Commit fd95c88a authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

golang, errors, fmt: Error chaining (C++/Pyx)

Following errors model in Go, let's add support for errors to wrap other
errors and to be inspected/unwrapped:

- an error can additionally provide way to unwrap itself, if it
  implements errorWrapper interface;
- errors.Unwrap(err) tries to extract wrapped error;
- errors.Is(err) tests whether an item in error's chain matches target;
- `fmt.errorf("... : %w", ... err)` is similar to `fmt.errorf("... : %s", ... err.c_str())`
  but resulting error, when unwrapped, will return err.

Add C++ implementation for the above + tests.
Python analogs will follow in the next patches.

Top-level documentation is TODO.

See for error chaining overview.
parent 58fcdd87
# cython: language_level=2
# Copyright (C) 2019 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -20,11 +20,16 @@
"""Package errors mirrors Go package errors.
- `New` creates new error with provided text.
- `Unwrap` tries to extract wrapped error.
- `Is` tests whether an item in error's chain matches target.
See also for Go errors package documentation.
See also for error chaining overview.
from golang cimport error, string
from golang cimport error, string, cbool
cdef extern from "golang/errors.h" namespace "golang::errors" nogil:
error New(const string& text)
error Unwrap(error err)
cbool Is(error err, error target)
......@@ -30,9 +30,19 @@ from golang cimport topyexc
cdef extern from * nogil:
extern void _test_errors_new_cpp();
extern void _test_errors_unwrap_cpp();
extern void _test_errors_is_cpp();
void _test_errors_new_cpp() except +topyexc
void _test_errors_unwrap_cpp() except +topyexc
void _test_errors_is_cpp() except +topyexc
def test_errors_new_cpp():
with nogil:
def test_errors_unwrap_cpp():
with nogil:
def test_errors_is_cpp():
with nogil:
# cython: language_level=2
# Copyright (C) 2019 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
# Kirill Smelkov <>
# This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -22,9 +22,12 @@
- `sprintf` formats text into string.
- `errorf` formats text into error.
NOTE: formatting rules are those of libc, not Go.
NOTE: with exception of %w, formatting rules are those of libc, not Go(*).
See also for Go fmt package documentation.
(*) errorf additionally handles Go-like %w to wrap an error similarly to .
from golang cimport string, error
......@@ -173,6 +173,15 @@ cdef extern from "golang/libgolang.h" namespace "golang" nogil:
string Error "_ptr()->Error" ()
# error wrapper interface
cppclass _errorWrapper (_error):
error Unwrap()
cppclass errorWrapper (refptr[_errorWrapper]):
# errorWrapper.X = errorWrapper->X in C++
error Unwrap "_ptr()->Unwrap" ()
# ---- python bits ----
cdef void topyexc() except *
......@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ using namespace golang;
// string -> string (not in STL, huh ?!)
string to_string(const string& s) { return s; }
// error -> string
string to_string(error err) { return (err == nil) ? "nil" : err->Error(); }
// vector<T> -> string
template<typename T>
string to_string(const vector<T>& v) {
// Copyright (C) 2019 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -51,4 +51,32 @@ error New(const string& text) {
return adoptref(static_cast<_error*>(new _TextError(text)));
error Unwrap(error err) {
if (err == nil)
return nil;
_errorWrapper* _werr = dynamic_cast<_errorWrapper*>(err._ptr());
if (_werr == nil)
return nil;
return _werr->Unwrap();
bool Is(error err, error target) {
if (target == nil)
return (err == nil);
for(;;) {
if (err == nil)
return false;
if (typeid(*err) == typeid(*target))
if (err->Error() == target->Error()) // XXX hack instead of dynamic == (not available in C++)
return true;
err = Unwrap(err);
}} // golang::errors::
// Copyright (C) 2019 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -23,8 +23,11 @@
// Package errors mirrors Go package errors.
// - `New` creates new error with provided text.
// - `Unwrap` tries to extract wrapped error.
// - `Is` tests whether an item in error's chain matches target.
// See also for Go errors package documentation.
// See also for error chaining overview.
#include <golang/libgolang.h>
......@@ -35,6 +38,15 @@ namespace errors {
// New creates new error with provided text.
LIBGOLANG_API error New(const string& text);
// Unwrap tries to unwrap error.
// If err implements Unwrap method, it returns err.Unwrap().
// Otherwise it returns nil.
LIBGOLANG_API error Unwrap(error err);
// Is returns whether target matches any error in err's error chain.
