
int GetNval(void) {return Nval;}
void SetNval(int n) {Nval = n;}
void *GetValPointer(void) {return Blkp;}
void SetValPointer(void *mp) {Blkp = mp;}
int GetType(void) {return Type;}
int GetPrec(void) {return Prec;}
void SetCheck(bool b) {Check = b;}
void MoveNull(int i, int j)
{if (To_Nulls) To_Nulls[j] = To_Nulls[j];}
virtual void SetNull(int n, bool b)
{if (To_Nulls) {To_Nulls[n] = (b) ? '*' : 0;}}
virtual bool IsNull(int n) {return To_Nulls && To_Nulls[n];}
virtual void SetNullable(bool b);
virtual bool IsUnsigned(void) {return Unsigned;}
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check) = 0;
virtual int GetVlen(void) = 0;
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(int n);
virtual char GetTinyValue(int n) = 0;
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n) = 0;
virtual short GetShortValue(int n) = 0;
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n) = 0;
virtual int GetIntValue(int n) = 0;
virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n) = 0;
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n) = 0;
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n) = 0;
virtual double GetFloatValue(int n) = 0;
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n) = 0;
virtual void ReAlloc(void *mp, int n) {Blkp = mp; Nval = n;}
virtual void Reset(int n) = 0;
virtual bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0);
virtual void SetPrec(int p) {}
virtual bool IsCi(void) {return false;}
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(short sval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(ushort sval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(int lval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(uint lval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(longlong lval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong lval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(double fval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(char cval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(uchar cval, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n) = 0;
virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2) = 0;
virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n) = 0;
virtual void SetMax(PVAL valp, int n) = 0;
virtual void Move(int i, int j) = 0;
virtual int CompVal(PVAL vp, int n) = 0;
virtual int CompVal(int i1, int i2) = 0;
virtual void *GetValPtr(int n) = 0;
virtual void *GetValPtrEx(int n) = 0;
virtual int Find(PVAL vp) = 0;
virtual int GetMaxLength(void) = 0;
bool Locate(PVAL vp, int& i);
bool AllocBuff(PGLOBAL g, size_t size);
void ChkIndx(int n);
void ChkTyp(PVAL v);
void ChkTyp(PVBLK vb);
// Members
PGLOBAL Global; // Used for messages and allocation
MBLOCK Mblk; // Used to allocate buffer
char *To_Nulls; // Null values array
void *Blkp; // To value block
bool Check; // If true SetValue types must match
bool Nullable; // True if values can be null
bool Unsigned; // True if values are unsigned
int Type; // Type of individual values
int Nval; // Max number of values in block
int Prec; // Precision of float values
}; // end of class VALBLK
/* Class TYPBLK: represents a block of typed values. */
template <class TYPE>
class TYPBLK : public VALBLK {
// Constructors
TYPBLK(void *mp, int size, int type, int prec = 0, bool un = false);
// Implementation
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check);
virtual int GetVlen(void) {return sizeof(TYPE);}
virtual char GetTinyValue(int n) {return (char)Typp[n];}
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n) {return (uchar)Typp[n];}
virtual short GetShortValue(int n) {return (short)Typp[n];}
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n) {return (ushort)Typp[n];}
virtual int GetIntValue(int n) {return (int)Typp[n];}
virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n) {return (uint)Typp[n];}
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n) {return (longlong)Typp[n];}
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n) {return (ulonglong)Typp[n];}
virtual double GetFloatValue(int n) {return (double)Typp[n];}
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n);
virtual void Reset(int n) {Typp[n] = 0;}
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n);
virtual void SetValue(short sval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)sval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(ushort sval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)sval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(int lval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(uint lval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(longlong lval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong lval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)lval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(double fval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)fval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(char cval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)cval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(uchar cval, int n)
{Typp[n] = (TYPE)cval; SetNull(n, false);}
virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2);
virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetMax(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void Move(int i, int j);
virtual int CompVal(PVAL vp, int n);
virtual int CompVal(int i1, int i2);
virtual void *GetValPtr(int n);
virtual void *GetValPtrEx(int n);
virtual int Find(PVAL vp);
virtual int GetMaxLength(void);
// Specialized functions
static ulonglong MaxVal(void);
TYPE GetTypedValue(PVAL vp);
TYPE GetTypedValue(PVBLK blk, int n);
// Members
TYPE* const &Typp;
const char *Fmt;
}; // end of class TYPBLK
/* Class CHRBLK: represent a block of fixed length strings. */
class CHRBLK : public VALBLK {
// Constructors
CHRBLK(void *mp, int size, int len, int prec, bool b);
// Implementation
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check);
virtual int GetVlen(void) {return Long;}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(int n);
virtual char GetTinyValue(int n);
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n);
virtual short GetShortValue(int n);
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n);
virtual int GetIntValue(int n);
virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n);
