Commit 9671cade authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

[t:2219], cosmetic change

git-svn-id: file:///svn/mysql/tokudb-engine/src@16157 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 3aae17ea
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ static int smart_dbt_ai_callback (DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context)
// the primary key to current_ident, because that is what the function
// create_dbt_key_from_key uses to create the key in a clustering index
error = info->ha->unpack_row(info->buf,row,key, info->ha->primary_key);
return error;
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ static int smart_dbt_metacallback (DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *contex
static int
smart_dbt_callback_rowread_ptquery (DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context) {
info->ha->extract_hidden_primary_key(info->keynr, row, key);
info->ha->extract_hidden_primary_key(info->keynr, key);
return info->ha->read_row_callback(info->buf,info->keynr,row,key);
......@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ smart_dbt_callback_rowread_ptquery (DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *conte
static int
smart_dbt_callback_keyread(DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context) {
info->ha->extract_hidden_primary_key(info->keynr, row, key);
info->ha->extract_hidden_primary_key(info->keynr, key);
return 0;
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ static int
smart_dbt_callback_rowread(DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context) {
int error = 0;
info->ha->extract_hidden_primary_key(info->keynr, row, key);
info->ha->extract_hidden_primary_key(info->keynr, key);
error = info->ha->read_primary_key(info->buf,info->keynr,row,key);
return error;
......@@ -374,6 +374,14 @@ smart_dbt_callback_ir_keyread(DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context) {
return smart_dbt_callback_keyread(key, row, &ir_info->smart_dbt_info);
static int
smart_dbt_callback_lookup(DBT const *key, DBT const *row, void *context) {
ir_info->cmp = ir_info->smart_dbt_info.ha->prefix_cmp_dbts(ir_info->smart_dbt_info.keynr, ir_info->orig_key, key);
return 0;
// Smart DBT callback function in case where we do NOT have a covering index
......@@ -1078,7 +1086,6 @@ int ha_tokudb::open_main_dictionary(const char* name, int mode, DB_TXN* txn) {
goto exit;
share->key_file[primary_key] = share->file;
share->key_type[primary_key] = hidden_primary_key ? DB_YESOVERWRITE : DB_NOOVERWRITE;
// set comparison function for main.tokudb
......@@ -1111,7 +1118,7 @@ int ha_tokudb::open_main_dictionary(const char* name, int mode, DB_TXN* txn) {
// Open a secondary table, the key will be a secondary index, the data will be a primary key
int ha_tokudb::open_secondary_dictionary(DB** ptr, KEY* key_info, const char* name, int mode, u_int32_t* key_type, DB_TXN* txn) {
int ha_tokudb::open_secondary_dictionary(DB** ptr, KEY* key_info, const char* name, int mode, DB_TXN* txn) {
int error = ENOSYS;
char dict_name[MAX_DICT_NAME_LEN];
uint open_flags = (mode == O_RDONLY ? DB_RDONLY : 0) | DB_THREAD;
......@@ -1134,20 +1141,9 @@ int ha_tokudb::open_secondary_dictionary(DB** ptr, KEY* key_info, const char* na
my_errno = error;
goto cleanup;
// TODO: make sure that with clustering keys, DB_YESOVERWRITE IS ALWAYS SET
*key_type = key_info->flags & HA_NOSAME ? DB_NOOVERWRITE : DB_YESOVERWRITE;
(*ptr)->set_bt_compare(*ptr, tokudb_cmp_dbt_key);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Setting DB_DUP+DB_DUPSORT for key %s\n", key_info->name));
// clustering keys are not DB_DUP, because their keys are unique (they have the PK embedded)
if (!(key_info->flags & HA_CLUSTERING)) {
(*ptr)->set_flags(*ptr, DB_DUP + DB_DUPSORT);
(*ptr)->set_dup_compare(*ptr, tokudb_cmp_dbt_data);
if ((error = (*ptr)->open(*ptr, txn, newname, NULL, DB_BTREE, open_flags, 0))) {
my_errno = error;
......@@ -1350,7 +1346,6 @@ int ha_tokudb::initialize_share(
if (error) {
......@@ -2153,7 +2148,7 @@ void ha_tokudb::unpack_key(uchar * record, DBT const *key, uint index) {
if((table->key_info[index].flags & HA_CLUSTERING) && !hidden_primary_key) {
if( (index != primary_key) && !hidden_primary_key) {