LIBGOLANG_API bool Is(error err, error target);
}} // golang::errors::
......@@ -26,3 +26,84 @@ void _test_errors_new_cpp() {
error err = errors::New("hello world");
ASSERT_EQ(err->Error(), "hello world");
struct _MyError final : _error, object {
string msg;
string Error() {
return msg;
_MyError(const string& msg) : msg(msg) {}
~_MyError() {}
void incref() { object::incref(); }
void decref() {
if (object::__decref())
delete this;
struct _MyWrapError final : _errorWrapper, object {
string subj;
error err;
string Error() {
return subj + ": " + err->Error();
error Unwrap() {
return err;
_MyWrapError(string subj, error err) : subj(subj), err(err) {}
~_MyWrapError() {}
void incref() { object::incref(); }
void decref() {
if (object::__decref())
delete this;
typedef refptr<_MyError> MyError;
void _test_errors_unwrap_cpp() {
error err1, err2;
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Unwrap(/*nil*/error()), /*nil*/error());
err1 = adoptref(static_cast<_error*>(new _MyError("zzz")));
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Unwrap(err1), /*nil*/error());
_MyWrapError* _err2 = new _MyWrapError("aaa", err1);
err2 = adoptref(static_cast<_error*>(_err2));
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Unwrap(err2), err1);
// test err2.Unwrap() returning nil
_err2->err = nil;
ASSERT_EQ(_err2->Unwrap(), /*nil*/error());
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Unwrap(err2), /*nil*/error());
void _test_errors_is_cpp() {
auto E = errors::New;
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(/*nil*/error(), /*nil*/error()), true);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(E("a"), /*nil*/error()), false);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(/*nil*/error(), E("b")), false);
auto W = [](string subj, error err) -> error {
return adoptref(static_cast<_error*>(new _MyWrapError(subj, err)));
error ewrap = W("hello", W("world", E("мир")));
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, E("мир")), true);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, E("май")), false);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("world", E("мир"))), true);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("hello", E("мир"))), false);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("hello", E("май"))), false);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("world", E("май"))), false);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("hello", W("world", E("мир")))), true);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("a", W("world", E("мир")))), false);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("hello", W("b", E("мир")))), false);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("hello", W("world", E("c")))), false);
ASSERT_EQ(errors::Is(ewrap, W("x", W("hello", W("world", E("мир"))))), false);
......@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@
#include "golang/fmt.h"
#include "golang/errors.h"
#include "golang/strings.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// golang::fmt::
......@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@ string sprintf(const char *format, ...) {
return str;
error errorf(const string &format, ...) {
error ___errorf(const string &format, ...) {
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, format);
error err = errors::New(fmt::_vsprintf(format.c_str(), argp));
......@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ error errorf(const string &format, ...) {
return err;
error errorf(const char *format, ...) {
error ___errorf(const char *format, ...) {
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, format);
error err = errors::New(fmt::_vsprintf(format, argp));
......@@ -78,4 +80,90 @@ error errorf(const char *format, ...) {
return err;
// _WrapError is the error created by errorf("...: %w", err).
struct _WrapError final : _errorWrapper, object {
string _prefix;
error _errSuffix;
_WrapError(const string& prefix, error err) : _prefix(prefix), _errSuffix(err) {}
error Unwrap() { return _errSuffix; }
string Error() {
return _prefix + ": " +
(_errSuffix != nil ? _errSuffix->Error() : "%!w(<nil>)");
void incref() {
void decref() {
if (__decref())
delete this;
~_WrapError() {}
// ___errorfTryWrap serves __errorf(format, last_err, ...headv)
// NOTE it is called with ... = original argv with last err converted to
// err->Error().c_str() so that `errorf("... %s", ..., err)` also works.
error ___errorfTryWrap(const string& format, error last_err, ...) {
error err;
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, last_err);
if (strings::has_suffix(format, ": %w")) {
err = adoptref(static_cast<_error*>(
new _WrapError(
fmt::_vsprintf(strings::trim_suffix(format, ": %w").c_str(), argp),
else {
err = errors::New(fmt::_vsprintf(format.c_str(), argp));
return err;
error ___errorfTryWrap(const char *format, error last_err, ...) {
error err;
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, last_err);
const char *colon = strrchr(format, ':');
if (colon != NULL && strcmp(colon, ": %w") == 0) {
err = adoptref(static_cast<_error*>(
new _WrapError(
// TODO try to avoid std::string
fmt::_vsprintf(strings::trim_suffix(format, ": %w").c_str(), argp),
else {
err = errors::New(fmt::_vsprintf(format, argp));
return err;
// ___error_str is used by errorf to convert last_err into string for not %w.
// if we do not take nil into account the code crashes on nil->Error() call,
// which is unreasonable, because both Go and C printf family print something
// for nil instead of crash.