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n);
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n);
virtual double GetFloatValue(int n);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n);
virtual void Reset(int n);
virtual void SetPrec(int p) {Ci = (p != 0);}
virtual bool IsCi(void) {return Ci;}
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2);
virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetMax(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void Move(int i, int j);
virtual int CompVal(PVAL vp, int n);
virtual int CompVal(int i1, int i2);
virtual void *GetValPtr(int n);
virtual void *GetValPtrEx(int n);
virtual int Find(PVAL vp);
virtual int GetMaxLength(void);
// Members
char* const &Chrp; // Pointer to char buffer
PSZ Valp; // Used to make a zero ended value
bool Blanks; // True for right filling with blanks
bool Ci; // True if case insensitive
int Long; // Length of each string
}; // end of class CHRBLK
/* Class STRBLK: represent a block of string pointers. */
/* Currently this class is used only by the DECODE scalar function */
/* and by the MyColumn function to store date formats. */
class STRBLK : public VALBLK {
// Constructors
STRBLK(PGLOBAL g, void *mp, int size);
// Implementation
virtual void SetNull(int n, bool b) {if (b) {Strp[n] = NULL;}}
virtual bool IsNull(int n) {return Strp[n] == NULL;}
virtual void SetNullable(bool b) {} // Always nullable
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g, bool check);
virtual int GetVlen(void) {return sizeof(PSZ);}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(int n) {return Strp[n];}
virtual char GetTinyValue(int n);
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(int n);
virtual short GetShortValue(int n);
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(int n);
virtual int GetIntValue(int n);
virtual uint GetUIntValue(int n);
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(int n);
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(int n);
virtual double GetFloatValue(int n) {return atof(Strp[n]);}
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n) {return Strp[n];}
virtual void Reset(int n) {Strp[n] = NULL;}
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char *sp, uint len, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetValue(PVBLK pv, int n1, int n2);
virtual void SetMin(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void SetMax(PVAL valp, int n);
virtual void Move(int i, int j);
virtual int CompVal(PVAL vp, int n);
virtual int CompVal(int i1, int i2);
virtual void *GetValPtr(int n);
virtual void *GetValPtrEx(int n);
virtual int Find(PVAL vp);
virtual int GetMaxLength(void);
// Specific
void SetSorted(bool b) {Sorted = b;}
// Members
PSZ* const &Strp; // Pointer to PSZ buffer
bool Sorted; // Values are (semi?) sorted
}; // end of class STRBLK
/* Class DATBLK: represents a block of time stamp values. */
class DATBLK : public TYPBLK<int> {
// Constructor
DATBLK(void *mp, int size);
// Implementation
virtual bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p, int n);
// Methods
virtual void SetValue(PSZ sp, int n);
// Members
PVAL Dvalp; // Date value used to convert string
}; // end of class DATBLK
#endif // __VALBLK__H__
/************* Value C++ Functions Source Code File (.CPP) *************/
/* Name: VALUE.CPP Version 2.4 */
/* Name: VALUE.CPP Version 2.5 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2001-2014 */
/* */
......@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ PSZ GetTypeName(int type)
case TYPE_DOUBLE: name = "DOUBLE"; break;
case TYPE_TINY: name = "TINY"; break;
case TYPE_DECIM: name = "DECIMAL"; break;
case TYPE_BIN: name = "BINARY"; break;
default: name = "UNKNOWN"; break;
} // endswitch type
......@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ int GetTypeSize(int type, int len)
switch (type) {
case TYPE_BIN:
case TYPE_STRING: len = len * sizeof(char); break;
case TYPE_SHORT: len = sizeof(short); break;
case TYPE_INT: len = sizeof(int); break;
......@@ -225,6 +227,7 @@ char *GetFormatType(int type)
case TYPE_DATE: c = "D"; break;
case TYPE_TINY: c = "T"; break;
case TYPE_DECIM: c = "M"; break;
case TYPE_BIN: c = "B"; break;
} // endswitch type
return c;
......@@ -246,6 +249,7 @@ int GetFormatType(char c)
case 'D': type = TYPE_DATE; break;
case 'T': type = TYPE_TINY; break;
case 'M': type = TYPE_DECIM; break;
case 'B': type = TYPE_BIN; break;
} // endswitch type
return type;
......@@ -298,6 +302,7 @@ const char *GetFmt(int type, bool un)
case TYPE_SHORT: fmt = (un) ? "%hu" : "%hd"; break;
case TYPE_BIGINT: fmt = (un) ? "%llu" : "%lld"; break;
case TYPE_DOUBLE: fmt = "%.*lf"; break;
case TYPE_BIN: fmt = "%*x"; break;
default: fmt = (un) ? "%u" : "%d"; break;
} // endswitch Type
......@@ -438,6 +443,9 @@ PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL g, int type, int len, int prec,
valp = new(g) DECVAL(g, (PSZ)NULL, len, prec, uns);
case TYPE_BIN:
valp = new(g) BINVAL(g, (void*)NULL, len, prec);
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_VALUE_TYPE), type);
return NULL;
......@@ -544,6 +552,7 @@ const char *VALUE::GetXfmt(void)
case TYPE_SHORT: fmt = (Unsigned) ? "%*hu" : "%*hd"; break;
case TYPE_BIGINT: fmt = (Unsigned) ? "%*llu" : "%*lld"; break;
case TYPE_DOUBLE: fmt = "%*.*lf"; break;
case TYPE_BIN: fmt = "%*x"; break;
default: fmt = (Unsigned) ? "%*u" : "%*d"; break;
} // endswitch Type
......@@ -1695,6 +1704,426 @@ bool DECVAL::SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL g, FORMAT& fmt)
} // end of SetConstFormat
#endif // 0
/* -------------------------- Class BINVAL --------------------------- */
/* BINVAL public constructor from bytes. */
BINVAL::BINVAL(PGLOBAL g, void *p, int cl, int n) : VALUE(TYPE_BIN)
Len = n;
Clen = cl;
Binp = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, Clen + 1);
memset(Binp, 0, Clen + 1);
if (p)
memcpy(Binp, p, Len);
Chrp = NULL;
} // end of BINVAL constructor
/* BINVAL: Check whether the hexadecimal value is equal to 0. */
bool BINVAL::IsZero(void)
for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
if (((char*)Binp)[i] != 0)
return false;
return true;
} // end of IsZero
/* BINVAL: Reset value to zero. */
void BINVAL::Reset(void)
memset(Binp, 0, Clen);
Len = 0;
} // end of Reset
/* Get the tiny value pointed by Binp. */
char BINVAL::GetTinyValue(void)
return *(char*)Binp;