// also unpack primary key
......@@ -2230,11 +2225,12 @@ u_int32_t ha_tokudb::place_key_into_dbt_buff(
DBT* ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_key(
DBT * key,
DBT * key,
KEY* key_info,
uchar * buff,
uchar * buff,
const uchar * record,
bool* has_null,
bool* has_null,
bool dont_pack_pk,
int key_length
......@@ -2259,7 +2255,7 @@ DBT* ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_key(
if (key_info->flags & HA_CLUSTERING) {
if (!dont_pack_pk) {
tmp_buff = buff + size;
if (hidden_primary_key) {
memcpy_fixed(tmp_buff, current_ident, TOKUDB_HIDDEN_PRIMARY_KEY_LENGTH);
......@@ -2315,9 +2311,21 @@ DBT *ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_from_table(
*has_null = false;
DBUG_RETURN(create_dbt_key_from_key(key, &table->key_info[keynr],buff,record, has_null, key_length));
DBUG_RETURN(create_dbt_key_from_key(key, &table->key_info[keynr],buff,record, has_null, (keynr == primary_key), key_length));
DBT* ha_tokudb::create_dbt_key_for_lookup(
DBT * key,
KEY* key_info,
uchar * buff,
const uchar * record,
bool* has_null,
int key_length
DBUG_RETURN(create_dbt_key_from_key(key, key_info, buff, record, has_null, true, key_length));
// Create a packed key from from a MySQL unpacked key (like the one that is
......@@ -2670,6 +2678,68 @@ int ha_tokudb::end_bulk_insert() {
return error;
int ha_tokudb::is_val_unique(bool* is_unique, uchar* record, KEY* key_info, uint dict_index, DB_TXN* txn) {
DBT key;
int error = 0;
bool has_null;
DBC* tmp_cursor = NULL;
struct index_read_info ir_info;
struct smart_dbt_info info;
bzero((void *)&key, sizeof(key));
info.ha = this;
info.buf = NULL;
info.keynr = dict_index;
ir_info.smart_dbt_info = info;
ir_info.orig_key = &key;
error = share->key_file[dict_index]->cursor(
if (error) { goto cleanup; }
error = tmp_cursor->c_getf_set_range(
if (error == DB_NOTFOUND) {
*is_unique = true;
error = 0;
goto cleanup;
else if (error) {
goto cleanup;
if (ir_info.cmp) {
*is_unique = true;
else {
*is_unique = false;
error = 0;
if (tmp_cursor) {
tmp_cursor = NULL;
return error;
// Stores a row in the table, called when handling an INSERT query
......@@ -2751,7 +2821,7 @@ int ha_tokudb::write_row(uchar * record) {
// first the primary key (because it must be unique, has highest chance of failure)
put_flags = share->key_type[primary_key];
put_flags = hidden_primary_key ? DB_YESOVERWRITE : DB_NOOVERWRITE;
if (thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS) && !is_replace_into) {
put_flags = DB_YESOVERWRITE;
......@@ -2791,41 +2861,48 @@ int ha_tokudb::write_row(uchar * record) {
// now insertion for rest of indexes
for (uint keynr = 0; keynr < table_share->keys; keynr++) {
bool is_unique_key = table->key_info[keynr].flags & HA_NOSAME;
if (keynr == primary_key) {
put_flags = share->key_type[keynr];
create_dbt_key_from_table(&key, keynr, key_buff2, record, &has_null);
if (put_flags == DB_NOOVERWRITE && (has_null || thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS))) {
put_flags = DB_YESOVERWRITE;
// if unique key, check uniqueness constraint
// but, we do not need to check it if the key has a null
// and we do not need to check it if unique_checks is off
if (is_unique_key && !has_null && !thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS)) {
bool is_unique = false;
error = is_val_unique(&is_unique, record, &table->key_info[keynr], keynr, txn);
if (error) { goto cleanup; }
if (!is_unique) {
error = DB_KEYEXIST;
last_dup_key = keynr;
goto cleanup;
put_flags = DB_YESOVERWRITE;
if (table->key_info[keynr].flags & HA_CLUSTERING) {
if ((error = pack_row(&row, (const uchar *) record, keynr))){
goto cleanup;
lockretry {
error = share->key_file[keynr]->put(
error = pack_row(&row, (const uchar *) record, keynr);
if (error) { goto cleanup; }
else {
lockretry {
error = share->key_file[keynr]->put(
bzero((void *) &row, sizeof(row));
lockretry {
error = share->key_file[keynr]->put(
// We break if we hit an error, unless it is a dup key error
......@@ -2893,6 +2970,7 @@ int ha_tokudb::update_primary_key(DB_TXN * trans, bool primary_key_changed, cons
int error;
if (primary_key_changed) {
u_int32_t put_flags = hidden_primary_key ? DB_YESOVERWRITE : DB_NOOVERWRITE;
// Primary key changed or we are updating a key that can have duplicates.
