Commit d7581a0f authored by unknown's avatar unknown

- added more files to support-files/MacOSX and added them to the

 - added Bootstrap, and Do-pkg to Build-tools:
   Bootstrap is used to build the source distribution for the binary builds includes some helper functions
   Do-pkg converts a binary distribution into a Mac OS X PKG (still needs
   some polishing)

   - Shortened IFPkgDescriptionDescription a bit
   - Added more files (StartupParameters.plist, postinstall, preinstall) to
parent 94a5341b
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Bootstrap
# Script to export a given BK source tree into a separate directory
# and create the source distribution to be used for all binary builds
# Use the "--help" option for more info!
# written by Lenz Grimmer <>
use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
# Include logging function
$LOGGER= "$ENV{HOME}/bin/";
if (-f $LOGGER)
do "$LOGGER";
die "ERROR: $LOGGER cannot be found!\n";
# Some predefined settings
$build_command= "BUILD/compile-pentium-max";
chomp ($logfile= `pwd`);
$logfile.= "/Bootstrap.log";
chomp ($opt_directory= `pwd`);
$opt_docdir= $opt_directory . "/mysqldoc";
$opt_changelog= undef;
$opt_delete= undef;
$opt_dry_run= undef;
$opt_export_only= undef;
$opt_help= $opt_verbose= 0;
$opt_log= undef;
$opt_mail= "";
$opt_suffix= "";
$opt_test= undef;
$opt_skip_check= undef;
$opt_skip_manual= undef;
$version= "unknown";
) || print_help("");
# Override predefined Log file name
if (defined $opt_log)
if ($opt_log ne "")
if ($opt_log =~ /^\/.*/)
$logfile= $opt_log;
chomp ($logfile= `pwd`);
$logfile.= "/" . $opt_log;
print_help("") if ($opt_help);
defined($REPO=$ARGV[0]) || print_help("Please enter the BK repository to be used!");
&logger("Starting build");
&abort("The directory \"$REPO\" could not be found!") if (!-d $REPO);
&logger("Using $REPO as the BK parent repository");
system ("bk help > /dev/null") == 0 or &abort("Cannot execute BitKeeper binary!");
system ("bk root $REPO > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 or &abort("$REPO does not seem to be a valid BK repository!");
if (($opt_directory ne ".") && (!-d $opt_directory && !$opt_dry_run))
&abort("Could not find target directory \"$opt_directory\"!");
&logger("Logging to $logfile") if (defined $opt_log);
# Use a temporary name until we know the version number
$target_dir= $opt_directory . "/mysql-" . $$ . "-" . time() . ".tmp";
&logger("Using temporary directory $target_dir");
&abort("Target directory $target_dir already exists!") if (-d $target_dir && !$opt_dry_run);
# Export the BK tree
$command= "bk export ";
$command.= "-r " . $opt_revision . " " if $opt_revision;
$command.= "-v " if ($opt_verbose || defined $opt_log);
$command.= $REPO . " " . $target_dir;
&logger("Exporting $REPO");
&run_command($command, "Could not create $target_dir!");
# Make sure we can write all files
$command= "find $target_dir -type f -print0 | xargs --null chmod u+w";
&run_command($command, "Failed to fix file permissions!");
# Try to obtain version number from newly extracted
&abort("Could not find \"$CONF\" to determine version!") if (!-f $CONF && !$opt_dry_run);