} // end of GetTinyValue
/* Get the unsigned tiny value pointed by Binp. */
uchar BINVAL::GetUTinyValue(void)
return *(uchar*)Binp;
} // end of GetUTinyValue
/* Get the short value pointed by Binp. */
short BINVAL::GetShortValue(void)
if (Len >= 2)
return *(short*)Binp;
return (short)GetTinyValue();
} // end of GetShortValue
/* Get the unsigned short value pointed by Binp. */
ushort BINVAL::GetUShortValue(void)
return (ushort)GetShortValue();
} // end of GetUshortValue
/* Get the integer value pointed by Binp. */
int BINVAL::GetIntValue(void)
if (Len >= 4)
return *(int*)Binp;
return (int)GetShortValue();
} // end of GetIntValue
/* Get the unsigned integer value pointed by Binp. */
uint BINVAL::GetUIntValue(void)
return (uint)GetIntValue();
} // end of GetUintValue
/* Get the big integer value pointed by Binp. */
longlong BINVAL::GetBigintValue(void)
if (Len >= 8)
return *(longlong*)Binp;
return (longlong)GetIntValue();
} // end of GetBigintValue
/* Get the unsigned big integer value pointed by Binp. */
ulonglong BINVAL::GetUBigintValue(void)
return (ulonglong)GetBigintValue();
} // end of GetUBigintValue
/* Get the double value pointed by Binp. */
double BINVAL::GetFloatValue(void)
if (Len >= 8)
return *(double*)Binp;
else if (Len >= 4)
return (double)(*(float*)Binp);
return 0.0;
} // end of GetFloatValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: copy the value of another Value object. */
bool BINVAL::SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype)
if (chktype && (valp->GetType() != Type || valp->GetSize() > Clen))
return true;
bool rc = false;
if (!(Null = valp->IsNull() && Nullable)) {
if ((rc = (Len = valp->GetSize()) > Clen))
Len = Clen;
memcpy(Binp, valp->GetTo_Val(), Len);
} else
return rc;
} // end of SetValue_pval
/* BINVAL SetValue: fill value with chars extracted from a line. */
bool BINVAL::SetValue_char(char *p, int n)
bool rc;
if (p) {
rc = n > Clen;
Len = min(n, Clen);
memcpy(Binp, p, Len);
Null = false;
} else {
rc = false;
Null = Nullable;
} // endif p
return rc;
} // end of SetValue_char
/* BINVAL SetValue: fill value with another string. */
void BINVAL::SetValue_psz(PSZ s)
if (s) {
Len = min(Clen, (signed)strlen(s));
memcpy(Binp, s, Len);
Null = false;
} else {
Null = Nullable;
} // endif s
} // end of SetValue_psz
/* BINVAL SetValue: fill value with bytes extracted from a block. */
void BINVAL::SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n)
// STRBLK's can return a NULL pointer
void *vp = blk->GetValPtrEx(n);
if (!vp || blk->IsNull(n)) {
Null = Nullable;
} else if (vp != Binp) {
if (blk->GetType() == TYPE_STRING)
Len = strlen((char*)vp);
Len = blk->GetVlen();
Len = min(Clen, Len);
memcpy(Binp, vp, Len);
Null = false;
} // endif vp
} // end of SetValue_pvblk
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the binary representation of an integer. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(int n)
if (Clen >= 4) {
*((int*)Binp) = n;
Len = 4;
} else
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the binary representation of an uint. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(uint n)
if (Clen >= 4) {
*((uint*)Binp) = n;
Len = 4;
} else
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the binary representation of a short int. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(short i)
if (Clen >= 2) {
*((int*)Binp) = i;
Len = 2;
} else
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the binary representation of a ushort int. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(ushort i)
if (Clen >= 2) {
*((uint*)Binp) = i;
Len = 2;
} else
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the binary representation of a big integer. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(longlong n)
if (Clen >= 8) {
*((longlong*)Binp) = n;
Len = 8;
} else
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the binary representation of a big integer. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(ulonglong n)
if (Clen >= 8) {
*((ulonglong*)Binp) = n;
Len = 8;
} else
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the binary representation of a double. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(double n)
if (Clen >= 8) {
*((double*)Binp) = n;
Len = 8;
} else if (Clen >= 4) {
*((float*)Binp) = (float)n;
Len = 4;
} else
Len = 0;
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the character binary of a tiny int. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(char c)
*((char*)Binp) = c;
Len = 1;
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetValue: get the binary representation of a tiny int. */
void BINVAL::SetValue(uchar c)
*((uchar*)Binp) = c;
Len = 1;
} // end of SetValue
/* BINVAL SetBinValue: fill string with bytes extracted from a line. */
void BINVAL::SetBinValue(void *p)
memcpy(Binp, p, Clen);
} // end of SetBinValue
/* GetBinValue: fill a buffer with the internal binary value. */
/* This function checks whether the buffer length is enough and */
/* returns true if not. Actual filling occurs only if go is true. */
/* Currently used by WriteColumn of binary files. */
bool BINVAL::GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go)
if (Len > buflen)
return true;
else if (go) {
memset(buf, 0, buflen);
memcpy(buf, Binp, Len);
} // endif go
return false;
} // end of GetBinValue
/* BINVAL ShowValue: get string representation of a binary value. */
char *BINVAL::ShowValue(char *buf, int len)
int n = min(Len, len / 2);
sprintf(buf, GetXfmt(), n, Binp);
return buf;
} // end of ShowValue
/* BINVAL GetCharString: get string representation of a binary value. */
char *BINVAL::GetCharString(char *p)
if (!Chrp)
Chrp = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(Global, NULL, Clen * 2 + 1);
sprintf(Chrp, GetXfmt(), Len, Binp);
return Chrp;
} // end of GetCharString
/* BINVAL compare value with another Value. */
bool BINVAL::IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype)
if (this == vp)
return true;
else if (chktype && Type != vp->GetType())
return false;
else if (Null || vp->IsNull())
return false;
else if (Len != vp->GetSize())
return false;
char *v1 = (char*)Binp;
char *v2 = (char*)vp->GetTo_Val();
for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
if (v1[i] != v2[i])
return false;
return true;
} // end of IsEqual
/* FormatValue: This function set vp (a STRING value) to the string */