// Delete the old row and add a new one
error = remove_key(trans, primary_key, old_row, old_key);
......@@ -2901,7 +2979,7 @@ int ha_tokudb::update_primary_key(DB_TXN * trans, bool primary_key_changed, cons
error = pack_row(&row, new_row, primary_key);
if (error) { goto cleanup; }
error = share->file->put(share->file, trans, new_key, &row, share->key_type[primary_key]);
error = share->file->put(share->file, trans, new_key, &row, put_flags);
if (error) {
last_dup_key = primary_key;
goto cleanup;
......@@ -3015,6 +3093,7 @@ int ha_tokudb::update_row(const uchar * old_row, uchar * new_row) {
u_int32_t put_flags;
bool is_unique_key = table->key_info[keynr].flags & HA_NOSAME;
// only remove the old value if the key has changed
// if the key has not changed (in case of clustering keys,
......@@ -3026,37 +3105,45 @@ int ha_tokudb::update_row(const uchar * old_row, uchar * new_row) {
goto cleanup;
create_dbt_key_from_table(&key, keynr, key_buff2, new_row, &has_null),
put_flags = share->key_type[keynr];
if (put_flags == DB_NOOVERWRITE && (has_null || thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS))) {
put_flags = DB_YESOVERWRITE;
create_dbt_key_from_table(&key, keynr, key_buff2, new_row, &has_null);
// if unique key, check uniqueness constraint
// but, we do not need to check it if the key has a null
// and we do not need to check it if unique_checks is off
if (is_unique_key && !has_null && !thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS)) {
bool is_unique = false;
error = is_val_unique(&is_unique, new_row, &table->key_info[keynr], keynr, txn);
if (error) { goto cleanup; }
if (!is_unique) {
error = DB_KEYEXIST;
last_dup_key = keynr;
goto cleanup;
put_flags = DB_YESOVERWRITE;
if (table->key_info[keynr].flags & HA_CLUSTERING) {
if ((error = pack_row(&row, (const uchar *) new_row, keynr))){
goto cleanup;
// make sure that for clustering keys, we are using DB_YESOVERWRITE,
// therefore making this put an overwrite if the key has not changed
assert(put_flags & DB_YESOVERWRITE);
error = share->key_file[keynr]->put(
error = pack_row(&row, (const uchar *) new_row, keynr);
if (error){ goto cleanup; }
else {
error = share->key_file[keynr]->put(
bzero((void *) &row, sizeof(row));
// make sure that for clustering keys, we are using DB_YESOVERWRITE,
// therefore making this put an overwrite if the key has not changed
error = share->key_file[keynr]->put(
// We break if we hit an error, unless it is a dup key error
// and MySQL told us to ignore duplicate key errors
......@@ -3119,23 +3206,13 @@ int ha_tokudb::remove_key(DB_TXN * trans, uint keynr, const uchar * record, DBT
error = cursor->c_del(cursor, 0);
else if (keynr == primary_key) { // Unique key
DBUG_PRINT("Unique key", ("index: %d", keynr));
DBUG_PRINT("Primary key", ("index: %d", keynr));
error = share->key_file[keynr]->del(share->key_file[keynr], trans, prim_key , DB_DELETE_ANY);
else if (table->key_info[keynr].flags & HA_CLUSTERING) {
DBUG_PRINT("clustering key", ("index: %d", keynr));
create_dbt_key_from_table(&key, keynr, key_buff2, record, &has_null);
error = share->key_file[keynr]->del(share->key_file[keynr], trans, &key , DB_DELETE_ANY);
else {
DBUG_PRINT("Secondary key", ("index: %d", keynr));
create_dbt_key_from_table(&key, keynr, key_buff2, record, &has_null);
error = share->key_file[keynr]->delboth(
error = share->key_file[keynr]->del(share->key_file[keynr], trans, &key , DB_DELETE_ANY);
......@@ -3438,7 +3515,7 @@ int ha_tokudb::handle_cursor_error(int error, int err_to_return, uint keynr) {
// we set the current_ident field to whatever the primary key we retrieved
// was
void ha_tokudb::extract_hidden_primary_key(uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT const *found_key) {