# The following can only be done, if the tree has actually been
# exported - it cannot be performed in a dry run.
if (!$opt_dry_run)
open (CONF, $CONF) or &abort("Unable to open \"$CONF\": $!");
@conf= <CONF>;
close CONF;
foreach (@conf)
m/^AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\(mysql, ([1-9]\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}.*)\)/;
$version= $1;
&logger("Found version string: $version");
# Add suffix to version string and write out the modified file
if ($opt_suffix)
$opt_suffix= "-" . &ymd() if ($opt_suffix eq "YMD");
&logger("Replacing $version with $version$opt_suffix");
foreach (@conf)
s/^AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.*/AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\(mysql, $version$opt_suffix\)/;
open(CONF,">$CONF") or &abort("Unable to open \"$CONF\": $!");
print CONF @conf;
# Rename directory according to the version number found in
# of the extracted tree (plus suffix, if requested)
$temp_name= $target_dir;
$target_dir= $opt_directory . "/mysql-" . $version . $opt_suffix . "-build";
if (-d $target_dir)
&logger("Target directory $target_dir already exists!");
if ($opt_delete)
&logger("Deleting $target_dir...");
$command= "rm ";
$command.= "-v " if ($opt_verbose || defined $opt_log);
$command.= "$target_dir";
&run_command($command, "Could not delete $target_dir!");
&logger("Renaming $target_dir to $target_dir.old." . $$);
$command= "mv ";
$command.= "-v " if ($opt_verbose || defined $opt_log);
$command.= "$target_dir $target_dir.old." . $$;
&run_command($command, "Could not rename $target_dir!");
&logger("Renaming temporary directory to $target_dir");
$command= "mv ";
$command.= "-v " if ($opt_verbose || defined $opt_log);
$command.= "$temp_name $target_dir";
&run_command($command, "Could not rename $temp_name!");
# Add a ChangeLog (make dist will pick it up automatically)
if (defined $opt_changelog)
# Use some magic to obtain the correct ChangeSet number that identifies
# the last tagged ChangeSet (this relies heavily on our current tagging
# practice!)
my $revision= "";
if ($opt_changelog eq "last")
if (!$opt_revision)
$revision= `bk changes -t -d':REV:' -n $REPO | head -1`;
$revision= `bk changes -r..$opt_revision -t -d':REV:' -n $REPO | head -2 | tail -1`;
$opt_changelog= $revision;
$msg= "Adding $target_dir/ChangeLog";
$msg.= " (down to revision $opt_changelog)" if $opt_changelog ne "";
$command= "bk changes -v";
$command.= " -r" if ($opt_changelog ne "" || $opt_revision);
$command.= $opt_changelog if $opt_changelog ne "";
$command.= ".." if ($opt_changelog ne "" && !$opt_revision);
$command.= ".." . $opt_revision if $opt_revision;
$command.= " " . $REPO . " > $target_dir/ChangeLog";
# We cannot use run_command here because of output redirection
if (!$opt_dry_run)
system($command) == 0 or &abort("Could not create $target_dir/ChangeLog!");
# Add the latest manual from the mysqldoc tree
if (!$opt_skip_manual)
$msg= "Adding manual.texi";
$command= "install -m 644 $opt_docdir/Docs/{manual,reservedwords}.texi";
$command.= " $target_dir/Docs/";
&run_command($command, "Could not update the manual in $target_dir/Docs/!");
# Abort here, if we just wanted to export the tree
if ($opt_export_only)
&logger("SUCCESS: Export finished successfully.");
exit 0;
# Enter the target directory first
&logger("Entering $target_dir");
if (!$opt_dry_run)
chdir($target_dir) or &abort("Cannot chdir to $target_dir: $!");
# Now build the source distribution
$command= $build_command;
&run_command($command, "Compilation failed!");
# Testing the built binary by running "make test" (optional)
if ($opt_test)
&logger ("Running test suite");
$command= "make test";
&run_command($command, "\"make test\" failed!");
# Pack it all up
&logger("Creating source distribution");
$command= "make dist";
&run_command($command, "make dist failed!");
# Run "make distcheck" to verify the source archive
if (!$opt_skip_check)
&logger ("Checking source distribution");
$command= "make distcheck";
&run_command($command, "make distcheck failed!");
# All done when we came down here
&logger("SUCCESS: Build finished successfully.") if (!$opt_dry_run);
exit 0;
# Helper functions
# run_command(<command>,<error message>)
# Execute the given command or die with the respective error message
# Just print out the command when doing a dry run
sub run_command
my $command= $_[0];
my $errormsg= $_[1];
if ($opt_dry_run)
print "$command\n";
$command.= " >> $logfile 2>&1" if defined $opt_log;
$command.= " > /dev/null" if (!$opt_verbose && !$opt_log);
system($command) == 0 or &abort("$errormsg\n");
# abort(<message>)
# Exit with giving out the given error message or by sending
# it via email to the given mail address (including a log file snippet,
# if available)
sub abort
my $message= $_[0];
my $messagefile;
$message= "ERROR: " . $message;
if ($opt_mail && !$opt_dry_run)
$messagefile= "/tmp/message.$$";
$subject= "Bootstrap of $REPO failed";
print TMP "$message\n\n";
close TMP;
if (defined $opt_log)
system("tail -n 40 $logfile >> $messagefile");
system("mail -s \"$subject\" $opt_mail < $messagefile");
exit 1;
# Print the help text message (with an optional message on top)
sub print_help
my $message= $_[0];
if ($message ne "")
print "\n";
print "ERROR: $message\n";
print <<EOF;
Usage: Bootstrap [options] <bk repository>
Checks out (exports) a clear-text version of the given local BitKeeper
repository, creates and adds a Changelog file (if requested), adds the
latest manual.texi from the mysqldoc tree and builds a source distribution
(*.tar.gz) file. Optionally, the test suite can be run before the source
archive is being created.
