Commit 78e4686d authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

roles/amarisoft-upgrade: add role to upgrade amarisoft binaries

This role makes a request to shacache to check if new amarisoft
binaries are available. If there are and if the license on the
machine allows it the binaries will be downloaded and decrypted
using the server's private key in /opt/private-key.
The binaries will then be installed in
/opt/amarisoft/vYYYY-MM-DD, to be used with ors-amarisoft
software release.
parent 1f1f5c60
Pipeline #34193 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
- name: a play that runs entirely on the ansible host
connection: local
- settings/ors.yml
- amarisoft-upgrade
set -e
usage() {
echo 1>&2 "Usage: $0 KEYFILE IVFILE (encrypt | decrypt | genkey) [IN] [OUT]"
exit 1
chacha20() {
test "$#" -ne 6 && usage
KEY="$(od -An -v -tx1 $1 |tr -d ' \n')"
IV="$(openssl base64 -A -in $2 -d |od -An -v -tx1 |tr -d ' \n')"
openssl enc $6 -chacha20 -K $KEY -iv $IV -nosalt -in $4 -out $5
case "$3" in
encrypt )
chacha20 $@ -e;;
decrypt )
chacha20 $@ -d;;
genkey )
test "$#" -ne 3 && usage
head -c32 /dev/urandom > $1
head -c16 /dev/urandom > $2.bin
openssl base64 -A -in $2.bin -out $2;;
* )
- set_fact: cn="{{ ansible_hostname }}"
- stat: path="{{ pkdir }}/{{ cn }}.pub"
register: certificate
- name: End playbook if we have no public key yet
meta: end_play
when: certificate.stat.exists == False
- name: Delete download directory
file: path={{ install_folder }}/download state=absent
- name: Create download directory
file: path={{ install_folder }}/download state=directory mode=0755
- name: Get license expiration
shell: '/opt/amarisoft/get-license-info -e'
register: license_expiration
- name: Get license version
shell: '/opt/amarisoft/get-license-info -v'
register: license_version
- name: Get new amarisoft version if available
shell: "networkcache-download -c /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg -k key-private:amarisoft 'version<=\"{{ license_expiration.stdout }}\"' 'version>>\"{{ license_version.stdout }}\"' 'cn==\"{{ cn }}\"' --list | grep version | cut -d\\\" -f4"
register: new_version
- name: End playbook if no new amarisoft versions
meta: end_play
when: new_version.stdout == ""
- name: Download nonce to decrypt new amarisoft version
shell: "networkcache-download -c /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg -k file-private:amarisoft 'version<=\"{{ license_expiration.stdout }}\"' 'version>>\"{{ license_version.stdout }}\"' --list | grep nonce | cut -d\\\" -f4 > {{ install_folder }}/download/nonce"
register: nonce
- set_fact: version="{{ new_version.stdout }}"
- name: Download new amarisoft version
shell: "networkcache-download -c /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg -k file-private:amarisoft 'version<=\"{{ license_expiration.stdout }}\"' 'version>>\"{{ license_version.stdout }}\"' > {{ install_folder }}/download/amarisoft.tar.gz.enc"
- name: Download encrypted symmetric key for new amarisoft version
shell: "networkcache-download -c /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg -k key-private:amarisoft 'version<=\"{{ license_expiration.stdout }}\"' 'version>>\"{{ license_version.stdout }}\"' 'cn==\"{{ cn }}\"' > {{ install_folder }}/download/symmetric_key.bin.enc"
- name: Create directory if it does not exist
file: path={{ install_folder }}/{{ version }} state=directory mode=0755
- name: Create directory if it does not exist
file: path={{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }} state=directory mode=0755
- name: Decrypt key
shell: 'openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -in {{ install_folder }}/download/symmetric_key.bin.enc -inkey /opt/private-key/{{ cn }}.key -out /opt/private-key/symmetric_key-{{ version }}.key'
- name: Decrypt archive
script: /opt/private-key/symmetric_key-{{ version }}.key {{ install_folder }}/download/nonce decrypt {{ install_folder }}/download/amarisoft.tar.gz.enc {{ install_folder }}/amarisoft.tar.gz
- name: Extract archive
src: "{{ install_folder }}/amarisoft.tar.gz"
dest: "{{ install_folder }}"
- name: Extract lteenb archive
src: "{{ install_folder }}/{{ version }}/lteenb-linux-{{ version }}.tar.gz"
dest: "{{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }}"
- name: Extract ltemme archive
src: "{{ install_folder }}/{{ version }}/ltemme-linux-{{ version }}.tar.gz"
dest: "{{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }}"
- name: Extract trx_sdr archive
src: "{{ install_folder }}/{{ version }}/trx_sdr-linux-{{ version }}.tar.gz"
dest: "{{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }}"
- name: Create a symbolic link for lteenb
src: "lteenb-linux-{{ version }}"
dest: "{{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }}/enb"
state: link
- name: Create a symbolic link for ltemme
src: "ltemme-linux-{{ version }}"
dest: "{{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }}/mme"
state: link
- name: Create a symbolic link for trx_sdr
src: "trx_sdr-linux-{{ version }}"
dest: "{{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }}/trx_sdr"
state: link
- name: Copy trx_sdr libraries
shell: 'cp {{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }}/trx_sdr/*.so {{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }}/enb/'
- name: Move amarisoft folder
shell: 'mv {{ install_folder }}/_{{ version }} {{ install_folder }}/v{{ version }}'
- name: Remove extraction folder
path: "{{ install_folder }}/{{ version }}"
state: absent
34ae53bd05e2233ae16b221ba031973f4213800ae12ab0abcc628b5d97e16302 - 29ffe5eabb9fd617b16e4b56c61800ffe239bbc5ad45bbc4103c86653669e5e8 -
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