void ha_tokudb::extract_hidden_primary_key(uint keynr, DBT const *found_key) {
// extract hidden primary key to current_ident
......@@ -3447,18 +3524,15 @@ void ha_tokudb::extract_hidden_primary_key(uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT const
memcpy_fixed(current_ident, (char *) found_key->data, TOKUDB_HIDDEN_PRIMARY_KEY_LENGTH);
// if clustering key, hidden primary key is at end of found_key
// if secondary key, hidden primary key is at end of found_key
else if (table->key_info[keynr].flags & HA_CLUSTERING) {
else {
(char *) found_key->data + found_key->size - TOKUDB_HIDDEN_PRIMARY_KEY_LENGTH,
else {
memcpy_fixed(current_ident, (char *) row->data, TOKUDB_HIDDEN_PRIMARY_KEY_LENGTH);
......@@ -3478,15 +3552,16 @@ int ha_tokudb::read_row_callback (uchar * buf, uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT c
// [in] row - the row that has been read from the preceding DB call
// [in] found_key - key used to retrieve the row
void ha_tokudb::read_key_only(uchar * buf, uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT const *found_key) {
void ha_tokudb::read_key_only(uchar * buf, uint keynr, DBT const *found_key) {
table->status = 0;
// only case when we do not unpack the key is if we are dealing with the main dictionary
// of a table with a hidden primary key
if (!(hidden_primary_key && keynr == primary_key)) {
unpack_key(buf, found_key, keynr);
if (!hidden_primary_key && (keynr != primary_key) && !(table->key_info[keynr].flags & HA_CLUSTERING)) {
unpack_key(buf, row, primary_key);
......@@ -3508,13 +3583,22 @@ int ha_tokudb::read_primary_key(uchar * buf, uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT con
// case where we read from secondary table that is not clustered
if (keynr != primary_key && !(table->key_info[keynr].flags & HA_CLUSTERING)) {
bool has_null;
// create a DBT that has the same data as row,
// create a DBT that has the same data as row, this is inefficient
// extract_hidden_primary_key MUST have been called before this
bzero((void *) &last_key, sizeof(last_key)); = key_buff;
last_key.size = row->size;
memcpy(key_buff, row->data, row->size);
if (!hidden_primary_key) {
unpack_key(buf, found_key, keynr);
// else read from clustered/primary key
......@@ -4793,7 +4877,7 @@ int ha_tokudb::create_secondary_dictionary(const char* name, TABLE* form, KEY* k
char dict_name[MAX_DICT_NAME_LEN];
uint hpk= (form->s->primary_key >= MAX_KEY) ? TOKUDB_HIDDEN_PRIMARY_KEY_LENGTH : 0;
int flags = (key_info->flags & HA_CLUSTERING) ? 0 : DB_DUP + DB_DUPSORT;
int flags = 0;
bzero(&row_descriptor, sizeof(row_descriptor));
row_desc_buff = (uchar *)my_malloc(2*(form->s->fields * 6)+10 ,MYF(MY_WME));
......@@ -4814,7 +4898,6 @@ int ha_tokudb::create_secondary_dictionary(const char* name, TABLE* form, KEY* k
row_descriptor.size = create_toku_key_descriptor(
key_info->flags & HA_CLUSTERING,
......@@ -4857,7 +4940,6 @@ int ha_tokudb::create_main_dictionary(const char* name, TABLE* form, DB_TXN* txn
row_descriptor.size = create_toku_key_descriptor(
......@@ -5595,7 +5677,6 @@ int ha_tokudb::add_index(TABLE *table_arg, KEY *key_info, uint num_of_keys) {
2, // TODO: This is a hack. Need to learn what should really be here. Need to ask Yoni
if (error) { goto cleanup; }
......@@ -5658,12 +5739,27 @@ int ha_tokudb::add_index(TABLE *table_arg, KEY *key_info, uint num_of_keys) {
for (uint i = 0; i < num_of_keys; i++) {
DBT secondary_key, row;
bool is_unique_key = key_info[i].flags & HA_NOSAME;
u_int32_t put_flags = DB_YESOVERWRITE;
bool has_null = false;
create_dbt_key_from_key(&secondary_key,&key_info[i], tmp_key_buff, tmp_record, &has_null);
create_dbt_key_from_key(&secondary_key,&key_info[i], tmp_key_buff, tmp_record, &has_null, false);