/* constructed from its own value formated using the fmt format. */
/* This function assumes that the format matches the value type. */
bool BINVAL::FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt)
char *buf = (char*)vp->GetTo_Val(); // Should be big enough
int n = sprintf(buf, fmt, Len, Binp);
return (n > vp->GetValLen());
} // end of FormatValue
/* BINVAL SetFormat function (used to set SELECT output format). */
bool BINVAL::SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL g, FORMAT& fmt)
fmt.Type[0] = 'B';
fmt.Length = Clen;
fmt.Prec = 0;
return false;
} // end of SetConstFormat
/* -------------------------- Class DTVAL ---------------------------- */
/**************** Value H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/* Name: VALUE.H Version 2.0 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2001-2013 */
/* */
/* This file contains the VALUE and derived classes declares. */
#ifndef __VALUE__H__
#define __VALUE__H__
/* Include required application header files */
/* assert.h is header required when using the assert function. */
/* block.h is header containing Block global declarations. */
#include "assert.h"
#include "block.h"
/* Types used in some class definitions. */
enum CONV {CNV_ANY = 0, /* Convert to any type */
CNV_CHAR = 1, /* Convert to character type */
CNV_NUM = 2}; /* Convert to numeric type */
/* Types used in some class definitions. */
class CONSTANT; // For friend setting
typedef struct _datpar *PDTP; // For DTVAL
/* Utilities used to test types and to allocated values. */
PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, void *, short);
// Exported functions
DllExport PSZ GetTypeName(int);
DllExport int GetTypeSize(int, int);
/* This function is exported for use in EOM table type DLLs */
DllExport int TranslateSQLType(int stp, int prec, int& len, char& v);
DllExport char *GetFormatType(int);
DllExport int GetFormatType(char);
DllExport bool IsTypeChar(int type);
DllExport bool IsTypeNum(int type);
DllExport int ConvertType(int, int, CONV, bool match = false);
DllExport PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, PVAL, int = TYPE_VOID, int = 0);
DllExport PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, int, int len = 0, int prec = 0,
bool uns = false, PSZ fmt = NULL);
DllExport ulonglong CharToNumber(char *, int, ulonglong, bool,
bool *minus = NULL, bool *rc = NULL);
/* Class VALUE represents a constant or variable of any valid type. */
class DllExport VALUE : public BLOCK {
friend class CONSTANT; // The only object allowed to use SetConstFormat
// Constructors
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsZero(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsCi(void) {return false;}
virtual bool IsUnsigned(void) {return Unsigned;}
virtual void Reset(void) = 0;
virtual int GetSize(void) = 0;
virtual int GetValLen(void) = 0;
virtual int GetValPrec(void) = 0;
virtual int GetLength(void) {return 1;}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {assert(false); return NULL;}
virtual char GetTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual short GetShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual int GetIntValue(void) = 0;
virtual uint GetUIntValue(void) = 0;
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) = 0;
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void) = 0;
virtual double GetFloatValue(void) = 0;
virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) = 0;
virtual void SetPrec(int prec) {Prec = prec;}
bool IsNull(void) {return Null;}
void SetNull(bool b) {Null = b;}
bool GetNullable(void) {return Nullable;}
void SetNullable(bool b) {Nullable = b;}
int GetType(void) {return Type;}
int GetClen(void) {return Clen;}
void SetGlobal(PGLOBAL g) {Global = g;}
// Methods
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype = false) = 0;
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n) = 0;
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s) = 0;
virtual void SetValue_bool(bool b) {assert(FALSE);}
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp) = 0;
virtual BYTE TestValue(PVAL vp);
virtual void SetValue(char c) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(uchar c) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(short i) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(ushort i) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(uint n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(longlong n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(double f) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n) = 0;
virtual void SetBinValue(void *p) = 0;
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go) = 0;
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int len = 0) = 0;
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p) = 0;
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype) = 0;
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt) = 0;
virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&) = 0;
const char *GetXfmt(void);
// Constructor used by derived classes
VALUE(int type, bool un = false);
// Members
PGLOBAL Global; // To reduce arglist
const char *Fmt;
const char *Xfmt;
bool Nullable; // True if value can be null
bool Null; // True if value is null
bool Unsigned; // True if unsigned
int Type; // The value type
int Clen; // Internal value length
int Prec;
}; // end of class VALUE
/* Class TYPVAL: represents a typed value. */
template <class TYPE>
class DllExport TYPVAL : public VALUE {
// Constructor
TYPVAL(TYPE n, int type, int prec = 0, bool un = false);
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return true;}
virtual bool IsZero(void) {return Tval == 0;}
virtual void Reset(void) {Tval = 0;}
virtual int GetValLen(void);
virtual int GetValPrec() {return 0;}
virtual int GetSize(void) {return sizeof(TYPE);}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {return VALUE::GetCharValue();}
virtual char GetTinyValue(void) {return (char)Tval;}
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void) {return (uchar)Tval;}
virtual short GetShortValue(void) {return (short)Tval;}
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void) {return (ushort)Tval;}
virtual int GetIntValue(void) {return (int)Tval;}
virtual uint GetUIntValue(void) {return (uint)Tval;}
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) {return (longlong)Tval;}