// string - not `const char*` - is returned, because returning
// err->Error().c_str() would be not correct as error string might be destructed
// at function exit, while if we return string, that would be correct and the
// caller can use returned data without crashing.
// we don't return %!s(<nil>) since we don't know whether %s was used in format
// tail or not.
string ___error_str(error err) {
return (err != nil ? err->Error() : "(<nil>)");
}} // golang::fmt::
// Copyright (C) 2019 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
......@@ -25,11 +25,15 @@
// - `sprintf` formats text into string.
// - `errorf` formats text into error.
// NOTE: formatting rules are those of libc, not Go.
// NOTE: with exception of %w, formatting rules are those of libc, not Go(*).
// See also for Go fmt package documentation.
// (*) errorf additionally handles Go-like %w to wrap an error similarly to
// .
#include <golang/libgolang.h>
#include <type_traits>
// golang::fmt::
namespace golang {
......@@ -38,15 +42,108 @@ namespace fmt {
// sprintf formats text into string.
LIBGOLANG_API string sprintf(const string &format, ...);
// intseq<i1, i2, ...> and intrange<n> are used by errorf to handle %w.
namespace {
// intseq<i1, i2, ...> provides compile-time integer sequence.
// (std::integer_sequence is C++14 while libgolang targets C++11)
template<int ...nv>
struct intseq {
// apppend<x> defines intseq<i1, i2, ..., x>.
template<int x>
struct append {
using type = intseq<nv..., x>;
// intrange<n> provides integer sequence intseq<0, 1, 2, ..., n-1>.
template<int n>
struct intrange;
struct intrange<0> {
using type = intseq<>;
template<int n>
struct intrange {
using type = typename intrange<n-1>::type::template append<n-1>::type;
// `errorf` formats text into error.
LIBGOLANG_API error errorf (const string &format, ...);
// format suffix ": %w" is additionally handled as in Go with
// `errorf("... : %w", ..., err)` creating error that can be unwrapped back to err.
LIBGOLANG_API error ___errorf(const string& format, ...);
LIBGOLANG_API error ___errorfTryWrap(const string& format, error last_err, ...);
LIBGOLANG_API string ___error_str(error err);
// _errorf(..., err) tails here.
template<typename ...Headv>
inline error __errorf(std::true_type, const string& format, error last_err, Headv... headv) {
return ___errorfTryWrap(format, last_err, headv..., ___error_str(last_err).c_str());
// _errorf(..., !err) tails here.
template<typename ...Headv, typename Last>
inline error __errorf(std::false_type, const string& format, Last last, Headv... headv) {
return ___errorf(format, headv..., last);
template<typename ...Argv, int ...HeadIdxv>
inline error _errorf(intseq<HeadIdxv...>, const string& format, Argv... argv) {
auto argt = std::make_tuple(argv...);
auto last = std::get<sizeof...(argv)-1>(argt);
return __errorf(std::is_same<decltype(last), error>(), format, last, std::get<HeadIdxv>(argt)...);
inline error errorf(const string& format) {
return ___errorf(format);
template<typename ...Argv>
inline error errorf(const string& format, Argv... argv) {
return _errorf(typename intrange<sizeof...(argv)-1>::type(), format, argv...);
// `const char *` overloads just to catch format mistakes as
// __attribute__(format) does not work with std::string.
LIBGOLANG_API string sprintf(const char *format, ...)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
LIBGOLANG_API error errorf (const char *format, ...)
__attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
// cannot use __attribute__(format) for errorf as we add %w handling.
// still `const char *` overload is useful for performance.
LIBGOLANG_API error ___errorf(const char *format, ...);
LIBGOLANG_API error ___errorfTryWrap(const char *format, error last_err, ...);
// _errorf(..., err) tails here.
template<typename ...Headv>
inline error __errorf(std::true_type, const char *format, error last_err, Headv... headv) {
return ___errorfTryWrap(format, last_err, headv..., ___error_str(last_err).c_str());
// _errorf(..., !err) tails here.
template<typename ...Headv, typename Last>
inline error __errorf(std::false_type, const char *format, Last last, Headv... headv) {
return ___errorf(format, headv..., last);
template<typename ...Argv, int ...HeadIdxv>
inline error _errorf(intseq<HeadIdxv...>, const char *format, Argv... argv) {
auto argt = std::make_tuple(argv...);
auto last = std::get<sizeof...(argv)-1>(argt);
return __errorf(std::is_same<decltype(last), error>(), format, last, std::get<HeadIdxv>(argt)...);
inline error errorf(const char *format) {
return ___errorf(format);
template<typename ...Argv>
inline error errorf(const char *format, Argv... argv) {
return _errorf(typename intrange<sizeof...(argv)-1>::type(), format, argv...);
}} // golang::fmt::
......@@ -18,31 +18,80 @@
// See for rationale and options.