-c, --changelog[=<rev>] Add a ChangeLog [down to revision <rev>]
This will automatically be included in the source
distribution. To get a ChangeLog down to the last
tagged Changeset, simply use "last" as the revision
--delete Delete an already existing distribution directory
in the target directory instead of renaming it.
-d, --directory=<dir> Specify the target directory
(default is "$opt_directory")
--docdir=<dir> Use the MySQL documentation BK tree located in in <dir>
(default is "$opt_docdir")
--dry-run Dry run without executing
-e, --export-only Just export (and add the ChangeLog, if requested),
do not build or test the source distribution
-h, --help Print this help message
-l, --log[=<filename>] Write a log file [to <filename>]
(default is "$logfile")
-m, --mail=<address> Mail a failure report to the given address (and
include a log file snippet, if logging is enabled)
Note that the \@-Sign needs to be quoted!
Example: --mail=user\\\
-r, --revision=<rev> Export the tree as of revision <rev>
(default is up to the latest revision)
-s, --skip-check Skip checking the distribution with "make distcheck"
--skip-manual Skip updating the manual from the mysqldoc tree
--suffix=<suffix> Append <suffix> to the version number in
Using the special suffix "YMD" will add the current
date as the suffix (e.g. "-20020518").
-t, --test Run the test suite after build
-v, --verbose Be verbose
Bootstrap -c last -v -l -- mysql-4.0
exit 1;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Do-pkg - convert a binary distribution into a Mac OS X PKG and put it
# inside a Disk Image (.dmg)
# Use the "--help" option for more info!
# written by Lenz Grimmer <>
use Getopt::Long;
$opt_help= undef;
$opt_suffix= undef;
$opt_version= undef;
) || &print_help;
&print_help if ($opt_help || !$opt_suffix || !$opt_version);
$PM= "/Developer/Applications/";
$TMP= "/tmp/PKGBUILD";
$RESOURCE_DIR= "$TMP/Resources";
$SUFFIX= $opt_suffix;
$VERSION= $opt_version;
chomp($HOST= `hostname`);
$HOST=~ /^([^.-]*)/;
$HOST= $1;
$SUPFILEDIR= <$BUILDDIR/mysql*-$VERSION/support-files/MacOSX>;
$TAR= <$BUILDDIR/$NAME-apple-darwin*-powerpc.tar.gz>;
$INFO= <$SUPFILEDIR/Info.plist>;
$DESC= <$SUPFILEDIR/Description.plist>;
@RESOURCES= qw/ ReadMe.txt postinstall preinstall /;
print "TAR: $TAR\nINFO: $INFO\nDESC: $DESC\n";
# Creating the UFS disk image requires root privileges
chomp($ID= `whoami`);
die "You must be root to run this script!\nUse \"sudo\" or become root first.\n" if ($ID ne "root");
foreach $file ($TAR, $INFO, $DESC)
die "Unable to find $file!\n" if (!-f $file);
# Remove old temporary build directories first
system ("rm -rf $TMP");
print "Creating temp directories\n";
if (!-d $dir)
mkdir $dir;
foreach $resfile (@RESOURCES)
system ("cp $SUPFILEDIR/$resfile $RESOURCE_DIR") == 0 or die "Error while copying $SUPFILEDIR/$resfile to $RESOURCE_DIR: ?!";
# Extract the binary tarball and create the "mysql" symlink
print "Extracting $TAR to $PKGROOT\n";
system("gnutar zxf $TAR -C $PKGROOT") if (-f $TAR);
system("cd $PKGROOT ; ln -s mysql* ./mysql");
system("chown -R root.wheel $PKGROOT/*");
# Now build the PGK using PackageMaker
print "Running PackageMaker\n";
system("$PM -build -p $PKGDEST/$NAME.pkg -f $PKGROOT -r $RESOURCE_DIR -i $INFO -d $DESC") or die "Error while building package: $!\n";
print "Removing $PKGROOT\n";
system("rm -rf $PKGROOT");
# Determine the size of the Disk image to be created and add a 5% safety
# margin for filesystem overhead
print "Determining required disk image size for $PKGDEST: ";
chomp($_= `du -sk $PKGDEST`);
@size= split();
$size= int($size[0]+($size[0]*0.05));
print "$size KB\n";
die "Zero bytes? Something is wrong here!\n" if ($size == 0);