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void) {return (ulonglong)Tval;}
virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return (double)Tval;}
virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) {return &Tval;}
// Methods
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
virtual void SetValue_bool(bool b) {Tval = (b) ? 1 : 0;}
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp);
virtual void SetValue(char c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(uchar c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(short i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(ushort i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(int n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(uint n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(longlong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(double f) {Tval = (TYPE)f; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
virtual void SetBinValue(void *p);
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p);
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *, uint);
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, char *, uint);
// Default constructor not to be used
// Specialized functions
static ulonglong MaxVal(void);
TYPE GetTypedValue(PVAL vp);
TYPE GetTypedValue(PVBLK blk, int n);
// TYPE GetTypedValue(PSZ s);
// Members
TYPE Tval;
}; // end of class TYPVAL
/* Specific STRING class. */
template <>
class DllExport TYPVAL<PSZ>: public VALUE {
// Constructors
TYPVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int c);
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return false;}
virtual bool IsZero(void) {return *Strp == 0;}
virtual void Reset(void) {*Strp = 0;}
virtual int GetValLen(void) {return Len;};
virtual int GetValPrec() {return (Ci) ? 1 : 0;}
virtual int GetSize(void) {return (Strp) ? strlen(Strp) : 0;}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {return Strp;}
virtual char GetTinyValue(void);
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void);
virtual short GetShortValue(void);
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void);
virtual int GetIntValue(void);
virtual uint GetUIntValue(void);
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void);
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void);
virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return atof(Strp);}
virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) {return Strp;}
virtual void SetPrec(int prec) {Ci = prec != 0;}
// Methods
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char c);
virtual void SetValue(uchar c);
virtual void SetValue(short i);
virtual void SetValue(ushort i);
virtual void SetValue(int n);
virtual void SetValue(uint n);
virtual void SetValue(longlong n);
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n);
virtual void SetValue(double f);
virtual void SetBinValue(void *p);
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp);
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p);
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
// Members
PSZ Strp;
bool Ci; // true if case insensitive
int Len;
}; // end of class TYPVAL<PSZ>
/* Specific DECIMAL class. */
class DllExport DECVAL: public TYPVAL<PSZ> {
// Constructors
DECVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int prec, bool uns);
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return true;}
virtual bool IsZero(void);
virtual void Reset(void);
virtual int GetValPrec() {return Prec;}
// Methods
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp);
// Members
}; // end of class DECVAL
/* Class DTVAL: represents a time stamp value. */
class DllExport DTVAL : public TYPVAL<int> {
// Constructors
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n, int p, PSZ fmt);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, short i);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, longlong n);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, double f);
// Implementation
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p);
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0);
bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PVAL valp);
bool IsFormatted(void) {return Pdtp != NULL;}
bool MakeTime(struct tm *ptm);
static void SetTimeShift(void);
static int GetShift(void) {return Shift;}
// Methods
bool MakeDate(PGLOBAL g, int *val, int nval);
struct tm *GetGmTime(struct tm *);
// Default constructor not to be used
DTVAL(void) : TYPVAL<int>() {}
// Members
static int Shift; // Time zone shift in seconds
PDTP Pdtp; // To the DATPAR structure
char *Sdate; // Utility char buffer
int DefYear; // Used by ExtractDate
int Len; // Used by CHAR scalar function
}; // end of class DTVAL
#endif // __VALUE__H__
/**************** Value H Declares Source Code File (.H) ***************/
/* Name: VALUE.H Version 2.1 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2001-2014 */
/* */
/* This file contains the VALUE and derived classes declares. */
#ifndef __VALUE__H__
#define __VALUE__H__
/* Include required application header files */
/* assert.h is header required when using the assert function. */
/* block.h is header containing Block global declarations. */
#include "assert.h"
#include "block.h"
/* Types used in some class definitions. */
enum CONV {CNV_ANY = 0, /* Convert to any type */
CNV_CHAR = 1, /* Convert to character type */
CNV_NUM = 2}; /* Convert to numeric type */
/* Types used in some class definitions. */
class CONSTANT; // For friend setting
typedef struct _datpar *PDTP; // For DTVAL
/* Utilities used to test types and to allocated values. */
PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, void *, short);
// Exported functions
DllExport PSZ GetTypeName(int);
DllExport int GetTypeSize(int, int);
/* This function is exported for use in EOM table type DLLs */
DllExport int TranslateSQLType(int stp, int prec, int& len, char& v);
DllExport char *GetFormatType(int);
DllExport int GetFormatType(char);
DllExport bool IsTypeChar(int type);
DllExport bool IsTypeNum(int type);
DllExport int ConvertType(int, int, CONV, bool match = false);
DllExport PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, PVAL, int = TYPE_VOID, int = 0);
DllExport PVAL AllocateValue(PGLOBAL, int, int len = 0, int prec = 0,
bool uns = false, PSZ fmt = NULL);
