Commit 825dca68 authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

[t:1929], fix cases where comparison needs to be done afterwards

git-svn-id: file:///svn/mysql/tokudb-engine/src@14108 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 6226257a
......@@ -314,6 +314,12 @@ typedef struct smart_dbt_info {
uint keynr; // index into share->key_file that represents DB we are currently operating on
typedef struct index_read_info {
struct smart_dbt_info smart_dbt_info;
int cmp;
DBT* orig_key;
// struct that will be used as a context for smart DBT callbacks
// ONLY for the function add_index
......@@ -391,11 +397,39 @@ smart_dbt_callback_rowread(DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context) {
return error;
// Smart DBT callback function in case where we have a covering index
static int
smart_dbt_callback_ir_keyread(DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context) {
ir_info->cmp = ir_info->smart_dbt_info.ha->prefix_cmp_dbts(ir_info->smart_dbt_info.keynr, ir_info->orig_key, key);
if (ir_info->cmp) {
return 0;
return smart_dbt_callback_keyread(key, row, &ir_info->smart_dbt_info);
// Smart DBT callback function in case where we do NOT have a covering index
static int
smart_dbt_callback_ir_rowread(DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context) {
int cmp;
ir_info->cmp = ir_info->smart_dbt_info.ha->prefix_cmp_dbts(ir_info->smart_dbt_info.keynr, ir_info->orig_key, key);
if (ir_info->cmp) {
return 0;
return smart_dbt_callback_rowread(key, row, &ir_info->smart_dbt_info);
// macro for Smart DBT callback function,
// so we do not need to put this long line of code in multiple places
#define SMART_DBT_CALLBACK ( this->key_read ? smart_dbt_callback_keyread : smart_dbt_callback_rowread )
#define SMART_DBT_IR_CALLBACK ( this->key_read ? smart_dbt_callback_ir_keyread : smart_dbt_callback_ir_rowread )
......@@ -3407,6 +3441,7 @@ int ha_tokudb::index_read(uchar * buf, const uchar * key, uint key_len, enum ha_
int error;
u_int32_t flags = 0;
struct smart_dbt_info info;
struct index_read_info ir_info;
......@@ -3417,18 +3452,17 @@ int ha_tokudb::index_read(uchar * buf, const uchar * key, uint key_len, enum ha_
info.buf = buf;
info.keynr = active_index;
ir_info.smart_dbt_info = info;
flags = SET_READ_FLAG(0);
switch (find_flag) {
case HA_READ_KEY_EXACT: /* Find first record else error */
pack_key(&lookup_key, active_index, key_buff3, key, key_len, COL_NEG_INF);
error = cursor->c_getf_set_range(cursor, flags, &lookup_key, SMART_DBT_CALLBACK, &info);
if (error == 0) {
DBT orig_key;
pack_key(&orig_key, active_index, key_buff2, key, key_len, COL_NEG_INF);
if (tokudb_prefix_cmp_dbt_key(share->key_file[active_index], &orig_key, &lookup_key)) {
ir_info.orig_key = &lookup_key;
error = cursor->c_getf_set_range(cursor, flags, &lookup_key, SMART_DBT_IR_CALLBACK, &ir_info);
if (ir_info.cmp) {
error = DB_NOTFOUND;
case HA_READ_AFTER_KEY: /* Find next rec. after key-record */
pack_key(&lookup_key, active_index, key_buff3, key, key_len, COL_POS_INF);
......@@ -3447,17 +3481,14 @@ int ha_tokudb::index_read(uchar * buf, const uchar * key, uint key_len, enum ha_
case HA_READ_KEY_OR_PREV: /* Record or previous */
pack_key(&lookup_key, active_index, key_buff3, key, key_len, COL_NEG_INF);
error = cursor->c_getf_set_range(cursor, flags, &lookup_key, SMART_DBT_CALLBACK, &info);
if (error == 0) {
DBT orig_key;
pack_key(&orig_key, active_index, key_buff2, key, key_len, COL_NEG_INF);
if (tokudb_prefix_cmp_dbt_key(share->key_file[active_index], &orig_key, &lookup_key) != 0) {
error = cursor->c_getf_prev(cursor, flags, SMART_DBT_CALLBACK, &info);
else if (error == DB_NOTFOUND) {
ir_info.orig_key = &lookup_key;
error = cursor->c_getf_set_range(cursor, flags, &lookup_key, SMART_DBT_IR_CALLBACK, &ir_info);
if (error == DB_NOTFOUND) {
error = cursor->c_getf_last(cursor, flags, SMART_DBT_CALLBACK, &info);
else if (ir_info.cmp) {
error = cursor->c_getf_prev(cursor, flags, SMART_DBT_CALLBACK, &info);
case HA_READ_PREFIX_LAST_OR_PREV: /* Last or prev key with the same prefix */
pack_key(&lookup_key, active_index, key_buff3, key, key_len, COL_POS_INF);
......@@ -3465,14 +3496,11 @@ int ha_tokudb::index_read(uchar * buf, const uchar * key, uint key_len, enum ha_
pack_key(&lookup_key, active_index, key_buff3, key, key_len, COL_POS_INF);
error = cursor->c_getf_set_range_reverse(cursor, flags, &lookup_key, SMART_DBT_CALLBACK, &info);
if (error == 0) {
DBT orig_key;
pack_key(&orig_key, active_index, key_buff2, key, key_len, COL_NEG_INF);
if (tokudb_prefix_cmp_dbt_key(share->key_file[active_index], &orig_key, &lookup_key)) {
ir_info.orig_key = &lookup_key;
error = cursor->c_getf_set_range_reverse(cursor, flags, &lookup_key, SMART_DBT_IR_CALLBACK, &ir_info);
if (ir_info.cmp) {
error = DB_NOTFOUND;
TOKUDB_TRACE("unsupported:%d\n", find_flag);
......@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ class ha_tokudb : public handler {
int prelock_range ( const key_range *start_key, const key_range *end_key);
ha_tokudb(handlerton * hton, TABLE_SHARE * table_arg);
~ha_tokudb() {
......@@ -430,6 +431,10 @@ class ha_tokudb : public handler {
uint index
int prefix_cmp_dbts( uint keynr, const DBT* first_key, const DBT* second_key) {
return tokudb_prefix_cmp_dbt_key(share->key_file[keynr], first_key, second_key);
int heavi_ret_val;
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