Commit 78213fa3 authored by Gabriel L. Oliveira's avatar Gabriel L. Oliveira

Test for UNG Calendar current day color

On Month and Week view, UNG Calendar defines diferent colors to current
day. Write a test to it.
Include a test for left top bar of month view, where the current day
is also maked (as blue).
parent 4f532592
......@@ -791,6 +791,32 @@ class TestUNGCalendar(UNGTestMixin):
self.assertEqual(event_kw["end_minute"], int(self.selenium.get_value("stop_date_minute")))"//a[@class='ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all']")
def test_current_day_different_color(self):
"""test for UNG Calendar current day color.
On Month and Week view, UNG Calendar defines diferent colors to current
day. Include a test for left top bar of Month view, where the current day
is also maked (as blue)."""
#prepare date
current_month = str(unittest.time.localtime().tm_mon)
current_day = str(unittest.time.localtime().tm_mday)
current_year = str(unittest.time.localtime().tm_year)
current_date = '/'.join([current_month, current_day, current_year])
#test color for current day on week view"//span[@class='showweekview']")
self.selenium.wait_for_condition("selenium.browserbot.findElementOrNull('loadingpannel').style.display == 'none'", "10000");
date_marked = self.selenium.get_attribute("//td[div/@class='tg-today']@abbr")
self.assertEqual(current_date, date_marked)
#test color for current day on month view"//span[@class='showmonthview']")
self.selenium.wait_for_condition("selenium.browserbot.findElementOrNull('loadingpannel').style.display == 'none'", "10000");
date_marked = self.selenium.get_attribute("//td[contains(@class,'st-bg-today')]@abbr")
self.assertEqual(current_date, date_marked)
#test color for left top bar of current day on month view
date_marked = self.selenium.get_attribute("//td[contains(@class,'st-dtitle-today')]@abbr")
self.assertEqual(current_date, date_marked)
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