Commit b2450310 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

context: Add support for deadlines

Implement deadlines / timeouts using timers added recently in 9c260fde
(time: New package that mirrors Go's time).
parent 27f91b78
......@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ Concurrency
In addition to `go` and channels, the following packages are provided to help
handle concurrency in structured ways:
- `golang.context` provides contexts to propagate cancellation and task-scoped
values among spawned goroutines.
- `golang.context` provides contexts to propagate deadlines, cancellation and
task-scoped values among spawned goroutines.
- `golang.sync` provides `sync.WorkGroup` to spawn group of goroutines working
on a common task. It also provides low-level primitives - for example
......@@ -28,13 +28,18 @@ See the following links about Go contexts:
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from golang import go, chan, select, default, nilchan
from golang import time
import threading
# Context is the interface that every context must implement.
# A context carries cancellation signal and immutable context-local
# A context carries deadline, cancellation signal and immutable context-local
# key -> value dict.
class Context(object):
# deadline() returns context deadline or None, if there is no deadline.
def deadline(ctx): # -> time | None
raise NotImplementedError()
# done returns channel that is closed when the context is canceled.
def done(ctx): # -> chan
raise NotImplementedError()
......@@ -47,9 +52,6 @@ class Context(object):
def value(ctx, key): # -> value | None
raise NotImplementedError()
# .deadline()
# background returns empty context that is never canceled.
def background(): # -> Context
......@@ -80,6 +82,36 @@ def with_cancel(parent): # -> ctx, cancel
def with_value(parent, key, value): # -> ctx
return _ValueCtx({key: value}, parent)
# with_deadline creates new context with deadline.
# The deadline of created context is the earliest of provided deadline or
# deadline of parent. Created context will be canceled when time goes past
# context deadline or cancel called, whichever happens first.
# The caller should explicitly call cancel to release context resources as soon
# the context is no longer needed.
def with_deadline(parent, deadline): # -> ctx, cancel
# parent's deadline is before deadline -> just use parent
pdead = parent.deadline()
if pdead is not None and pdead <= deadline:
return with_cancel(parent)
# timeout <= 0 -> already canceled
timeout = deadline -
if timeout <= 0:
ctx, cancel = with_cancel(parent)
return ctx, cancel
ctx = _TimeoutCtx(timeout, deadline, parent)
return ctx, lambda: ctx._cancel(canceled)
# with_timeout creates new context with timeout.
# it is shorthand for with_deadline(parent, now+timeout).
def with_timeout(parent, timeout): # -> ctx, cancel
return with_deadline(parent, + timeout)
# merge merges 2 contexts into 1.
# The result context:
......@@ -110,6 +142,9 @@ class _Background(object):
def value(bg, key):
return None
def deadline(bg):
return None
_background = _Background()
# _BaseCtx is the common base for Contexts implemented in this package.
......@@ -149,6 +184,16 @@ class _BaseCtx(object):
return v
return None
# deadline returns the earliest deadline of parents.
# this behaviour is inherited by all contexts except _TimeoutCtx who overrides it.
def deadline(ctx):
d = None
for parent in ctx._parentv:
pd = parent.deadline()
if d is None or (pd is not None and pd < d):
d = pd
return d
# _cancel cancels ctx and its children.
def _cancel(ctx, err):
return ctx._cancelFrom(None, err)
......@@ -242,6 +287,24 @@ class _ValueCtx(_BaseCtx):
return super(_ValueCtx, ctx).value(key)
# _TimeoutCtx is context that is canceled on timeout.
class _TimeoutCtx(_CancelCtx):
def __init__(ctx, timeout, deadline, parent):
super(_TimeoutCtx, ctx).__init__(parent)
assert timeout > 0
ctx._deadline = deadline
ctx._timer = time.after_func(timeout, lambda: ctx._cancel(deadlineExceeded))
def deadline(ctx):
return ctx._deadline
# cancel -> stop timer
def _cancelFrom(ctx, cancelFrom, err):
super(_TimeoutCtx, ctx)._cancelFrom(cancelFrom, err)
