Commit 78b366b8 authored by Cédric Le Ninivin's avatar Cédric Le Ninivin

Updated documentation

parent 0a92b307
......@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ Directory Organisation
- : This is the script you have to run to prepare the packet.
You can choose the version you want to build in it.
- ./home:VIFIBnexedi/SlapOS-Node : This is the directory for OBS. It is the one used to generate package so far.
- ./home:VIFIBnexedi:branches:home:VIFIBnexedi/SlapOS-Node : This is the directory for OBS.
It is the one used to generate unreleased package and testing it.
If you have/want to use another directory, update its path in
- slapos-*version : Used to register current version of packet.
Avoid to rebuild network-cache if you just change packaging configuration files.
- templates/ : Contain templates to build the package.
- debian/ : contain configuration files for .deb packaging
- : Makefile to build slapos
......@@ -35,8 +34,9 @@ Directory Organisation
- slapos-node/ : Template to build package
- Makefile : Makefile to build slapos and add files for package
- slapos-start : shell script that will be run on startup (called by slapos-node daemon)
- template : template files for package (cron.d, service)
- slapos : to build slapos. Contain
- slaptest : python script to check user configuration and cron file
- template/ : template files for package (cron.d, service)
- slapos/ : to build slapos. Contain
preparing the package
......@@ -44,8 +44,11 @@ preparing the package
First make sure all files are ready and you have all necessary packages installed.
SlapOS is build using buildout and need an internet connection to fetch all elements.
On obs package are build on virtual machines without internet acces.
On obs package are build on virtual machines without internet access. will compile slapos on your computer and build a network-cache thanks to script.
At the end it remove slapos installation and only keep cache.
It makes a tarball out of it to be used by obs.
It then fetch packaging configuration from templates directory. Everything is then commit to obs thanks to osc.
So to build package just run:
# bash
\ No newline at end of file
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