DllExport ulonglong CharToNumber(char *, int, ulonglong, bool,
bool *minus = NULL, bool *rc = NULL);
/* Class VALUE represents a constant or variable of any valid type. */
class DllExport VALUE : public BLOCK {
friend class CONSTANT; // The only object allowed to use SetConstFormat
// Constructors
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsZero(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsCi(void) {return false;}
virtual bool IsUnsigned(void) {return Unsigned;}
virtual void Reset(void) = 0;
virtual int GetSize(void) = 0;
virtual int GetValLen(void) = 0;
virtual int GetValPrec(void) = 0;
virtual int GetLength(void) {return 1;}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {assert(false); return NULL;}
virtual char GetTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual short GetShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual int GetIntValue(void) = 0;
virtual uint GetUIntValue(void) = 0;
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) = 0;
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void) = 0;
virtual double GetFloatValue(void) = 0;
virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) = 0;
virtual void SetPrec(int prec) {Prec = prec;}
bool IsNull(void) {return Null;}
void SetNull(bool b) {Null = b;}
bool GetNullable(void) {return Nullable;}
void SetNullable(bool b) {Nullable = b;}
int GetType(void) {return Type;}
int GetClen(void) {return Clen;}
void SetGlobal(PGLOBAL g) {Global = g;}
// Methods
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype = false) = 0;
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n) = 0;
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s) = 0;
virtual void SetValue_bool(bool b) {assert(FALSE);}
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp) = 0;
virtual BYTE TestValue(PVAL vp);
virtual void SetValue(char c) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(uchar c) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(short i) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(ushort i) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(int n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(uint n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(longlong n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue(double f) {assert(false);}
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n) = 0;
virtual void SetBinValue(void *p) = 0;
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go) = 0;
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int len = 0) = 0;
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p) = 0;
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype) = 0;
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt) = 0;
virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&) = 0;
const char *GetXfmt(void);
// Constructor used by derived classes
VALUE(int type, bool un = false);
// Members
PGLOBAL Global; // To reduce arglist
const char *Fmt;
const char *Xfmt;
bool Nullable; // True if value can be null
bool Null; // True if value is null
bool Unsigned; // True if unsigned
int Type; // The value type
int Clen; // Internal value length
int Prec;
}; // end of class VALUE
/* Class TYPVAL: represents a typed value. */
template <class TYPE>
class DllExport TYPVAL : public VALUE {
// Constructor
TYPVAL(TYPE n, int type, int prec = 0, bool un = false);
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return true;}
virtual bool IsZero(void) {return Tval == 0;}
virtual void Reset(void) {Tval = 0;}
virtual int GetValLen(void);
virtual int GetValPrec() {return 0;}
virtual int GetSize(void) {return sizeof(TYPE);}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {return VALUE::GetCharValue();}
virtual char GetTinyValue(void) {return (char)Tval;}
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void) {return (uchar)Tval;}
virtual short GetShortValue(void) {return (short)Tval;}
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void) {return (ushort)Tval;}
virtual int GetIntValue(void) {return (int)Tval;}
virtual uint GetUIntValue(void) {return (uint)Tval;}
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void) {return (longlong)Tval;}
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void) {return (ulonglong)Tval;}
virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return (double)Tval;}
virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) {return &Tval;}
// Methods
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
virtual void SetValue_bool(bool b) {Tval = (b) ? 1 : 0;}
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp);
virtual void SetValue(char c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(uchar c) {Tval = (TYPE)c; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(short i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(ushort i) {Tval = (TYPE)i; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(int n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(uint n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(longlong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n) {Tval = (TYPE)n; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue(double f) {Tval = (TYPE)f; Null = false;}
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
virtual void SetBinValue(void *p);
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p);
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *, uint);
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, char *, uint);
// Default constructor not to be used
// Specialized functions
static ulonglong MaxVal(void);
TYPE GetTypedValue(PVAL vp);
TYPE GetTypedValue(PVBLK blk, int n);
// TYPE GetTypedValue(PSZ s);
// Members
TYPE Tval;
}; // end of class TYPVAL
/* Specific STRING class. */
template <>
class DllExport TYPVAL<PSZ>: public VALUE {
// Constructors
TYPVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int c);
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return false;}
virtual bool IsZero(void) {return *Strp == 0;}
virtual void Reset(void) {*Strp = 0;}
virtual int GetValLen(void) {return Len;};
virtual int GetValPrec() {return (Ci) ? 1 : 0;}
virtual int GetSize(void) {return (Strp) ? strlen(Strp) : 0;}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {return Strp;}
virtual char GetTinyValue(void);
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void);
virtual short GetShortValue(void);