# _ready returns whether channel ch is ready.
def _ready(ch):
_, _rx = select(
......@@ -20,12 +20,14 @@
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
from golang import context, nilchan
from golang import context, time, nilchan
from golang.context import _ready as ready
from golang.time_test import dt
# assertCtx asserts on state of _BaseCtx*
def assertCtx(ctx, children, err=None, done=False):
def assertCtx(ctx, children, deadline=None, err=None, done=False):
assert isinstance(ctx, context._BaseCtx)
assert ctx.deadline() == deadline
assert ctx.err() is err
assert ready(ctx.done()) == done
assert ctx._children == children
......@@ -37,9 +39,12 @@ Y = True
bg = context.background()
# test_context exercises with_cancel / with_value and merge.
# deadlines are tested in test_deadline.
def test_context():
assert bg.err() is None
assert bg.done() is nilchan
assert bg.deadline() is None
assert not ready(bg.done())
assert bg.value("hello") is None
......@@ -143,3 +148,83 @@ def test_context():
assertCtx(ctx121, Z, err=C, done=Y)
assertCtx(ctx1211, Z, err=C, done=Y)
assertCtx(ctxM, Z, err=C, done=Y)
# test_deadline exercises deadline-related context functionality.
def test_deadline():
t0 =
d1 = t0 + 10*dt
d2 = t0 + 20*dt
d3 = t0 + 30*dt
ctx1, cancel1 = context.with_deadline(bg, d2)
assert ctx1.done() is not bg.done()
assertCtx(ctx1, Z, deadline=d2)
ctx11 = context.with_value(ctx1, "a", "b")
assert ctx11.done() is ctx1.done()
assert ctx11.value("a") == "b"
assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx11, Z, deadline=d2)
ctx111, cancel111 = context.with_cancel(ctx11)
assert ctx111.done() is not ctx11.done
assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx111, Z, deadline=d2)
ctx1111, cancel1111 = context.with_deadline(ctx111, d3) # NOTE deadline > parent
assert ctx1111.done() is not ctx111.done()
assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx111, {ctx1111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx1111, Z, deadline=d2) # NOTE not d3
ctx12, cancel12 = context.with_deadline(ctx1, d1)
assert ctx12.done() is not ctx1.done()
assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11, ctx12}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx111, {ctx1111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx1111, Z, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx12, Z, deadline=d1)
ctxM, cancelM = context.merge(ctx1111, ctx12)
assert ctxM.done() is not ctx1111.done()
assert ctxM.done() is not ctx12.done()
assert ctxM.value("a") == "b"
assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11, ctx12}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx111, {ctx1111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx1111, {ctxM}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx12, {ctxM}, deadline=d1)
assertCtx(ctxM, Z, deadline=d1)
assertCtx(ctx1, {ctx11}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx11, {ctx111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx111, {ctx1111}, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx1111, Z, deadline=d2)
assertCtx(ctx12, Z, deadline=d1, err=D, done=Y)
assertCtx(ctxM, Z, deadline=d1, err=D, done=Y)
# explicit cancel first -> err=canceled instead of deadlineExceeded
for i in range(2):
assertCtx(ctx1, Z, deadline=d2, err=C, done=Y)
assertCtx(ctx11, Z, deadline=d2, err=C, done=Y)
assertCtx(ctx111, Z, deadline=d2, err=C, done=Y)
assertCtx(ctx1111, Z, deadline=d2, err=C, done=Y)
assertCtx(ctx12, Z, deadline=d1, err=D, done=Y)
assertCtx(ctxM, Z, deadline=d1, err=D, done=Y)
# with_timeout
ctx, cancel = context.with_timeout(bg, 10*dt)
assert ctx.done() is not bg.done()
d = ctx.deadline()
assert abs(d - ( + 10*dt)) < 1*dt
assertCtx(ctx, Z, deadline=d)
assertCtx(ctx, Z, deadline=d, err=D, done=Y)
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