Commit 4a6d55ce authored by David Wilson's avatar David Wilson

docs: vastly simplify importer concurrency docs

parent 984b3918
......@@ -682,93 +682,81 @@ Package children are enumerated using :py:func:`pkgutil.iter_modules`.
The importer must ensure duplicate requests are never issued to the parent,
either due to an import originating on a local thread, or many
:py:data:`GET_MODULE` requests originating from children. This allows parents
to assume that when a module has been requested once by a downstream
connection, it need never be re-sent, for example, if it appears as a
preloading dependency in a subsequent module request, or it was just requested
immediately after being sent as a preloading dependency for a module request by
some indirect descendent.
Since requests from children are serviced on the IO multiplexer thread
concurrent to local thread requests, care is required to ensure deadlock cannot
Duplicate requests must never be issued to the parent, either due to a local
import or any :py:data:`GET_MODULE` originating from a child. This lets parents
assume a module requested once by a downstream connection need never be
re-sent, for example, if it appears as a preloading dependency in a subsequent
:py:data:`GET_MODULE`, or had been requested immediately after being sent as a
preloading dependency for an unrelated request by a descendent.
Therefore each tree layer must deduplicate :py:data:`GET_MODULE` requests, and
synchronize their descendents and local threads on corresponding
:py:data:`LOAD_MODULE` responses from the parent.
In each context, pending requests are serialized by a
:py:class:`threading.Lock` within :py:class:`mitogen.core.Importer`, which may
only be held for operations that cannot block, since :py:class:`ModuleForwarder
<mitogen.master.ModuleForwarder>` must acquire it while servicing
:py:data:`GET_MODULE` requests on the IO multiplexer thread.
<mitogen.master.ModuleForwarder>` must acquire it while synchronizing
:py:data:`GET_MODULE` requests from children on the IO multiplexer thread.
Requests From Local Threads
When Mitogen begins satisfying an import, it is known the module has never been
imported in the local process. :py:class:`Importer <mitogen.core.Importer>`
executes under the runtime importer lock, ensuring :py:keyword:`import`
statements executing in local threads are serialized.
.. note::
In Python 2, :py:exc:`ImportError` is raised when :py:keyword:`import` is
attempted while the runtime import lock is held by another thread,
therefore imports must be serialized by only attempting them from the main
(:py:data:`CALL_FUNCTION`) thread.
The design must also take into account complications in Python 2.x's import
locking semantics, where a global lock exists to protect
:py:data:`sys.modules`, in addition to a per-module lock that protects the
module object itself, so that a module being initialized on one thread cannot
be observed in a partially initialized state from another thread.
The problem is most likely to manifest in third party libraries that lazily
import optional dependencies at runtime from a non-main thread. The
workaround is to explicitly import those dependencies from the main thread
before initializing the third party library.
Import locking changed significantly in Python 3.5, but this design is not yet
verified to work correctly with 3.x. See `Python Issue #9260`_.
This was fixed in Python 3.5, but Python 3.x is not yet supported. See
`Python Issue #9260`_.
.. _Python Issue #9260:
While holding its own lock, :py:class:`Importer <mitogen.core.Importer>`
checks if the source is not yet cached, determines if an in-flight
:py:data:`GET_MODULE` exists for it, starting one if none exists, adds itself
to a list of callbacks fired when a corresponding :py:data:`LOAD_MODULE`
arrives from the parent, then sleeps waiting for the callback.
Local Thread Requests
In Python 2.x, by the time :py:class:`mitogen.core.Importer` is invoked on a
local thread, the Python importer lock has already been acquired by the import
machinery. ``ImportError`` will be raised unconditionally by Python if another
thread attempts an import while this lock is held, therefore imports should
always be serialized by only attempting them from the main
(:py:data:`CALL_FUNCTION`) thread.
By the time Mitogen begins satisfying a local thread request, it is known that
the module has never previously been imported in the local process. A local
thread request:
1. Takes the Mitogen importer lock.
2. Checks if the module is already cached.
3. If the module source is not yet cached,
1. If no in-flight request for the exists module,
a. a :py:class:`threading.Event` is created that fires when the module
source becomes available,
b. the Event's :py:meth:`set <threading.Event.set>` method is added to a
list of callbacks fired when a :py:data:`LOAD_MODULE` arrives from the
parent containing the module source.
2. If a request is in-flight, the existing Event is reused by step 7 below.
4. Releases the importer lock.
5. If the module source was already cached, skip to step 8.
6. If this thread was responsible for creating the :py:class:`threading.Event`,
it issues a :py:data:`GET_MODULE` request to the parent context.
7. Sleeps waiting for the event to be set.
8. Instantiates the module using the best practice documented in `PEP 302`_.
When the source becomes available, the module is constructed on the calling
thread using the best practice documented in `PEP 302`_.
.. _PEP 302:
Child Context Requests
Requests From Children
When :py:class:`ModuleForwarder <mitogen.master.ModuleForwarder>` receives a
:py:data:`GET_MODULE` request from a child context, it:
1. Takes the Mitogen importer lock.
2. Checks if the module is already cached.
3. If the module source is not yet cached,
1. If this is the first request for the module,
a. a :py:class:`threading.Event` is created that fires when the module
source becomes available,
b. the Event's :py:meth:`set <threading.Event.set>` method is added to a
list of callbacks fired when a :py:data:`LOAD_MODULE` arrives from the
parent containing the module source.
2. If a request is in-flight, the existing Event is reused by step 7 below.
4. Releases the importer lock.
5. If the module source was already cached, skip to step 8.
6. If this thread was responsible for creating the :py:class:`threading.Event`,
it issues a :py:data:`GET_MODULE` request to the parent context.
7. Sleeps waiting for the event to be set.
8. Instantiates the module using the best practice documented in `PEP 302`_.
As with local imports, when :py:data:`GET_MODULE` is received from a child,
while holding the :py:class:`Importer <mitogen.core.Importer>` lock,
:py:class:`ModuleForwarder <mitogen.master.ModuleForwarder>` checks if the
source is not yet cached, determines if an in-flight :py:data:`GET_MODULE`
toward the parent exists for it, starting one if none exists, then adds a
completion handler to the list of callbacks fired when a corresponding
:py:data:`LOAD_MODULE` arrives from the parent.
When the source becomes available, the completion handler issues corresponding
:py:data:`LOAD_MODULE` messages toward the child for the requested module after
any required for dependencies known to be absent from the child.
Since intermediaries do not know a module's dependencies until the module's
source arrives, it is not possible to preemptively issue :py:data:`LOAD_MODULE`
for those dependencies toward a requesting child as they become available from
the parent at the intermediary. This creates needless network serialization and
latency that should be addressed in a future design.
Use Of Threads
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