uint curr_index = i + curr_num_DBs;
u_int32_t put_flags = share->key_type[curr_index];
if (put_flags == DB_NOOVERWRITE && (has_null || thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS))) {
put_flags = DB_YESOVERWRITE;
// if unique key, check uniqueness constraint
// but, we do not need to check it if the key has a null
// and we do not need to check it if unique_checks is off
if (is_unique_key && !has_null && !thd_test_options(thd, OPTION_RELAXED_UNIQUE_CHECKS)) {
bool is_unique = false;
error = is_val_unique(&is_unique, tmp_record, &key_info[i], curr_index, txn);
if (error) { goto cleanup; }
if (!is_unique) {
last_dup_key = i;
memcpy(table_arg->record[0], tmp_record, table_arg->s->rec_buff_length);
goto cleanup;
if (key_info[i].flags & HA_CLUSTERING) {
......@@ -5673,19 +5769,11 @@ int ha_tokudb::add_index(TABLE *table_arg, KEY *key_info, uint num_of_keys) {
error = share->key_file[curr_index]->put(share->key_file[curr_index], txn, &secondary_key, &row, put_flags);
else {
error = share->key_file[curr_index]->put(share->key_file[curr_index], txn, &secondary_key, &current_primary_key, put_flags);
if (error) {
// found a duplicate in a no_dup DB
if ( (error == DB_KEYEXIST) && (key_info[i].flags & HA_NOSAME)) {
last_dup_key = i;
memcpy(table_arg->record[0], tmp_record, table_arg->s->rec_buff_length);
goto cleanup;
bzero((void *)&row, sizeof(row));
error = share->key_file[curr_index]->put(share->key_file[curr_index], txn, &secondary_key, &row, put_flags);
if (error) { goto cleanup; }
......@@ -6090,7 +6178,6 @@ To truncate the table, make sure no transactions touch the table.", share->table
2, // TODO: This is a hack. Need to learn what should really be here. Need to ask Yoni
......@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ typedef struct st_tokudb_share {
// key is hidden
DB *key_file[MAX_KEY +1];
u_int32_t key_type[MAX_KEY +1];
uint status, version, capabilities;
uint ref_length;
......@@ -249,8 +248,9 @@ class ha_tokudb : public handler {
u_int32_t place_key_into_mysql_buff(KEY* key_info, uchar * record, uchar* data);
void unpack_key(uchar * record, DBT const *key, uint index);
u_int32_t place_key_into_dbt_buff(KEY* key_info, uchar * buff, const uchar * record, bool* has_null, int key_length);
DBT* create_dbt_key_from_key(DBT * key, KEY* key_info, uchar * buff, const uchar * record, bool* has_null, int key_length = MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
DBT* create_dbt_key_from_key(DBT * key, KEY* key_info, uchar * buff, const uchar * record, bool* has_null, bool pack_pk, int key_length = MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
DBT *create_dbt_key_from_table(DBT * key, uint keynr, uchar * buff, const uchar * record, bool* has_null, int key_length = MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
DBT* create_dbt_key_for_lookup(DBT * key, KEY* key_info, uchar * buff, const uchar * record, bool* has_null, int key_length = MAX_KEY_LENGTH);
DBT *pack_key(DBT * key, uint keynr, uchar * buff, const uchar * key_ptr, uint key_length, int8_t inf_byte);
int remove_key(DB_TXN * trans, uint keynr, const uchar * record, DBT * prim_key);
int remove_keys(DB_TXN * trans, const uchar * record, DBT * prim_key);
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ class ha_tokudb : public handler {
DBT *get_pos(DBT * to, uchar * pos);
int open_main_dictionary(const char* name, int mode, DB_TXN* txn);
int open_secondary_dictionary(DB** ptr, KEY* key_info, const char* name, int mode, u_int32_t* key_type, DB_TXN* txn);
int open_secondary_dictionary(DB** ptr, KEY* key_info, const char* name, int mode, DB_TXN* txn);
int open_status_dictionary(DB** ptr, const char* name, DB_TXN* txn);