#include "golang/fmt.h"
#include "golang/errors.h"
#include "golang/_testing.h"
using namespace golang;
void _test_fmt_sprintf_cpp() {
// NOTE not using vargs helper, since sprintf itself uses vargs and we want
// to test varg logic there for correctness too.
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::sprintf("") , "");
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::sprintf("hello world") , "hello world");
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::sprintf("hello %d zzz", 123) , "hello 123 zzz");
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::sprintf("%s %s: %s", "read", "myfile", "myerror") , "read myfile: myerror");
// with string format (not `const char *`)
const char *myerror = "myerror";
string f = "%s %s: %s";
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::sprintf(string("")) , "");
const char *myfile = "myfile";
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::sprintf(f, "read", myfile, myerror) , "read myfile: myerror");
const char *myerror = "myerror";
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::sprintf(string("%s %s: %s"), "read", myfile, myerror) , "read myfile: myerror");
void _test_fmt_errorf_cpp() {
error myerr = errors::New("myerror");
error myerrWrap, myerr2;
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::errorf("")->Error() , "");
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::errorf("hello world")->Error() , "hello world");
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::errorf("hello %d zzz", 123)->Error() , "hello 123 zzz");
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::errorf("%s %s: %s", "read", "myfile", "myerror")->Error() , "read myfile: myerror");
myerrWrap = fmt::errorf("%s %s: %w", "read", "myfile", myerr);
ASSERT_EQ(myerrWrap->Error(), "read myfile: myerror");
myerr2 = errors::Unwrap(myerrWrap);
ASSERT_EQ(myerr2, myerr);
myerrWrap = fmt::errorf("%s %s: %s", "read", "myfile", myerr);
ASSERT_EQ(myerrWrap->Error(), "read myfile: myerror");
myerr2 = errors::Unwrap(myerrWrap);
ASSERT_EQ(myerr2, /*nil*/error());
// with string format (not `const char *`)
const char *myerror = "myerror";
string f = "%s %s: %s";
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::errorf(string(""))->Error() , "");
const char *esmth = "esmth";
const char *myfile = "myfile";
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::errorf(f, "read", myfile, myerror)->Error() , "read myfile: myerror");
ASSERT_EQ(fmt::errorf(string("%s %s: %s"), "read", myfile, esmth)->Error() , "read myfile: esmth");
myerrWrap = fmt::errorf(string("%s %s: %w"), "read", myfile, myerr);
ASSERT_EQ(myerrWrap->Error(), "read myfile: myerror");
myerr2 = errors::Unwrap(myerrWrap);
ASSERT_EQ(myerr2, myerr);
myerrWrap = fmt::errorf(string("%s %s: %s"), "read", myfile, myerr);
ASSERT_EQ(myerrWrap->Error(), "read myfile: myerror");
myerr2 = errors::Unwrap(myerrWrap);
ASSERT_EQ(myerr2, /*nil*/error());
// %w with nil
myerr = nil;
myerrWrap = fmt::errorf("%s %s: %w", "read", "myfile", myerr);
ASSERT_EQ(myerrWrap->Error(), "read myfile: %!w(<nil>)");
myerr2 = errors::Unwrap(myerrWrap);
ASSERT_EQ(myerr2, /*nil*/error());
myerrWrap = fmt::errorf(string("%s %s: %w"), "read", "myfile", myerr);
ASSERT_EQ(myerrWrap->Error(), "read myfile: %!w(<nil>)");
myerr2 = errors::Unwrap(myerrWrap);
ASSERT_EQ(myerr2, /*nil*/error());
// %s with nil
myerrWrap = fmt::errorf("%s %s: %s", "read", "myfile", myerr);
ASSERT_EQ(myerrWrap->Error(), "read myfile: (<nil>)");
myerr2 = errors::Unwrap(myerrWrap);
ASSERT_EQ(myerr2, /*nil*/error());
myerrWrap = fmt::errorf(string("%s %s: %s"), "read", "myfile", myerr);
ASSERT_EQ(myerrWrap->Error(), "read myfile: (<nil>)");
myerr2 = errors::Unwrap(myerrWrap);
ASSERT_EQ(myerr2, /*nil*/error());
......@@ -798,6 +798,12 @@ struct _error : _interface {
typedef refptr<_error> error;
// an error can additionally provide Unwrap method if it wraps another error.
struct _errorWrapper : _error {
virtual error Unwrap() = 0;
typedef refptr<_errorWrapper> errorWrapper;
} // golang::
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