Commit c8f469b0 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Initial scripts for TSN setup of k3 (master, edge server) and...

Initial scripts for TSN setup of k3 (master, edge server) and a20-prod/a20-prod-1 (coupler devices).
parent ab8807f9
rm -f server
# build OPC UA server which publishes msgs
gcc -o server -I /usr/local/include/ -std=c99 server.c -L/usr/local/lib -lmbedcrypto -lmbedx509 -I ~/open62541/src/pubsub/ -I ~/open62541/deps/
gcc -o server -I /usr/local/include/ -std=c99 server.c -L$OPEN62541_SR/lib -lmbedcrypto -lmbedx509 -I ~/open62541/src/pubsub/ -I ~/open62541/deps/
./server -m 1 -b 1 -i 1 -l 2,3 -t 100 -o 10000
$COUPLER_SR/server -m 1 -b 1 -i 1 -l 2 -t 1000 -o 5000 -n opc.udp://
./server -p 4841 -m 1 -b 1 -i 2 -l 1,3 -t 100 -o 10000
$COUPLER_SR/server -p 4841 -m 1 -b 1 -i 2 -l 1 -t 1000 -o 5000 -n opc.udp://
./server -p 4842 -m 1 -b 1 -i 3 -l 1,2 -t 100 -o 10000
$COUPLER_SR/server -p 4842 -m 1 -b 1 -i 3 -l 1,2 -t 1000 -o 5000
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ char *NETWORK_ADDRESS_URL_DATA_TYPE = "opc.udp://";
// global HEART BEATs of coupler
static unsigned int HEART_BEATS = 0;
// the heart beat interval$$
// the heart beat interval (in ms)
......@@ -141,7 +141,25 @@ void callbackTicHeartBeat()
// set OPC UA's heat_beat node value
UA_NodeId myFloatNodeId = UA_NODEID_STRING(1, "heart_beat");
UA_Float myFloat = HEART_BEATS;
// XXX: implement heart_beat like <ID>.<heart_beats>
int len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", HEART_BEATS);
char *result1 = malloc(len + 1);
snprintf(result1, len + 1, "%d", HEART_BEATS);
int len1 = snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", COUPLER_ID);
char *result2 = malloc(len1 + 1);
snprintf(result2, len1 + 1, "%d", COUPLER_ID);
// concat
strcat(result2, ".");
strcat(result2, result1);
char * end_ptr;
float final_result = strtof(result2, &end_ptr );
//printf( "final_result: %f\n", final_result );
UA_Float myFloat = final_result;
UA_Variant myVar;
UA_Variant_setScalar(&myVar, &myFloat, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_FLOAT]);
......@@ -25,16 +25,18 @@ static void dataChangeNotificationCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 monitore
void *monitoredItemContext, const UA_NodeId *nodeId,
void *nodeContext, UA_UInt32 attributeId,
const UA_DataValue *var) {
unsigned long int milli_seconds_now = getMilliSecondsSinceEpoch();
unsigned long int milli_seconds_now;
unsigned int coupler_id;
// filter out ID from Data Set
if(UA_Variant_hasScalarType(&var->value, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_UINT32])) {
unsigned int coupler_id = *(UA_UInt32*) var->;
coupler_id = *(UA_UInt32*) var->;
// care for other coupler_id NOT ourselves
if (coupler_id!=COUPLER_ID) {
//UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, \
// "HEART BEAT: %d", coupler_id);
UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, \
"HEART BEAT: %d", coupler_id);
// convert coupler_id to str
char* coupler_id_str = convertInt2Str(coupler_id);
......@@ -47,11 +49,28 @@ static void dataChangeNotificationCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 monitore
// filter out heart_beat from Data Set
if(UA_Variant_hasScalarType(&var->value, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_FLOAT])) {
float heart_beat = *(UA_Float*) var->;
//UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, UA_LOGCATEGORY_USERLAND, "heart_beat = %f", heart_beat);
milli_seconds_now = getMilliSecondsSinceEpoch();
// split <ID>.<heart_beats>, just converting to int is enough
coupler_id = (int) heart_beat;
if (coupler_id!=COUPLER_ID) {
UA_LOG_INFO(UA_Log_Stdout, \
"HEART BEAT: %d", coupler_id);
// convert coupler_id to str
char* coupler_id_str = convertInt2Str(coupler_id);
// convert micro seconds to str
char* milli_seconds_now_str = convertLongInt2Str(milli_seconds_now);
// Add to our local linked list
addItem(&SUBSCRIBER_DICT, coupler_id_str, milli_seconds_now_str);
......@@ -198,7 +217,8 @@ static UA_StatusCode addSubscribedVariables(UA_Server *server, UA_NodeId dataSet
/*monitor variable*/
UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest monRequest = UA_MonitoredItemCreateRequest_default(newNode);
UA_Server_createDataChangeMonitoredItem(server, UA_TIMESTAMPSTORETURN_SOURCE,
//monRequest.requestedParameters.samplingInterval = 100.0; /* 100 ms interval */
UA_Server_createDataChangeMonitoredItem(server, UA_TIMESTAMPSTORETURN_NEITHER,
monRequest, NULL, dataChangeNotificationCallback);
/* For creating Targetvariables */
chrt -f 97 ptp4l -s -S -i eth0 --step_threshold=1 -m &> ptp4l_eth0.log &
# Pin ethernet IRQ bottom half to CPU1
echo 2 > /proc/irq/56/smp_affinity
# Get PID for ethernet IRQ
irq56_pid=$(pgrep "irq/56-eth0")
# Pin ethernet IRQ upper half to CPU1
taskset -p 2 $irq56_pid
# Get PID for ksoftirqd1
ksoftirq1_pid=$(pgrep "ksoftirqd/1")
# Set high priority for ksoftirqd/1
chrt -f -p 97 $ksoftirq1_pid
chrt -f 97 ptp4l -s -S -i eth0 --step_threshold=1 -m &> ptp4l_eth0.log &
# kill all
pkill -f "ptp4l"
pkill -f "phc2sys"
chrt -f 97 ptp4l -H -i enp6s0 --step_threshold=1 -m &> ptp4l_enp6s0.log &
pmc -u -b 0 -i enp6s0 "SET GRANDMASTER_SETTINGS_NP clockClass 248 clockAccuracy 0xfe offsetScaledLogVariance 0xffff currentUtcOffset 37 leap61 0 leap59 0 currentUtcOffsetValid 1 ptpTimescale 1 timeTraceable 1 frequencyTraceable 0 timeSource 0xa0"
chrt -f 95 phc2sys -m -c enp6s0 -s CLOCK_REALTIME --step_threshold=1 -w &> phc2sys_enp6s0.log &
chrt -f 97 ptp4l -H -i enp7s0 --step_threshold=1 -m &> ptp4l_enp7s0.log &
pmc -u -b 0 -i enp7s0 "SET GRANDMASTER_SETTINGS_NP clockClass 248 clockAccuracy 0xfe offsetScaledLogVariance 0xffff currentUtcOffset 37 leap61 0 leap59 0 currentUtcOffsetValid 1 ptpTimescale 1 timeTraceable 1 frequencyTraceable 0 timeSource 0xa0"
chrt -f 95 phc2sys -m -c enp7s0 -s CLOCK_REALTIME --step_threshold=1 -w &> phc2sys_enp7s0.log &
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