int acquire_table_lock (DB_TXN* trans, TABLE_LOCK_TYPE lt);
int estimate_num_rows(DB* db, u_int64_t* num_rows);
......@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ class ha_tokudb : public handler {
int create_secondary_dictionary(const char* name, TABLE* form, KEY* key_info, DB_TXN* txn);
int create_main_dictionary(const char* name, TABLE* form, DB_TXN* txn);
void trace_create_table_info(const char *name, TABLE * form);
int is_val_unique(bool* is_unique, uchar* record, KEY* key_info, uint dict_index, DB_TXN* txn);
......@@ -427,8 +428,8 @@ class ha_tokudb : public handler {
// effect: all dictionaries, including the main and indexes, should be empty
int discard_or_import_tablespace(my_bool discard);
int delete_all_rows();
void extract_hidden_primary_key(uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT const *found_key);
void read_key_only(uchar * buf, uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT const *found_key);
void extract_hidden_primary_key(uint keynr, DBT const *found_key);
void read_key_only(uchar * buf, uint keynr, DBT const *found_key);
int read_row_callback (uchar * buf, uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT const *found_key);
int read_primary_key(uchar * buf, uint keynr, DBT const *row, DBT const *found_key);
int unpack_blobs(
......@@ -854,7 +854,6 @@ int create_toku_key_descriptor_for_key(KEY* key, uchar* buf) {
int create_toku_key_descriptor(
uchar* buf,
bool is_first_hpk,
bool is_clustering_key,
KEY* first_key,
bool is_second_hpk,
KEY* second_key
......@@ -868,16 +867,6 @@ int create_toku_key_descriptor(
u_int32_t num_bytes = 0;
u_int32_t offset = 0;
// sanity check:
// assert that if the first key is a hpk, then it is not a clustering key
assert(!(is_first_hpk && is_clustering_key));
// sanity check:
// assert that if it is a clustering key, then a second key exists
assert(!(is_clustering_key && !is_second_hpk && second_key == NULL));
if (is_first_hpk) {
pos[0] = 0; //say there is NO infinity byte
......@@ -895,19 +884,6 @@ int create_toku_key_descriptor(
pos += num_bytes;
// at this point, write the amount of data that has been written for the first
// key, iff it is NOT a clustering key. If it is a clustering key, we will need to write it
// after we have written the second key.
if (!is_clustering_key) {
offset = pos - buf;
buf[0] = (uchar)(offset & 255);
buf[1] = (uchar)((offset >> 8) & 255);
buf[2] = (uchar)((offset >> 16) & 255);
buf[3] = (uchar)((offset >> 24) & 255);
// if we do not have a second key, we can jump to exit right now
// we do not have a second key if it is not a hidden primary key
......@@ -917,11 +893,6 @@ int create_toku_key_descriptor(
goto exit;
if (!is_clustering_key) {
pos[0] = (is_second_hpk) ? 0 : 1; //we place an infinity byte iff it is NOT a clustering key and NOT a hpk
// if we have a second key, and it is an hpk, we need to pack it, and
// write in the offset to this position in the first four bytes
......@@ -939,15 +910,14 @@ int create_toku_key_descriptor(
pos += num_bytes;
if (is_clustering_key) {
offset = pos - buf;
buf[0] = (uchar)(offset & 255);
buf[1] = (uchar)((offset >> 8) & 255);
buf[2] = (uchar)((offset >> 16) & 255);
buf[3] = (uchar)((offset >> 24) & 255);
offset = pos - buf;
buf[0] = (uchar)(offset & 255);
buf[1] = (uchar)((offset >> 8) & 255);
buf[2] = (uchar)((offset >> 16) & 255);
buf[3] = (uchar)((offset >> 24) & 255);
return pos - buf;
......@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ int tokudb_prefix_cmp_dbt_key(DB *file, const DBT *keya, const DBT *keyb);
int create_toku_key_descriptor(
uchar* buf,
bool is_first_hpk,
bool is_clustering_key,
KEY* first_key,
bool is_second_hpk,
KEY* second_key
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