Commit 75065c04 authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

playbook/ors-image-backports: regenerate machine ID

parent ce62fc6a
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
# Set cron to repeat ors-image-backports in case someone unplugs the ORS while this playbook is running
- name: Set Cron to repeat until success
cron: name="Repeat ors-image-backports until success" minute="*/4" hour="*" job="flock -n /opt/upgrader/ansible.lock -c \"PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin ansible-playbook ors-image-backports.yml -i hosts 2>>/opt/upgrader/ors_image_backports.log >> /opt/upgrader/ors_image_backports.log\""
cron: name="Repeat ors-image-backports until success" minute="*/4" hour="*" job="flock -n /opt/upgrader/ansible.lock -c \"PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin cd /opt/upgrader/playbook-tmp && ansible-playbook ors-image-backports.yml -i hosts 2>>/opt/upgrader/ors_image_backports.log >> /opt/upgrader/ors_image_backports.log\""
- name: Remove obsolete cron
cron: name="Launch Upgrader with ansible" state=absent
......@@ -97,6 +97,17 @@
- name: Configure dhcp timeout
lineinfile: dest=/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf regexp="^timeout (.*)" line="timeout 15" state=present
# Reinitialize machine-id for DHCP
- name: Check if machine-id needs to be reinitialized
shell: grep -q a3c3a27a44e74547963830b967b5a7ee /etc/machine-id
register: reinitialize_machine_id
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Reinitialize machine-id at next boot
shell: 'echo uninitialized > /etc/machine-id && dpkg-reconfigure systemd'
when: reinitialize_machine_id.rc == 0
# Configure DNS
- name: Disable dnsmasq service
68e37ba0757ae69a82203fd102f83feff6cbd57073d343d4d3f2447e1a105204 -
74b9a1bd7d85f253e5a32b2cfad42c05e6a8589237e85c3f19010c4c7a2294aa -
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