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void);
virtual int GetIntValue(void);
virtual uint GetUIntValue(void);
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void);
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void);
virtual double GetFloatValue(void) {return atof(Strp);}
virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) {return Strp;}
virtual void SetPrec(int prec) {Ci = prec != 0;}
// Methods
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char c);
virtual void SetValue(uchar c);
virtual void SetValue(short i);
virtual void SetValue(ushort i);
virtual void SetValue(int n);
virtual void SetValue(uint n);
virtual void SetValue(longlong n);
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n);
virtual void SetValue(double f);
virtual void SetBinValue(void *p);
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp);
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p);
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
// Members
PSZ Strp;
bool Ci; // true if case insensitive
int Len;
}; // end of class TYPVAL<PSZ>
/* Specific DECIMAL class. */
class DllExport DECVAL: public TYPVAL<PSZ> {
// Constructors
DECVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n, int prec, bool uns);
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return true;}
virtual bool IsZero(void);
virtual void Reset(void);
virtual int GetValPrec() {return Prec;}
// Methods
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp);
// Members
}; // end of class DECVAL
/* Specific BINARY class. */
class DllExport BINVAL: public VALUE {
// Constructors
//BINVAL(void *p);
BINVAL(PGLOBAL g, void *p, int cl, int n);
// Implementation
virtual bool IsTypeNum(void) {return false;}
virtual bool IsZero(void);
virtual void Reset(void);
virtual int GetValLen(void) {return Clen;};
virtual int GetValPrec() {return 0;}
virtual int GetSize(void) {return Len;}
virtual PSZ GetCharValue(void) {return (PSZ)Binp;}
virtual char GetTinyValue(void);
virtual uchar GetUTinyValue(void);
virtual short GetShortValue(void);
virtual ushort GetUShortValue(void);
virtual int GetIntValue(void);
virtual uint GetUIntValue(void);
virtual longlong GetBigintValue(void);
virtual ulonglong GetUBigintValue(void);
virtual double GetFloatValue(void);
virtual void *GetTo_Val(void) {return Binp;}
// Methods
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
virtual void SetValue(char c);
virtual void SetValue(uchar c);
virtual void SetValue(short i);
virtual void SetValue(ushort i);
virtual void SetValue(int n);
virtual void SetValue(uint n);
virtual void SetValue(longlong n);
virtual void SetValue(ulonglong n);
virtual void SetValue(double f);
virtual void SetBinValue(void *p);
virtual bool GetBinValue(void *buf, int buflen, bool go);
virtual int CompareValue(PVAL vp) {assert(false); return 0;}
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p);
virtual bool IsEqual(PVAL vp, bool chktype);
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
virtual bool SetConstFormat(PGLOBAL, FORMAT&);
// Members
void *Binp;
char *Chrp;
int Len;
}; // end of class BINVAL
/* Class DTVAL: represents a time stamp value. */
class DllExport DTVAL : public TYPVAL<int> {
// Constructors
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n, int p, PSZ fmt);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, PSZ s, int n);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, short i);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, int n);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, longlong n);
DTVAL(PGLOBAL g, double f);
// Implementation
virtual bool SetValue_pval(PVAL valp, bool chktype);
virtual bool SetValue_char(char *p, int n);
virtual void SetValue_psz(PSZ s);
virtual void SetValue_pvblk(PVBLK blk, int n);
virtual char *GetCharString(char *p);
virtual char *ShowValue(char *buf, int);
virtual bool FormatValue(PVAL vp, char *fmt);
bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PSZ fmt, int len, int year = 0);
bool SetFormat(PGLOBAL g, PVAL valp);
bool IsFormatted(void) {return Pdtp != NULL;}
bool MakeTime(struct tm *ptm);
static void SetTimeShift(void);
static int GetShift(void) {return Shift;}
// Methods
bool MakeDate(PGLOBAL g, int *val, int nval);
struct tm *GetGmTime(struct tm *);
// Default constructor not to be used
DTVAL(void) : TYPVAL<int>() {}
// Members
static int Shift; // Time zone shift in seconds
PDTP Pdtp; // To the DATPAR structure
char *Sdate; // Utility char buffer
int DefYear; // Used by ExtractDate
int Len; // Used by CHAR scalar function
}; // end of class DTVAL
#endif // __VALUE__H__
......@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
extern MBLOCK Nmblk; /* Used to initialize MBLOCK's */
extern "C" int trace;
#if defined(XMAP)
extern bool xmap;
#endif // XMAP
/* Last two parameters are true to enable type checking, and last one */
......@@ -810,12 +813,16 @@ bool XINDEX::SaveIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF sxp)
return rc;
} // end of SaveIndex
#if !defined(XMAP)
/* Init: Open and Initialize a Key Index. */
bool XINDEX::Init(PGLOBAL g)
#if defined(XMAP)
if (xmap)
return MapInit(g);
#endif // XMAP
/* Table will be accessed through an index table. */
/* If sorting is required, this will be done later. */
......@@ -1051,11 +1058,11 @@ bool XINDEX::Init(PGLOBAL g)
return true;
} // end of Init
#else // XMAP
#if defined(XMAP)
/* Init: Open and Initialize a Key Index. */
bool XINDEX::Init(PGLOBAL g)
bool XINDEX::MapInit(PGLOBAL g)
/* Table will be accessed through an index table. */
......@@ -1256,7 +1263,7 @@ bool XINDEX::Init(PGLOBAL g)
return true;
} // end of Init
} // end of MapInit
#endif // XMAP
......@@ -1563,6 +1570,46 @@ bool XINDEX::NextVal(bool eq)
return (Cur_K == Num_K || (eq && neq <= Nval));
} // end of NextVal
/* XINDEX: Find Cur_K and Val_K's of previous index entry. */
/* Returns false if Ok, true if there are no more values. */
bool XINDEX::PrevVal(void)
int n, neq = Nk + 1, curk;
PXCOL kcp;
if (Cur_K == 0)
return true;
curk = --Cur_K;
for (n = Nk, kcp = To_LastCol; kcp; n--, kcp = kcp->Previous) {
if (kcp->Kof) {
if (curk < kcp->Kof[kcp->Val_K])
neq = n;
} else {
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert(curk == kcp->Val_K -1);
#endif // _DEBUG
neq = n;
} // endif Kof
#ifdef _DEBUG
assert(kcp->Val_K >= 0);
#endif // _DEBUG
// If this is not a break...