# Now create and mount the disk image
$TMPNAME= $NAME . ".tmp";
print "Creating temporary Disk image $TMPNAME\n";
system("hdiutil create $TMPNAME -size ${size}k -ov -fs UFS -volname $NAME");
print "Result: $!\n";
print "Attaching Disk image $TMPNAME.dmg\n";
system("hdid $TMPNAME.dmg");
print "Result: $!\n";
# Install the PKG into the .dmg
chomp($mountpoint=`mount | grep "\/Volumes\/$NAME" | cut -f3 -d" "`);
print "Copying $PKGDEST/$NAME.pkg to Disk image /Volumes/$NAME\n";
system("ditto $PKGDEST /Volumes/$NAME");
system("ditto $RESOURCE_DIR/ReadMe.txt /Volumes/$NAME");
chomp($mountpoint=`mount | grep "\/Volumes\/$NAME" | cut -f1 -d" "`);
die "/Volumes/$NAME not attached!\n" if (!$mountpoint);
print "Unmounting $mountpoint\n";
system("hdiutil detach $mountpoint");
print "Result: $!\n";
unlink ("$NAME.dmg") if (-f "$NAME.dmg");
print "Compressing disk image\n";
system("hdiutil convert $TMPNAME.dmg -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o $NAME.dmg");
# Final cleanups
print "Removing $TMPNAME.dmg\n";
unlink ("$TMPNAME.dmg");
print "Removing $TMP\n";
system("rm -rf $TMP");
print "$NAME.dmg created.\n";
exit 0;
sub print_help
print <<EOF;
Usage: Do-pkg --suffix=<suffix> --version=<version>
Creates a Mac OS X installation package (PKG) and stores it inside
a Disk Image (.dmg) file. You need to create a binary distribution
tarball with scripts/make_binary_distribution first!
NOTE: You need to run this script with root privileges (required
to create the disk image)
-h, --help Print this help
--suffix=<suffix> The package suffix (e.g. "-standard" or "-pro)
--version=<version> The MySQL version number (e.g. 4.0.11-gamma)
exit 1;
# Create a log entry
sub logger
my $message=$_[0];
print timestamp() . " " . $message . "\n" if $opt_verbose;
if (defined $opt_log && !$opt_dry_run)
open LOG, ">>$logfile" or die "Can't open logfile $logfile!";
print LOG timestamp() . " " . $message . "\n";
close LOG;
# Create a time stamp for logging purposes
sub timestamp
return &ymd() . " " . &hms();
# return the current time as a string (HH:MM:SS)
sub hms
my @ta= localtime(time());
my $h= $ta[2];
$h= "0" . "$h" if ($h <= 9);
my $m= $ta[1];
$m= "0" . "$m" if ($m <= 9);
my $s= $ta[0];
$s="0" . "$s" if ($s <= 9);
return "$h:$m:$s";
# return the current date as a string (YYYYMMDD)
sub ymd
my @ta=localtime(time());
my $d=$ta[3];
$d="0" . "$d" if ($d <= 9);
my $m=$ta[4]+1;
$m="0" . "$m" if ($m <= 9);
my $y=1900+$ta[5];
return "$y$m$d";
...@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ ...@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key> <key>IFPkgDescriptionDeleteWarning</key>
<string></string> <string></string>
<key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key> <key>IFPkgDescriptionDescription</key>
<string>This package provides a binary installation of MySQL @VERSION@@MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX@ for Mac OS X.</string> <string>MySQL @VERSION@@MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX@ for Mac OS X</string>
<key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key> <key>IFPkgDescriptionTitle</key>
<string>MySQL @VERSION@@MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX@ for Mac OS X</string> <string>MySQL @VERSION@@MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX@ for Mac OS X</string>
<key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key> <key>IFPkgDescriptionVersion</key>
...@@ -17,19 +17,34 @@ ...@@ -17,19 +17,34 @@
## Process this file with automake to create ## Process this file with automake to create
pkgdata_DATA = Info.plist Description.plist pkgdata_DATA = Info.plist \
Description.plist \
StartupParameters.plist \
postinstall \
CLEANFILES = Info.plist Description.plist CLEANFILES = Info.plist \