if (neq > n)
break; // all previous columns have same value
curk = --kcp->Val_K; // This is a break, get new column value
} // endfor kcp
return false;
} // end of PrevVal
/* XINDEX: Fetch a physical or logical record. */
......@@ -1615,6 +1662,12 @@ int XINDEX::Fetch(PGLOBAL g)
Op = (Mul || Nval < Nk) ? OP_NXTDIF : OP_NEXT;
case OP_LAST: // Read last key
for (Cur_K = Num_K - 1, kp = To_KeyCol; kp; kp = kp->Next)
kp->Val_K = kp->Kblp->GetNval() - 1;
default: // Should be OP_EQ
// if (Tbxp->Key_Rank < 0) {
......@@ -1851,6 +1904,25 @@ int XINDXS::GroupSize(void)
: 1;
} // end of GroupSize
/* XINDXS: Find Cur_K and Val_K of previous index value. */
/* Returns false if Ok, true if there are no more values. */
bool XINDXS::PrevVal(void)
if (--Cur_K < 0)
return true;
if (Mul) {
if (Cur_K < Pof[To_KeyCol->Val_K])
} else
To_KeyCol->Val_K = Cur_K;
return false;
} // end of PrevVal
/* XINDXS: Find Cur_K and Val_K of next index value. */
/* If b is true next value must be equal to last one. */
......@@ -1895,12 +1967,12 @@ int XINDXS::Fetch(PGLOBAL g)
/* Table read through a sorted index. */
switch (Op) {
case OP_NEXT: // Read next
case OP_NEXT: // Read next
if (NextVal(false))
return -1; // End of indexed file
case OP_FIRST: // Read first
case OP_FIRST: // Read first
To_KeyCol->Val_K = Cur_K = 0;
......@@ -1914,7 +1986,7 @@ int XINDXS::Fetch(PGLOBAL g)
} // endif Mul
case OP_NXTDIF: // Read next dif
case OP_NXTDIF: // Read next dif
if (++To_KeyCol->Val_K == Ndif)
return -1; // End of indexed file
......@@ -1924,7 +1996,17 @@ int XINDXS::Fetch(PGLOBAL g)
To_KeyCol->Val_K = Cur_K = 0;
Op = (Mul) ? OP_NXTDIF : OP_NEXT;
default: // Should OP_EQ
case OP_LAST: // Read first
Cur_K = Num_K - 1;
To_KeyCol->Val_K = Ndif - 1;
case OP_PREV: // Read previous
if (PrevVal())
return -1; // End of indexed file
default: // Should be OP_EQ
/* Look for the first key equal to the link column values */
/* and return its rank whithin the index table. */
......@@ -2837,7 +2919,8 @@ BYTE* KXYCOL::MapInit(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, int *n, BYTE *m)
} // endif n[1]
Ndf = n[0];
IsSorted = colp->GetOpt() < 0;
//IsSorted = colp->GetOpt() < 0;
IsSorted = false;
return m + Bkeys.Size + Keys.Size + Koff.Size;
} // end of MapInit
#endif // XMAP
......@@ -192,9 +192,13 @@ class DllExport XXBASE : public CSORT, public BLOCK {
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, FILE *f, uint n);
virtual void Print(PGLOBAL g, char *ps, uint z);
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g) = 0;
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual bool MapInit(PGLOBAL g) = 0;
#endif // XMAP
virtual int MaxRange(void) {return 1;}
virtual int Fetch(PGLOBAL g) = 0;
virtual bool NextVal(bool eq) {return true;}
virtual bool PrevVal(void) {return true;}
virtual int FastFind(int nk) = 0;
virtual bool Reorder(PGLOBAL g) {return true;}
virtual int Range(PGLOBAL g, int limit = 0, bool incl = true)
......@@ -206,22 +210,22 @@ class DllExport XXBASE : public CSORT, public BLOCK {
// Members
PTDBASE Tbxp; // Points to calling table TDB
PXCOL To_KeyCol; // To KeyCol class list
PXCOL To_KeyCol; // To KeyCol class list
MBLOCK Record; // Record allocation block
int* &To_Rec; // We are using ftell, fseek
int Cur_K; // Index of current record
int Old_K; // Index of last record
int Num_K; // Size of Rec_K pointer array
int Ndif; // Number of distinct values
int Ndif; // Number of distinct values
int Bot; // Bottom of research index
int Top; // Top of research index
int Inf, Sup; // Used for block optimization
OPVAL Op; // Search operator
OPVAL Op; // Search operator
bool Mul; // true if multiple
bool Srtd; // true for sorted column
int Val_K; // Index of current value
int Nblk; // Number of blocks
int Sblk; // Block size
int Nblk; // Number of blocks
int Sblk; // Block size
int Thresh; // Thresh for sorting join indexes
int ID; // Index ID number
int Nth; // Nth constant to fetch
......@@ -248,6 +252,9 @@ class DllExport XINDEX : public XXBASE {
// Methods
virtual void Reset(void);
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g);
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual bool MapInit(PGLOBAL g);
#endif // XMAP
virtual int Qcompare(int *, int *);
virtual int Fetch(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int FastFind(int nk);
......@@ -257,6 +264,7 @@ class DllExport XINDEX : public XXBASE {
virtual int ColMaxSame(PXCOL kp);
virtual void Close(void);
virtual bool NextVal(bool eq);
virtual bool PrevVal(void);
virtual bool Make(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF sxp);
virtual bool SaveIndex(PGLOBAL g, PIXDEF sxp);
virtual bool Reorder(PGLOBAL g);
......@@ -296,6 +304,7 @@ class DllExport XINDXS : public XINDEX {
virtual int Fetch(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int FastFind(int nk);
virtual bool NextVal(bool eq);
virtual bool PrevVal(void);
virtual int Range(PGLOBAL g, int limit = 0, bool incl = true);
virtual int GroupSize(void);
......@@ -403,6 +412,9 @@ class DllExport XXROW : public XXBASE {
// Methods
virtual bool Init(PGLOBAL g);
#if defined(XMAP)
virtual bool MapInit(PGLOBAL g) {return true;}
#endif // XMAP
virtual int Fetch(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int FastFind(int nk);
virtual int MaxRange(void) {return 1;}
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