Description.plist \
StartupParameters.plist \
postinstall \
.sh: .sh:
@RM@ -f $@ $@-t @RM@ -f $@ $@-t
@SED@ \ @SED@ \
-e 's!@''prefix''@!$(prefix)!g' \
-e 's!@''VERSION''@!@VERSION@!' \ -e 's!@''VERSION''@!@VERSION@!' \
-e 's!@''MYSQLD_USER''@!@MYSQLD_USER@!' \
$< > $@-t $< > $@-t
@MV@ $@-t $@ @MV@ $@-t $@
Installation notes for MySQL on Mac OS X
For more details about installing and running
MySQL on Mac OS X, also refer to the manual,
which is available online:
NOTE: Before proceeding with the installation, please
make sure that no other MySQL server is running!
Please shut down all running MySQL instances before
continuing by either using the MySQL Manager
Application (on Mac OS X Server) or via "mysqladmin
shutdown" on the command line.
This MySQL package will be installed into
"/usr/local/mysql-<version>" and will also create a
symbolic link "/usr/local/mysql", pointing to the new
A previously existing /usr/local/mysql directory will
be renamed to /usr/local/mysql.bak before proceeding
with the installation.
Additionally, it will install the mysql grant tables by
executing "mysql_install_db" after the installation.
If you are running Mac OS X Server, you already have a
version MySQL installed. Make sure to read Apple's help
about installing MySQL (Run the "Help View" application,
select "Mac OS X Server help", and do a search for MySQL
and read the item entitled "Installing MySQL").
If you previously used Marc Liyanage's MySQL packages
for MacOS X from, you can simply
follow the update instructions given on his pages.
After the installation (and restoring the old database
files, if necessary), you can start up MySQL by running
the following commands in a terminal window:
cd /usr/local/mysql
sudo ./bin/mysqld_safe
(Enter your password)
(Press CTRL+Z)
(Press CTRL+D to exit the shell)
You should now be able to connect to the MySQL server,
e.g. by running /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql
If you installed MySQL for the first time,
This is done with the following two commands:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h $hostname password 'new-password'
Please note, that after upgrading from MySQL 3.23 to
MySQL 4.0 it is recommended to convert the MySQL
privilege tables using the mysql_fix_privilege_tables
script, since some new security privileges have been
Please see
for more information on how to upgrade from MySQL 3.23.
If you do not want to have to type the full path
"/usr/local/mysql/bin" in front of every command, you
can to add this directory to your PATH environment
variable in your login script. For the default shell
"tcsh", you can do this by running this command once:
echo 'setenv PATH $PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin' >> ~/.tcshrc
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
# postinstall - this script will be executed after the MySQL PKG
# installation has been performed.
# This script will install the MySQL privilege tables using the
# "mysql_install_db" script and will correct the ownerships of these files
# afterwards.
cd @prefix@
if [ ! -f data/mysql/db.frm ] ; then
if [ -d data ] ; then
chown -R @MYSQLD_USER@ data
# preinstall - this script will be executed before the MySQL PKG
# installation will be performed.
# If this package has been compiled with a prefix ending with "mysql" (e.g.
# /usr/local/mysql or /opt/mysql), it will rename any previosuly existing
# directory with this name before installing the new package (which includes
# a symlink named "mysql", pointing to the newly installed directory, which
# is named mysql-<version>)
if [ -d $PREFIX -a ! -L $PREFIX -a $BASENAME = "mysql" ] ; then
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